[2020-09-19 11:26:57+00:00] SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and ALTTPR/SMZ3 seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out https://sahasrahbot.synack.live/rtgg.html for more info. [2020-09-19 11:28:00+00:00] mindofme#6515 joins the race. [2020-09-19 11:51:56+00:00] Warning: this race will be automatically cancelled in 5 minutes unless at least two entrants join. [2020-09-19 11:52:42+00:00] humbugh#0699 joins the race. [2020-09-19 11:52:43+00:00] Jem#7684 joins the race. [2020-09-19 11:52:47+00:00] shadyforce#6330 joins the race. [2020-09-19 11:52:54+00:00] tam#8418 joins the race. [2020-09-19 11:53:16+00:00] tam#8418: wtf humbugh your points [2020-09-19 11:54:12+00:00] Thorus#6940 joins the race. [2020-09-19 11:54:17+00:00] humbugh#0699: oh no, we're not point buddies anymore PepeHands [2020-09-19 11:55:00+00:00] tam#8418: hopefully after this race :) [2020-09-19 11:55:13+00:00] humbugh#0699: probably :) [2020-09-19 11:56:42+00:00] Jem#7684: wait there is going to be more than 2 people in this race? [2020-09-19 11:57:37+00:00] Schulzer#3184 joins the race. [2020-09-19 11:57:58+00:00] mindofme#6515: I wouldsay there will probably be at least 3 :-o [2020-09-19 11:57:58+00:00] Schulzer#3184: finally i can play against Jem [2020-09-19 11:58:45+00:00] Jem#7684: i think the last non 1v1 ive done might have been in 2019 lol [2020-09-19 11:58:51+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225 joins the race. [2020-09-19 11:59:02+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: Morning folks! [2020-09-19 11:59:30+00:00] Schulzer#3184: humbugh will us all farm so hard [2020-09-19 12:00:11+00:00] humbugh#0699: i only have this ranking cause i lucked out in crosskeys qualis [2020-09-19 12:00:17+00:00] humbugh#0699: the pressure is immense [2020-09-19 12:00:31+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: you gotta live up to that ranking [2020-09-19 12:00:43+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: I expect a half hour finish by like half the people racing today [2020-09-19 12:00:45+00:00] humbugh#0699: i never have Kappa [2020-09-19 12:00:51+00:00] Julloninja#3102: i believe you will come in top 5 in all of your races humbugh [2020-09-19 12:01:10+00:00] humbugh#0699: lmao jullo [2020-09-19 12:01:16+00:00] humbugh#0699: you're my lucky charm! [2020-09-19 12:01:40+00:00] Schulzer#3184: humbugh always farms me in coop, i expect nothing else now [2020-09-19 12:02:11+00:00] Julloninja#3102: no idea if i'll join see how my back hold up [2020-09-19 12:02:34+00:00] Ninban#5207 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:03:59+00:00] shadyforce: this is a good turnout, lets close the race now :) [2020-09-19 12:04:06+00:00] humbugh#0699: monkaS [2020-09-19 12:04:07+00:00] Kermit#0311 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:04:16+00:00] mochajones10#6755 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:04:27+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: close it before the ringers come in [2020-09-19 12:04:47+00:00] mochajones10#6755: don't worry, the last place runner is here! [2020-09-19 12:04:59+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: fight me mocha [2020-09-19 12:05:07+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: im the true final boss [2020-09-19 12:05:08+00:00] Thorus#6940: I was already here :P [2020-09-19 12:05:21+00:00] mindofme#6515: I think you'll find its me when I accidently hit ready instead of quit and forget for 6 hours until the next qualifier/ [2020-09-19 12:05:55+00:00] mindofme#6515: Top that KEKW [2020-09-19 12:06:03+00:00] nobly#0149 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:06:29+00:00] Julloninja#3102: don't worry i'll somehow join as it starts and the countdown will never end Kappa [2020-09-19 12:06:52+00:00] mindofme#6515: Room is going to be set to invite only as soon as seed is rolled [2020-09-19 12:07:39+00:00] skipfrosch#5987: hello.. what is this race supposed to be? [2020-09-19 12:07:41+00:00] ObscureLifeForm#6340 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:07:45+00:00] skipfrosch#5987: Kappa [2020-09-19 12:07:57+00:00] Julloninja#3102: the race where we farm kermit Keepo [2020-09-19 12:08:37+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: At least I know I won't be on the featured stream [2020-09-19 12:08:37+00:00] skipfrosch#5987: that is quite likely [2020-09-19 12:08:45+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: So I can hide my shame [2020-09-19 12:08:46+00:00] Thorus#6940: farm?! Yo we racing Stardew here :P [2020-09-19 12:09:24+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:10:14+00:00] mindofme#6515 updated the race information. [2020-09-19 12:10:19+00:00] Julloninja#3102: racing stardew too easy [2020-09-19 12:10:44+00:00] Julloninja#3102: gotta farm in minecraft in real time [2020-09-19 12:11:06+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: Screw it, this is a Harvest Moon race now [2020-09-19 12:11:15+00:00] Yok#8247 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:11:22+00:00] Roonespism#1187 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:12:47+00:00] Yok#8247: hello, guten Tag & gl [2020-09-19 12:13:45+00:00] Roonespism#1187 quits the race. [2020-09-19 12:13:49+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: YES [2020-09-19 12:13:54+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: One less person to lose to [2020-09-19 12:14:38+00:00] skipfrosch#5987: oh well.. as long as you have fun, who cares about getting last place :P [2020-09-19 12:14:49+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: If you ain't first, you're last [2020-09-19 12:14:58+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: My buddy Ricky Bobby told me that one [2020-09-19 12:15:17+00:00] skipfrosch#5987: you shouldnt participate then.. cause ill eat my shoelace if you win this one :> [2020-09-19 12:15:35+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: lol shit, I'll eat my chair if I somehow pull out a 1st place finish [2020-09-19 12:15:50+00:00] mochajones10#6755: right after the race? [2020-09-19 12:16:05+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: nah...gotta boil it to soften it up first [2020-09-19 12:17:01+00:00] mochajones10#6755: it's all cow and sheep...and some engineered materials as well [2020-09-19 12:17:10+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: Those are the tasty bits [2020-09-19 12:17:27+00:00] SeductiveSpatula#9378 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:17:49+00:00] OvidiusNaso#4551 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:17:49+00:00] SeanRhapsody#5116 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:18:15+00:00] willwc#5671 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:19:03+00:00] P-Train#3117 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:20:32+00:00] zelgadissan#0529 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:22:10+00:00] BigDunka#4148 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:23:02+00:00] hydrapower#4942 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:25:18+00:00] Julloninja#3102 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:25:32+00:00] Julloninja#3102: need to become the farmable one [2020-09-19 12:25:38+00:00] Schulzer#3184: hopefully your eat your breakfast before :) [2020-09-19 12:26:47+00:00] Julloninja#3102: breakfast DansGame [2020-09-19 12:26:47+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: Yea I already started with the wheels of this chair [2020-09-19 12:26:53+00:00] MCCalamity3#1457 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:27:27+00:00] Krithel#1406 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:29:15+00:00] oro#3531 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:29:46+00:00] fcoughlin#7691 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:29:52+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377: P-Train has a sword already :eyes: [2020-09-19 12:31:02+00:00] Freddyn3k#1873 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:32:35+00:00] Tigerton#8754 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:33:16+00:00] Spyweaver#6230 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:34:34+00:00] Buane#5757 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:35:52+00:00] Synack: :eyes: [2020-09-19 12:36:16+00:00] hydrapower#4942: oh dang, the boss ishere, everyone look busy! [2020-09-19 12:36:23+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: already hit the go-live button...good luck erryone [2020-09-19 12:37:06+00:00] tam#8418: monkaS [2020-09-19 12:37:44+00:00] mindofme#6515: Reminder that everyone should be starting their stream already, or within the next 2 minutes to be LIVE for race start [2020-09-19 12:38:04+00:00] mindofme#6515: Going to take volunteers for restream now. We're on the main speedgaming channel [2020-09-19 12:38:15+00:00] Schulzer#3184: here :) [2020-09-19 12:38:17+00:00] Thorus#6940: I can be a victim [2020-09-19 12:38:17+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377: why not [2020-09-19 12:38:24+00:00] Julloninja#3102: i would be but im bad KEKW [2020-09-19 12:38:26+00:00] Thorus#6940: erm.. I mean Volunteer [2020-09-19 12:38:40+00:00] zelgadissan#0529: uh i guess i'm available [2020-09-19 12:38:46+00:00] Jem#7684: sure [2020-09-19 12:38:48+00:00] shadyforce: sure [2020-09-19 12:39:10+00:00] humbugh#0699: yeah, sure [2020-09-19 12:39:11+00:00] SeanRhapsody#5116: I wouldn't be against it, though I'm not as entertaining as some of these folks [2020-09-19 12:39:23+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: I wouldn't mind [2020-09-19 12:39:37+00:00] Buane#5757: yes but only if the comms say mean things about me the whole time [2020-09-19 12:39:38+00:00] P-Train#3117: I can volunteer [2020-09-19 12:39:41+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: would be my first time on the main channel XD [2020-09-19 12:39:57+00:00] Schulzer#3184: would be my first time on international speedgaming :D [2020-09-19 12:40:34+00:00] mindofme#6515: Going with Jem, zelgadissan, shadyforce and Buane. Are any of you using MSU? [2020-09-19 12:41:01+00:00] Jem#7684: nope [2020-09-19 12:41:03+00:00] mochajones10#6755: i step away for 5 mins and volunteers already done...lul [2020-09-19 12:41:04+00:00] zelgadissan#0529: nah [2020-09-19 12:41:13+00:00] Yok#8247: ger never lucky NotLikeThis [2020-09-19 12:41:15+00:00] shadyforce: nope [2020-09-19 12:43:30+00:00] mindofme#6515: Everyone should have started their stream by now, if anyone has *not* started their stream in OBS/SLOBS/XSPLIT please let me know [2020-09-19 12:43:46+00:00] cheamo#8696 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:43:59+00:00] mochajones10#6755: just started...had to step away [2020-09-19 12:44:10+00:00] Spy#6529: xtraWee [2020-09-19 12:44:23+00:00] Freddyn3k#1873: Hey [2020-09-19 12:44:32+00:00] mindofme#6515: Ok we'll override you mochajones10 and manually check your stream [2020-09-19 12:44:53+00:00] Freddyn3k#1873: Sorry I had not started the transmission, it started now [2020-09-19 12:47:20+00:00] Mooglecharm#6970 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:47:34+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: quick question on the council approved auto-trackers which ones are those [2020-09-19 12:48:03+00:00] Mooglecharm#6970: @mindofme - i started my stream a bit late [2020-09-19 12:48:12+00:00] mindofme#6515: ok ty mooglecharm [2020-09-19 12:48:37+00:00] Mooglecharm#6970: so likely will need an override [2020-09-19 12:48:41+00:00] Mooglecharm#6970: thanks! [2020-09-19 12:49:32+00:00] P-Train#3117: Mikenekopi - Emotracker is legal. Codemann said that his prackage on emotracker is now race legal.. but I haven't looked at it [2020-09-19 12:49:52+00:00] BlackWax#5032 joins the race. [2020-09-19 12:49:53+00:00] P-Train#3117: But, it's up to the runner to ensure it's race legal [2020-09-19 12:50:10+00:00] mindofme#6515: $quickswaprace openboots [2020-09-19 12:50:21+00:00] mindofme#6515: !quickswaprace openboots [2020-09-19 12:50:21+00:00] SahasrahBot: Generating game, please wait. If nothing happens after a minute, contact Synack. [2020-09-19 12:50:22+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: ok cause I use codemanns this is good knowledge thank you [2020-09-19 12:50:23+00:00] SahasrahBot updated the race information. [2020-09-19 12:50:23+00:00] SahasrahBot: https://alttpr.com/h/0xvJ15DBMJ [2020-09-19 12:50:23+00:00] SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details. [2020-09-19 12:50:26+00:00] mindofme#6515 sets the race to be invite only. [2020-09-19 12:50:47+00:00] mindofme#6515: Everyone should have their delay countdown at less than 600 seconds, other than the 3 that we know we'll have to override [2020-09-19 12:50:50+00:00] Jem#7684: oh shit right qs is allowed [2020-09-19 12:51:00+00:00] P-Train#3117: LUL [2020-09-19 12:51:03+00:00] P-Train#3117: What a time to be alive [2020-09-19 12:51:09+00:00] BigDunka#4148: You're welcome [2020-09-19 12:51:12+00:00] mindofme#6515: No one else will be permitted to join the race [2020-09-19 12:51:17+00:00] tam#8418: i briefly experienced some internet issues- should be fine now but might end up needing an override [2020-09-19 12:51:38+00:00] Jem#7684: i am glad big dunka went along with what the admins decided and is also going to allow quick swap :) [2020-09-19 12:51:41+00:00] OvidiusNaso#4551: I'm going to need an override... when I changed the timer something went wrong with my stream key [2020-09-19 12:51:53+00:00] P-Train#3117: This is an early seed... don't know why I was thinking the seed wouldn't be rolled until five to go [2020-09-19 12:52:06+00:00] mindofme#6515: I got nervous [2020-09-19 12:52:20+00:00] mindofme#6515: ok OvidusNaso and Tam [2020-09-19 12:52:33+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: Because the doc said 5 minutes [2020-09-19 12:52:39+00:00] mindofme#6515: it did [2020-09-19 12:52:40+00:00] Julloninja#3102: pog won my bomberman as my stream was recognized by twith KEKW [2020-09-19 12:52:47+00:00] mindofme#6515: mind bad [2020-09-19 12:53:05+00:00] P-Train#3117: Are we sticking with this seed, or rolling a new one at the 5 min mark? [2020-09-19 12:53:32+00:00] Julloninja#3102: it'd have to be a new room or some weird stuff done to this one to swap seed listed i think [2020-09-19 12:53:36+00:00] mindofme#6515: Sticking with this one [2020-09-19 12:53:40+00:00] SeductiveSpatula#9378 is ready! (34 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:53:43+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225 is ready! (33 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:53:44+00:00] BlackWax#5032: I showed up late, can I get an override? I'm at 900 seconds [2020-09-19 12:53:44+00:00] SeanRhapsody#5116 is ready! (32 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:53:46+00:00] Julloninja#3102 is ready! (31 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:53:51+00:00] mindofme#6515: ok Blackwax [2020-09-19 12:53:53+00:00] BigDunka#4148 is ready! (30 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:53:56+00:00] Jem#7684: att least 10 people will run the wrong seed if we reroll now LUL [2020-09-19 12:54:00+00:00] P-Train#3117: I know [2020-09-19 12:54:02+00:00] BlackWax#5032: Thank you [2020-09-19 12:54:31+00:00] Schulzer#3184: you can always remove a seed with !cancel [2020-09-19 12:54:33+00:00] tam#8418 is ready! (29 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:54:52+00:00] willwc#5671 is ready! (28 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:54:54+00:00] Ninban#5207: override please [2020-09-19 12:55:03+00:00] mindofme#6515: how much time is left Ninban? [2020-09-19 12:55:08+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377 is ready! (27 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:55:10+00:00] Ninban#5207: 20 mins [2020-09-19 12:55:12+00:00] Julloninja#3102: ban amount of time Kappa [2020-09-19 12:55:14+00:00] zelgadissan#0529: KEKW [2020-09-19 12:55:15+00:00] hydrapower#4942: KEKW [2020-09-19 12:55:16+00:00] mindofme#6515: got it [2020-09-19 12:55:22+00:00] Jem#7684: ninbad [2020-09-19 12:55:25+00:00] hydrapower#4942: ninban internet strikes again [2020-09-19 12:55:26+00:00] Thorus#6940 is ready! (26 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:55:28+00:00] Spy#6529: 180 secs and mine should be live xtraYikes [2020-09-19 12:55:33+00:00] Schulzer#3184 is ready! (25 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:55:38+00:00] Yok#8247: also 180 here [2020-09-19 12:55:38+00:00] Ninban#5207: i was afk since 8am i just came back [2020-09-19 12:55:39+00:00] MCCalamity3#1457 is ready! (24 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:55:44+00:00] Tigerton#8754 is ready! (23 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:55:46+00:00] hydrapower#4942 is ready! (22 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:55:56+00:00] hydrapower#4942: can't even blame internet NotLikeBees [2020-09-19 12:56:03+00:00] P-Train#3117 is ready! (21 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:56:05+00:00] Krithel#1406 is ready! (20 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:56:05+00:00] humbugh#0699 is ready! (19 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:56:07+00:00] Julloninja#3102: just blame breakfast [2020-09-19 12:56:10+00:00] mindofme#6515 sets a stream override for mochajones10#6755. [2020-09-19 12:56:14+00:00] mindofme#6515 sets a stream override for BlackWax#5032. [2020-09-19 12:56:31+00:00] Kermit#0311 is ready! (18 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:56:43+00:00] mochajones10#6755 is ready! (17 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:56:44+00:00] Freddyn3k#1873 is ready! (16 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:56:44+00:00] Jem#7684 is ready! (15 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:56:47+00:00] mindofme#6515: FreddyN3k - your stream is live, are you sure you have delay on? [2020-09-19 12:56:59+00:00] P-Train#3117: Not sure if this has been asked, or if anyone knows... but how are the extra boots represented in the item pool? Extra boots, or "nothing" item? [2020-09-19 12:57:00+00:00] oro#3531 is ready! (14 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:57:11+00:00] ObscureLifeForm#6340 is ready! (13 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:57:12+00:00] Julloninja#3102: think its extra boots [2020-09-19 12:57:13+00:00] mindofme#6515: 20 rupees I believe [2020-09-19 12:57:13+00:00] Thorus#6940: Extra boots [2020-09-19 12:57:15+00:00] hydrapower#4942: it's another pair of boots [2020-09-19 12:57:17+00:00] Schulzer#3184: green 20 [2020-09-19 12:57:17+00:00] hydrapower#4942: oh [2020-09-19 12:57:20+00:00] hydrapower#4942: never mind [2020-09-19 12:57:24+00:00] P-Train#3117: LUL [2020-09-19 12:57:30+00:00] P-Train#3117: I guress we'll just see what I find [2020-09-19 12:57:31+00:00] Jem#7684: this isnt lazy kid :) [2020-09-19 12:57:31+00:00] zelgadissan#0529: since it's sahabot and not lazy kid i would expect green 20 [2020-09-19 12:57:31+00:00] Hurfydurfy#1376: good answers guys [2020-09-19 12:57:32+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377: saha has green 20 iirc [2020-09-19 12:57:32+00:00] Schulzer#3184: 99% green 20 [2020-09-19 12:57:33+00:00] mindofme#6515: Tam - your stream is live - do you still need the override? [2020-09-19 12:57:34+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: Vanity Boots [2020-09-19 12:57:35+00:00] hydrapower#4942: i mean sometimes it's another pair of boots LUL [2020-09-19 12:57:39+00:00] Julloninja#3102: ah that is true [2020-09-19 12:57:40+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377: sahabot [2020-09-19 12:57:40+00:00] willwc#5671: okay, 60% chance it's boots, 40% chance it's green 20 [2020-09-19 12:57:42+00:00] BigDunka#4148: Lazy Kid says to hell with your green 20 [2020-09-19 12:57:42+00:00] tam#8418: no, its all good now, thank you though [2020-09-19 12:57:45+00:00] mindofme#6515 sets a stream override for OvidiusNaso#4551. [2020-09-19 12:57:48+00:00] OvidiusNaso#4551 is ready! (12 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:57:49+00:00] mochajones10#6755: can extra boots allow the destruction of deadrocks? [2020-09-19 12:57:50+00:00] Julloninja#3102: 10% chance its green boots [2020-09-19 12:57:50+00:00] OvidiusNaso#4551: ty [2020-09-19 12:57:51+00:00] Schulzer#3184: hyrdapower, another boots is ladder [2020-09-19 12:57:57+00:00] Hurfydurfy#1376: I thought Synack said he actually made it a nothing item but I have no idea [2020-09-19 12:58:00+00:00] BlackWax#5032 is ready! (11 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:58:00+00:00] mindofme#6515 sets a stream override for Ninban#5207. [2020-09-19 12:58:02+00:00] hydrapower#4942: i like when i get excited for 3 seconds at finding boots, and then realize i already have them [2020-09-19 12:58:03+00:00] Jem#7684: extra boots die on bonk [2020-09-19 12:58:04+00:00] mindofme#6515 sets a stream override for Mooglecharm#6970. [2020-09-19 12:58:07+00:00] BigDunka#4148: You all bitch about boots, Lazy Kid gives you TWO sets of boots and you bitch more..... [2020-09-19 12:58:09+00:00] Jem#7684: be happy we get rupees [2020-09-19 12:58:16+00:00] Mooglecharm#6970: LUL dunka [2020-09-19 12:58:21+00:00] shadyforce: I need the extra boots to be early to remind me to use the ones I had from the start [2020-09-19 12:58:21+00:00] Spy#6529: Thats just a bad omen Dunka [2020-09-19 12:58:23+00:00] zelgadissan#0529 is ready! (10 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:58:26+00:00] willwc#5671: have you ever considered that bitching is just my favorite hobby, dunka [2020-09-19 12:58:31+00:00] Ninban#5207 is ready! (9 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:58:34+00:00] Buane#5757 is ready! (8 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:58:35+00:00] mochajones10#6755: he just gave us a boot for our other foot [2020-09-19 12:58:35+00:00] BigDunka#4148: I think everybody can say that [2020-09-19 12:58:36+00:00] Mooglecharm#6970 is ready! (7 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:58:38+00:00] Yok#8247 is ready! (6 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:58:42+00:00] P-Train#3117: I just want Ninban to hover EDM again [2020-09-19 12:58:55+00:00] cheamo#8696: ugh having all sorts of technical issues [2020-09-19 12:58:57+00:00] cheamo#8696 quits the race. [2020-09-19 12:58:59+00:00] Julloninja#3102: but it has no items why would you hover it KEKW [2020-09-19 12:58:59+00:00] P-Train#3117: While I absolutely last location bow in the dam again [2020-09-19 12:58:59+00:00] Spyweaver#6230 is ready! (4 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:59:05+00:00] mindofme#6515: 1 MINUTE REMAINING [2020-09-19 12:59:09+00:00] mochajones10#6755: glhf [2020-09-19 12:59:10+00:00] Spy#6529: glhf all! <3 [2020-09-19 12:59:14+00:00] humbugh#0699: glhf [2020-09-19 12:59:14+00:00] tam#8418: gl and hf everyone! [2020-09-19 12:59:15+00:00] Julloninja#3102: gl hf [2020-09-19 12:59:15+00:00] fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (3 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:59:16+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377: gl hf [2020-09-19 12:59:16+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: glhf <3 [2020-09-19 12:59:16+00:00] Yok#8247: not cheamo my nmg buddy :( [2020-09-19 12:59:17+00:00] mindofme#6515: Anyone Not Readied UP will be Removed [2020-09-19 12:59:19+00:00] Jem#7684: glhf [2020-09-19 12:59:19+00:00] Yok#8247: glhf [2020-09-19 12:59:19+00:00] Tigerton#8754: gl hf [2020-09-19 12:59:21+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: See you at the bottom! [2020-09-19 12:59:22+00:00] SeductiveSpatula#9378: good luck [2020-09-19 12:59:25+00:00] Mooglecharm#6970: glhf [2020-09-19 12:59:26+00:00] willwc#5671: glhf kids [2020-09-19 12:59:27+00:00] Thorus#6940: GL HF [2020-09-19 12:59:27+00:00] Krithel#1406: gl hf all [2020-09-19 12:59:31+00:00] shadyforce: bottle boot glove pearl quake? [2020-09-19 12:59:31+00:00] BigDunka#4148: Good luck storming the castle [2020-09-19 12:59:32+00:00] hydrapower#4942: shady ready up monkaGIGA [2020-09-19 12:59:32+00:00] Julloninja#3102: except humbugh he gets the blessed luck [2020-09-19 12:59:40+00:00] Schulzer#3184: yes, title says it [2020-09-19 12:59:41+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377: yes shady [2020-09-19 12:59:41+00:00] humbugh#0699: <3 [2020-09-19 12:59:42+00:00] mindofme#6515: shadyforce nobly do either of you need overides? [2020-09-19 12:59:43+00:00] shadyforce: stream up, waiting on api to pick it up [2020-09-19 12:59:47+00:00] Julloninja#3102: shady wants to be removed LUL [2020-09-19 12:59:49+00:00] shadyforce#6330 is ready! (2 remaining) [2020-09-19 12:59:54+00:00] mindofme#6515: nobly? [2020-09-19 12:59:57+00:00] shadyforce: glgl [2020-09-19 13:00:01+00:00] Schulzer#3184: gl hf [2020-09-19 13:00:17+00:00] mindofme#6515: Sorry nobly - going to have to remove you from the rae [2020-09-19 13:00:21+00:00] hydrapower#4942: hammer emote [2020-09-19 13:00:24+00:00] ObscureLifeForm#6340: nobly is just in the bathroom, he will ready in a moment [2020-09-19 13:00:31+00:00] Jem#7684: nobly PepeHands [2020-09-19 13:00:33+00:00] P-Train#3117: Force start kicks anyone not ready from the race :) [2020-09-19 13:00:40+00:00] mindofme#6515: rules are rules [2020-09-19 13:00:44+00:00] Ninban#5207: taking a bath before the race monkaW [2020-09-19 13:00:50+00:00] mindofme#6515 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds! [2020-09-19 13:00:52+00:00] Julloninja#3102: yeah thats pretty monkaS [2020-09-19 13:00:54+00:00] P-Train#3117: If only they let us know when the race would be starting [2020-09-19 13:00:55+00:00] 10… [2020-09-19 13:00:56+00:00] Ninban#5207: glhf [2020-09-19 13:00:57+00:00] hydrapower#4942: o7 [2020-09-19 13:00:57+00:00] mindofme#6515: glhf!!! [2020-09-19 13:01:00+00:00] 5… [2020-09-19 13:01:01+00:00] 4… [2020-09-19 13:01:02+00:00] 3… [2020-09-19 13:01:03+00:00] 2… [2020-09-19 13:01:04+00:00] 1… [2020-09-19 13:01:05+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2020-09-19 13:02:50+00:00] mindofme#6515: FreddyN3K you need to stop your stream and restart with delay [2020-09-19 13:11:40+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/alttpr/sublime-map-1521/log [2020-09-19 13:22:33+00:00] Freddyn3k#1873 has been disqualified from the race by mindofme#6515. [2020-09-19 14:27:09+00:00] Jem#7684 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:26:04! [2020-09-19 14:29:33+00:00] Julloninja#3102 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-19 14:30:43+00:00] P-Train#3117 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:29:38! [2020-09-19 14:30:58+00:00] humbugh#0699 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:29:52! [2020-09-19 14:32:03+00:00] fcoughlin#7691 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:30:58! [2020-09-19 14:36:16+00:00] BigDunka#4148 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:35:10! [2020-09-19 14:36:25+00:00] ObscureLifeForm#6340 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:35:20! [2020-09-19 14:37:09+00:00] Ralen Tankir#4377 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:36:03! [2020-09-19 14:37:10+00:00] zelgadissan#0529 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:36:05! [2020-09-19 14:37:25+00:00] Mooglecharm#6970 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:36:20! [2020-09-19 14:37:27+00:00] hydrapower#4942 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:36:21! [2020-09-19 14:37:35+00:00] Ninban#5207 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:36:29! [2020-09-19 14:37:42+00:00] Ninban#5207 added a comment: "ggs" [2020-09-19 14:38:34+00:00] tam#8418 has finished in 12th place with a time of 1:37:28! [2020-09-19 14:40:01+00:00] shadyforce#6330 has finished in 13th place with a time of 1:38:56! [2020-09-19 14:40:16+00:00] Krithel#1406 has finished in 14th place with a time of 1:39:11! [2020-09-19 14:41:12+00:00] Yok#8247 has finished in 15th place with a time of 1:40:07! [2020-09-19 14:42:27+00:00] willwc#5671 has finished in 16th place with a time of 1:41:21! [2020-09-19 14:43:08+00:00] Synack: Just as a reminder, please refrain from adding a comment until after the race concludes. [2020-09-19 14:44:27+00:00] Buane#5757 has finished in 17th place with a time of 1:43:21! [2020-09-19 14:45:09+00:00] oro#3531 has finished in 18th place with a time of 1:44:04! [2020-09-19 14:45:18+00:00] Schulzer#3184 has finished in 19th place with a time of 1:44:12! [2020-09-19 14:46:40+00:00] Kermit#0311 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-19 14:49:17+00:00] Thorus#6940 has finished in 20th place with a time of 1:48:12! [2020-09-19 14:50:00+00:00] MCCalamity3#1457 has finished in 21st place with a time of 1:48:54! [2020-09-19 14:50:24+00:00] SeanRhapsody#5116 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 1:49:18! [2020-09-19 14:51:37+00:00] OvidiusNaso#4551 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 1:50:32! [2020-09-19 14:56:15+00:00] Spyweaver#6230 has finished in 24th place with a time of 1:55:10! [2020-09-19 14:56:48+00:00] BlackWax#5032 has finished in 25th place with a time of 1:55:43! [2020-09-19 14:57:22+00:00] SeductiveSpatula#9378 has finished in 26th place with a time of 1:56:17! [2020-09-19 14:57:28+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225 has finished in 27th place with a time of 1:56:23! [2020-09-19 15:01:47+00:00] Tigerton#8754 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-19 15:02:03+00:00] mochajones10#6755 has finished in 28th place with a time of 2:00:57! [2020-09-19 15:02:04+00:00] Race finished in 2:00:58.5 [2020-09-19 15:02:15+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225 added a comment: "That seed tho :\" [2020-09-19 15:02:18+00:00] hydrapower#4942 added a comment: "swap it like it's hot" [2020-09-19 15:02:24+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: GG friends [2020-09-19 15:02:36+00:00] Yok#8247: gg freaking flute hunt lmao [2020-09-19 15:02:44+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: I was fine [2020-09-19 15:02:49+00:00] Yok#8247: for some it might have been ether hunt? [2020-09-19 15:02:50+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: the fact that mire was Ether in Mimic [2020-09-19 15:02:53+00:00] Spy#6529: More like Ether hunt [2020-09-19 15:03:00+00:00] mochajones10#6755: flute -> ether hunt...oof [2020-09-19 15:03:03+00:00] Yok#8247: I just yolo'd tr [2020-09-19 15:03:10+00:00] Yok#8247: asap [2020-09-19 15:03:19+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: I was too worried about going up to TR [2020-09-19 15:03:21+00:00] Spy#6529: im never going to feel good about that when it's pendant [2020-09-19 15:03:25+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: ^ [2020-09-19 15:03:28+00:00] mochajones10#6755: ^ [2020-09-19 15:03:29+00:00] Spyweaver#6230 added a comment: "153... Nice Plando" [2020-09-19 15:03:44+00:00] mochajones10#6755 added a comment: "158 double hunt...oof" [2020-09-19 15:04:14+00:00] Spy#6529: ggs folks <3 hope this afternoon less of a plando kekw [2020-09-19 15:04:17+00:00] SeanRhapsody#5116: I would've yolo'd it if i had thought about it when I got my cane, but I forgot. I almost always dip TR when it first comes open,especially if I'm already on the mountain [2020-09-19 15:05:12+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: 169 [2020-09-19 15:05:15+00:00] Mikenekopi#1225: woof [2020-09-19 15:05:41+00:00] mochajones10#6755: nice [2020-09-19 15:06:09+00:00] Yok#8247: gl to those racing later today, Imma skip the next one [2020-09-19 15:06:17+00:00] mochajones10#6755: gl [2020-09-19 15:53:23+00:00] Ninban#5207: ggs [2020-09-19 21:57:37+00:00] Race result recorded by Synack#9689 [2020-09-20 13:27:02+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/alttpr/sublime-map-1521/csv