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Race results

  1. odd-pyramid-7524 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 33 entrants
    1. 1st Gammachuu #1618 he / him more Hi 158/216 Finished 14
    2. 2nd VortexofDoom #1756 he / him more 147, TWO Hera bomb jump falls and mire cutscene for literally no reason yltsi Finished 20
    3. 3rd Kaede Rukawa #4676 he / him more zora out of logic, fire rod go mode Finished 26
    4. 4th rdwalshv #6267 he / him more 151 rum, pineapple juice, and malibu, caribou get them all numb, make baby girl come outta her shell and raise hell DON'T STOP TIL THE COPS COME Finished 13
    5. 5th Mundungu #5166 he / him more pretty good derust, horrible routing choices worked out Finished 65
    6. 6th P-Train #3117 he / him Finished 1
    7. 7th armlx #7548 he / him more double LL glove, blind Ped pull along the way for peak clown Finished 45
    8. 8th DrBowser #9571 he / him more oh pendant pod... why do I always ignore you? Finished 37
    9. 9th Pytlovan #0298 he / him more cool pedestal LUL - 159 Finished 40
    10. 10th Shyr #4352 Finished 1
    11. 11th sk00pula #7804 he / him more no silvers because zero good reason to go to pod :) Finished 14
    12. 12th dataplet #7164 he / him more had3checks left in the game for bombos KEKW Finished 4
    13. 13th Kalvin919 #2450 he / him Finished 13
    14. 14th Hitman1382 #8796 he / him Finished 6
    15. 15th Professor Renderer #1319 he / him more 148/216 Not bad considering the ped was given to you on a silver platter. Finished 16
    16. 16th Specks #1514 he / him Finished 183
    17. 17th AryaStark2942 #5333 they / them more This seed was supremely silly. Finished 1
    18. 18th ph112358 #7424 he / him more giga punished for early ep dip. 161 Finished 19
    19. 19th Busranter1992 #1302 he / him more double dip eastern on GP gamble lucky Finished 8
    20. 20th MurphyK93 #2861 he / him Finished 59
    21. 21st JTvillain #0726 more what a fun race Finished 57
    22. 22nd Tepedino #8824 he / him Finished 45
    23. 23rd Topspecialist #1464 he / him more 150/216 Finished 9
    24. 24th TheBenJammin #7468 he / him more blind ped pull for the (not) win Finished 2
    25. 25th NiobiumNarwhal #0603 they / them more 156/216 pretty linear seed Finished 19
    26. 26th PowerToMario #9178 more A couple bad skips, and LL Pearl in the beginning. Oof. 161cr Finished 19
    27. 27th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her more Not last...finally Finished 6
    28. 28th Izziligent #7373 he / him more Not finishing EP early, and saving it for last was a bad choice on my part. Finished 86
    29. 29th crazdgamer #4360 he / him Finished 9
    30. 30th SomePersonNo #9166 he / him more I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T CHECK FLOATING ISLAND FFS Finished 132
    31. Mooglecharm #6970 he / him DNF 69
    32. Matkap #5663 he / him DNF 56
    33. Andrew_G4CH #1496 he / him more Had a SRAM issue caused me to have items at the start. Fixed issue and async'd, 1:44:16, CR 146 DNF 106
  2. hyper-map-5896 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st ninjembro #4032 he / him Finished 11
    2. 2nd matt7898 #1275 Finished 2
    3. 3rd FuriousMagic #0451 he / him Finished 4
    4. 4th Joss #7649 he / him more No money in the pool makes me put off Zora. Oh well. Finished 12
    5. 5th Tepedino #8824 he / him more One of the worst, if not the worst, mode I've ever played. Do not recommend Finished 19
    6. 6th Professor Renderer #1319 he / him more 126/216 And I'm now reminded why I don't like this mode. Finished 5
    7. 7th nessa_nekochan #3950 she / her Finished 35
    8. sk00pula #7804 he / him DNF 23
    9. Topspecialist #1464 he / him DNF 2
  3. brave-bow-6652 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st FuriousMagic #0451 he / him more 160, ty pod Finished 13
    2. 2nd P-Train #3117 he / him more Did an extra dungeon because I thought EP was a crystal KEKW Finished 5
    3. 3rd GFE #5633 he / him more Should've picked door #2 instead of door #4. Finished 2
    4. 4th Coy #4033 Finished 2
    5. 5th Hyruler #8325 more Me last locating in a keysanity? Wait, doesn’t that happen every time? Finished 5
    6. 6th AryaStark2942 #5333 they / them more Nice try, game, but I got both bows. So who's the real winner here? That's right, it's FuriousMagic. ;) Finished 5
    7. 7th Professor Renderer #1319 he / him more 169/216 (nice) - I sure would like a bow please Finished 8
    8. 8th Nira Lightshine #8739 he / him Finished 4
    9. Tepedino #8824 he / him more My stomach is killing me. Sorry for the FF DNF 52
    10. GreatAntibob #6739 he / him more controller ran out of juice at the top of the climb. And would have been done 2nd too =( DNF 26
    11. Ragarnok #3431 he / him DNF 6
  4. crazy-link-3205 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 14 entrants
    1. 1st Hyruler #8325 more Lost minutes to irl and somehow won. Very weird. Finished 25
    2. 2nd Hitman1382 #8796 he / him Finished 11
    3. 3rd AryaStark2942 #5333 they / them more This seed was weird. ;) Finished 19
    4. 4th Matkap #5663 he / him Finished 2,046
    5. 5th deritypeels #7100 she / her more 159 Finished 3
    6. 6th DapperWormMan #4721 he / him Finished 9
    7. 7th Pytlovan #0298 he / him more This was such a free first dude, stupid ice palace decision, and hard ll'd bombos Finished 19
    8. 8th Kaede Rukawa #4676 he / him more itw asn't pedestal Finished 25
    9. 9th Professor Renderer #1319 he / him Finished 2
    10. 10th Akuheish #5435 he / him more forgot to check spectacle rock boots, and went for the blind ped pull Finished 16
    11. 11th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her more not last Finished 13
    12. 12th Topspecialist #1464 he / him Finished 2
    13. sandres316 #1736 he / him DNF 19
    14. SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him DNF n/a
  5. hyper-arrghus-8540 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 16 entrants
    1. 1st Kalvin919 #2450 he / him Finished 48
    2. 2nd Tepedino #8824 he / him Finished 1
    3. 3rd Matkap #5663 he / him Finished 7
    4. 4th Vinter #4810 he / him Finished 8
    5. 5th latebit #1301 he / him Finished 1,931
    6. 6th Hitman1382 #8796 he / him Finished 6
    7. 7th AryaStark2942 #5333 they / them more *Checks notes* Yep, this was indeed an Ambrosia seed. ;) Finished 6
    8. 8th MurphyK93 #2861 he / him Finished 140
    9. 9th sk00pula #7804 he / him more ( ͝סּ ͜ʖ͡סּ) Finished 5
    10. 10th GreatAntibob #6739 he / him more 168 I hope this seed came with a gift receipt Finished 27
    11. 11th Professor Renderer #1319 he / him Finished 4
    12. 12th sandres316 #1736 he / him Finished 7
    13. 13th surge #5742 more gg Finished 6
    14. 14th Yoinkerswife #4156 she / her more that flute, though. Finished 1
    15. 15th Hecklerkiel #3978 more oof Finished 103
    16. linktothepastken he / him more forget this nightmare DNF 13
  6. tactical-goldsword-6842 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 23 entrants
    1. 1st Lanabean #3720 she / her more 129. Just go to dark world dungeons and a couple overworld checks. Finished 28
    2. 2nd DapperWormMan #4721 he / him more 143 Finished 16
    3. 3rd Philes #8460 more Did something weird in GT that cost me 2 minutes, cape deactivation into stairway, lost control of my character Finished 19
    4. 4th Tepedino #8824 he / him Finished 8
    5. 5th smercjd #0528 he / him more 149 CR -- dang, shouldn't have dipped EP early xD, sniped by TEPE AGAIN!! xDDD Finished 16
    6. 6th Hitman1382 #8796 he / him Finished 1,995
    7. 7th Kizzercrate #5174 he / him Finished 51
    8. 8th AryaStark2942 #5333 they / them more You cannot swim unless you use a mirror to obtain a mushroom from a floating island and give it to a witch. This game is silly. ;) Finished 10
    9. 9th PowerToMario #9178 more One magic-less forced Ganon fall away from Top 3. :'( Finished 14
    10. 10th rdwalshv #6267 he / him more COWARDS ALL. SKIP SHROOM. CHECK MIMIC CAVE. LIVE SPICY!!!!!!!! Finished 26
    11. 11th Soyhr #7143 he / him Finished 28
    12. 12th LesleyPro_04 #2687 more Forgot the C House and last locationed Bombos as a result. Not going to win playing like that, as well as some other mistakes that were made. Finished 7
    13. 13th Deepfried87 #8531 he / him more dark world under 10 mins, fuck mushroom Finished 7
    14. 14th signumbs #2994 Finished 1
    15. 15th linktothepastken he / him more cant believe i got snipped by .05 seconds Finished 15
    16. 16th oldmansunshine #3039 they / them Finished 46
    17. 17th TheBenJammin #7468 he / him more LL Flippers GG Finished 712
    18. ObscureLifeForm #6340 DNF 67
    19. DrBowser #9571 he / him DNF 47
    20. LTigre #8969 he / him DNF 26
    21. Professor Renderer #1319 he / him DNF 14
    22. Kyanto #0756 he / they DNF 38
    23. surge #5742 DNF 9
  7. calm-numpty-7660 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st huffpuff1337 #4259 he / him Finished 49
    2. Professor Renderer #1319 he / him DNF 6
  8. crazy-swamp-4131 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st PlasmaKappa #2065 he / him more help received Finished 19
    2. 2nd matt7898 #1275 Finished 4
    3. 3rd zelgadissan #0529 he / him Finished 16
    4. 4th armlx #7548 he / him more EP BK go mode, swam right by it and lost 8ish minutes Finished 87
    5. 5th DapperWormMan #4721 he / him more 175 Finished 9
    6. 6th Coy #4033 more find mire before find fire, last locate cutscene chest that locks both cane and mire big Finished 4
    7. 7th RadiantSilvergun #8292 they / them more 186 CR. Ran out of arrows on Ganon. XD Finished 87
    8. 8th GreatAntibob #6739 he / him more 196 Absolute last location. Darn you Fake Flipper! Finished 11
    9. 9th Professor Renderer #1319 he / him more 187/216 I'm sorry. What did I do to deserve this seed? ...Oh wait, I rolled it. Of course. Finished 11
    10. 10th PlumeriaKnight #6762 he / him Finished 4
    11. Hyruler #8325 more My tracker apparently didn’t mark ip. I’m sad because I was flying through the seed for once with early mirror. DNF 22
    12. deritypeels #7100 she / her more Accidentally marked off light hype cave I guess - missing skull woods. whomp DNF 18
  9. foolish-agahnim-7126 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st ph112358 #7424 he / him Finished 4
    2. 2nd Professor Renderer #1319 he / him Finished 2
  10. superb-blind-6905 ALttPR Beat the game Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Coy #4033 more the crabs outside IRC got me TWICE Finished 6
    2. 2nd Hyruler #8325 Finished 3
    3. 3rd Professor Renderer #1319 he / him Finished 11
    4. 4th joshbittner #2329 he / him more would love to know how to go to pendant mire sooner than I did Finished 13
    5. 5th AnimusUnited #6600 Finished 8
    6. 6th Kalvin919 #2450 he / him Finished 30
    7. 7th xJackieBx #2104 he / him more 168/216 Last located mirror and anything that wasn't a fighter's sword Finished 34
    8. surge #5742 DNF 11