[2021-01-10 13:00:44+00:00] DoodleBit#2935 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:00:51+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset> [2021-01-10 13:00:52+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log. [2021-01-10 13:00:52+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets [2021-01-10 13:00:57+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: !lock [2021-01-10 13:00:57+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors. [2021-01-10 13:01:10+00:00] De4terium#8012 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:01:11+00:00] FantaTanked#6752 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:01:13+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:01:16+00:00] Hamsda#9463 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:01:22+00:00] Melrose#4744 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:01:44+00:00] Fmzgun129#9828 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:01:49+00:00] Xef199221#3025 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:02:07+00:00] Riley#6863 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:02:28+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:02:55+00:00] felixoide4#9489 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:03:01+00:00] Cyberion#5453 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:03:14+00:00] Xuross#1161 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:03:28+00:00] Gyraxo#1718 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:03:45+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:03:51+00:00] Erwan#1047 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:04:19+00:00] Theumman#0440 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:05:33+00:00] Silverytp#4097 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:05:35+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:05:50+00:00] docheaps#0190 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:06:23+00:00] gsk8#0424 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:06:29+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:07:02+00:00] DoitiEtok#7450 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:07:18+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:07:42+00:00] Darksamus227#7225 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:08:09+00:00] PhilippeTitou#1325 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:08:16+00:00] zorro275#9551 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:08:57+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:10:13+00:00] wordsforswords joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:10:42+00:00] papy_grant#8513 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:11:24+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:11:27+00:00] alfalfa#3653 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:12:36+00:00] Ch0c0#3389 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:13:15+00:00] xHaii#2532 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:13:48+00:00] Kilard#4993 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:14:35+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:15:13+00:00] Hellknight86#4990 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:15:47+00:00] Oxido#6602 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:16:17+00:00] actinide#9544 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:16:41+00:00] renata#7226 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:16:47+00:00] TomPouce#3070 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:16:49+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:17:17+00:00] Weasel2366#5808 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:17:24+00:00] Yoyocanari#5635 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:17:58+00:00] BeeLuigi#8736 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:19:07+00:00] Menou#8446 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:20:17+00:00] Vince_vi#4231 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:20:18+00:00] Anvil#2440 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:20:23+00:00] emosoda joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:20:34+00:00] Cloudike#9155 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:20:37+00:00] West0pher#1532 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:21:06+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:21:22+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:22:27+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:22:53+00:00] MILLEKA__#8244 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:22:54+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:27:00+00:00] Hapenfors#5331 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:27:01+00:00] Lefty#7499 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:27:11+00:00] kariossa#1113 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:27:17+00:00] Chaosicx#9469 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:27:33+00:00] Nephistoss#3207 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:28:21+00:00] Exodus#5327 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:28:49+00:00] KayzoBro#2388 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:29:09+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:29:13+00:00] Digdig#5090 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:29:17+00:00] baelnog#5605 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:29:29+00:00] Phaaze#0640 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:29:57+00:00] PandaCerise#6591 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:30:07+00:00] Challensois_#7759 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:31:20+00:00] sgtkillz#1331 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:32:01+00:00] Zoopal#3263 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:32:01+00:00] DylanMeeble#9138 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:32:36+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:32:59+00:00] Woli#1930 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:33:54+00:00] Soggycuticles#3383 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:35:04+00:00] Alexis#1759 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:35:45+00:00] WoodenBarrel#8485 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:36:06+00:00] Alaixo#9633 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:36:12+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:36:31+00:00] Braaks#4674 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:36:44+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:37:01+00:00] Thojost#0089 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:37:33+00:00] purble#1465 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:37:45+00:00] soli#9689 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:38:18+00:00] sanzeau#6048 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:38:37+00:00] qwertyqwaf#0321 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:38:52+00:00] XxLeGoeland#2328 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:39:01+00:00] Sora#4486 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:40:06+00:00] Death King II#7040 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:40:48+00:00] soli#9689 is ready! (88 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:42:10+00:00] zserf#4425 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:42:35+00:00] Letsklay#4197 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:44:17+00:00] blmemlb#6717 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:45:15+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: !seed [2021-01-10 13:45:15+00:00] RandoBot updated the race information. [2021-01-10 13:45:32+00:00] Goal: Standard Tournament Season 4 [2021-01-10 13:45:33+00:00] https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=675930 | OoT Item Randomizer Season 4 Standard Tournament: Qualifier 13 | 9am ET / 2pm UTC | Remember to use #qualifier-chat-room instead of RTGG live chat [2021-01-10 13:45:37+00:00] Xopar joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:46:06+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: DONT DO THIS ONE [2021-01-10 13:46:09+00:00] Digdig#5090: That's not an S4 seed [2021-01-10 13:46:20+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: IM A DINGUS DONT DOWNLOAD THIS [2021-01-10 13:46:28+00:00] Xopar updated the race information. [2021-01-10 13:46:37+00:00] Star1468#7969: thanks Xopar [2021-01-10 13:46:39+00:00] Spikevegeta#8733 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:46:41+00:00] Xopar: I cant erase that other one [2021-01-10 13:46:59+00:00] Xopar: need a rtgg person for that one i think [2021-01-10 13:47:27+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: I'll try to get Dyn [2021-01-10 13:48:11+00:00] Dragon#4967 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:48:50+00:00] Namaha#8731 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:49:14+00:00] psych#4318 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:49:25+00:00] furlim#4509 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:49:28+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=675935 [2021-01-10 13:49:31+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [2021-01-10 13:49:53+00:00] xHaii#2532 is ready! (96 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:50:14+00:00] PandaCerise#6591: it's a true S4 [2021-01-10 13:50:23+00:00] Kirox#6033 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:50:52+00:00] DoodleBit#2935 updated the race information. [2021-01-10 13:51:03+00:00] renata#7226 is ready! (96 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:51:09+00:00] renata#7226 is not ready. (97 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:51:21+00:00] Goal: Standard Tournament Season 4 [2021-01-10 13:51:21+00:00] | OoT Item Randomizer Season 4 Standard Tournament: Qualifier 13 | 9am ET / 2pm UTC | Remember to use #qualifier-chat-room instead of RTGG live chat | https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=675935 [2021-01-10 13:52:19+00:00] BeeLuigi#8736 is ready! (96 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:52:24+00:00] Thojost#0089 is ready! (95 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:52:27+00:00] DoitiEtok#7450 is ready! (94 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:52:33+00:00] TomPouce#3070 is ready! (93 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:52:43+00:00] Weasel2366#5808 is ready! (92 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:52:46+00:00] Theumman#0440 is ready! (91 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:53:52+00:00] Vince_vi#4231 is ready! (90 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:08+00:00] baelnog#5605 is ready! (89 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:19+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 is ready! (88 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:31+00:00] Soggycuticles#3383 is ready! (87 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:33+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 is ready! (86 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:35+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 is ready! (85 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:41+00:00] alfalfa#3653 is ready! (84 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:44+00:00] Phaaze#0640 is ready! (83 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:46+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 is ready! (82 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:50+00:00] Melrose#4744 is ready! (81 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:50+00:00] XxLeGoeland#2328 is ready! (80 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:53+00:00] Xef199221#3025 is ready! (79 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:54:58+00:00] Kilard#4993 is ready! (78 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:55:03+00:00] papy_grant#8513 is ready! (77 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:55:09+00:00] MILLEKA__#8244 is ready! (76 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:55:12+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 is ready! (75 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:55:12+00:00] felixoide4#9489 is ready! (74 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:55:24+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 is not ready. (75 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:55:34+00:00] De4terium#8012 is ready! (74 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:55:49+00:00] aston1988#7539 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:55:57+00:00] proliferation#7150 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:55:58+00:00] zorro275#9551 is ready! (75 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:00+00:00] Anvil#2440 is ready! (74 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:03+00:00] sanzeau#6048 is ready! (73 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:09+00:00] Challensois_#7759 is ready! (72 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:11+00:00] zserf#4425 is ready! (71 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:20+00:00] Silverytp#4097 is ready! (70 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:22+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 is ready! (69 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:22+00:00] Challensois_#7759 is not ready. (70 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:25+00:00] Gogeta#1793 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:56:29+00:00] docheaps#0190 is ready! (70 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:33+00:00] PandaCerise#6591 is ready! (69 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:37+00:00] Woli#1930 is ready! (68 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:41+00:00] Digdig#5090 is ready! (67 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:43+00:00] Xuross#1161 is ready! (66 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:47+00:00] PhilippeTitou#1325 is ready! (65 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:56:53+00:00] Letsklay#4197 is ready! (64 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:07+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 is ready! (63 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:08+00:00] Hamsda#9463 is ready! (62 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:08+00:00] Lefty#7499 is ready! (61 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:12+00:00] sgtkillz#1331 is ready! (60 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:14+00:00] Alaixo#9633 is ready! (59 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:25+00:00] aston1988#7539 is ready! (58 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:27+00:00] KayzoBro#2388 is ready! (57 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:28+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (56 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:29+00:00] Hapenfors#5331 is ready! (55 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:32+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 is ready! (54 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:36+00:00] Zoopal#3263 is ready! (53 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:41+00:00] Kilard#4993 is not ready. (54 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:42+00:00] Alexis#1759 is ready! (53 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:42+00:00] Erwan#1047 is ready! (52 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:47+00:00] Yoyocanari#5635 is ready! (51 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:51+00:00] actinide#9544 is ready! (50 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:54+00:00] juwk#1061 joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:57:56+00:00] Ch0c0#3389 is ready! (50 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:57:59+00:00] qwertyqwaf#0321 is ready! (49 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:06+00:00] DylanMeeble#9138 is ready! (48 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:07+00:00] emosoda is ready! (47 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:07+00:00] Sora#4486 is ready! (46 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:08+00:00] gsk8#0424 is ready! (45 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:09+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 is ready! (44 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:20+00:00] furlim#4509 is ready! (43 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:22+00:00] drooness joins the race. [2021-01-10 13:58:25+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 is ready! (43 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:38+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 is ready! (42 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:40+00:00] Cyberion#5453 is ready! (40 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:40+00:00] Challensois_#7759 is ready! (40 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:58:48+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 is ready! (39 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:02+00:00] Braaks#4674 is ready! (38 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:02+00:00] Death King II#7040 is ready! (37 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:20+00:00] Exodus#5327 is ready! (36 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:24+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 is ready! (35 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:27+00:00] drooness is ready! (34 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:30+00:00] proliferation#7150 is ready! (33 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:45+00:00] Nephistoss#3207 is ready! (32 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:48+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 is ready! (31 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:49+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 is ready! (30 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:55+00:00] Dragon#4967 is ready! (29 remaining) [2021-01-10 13:59:59+00:00] psych#4318 is ready! (28 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:01+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 is ready! (27 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:02+00:00] Gyraxo#1718 is ready! (26 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:04+00:00] kariossa#1113 is ready! (25 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:07+00:00] wordsforswords is ready! (24 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:11+00:00] Kirox#6033 is ready! (23 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:17+00:00] blmemlb#6717 is ready! (22 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:21+00:00] Kilard#4993 is ready! (21 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:28+00:00] purble#1465 is ready! (20 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:29+00:00] Kilard#4993 is not ready. (21 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:44+00:00] DoodleBit#2935 sets the race to be invite only. [2021-01-10 14:00:47+00:00] Spikevegeta#8733: sorry, could I re-get the correct seed? [2021-01-10 14:00:51+00:00] Oxido#6602 is ready! (20 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:00:53+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: popchamp [2021-01-10 14:00:56+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=675935 [2021-01-10 14:01:06+00:00] blmemlb#6717 is not ready. (21 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:11+00:00] FantaTanked#6752 is ready! (20 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:21+00:00] Gogeta#1793 is ready! (19 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:26+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (18 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:26+00:00] WoodenBarrel#8485 is ready! (17 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:29+00:00] Hamsda#9463: Boss Key, Longshot, Heart Container, Bean, Cucco [2021-01-10 14:01:31+00:00] West0pher#1532 is ready! (16 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:32+00:00] PandaCerise#6591: BK, LS, HC, Bean, cucco [2021-01-10 14:01:40+00:00] Kilard#4993 is ready! (15 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:45+00:00] PandaCerise#6591: LUL [2021-01-10 14:01:47+00:00] Hellknight86#4990 is ready! (14 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:48+00:00] renata#7226 is ready! (13 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:01:52+00:00] Darksamus227#7225 is ready! (12 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:02:05+00:00] blmemlb#6717 is ready! (11 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:02:11+00:00] West0pher#1532 is not ready. (12 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:02:16+00:00] Riley#6863 is ready! (11 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:02:24+00:00] Fmzgun129#9828 is ready! (10 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:02:41+00:00] DoodleBit#2935 quits the race. [2021-01-10 14:02:45+00:00] Namaha#8731 is ready! (8 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:02:47+00:00] Menou#8446 is ready! (7 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:03:03+00:00] Chaosicx#9469 is ready! (6 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:03:07+00:00] Cloudike#9155 is ready! (5 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:03:16+00:00] Spikevegeta#8733 is ready! (4 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:03:21+00:00] Xopar is ready! (3 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:03:22+00:00] SariasObject#3370 requests to join the race. [2021-01-10 14:03:33+00:00] Darksamus227#7225 is not ready. (4 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:03:45+00:00] West0pher#1532 is ready! (3 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:03:49+00:00] Darksamus227#7225 is ready! (2 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:04:01+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (1 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:04:21+00:00] Letsklay#4197: 0 [2021-01-10 14:04:39+00:00] juwk#1061 is ready! (0 remaining) [2021-01-10 14:04:39+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 30 seconds! [2021-01-10 14:04:59+00:00] 10… [2021-01-10 14:05:04+00:00] 5… [2021-01-10 14:05:05+00:00] 4… [2021-01-10 14:05:06+00:00] 3… [2021-01-10 14:05:07+00:00] 2… [2021-01-10 14:05:08+00:00] 1… [2021-01-10 14:05:09+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2021-01-10 14:45:34+00:00] Soggycuticles#3383 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 14:50:21+00:00] Soggycuticles#3383 added a comment. [2021-01-10 15:19:42+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:14:33! [2021-01-10 15:20:51+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 has been undone from the race. [2021-01-10 16:11:00+00:00] Dragon#4967 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:24:02+00:00] PhilippeTitou#1325 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:33:06+00:00] Cola#5395 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:27:57! [2021-01-10 16:35:50+00:00] Fmzgun129#9828 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:44:57+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:39:48! [2021-01-10 16:46:21+00:00] kariossa#1113 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:41:11! [2021-01-10 16:47:32+00:00] Nephistoss#3207 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:47:45+00:00] Zoopal#3263 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:42:35! [2021-01-10 16:47:49+00:00] DylanMeeble#9138 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:42:40! [2021-01-10 16:48:12+00:00] Zoopal#3263 added a comment. [2021-01-10 16:49:49+00:00] Hellknight86#4990 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:44:40! [2021-01-10 16:50:07+00:00] Silverytp#4097 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:51:06+00:00] Namaha#8731 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:45:56! [2021-01-10 16:51:12+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:51:20+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:51:50+00:00] kariossa#1113 added a comment. [2021-01-10 16:52:31+00:00] Melrose#4744 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:47:22! [2021-01-10 16:52:49+00:00] Silverytp#4097 added a comment. [2021-01-10 16:52:50+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:47:40! [2021-01-10 16:52:52+00:00] drooness has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:55:56+00:00] Xef199221#3025 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:50:47! [2021-01-10 16:56:21+00:00] Challensois_#7759 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:51:12! [2021-01-10 16:56:58+00:00] Exodus#5327 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:51:49! [2021-01-10 16:57:06+00:00] wordsforswords has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:57:08+00:00] Melrose#4744 added a comment. [2021-01-10 16:57:19+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 16:57:40+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 has finished in 13th place with a time of 2:52:31! [2021-01-10 16:57:50+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: GGs Aranaut, if you'd like to join the Interview, hop into one of the voice rooms. [2021-01-10 16:58:07+00:00] papy_grant#8513 has finished in 14th place with a time of 2:52:58! [2021-01-10 16:58:32+00:00] docheaps#0190 has finished in 15th place with a time of 2:53:23! [2021-01-10 17:01:39+00:00] Kirox#6033 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:01:45+00:00] Kirox#6033 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:01:49+00:00] Woli#1930 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:02:03+00:00] Riley#6863 has finished in 16th place with a time of 2:56:54! [2021-01-10 17:04:08+00:00] Menou#8446 has finished in 17th place with a time of 2:58:59! [2021-01-10 17:04:12+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 has finished in 18th place with a time of 2:59:03! [2021-01-10 17:05:25+00:00] Alaixo#9633 has finished in 19th place with a time of 3:00:16! [2021-01-10 17:05:45+00:00] West0pher#1532 has finished in 20th place with a time of 3:00:35! [2021-01-10 17:05:55+00:00] Letsklay#4197 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:07:02+00:00] FantaTanked#6752 has finished in 21st place with a time of 3:01:53! [2021-01-10 17:08:26+00:00] xHaii#2532 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:08:31+00:00] sgtkillz#1331 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:08:49+00:00] Yoyocanari#5635 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 3:03:40! [2021-01-10 17:09:42+00:00] Spikevegeta#8733 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 3:04:32! [2021-01-10 17:09:57+00:00] qwertyqwaf#0321 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:10:31+00:00] blmemlb#6717 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:11:24+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 has finished in 24th place with a time of 3:06:15! [2021-01-10 17:11:45+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: GGs z3ph1r, if you'd like to join an interview, jump into a Voice Room. [2021-01-10 17:12:13+00:00] BeeLuigi#8736 has finished in 25th place with a time of 3:07:04! [2021-01-10 17:12:42+00:00] KayzoBro#2388 has finished in 26th place with a time of 3:07:33! [2021-01-10 17:13:10+00:00] BeeLuigi#8736 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:13:16+00:00] Xopar has finished in 27th place with a time of 3:08:07! [2021-01-10 17:13:19+00:00] felixoide4#9489 has finished in 28th place with a time of 3:08:09! [2021-01-10 17:15:02+00:00] Sora#4486 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:15:05+00:00] WoodenBarrel#8485 has finished in 29th place with a time of 3:09:56! [2021-01-10 17:15:08+00:00] Sora#4486 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:15:35+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:16:20+00:00] alfalfa#3653 has finished in 30th place with a time of 3:11:10! [2021-01-10 17:17:51+00:00] sanzeau#6048 has finished in 31st place with a time of 3:12:42! [2021-01-10 17:18:04+00:00] sanzeau#6048 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:19:47+00:00] zorro275#9551 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:20:50+00:00] Death King II#7040 has finished in 32nd place with a time of 3:15:41! [2021-01-10 17:21:20+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Sorry Zorro but GGs on the run, if you want to join in on the Interview you can but don't feel like you have to. [2021-01-10 17:22:04+00:00] Phaaze#0640 has finished in 33rd place with a time of 3:16:55! [2021-01-10 17:23:35+00:00] juwk#1061 has finished in 34th place with a time of 3:18:26! [2021-01-10 17:25:06+00:00] emosoda has finished in 35th place with a time of 3:19:57! [2021-01-10 17:25:18+00:00] Erwan#1047 has finished in 36th place with a time of 3:20:09! [2021-01-10 17:25:22+00:00] Vince_vi#4231 has finished in 37th place with a time of 3:20:13! [2021-01-10 17:25:56+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: GGs Erwan, if you'd like to join an Interview, hop into once of the voice rooms [2021-01-10 17:26:00+00:00] Thojost#0089 has finished in 38th place with a time of 3:20:50! [2021-01-10 17:26:06+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 has finished in 39th place with a time of 3:20:56! [2021-01-10 17:26:49+00:00] Hamsda#9463 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:26:53+00:00] aston1988#7539 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:27:05+00:00] Hamsda#9463 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:27:41+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:29:28+00:00] Anvil#2440 has finished in 40th place with a time of 3:24:19! [2021-01-10 17:29:50+00:00] zserf#4425 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:30:05+00:00] XxLeGoeland#2328 has finished in 41st place with a time of 3:24:55! [2021-01-10 17:30:30+00:00] juwk#1061 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:30:46+00:00] DoitiEtok#7450 has finished in 42nd place with a time of 3:25:37! [2021-01-10 17:31:02+00:00] Gyraxo#1718 has finished in 43rd place with a time of 3:25:52! [2021-01-10 17:33:36+00:00] Hapenfors#5331 has finished in 44th place with a time of 3:28:27! [2021-01-10 17:33:55+00:00] emosoda added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:34:22+00:00] furlim#4509 has finished in 45th place with a time of 3:29:13! [2021-01-10 17:34:34+00:00] Weasel2366#5808 has finished in 46th place with a time of 3:29:24! [2021-01-10 17:34:54+00:00] Gogeta#1793 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:35:07+00:00] Gogeta#1793 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:35:37+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 has finished in 47th place with a time of 3:30:28! [2021-01-10 17:36:17+00:00] soli#9689 has finished in 48th place with a time of 3:31:08! [2021-01-10 17:36:44+00:00] Kilard#4993 has finished in 49th place with a time of 3:31:34! [2021-01-10 17:37:52+00:00] Hapenfors#5331 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:38:28+00:00] proliferation#7150 has finished in 50th place with a time of 3:33:19! [2021-01-10 17:38:42+00:00] Kilard#4993 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:38:55+00:00] psych#4318 has finished in 51st place with a time of 3:33:46! [2021-01-10 17:39:10+00:00] Riley#6863 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:40:32+00:00] MILLEKA__#8244 has finished in 52nd place with a time of 3:35:23! [2021-01-10 17:41:25+00:00] gsk8#0424 has finished in 53rd place with a time of 3:36:16! [2021-01-10 17:42:09+00:00] baelnog#5605 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:44:30+00:00] baelnog#5605 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:46:11+00:00] Lefty#7499 has finished in 54th place with a time of 3:41:02! [2021-01-10 17:46:49+00:00] PandaCerise#6591 has finished in 55th place with a time of 3:41:40! [2021-01-10 17:50:00+00:00] Chaosicx#9469 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-10 17:50:14+00:00] Alexis#1759 has finished in 56th place with a time of 3:45:05! [2021-01-10 17:50:16+00:00] Erwan#1047 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:50:23+00:00] Chaosicx#9469 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:53:19+00:00] TomPouce#3070 has finished in 57th place with a time of 3:48:09! [2021-01-10 17:53:46+00:00] TomPouce#3070 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:55:13+00:00] Ch0c0#3389 has finished in 58th place with a time of 3:50:04! [2021-01-10 17:55:25+00:00] Ch0c0#3389 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:56:38+00:00] Alexis#1759 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:56:55+00:00] Cloudike#9155 has finished in 59th place with a time of 3:51:46! [2021-01-10 17:57:09+00:00] Cloudike#9155 added a comment. [2021-01-10 17:57:11+00:00] Alexis#1759 changed their comment. [2021-01-10 17:59:27+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 has finished in 60th place with a time of 3:54:18! [2021-01-10 18:00:20+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 has finished in 61st place with a time of 3:55:10! [2021-01-10 18:00:56+00:00] Darksamus227#7225 has finished in 62nd place with a time of 3:55:47! [2021-01-10 18:00:57+00:00] De4terium#8012 has finished in 63rd place with a time of 3:55:48! [2021-01-10 18:01:00+00:00] actinide#9544 has finished in 64th place with a time of 3:55:51! [2021-01-10 18:01:33+00:00] Digdig#5090 has finished in 65th place with a time of 3:56:23! [2021-01-10 18:02:20+00:00] Digdig#5090 added a comment. [2021-01-10 18:03:19+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 added a comment. [2021-01-10 18:04:56+00:00] purble#1465 has finished in 66th place with a time of 3:59:47! [2021-01-10 18:05:42+00:00] purble#1465 added a comment. [2021-01-10 18:13:59+00:00] Braaks#4674 has finished in 67th place with a time of 4:08:50! [2021-01-10 18:17:42+00:00] Icola#8220 has finished in 68th place with a time of 4:12:33! [2021-01-10 18:24:34+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 69th place with a time of 4:19:25! [2021-01-10 18:25:18+00:00] Cuphat#2212 added a comment. [2021-01-10 18:26:47+00:00] Cyberion#5453 has finished in 70th place with a time of 4:21:38! [2021-01-10 18:29:33+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 has finished in 71st place with a time of 4:24:24! [2021-01-10 18:35:23+00:00] renata#7226 has finished in 72nd place with a time of 4:30:13! [2021-01-10 18:42:28+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/agreeable-lara-0072/csv [2021-01-10 18:43:21+00:00] Oxido#6602 has finished in 73rd place with a time of 4:38:12! [2021-01-10 18:43:44+00:00] Theumman#0440 has finished in 74th place with a time of 4:38:35! [2021-01-10 19:30:18+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 has finished in 75th place with a time of 5:25:09! [2021-01-10 19:36:46+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 added a comment. [2021-01-10 20:01:04+00:00] Xuross#1161 has finished in 76th place with a time of 5:55:55! [2021-01-10 20:01:04+00:00] Race finished in 5:55:55.6 [2021-01-10 20:02:59+00:00] Xuross#1161 added a comment: "I cheked once again all donjons et all overworld then I saw the big poe and didn't thought it was a check to do ............. FML" [2021-01-11 19:43:15+00:00] Race result recorded by Xopar [2021-01-12 02:12:52+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/agreeable-lara-0072/log [2021-01-12 02:12:54+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/agreeable-lara-0072/csv