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Race results

  1. daring-ghost-1782 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st NESCardinality #3310 Finished 21
    2. 2nd emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him Finished 50
    3. 3rd betastrep #9311 he / him Finished 14
    4. 4th DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more That Char-luck xP Finished 1
    5. 5th dk9146 #8136 he / him more Terrible rolls on my first DL2 fight. 2nd one was a completely different experience. Finished 36
    6. 6th a_blue_lobster #4460 he / him more Someday, I'll only need one Charlock run. But not today. Finished 173
    7. 7th juef #6649 he / him more I think somebody put a Golden Claw in my inventory when I went inside Charlock. Also, where was Mountain Cave? Finished 22
    8. 8th soapboxgamer #1434 he / him more Found Rimuldar way too late. The end game was a complete utter trash performance by me Finished 32
    9. 9th theamericandweem #0182 he / him more My run luck was non-existent. Finished 107
  2. smart-thered-0107 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st NESCardinality #3310 Finished 19
    2. 2nd blkjhfdit #4772 Finished 23
    3. 3rd betastrep #9311 he / him Finished 14
    4. 4th dk9146 #8136 he / him more Hit level 19 and decided to finally go get the DN. Got GPS, walked there, picked it up, dove, forgot to put it on. 21 turn DL2 fight as a result and won on final swing. Finished 30
    5. 5th juef #6649 he / him Finished 359
    6. DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more Spotted the field 20 min and still could have grabbed 2nd so I'm calling that a win DNF 37
    7. emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him DNF 13
    8. STORMIN_LUKE #7823 he / they DNF 306
  3. mini-garinham-4939 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st NESCardinality #3310 more 2 full dives plus 1 approach to Charlock stopped by Red Dragons. Finished 28
    2. 2nd dk9146 #8136 he / him more 1 dive at level 16 - DL2 w/10 healmores and won last swing Finished 11
    3. 3rd emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him more Surprise DL2 from the miniboss Finished 47
    4. 4th DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more Diving Charlock with 44 AGI, nice Finished 6
    5. 5th up2ng #8990 Finished 28
    6. 6th a_blue_lobster #4460 he / him more Didn't know the death necklace switched the music when you put in on in the DL2 fight! Finished 286
    7. betastrep #9311 he / him DNF 37
  4. fearless-rimuldar-2759 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Xarnax42 #5360 Finished 99
    2. 2nd blkjhfdit #4772 Finished 20
    3. 3rd dk9146 #8136 he / him Finished 23
    4. 4th Guelph35 #3622 more fun police got me 2 steps from garinham Finished 152
    5. 5th DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more 1 double-attack on 156 HP lmao, would have finished 1:10 Finished 35
    6. 6th STORMIN_LUKE #7823 he / they Finished 273
    7. 7th FearonBurgundy #7383 more 100% last locationed Garinham & Erdrick's Armor. Fuck this game. Finished 53
  5. brave-ghost-0938 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st dk9146 #8136 he / him more Had 4 first turn runs from RDs which was absurd. Finished 33
    2. 2nd Smashy #2272 he / him more I may have to reconsider my "no Stonemen" stance, Healmore Armor Knights are pretty rude Finished 75
    3. 3rd DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more When it takes you 4 tries with 70+DP/HM/XM to even get the top 3 chests in the Grave lol. Finished 2
    4. 4th emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him Finished 31
    5. 5th blkjhfdit #4772 Finished 3
    6. 6th AgelessRPG #6392 more Didn't clear mountain or grave, jet seed Finished 76
    7. 7th verticalsandwich #8693 he / him Finished 152
    8. 8th theamericandweem #0182 he / him Finished 202
    9. betastrep #9311 he / him more Game is complete garbage, kept seeing reds everywhere, no chance, don't give a fuck about this fucking race or game DNF 59
  6. virtual-lorik-9553 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st dk9146 #8136 he / him more Full cleared everything hype :| Finished 25
    2. 2nd ArchfieldMonk #5147 he / him more approx. eighteen too many bad explores Finished 2
    3. 3rd blkjhfdit #4772 Finished 3
    4. 4th FearonBurgundy #7383 more Yay, I didn't finish last? Last locationed silver harp & E. Armor. Not a winning formula. Finished 61
    5. 5th SplenShepard #2968 he / him more Did the same as Burgundy, plus i hurtmored DL2 Finished 25
  7. splendid-specter-9794 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st NESCardinality #3310 more Choosing to win with the Flame Sword was a calculated risk I'm very happy with. Finished 14
    2. 2nd blkjhfdit #4772 Finished 17
    3. 3rd SplenShepard #2968 he / him Finished 83
    4. 4th dk9146 #8136 he / him more No sword - Level 15 FS + 5 FW FTW Finished 63
    5. 5th emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him more Also won on Flame Sword/DN/Fairy Water strats. Finished 23
    6. 6th DaDonch44 #0084 he / him Finished 113
  8. smart-erdrick-9613 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 16 entrants
    1. 1st dk9146 #8136 he / him Finished 53
    2. 2nd NESCardinality #3310 Finished 23
    3. 3rd betastrep #9311 he / him Finished 29
    4. 4th up2ng #8990 Finished 14
    5. 5th AsmadiGames #4257 Finished 213
    6. 6th emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him Finished 34
    7. 7th blkjhfdit #4772 Finished 6
    8. 8th aaron2u2 #3589 more Grind + armor dive at 15 wound up being a bad call. Also thanks RD for the 10+ overworld kills :) Finished 7
    9. 9th ElmoreStJames #6727 he / him Finished 111
    10. 10th SplenShepard #2968 he / him Finished 54
    11. 11th FearonBurgundy #7383 more Red dragons everywhere...they are indeed the fun police. These races stopped being fun a LONG while ago. Finished 114
    12. 12th Cyberdark86 #4563 he / him more Went looking for cantlin and the silver was in Rimu the whole time. Finished 157
    13. 13th LordoftheSynth #6223 more I used to not suck at this game. Sniped by 6 seconds again, jesus Finished 89
    14. 14th JanusZeal #6026 she / they Finished 353
    15. 15th WeatherWolf4 #1534 she / her Finished 7
    16. chromataclysm #2314 he / they more Cast Hurtmore on the mis-menu and don't feel like another dive DNF 79
  9. kind-drakee-0265 DWR Tournament Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st aaron2u2 #3589 Finished 346
    2. 2nd dk9146 #8136 he / him Finished 164
  10. classic-return-5829 DWR Standard Flags Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st blkjhfdit #4772 Finished 24
    2. 2nd aaron2u2 #3589 Finished 6
    3. 3rd dk9146 #8136 he / him Finished 67
    4. 4th WeatherWolf4 #1534 she / her Finished 43
    5. SplenShepard #2968 he / him DNF 51