
Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask Combo Randomizer

Ghunzor #7594 Hazel #2477 Yoshizor #4830
Nax #0955 Revven #0834

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. vanilla-triforce-0380 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 2 entrants Blitz Pre-completed settings, 2 meds, 2 stones, 2 remains: https://discord.com/channels/1004394204992118935/1071854218408886383/1168268249121706114
  2. dynamax-sublime-5162 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 4 entrants Blitz Pre-completed settings, 2 meds, 2 stones, 2 remains: https://discord.com/channels/1004394204992118935/1071854218408886383/1167890795773300786
  3. silly-gerudo-5131 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 2 entrants Blitz Pre-completed settings, 2 meds, 2 stones, 2 remains:
  4. zany-ikana-8560 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 3 entrants Blitz Pre-completed settings, 2 meds, 2 stones, 2 remains:
  5. critical-snowhead-9809 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 3 entrants Blitz Pre-completed settings, 2 meds, 2 stones, 2 remains:
  6. scrawny-bongobongo-9192 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 2 entrants hello | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1071854218408886383/1166446028870918225/OoTMM-Patch-6dM7CjVU.ootmm
  7. innocent-triforce-7916 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 5 entrants start ~ :00
  8. lawful-powderkeg-6428 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 5 entrants Start at :00
  9. legendary-goht-4811 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 6 entrants Blitz 6 Pre-completed 2 meds, 2 stones, 2 remains, no KZ Skip, Seed: https://discord.com/channels/1004394204992118935/1071854218408886383/1165043994431070299
  10. invincible-targeting-1432 Defeat Ganon and Majora Finished recorded 4 entrants Start at :00 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fthVNN6v7y4CPGCSG-czE1BUTeSBRbOK/view?usp=sharing