[2023-01-28 22:02:54+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:02:57+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a release seed with !seed <preset> or a latest dev seed with !seeddev <preset> [2023-01-28 22:02:57+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !race to generate a release seed with a spoiler log. [2023-01-28 22:02:57+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets for release and !presetsdev for dev [2023-01-28 22:03:03+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 invites AlexanderHD#8749 to join the race. [2023-01-28 22:03:06+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 promoted AlexanderHD#8749 to race monitor. [2023-01-28 22:03:37+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: !lock [2023-01-28 22:03:37+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors. [2023-01-28 22:04:15+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:04:23+00:00] Aranaut#5360: o/ [2023-01-28 22:04:38+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Been a while CubsSeed [2023-01-28 22:04:43+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 accepts an invitation to join. [2023-01-28 22:05:09+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 removes AlexanderHD#8749 from the race. [2023-01-28 22:05:13+00:00] soulblade128#8773 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:05:14+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 quits the race. [2023-01-28 22:05:24+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:05:34+00:00] Volc-41#3164 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:05:34+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: howdy [2023-01-28 22:05:48+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:06:01+00:00] Alf#5942 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:06:02+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:06:19+00:00] soulblade128#8773: Hoy ho [2023-01-28 22:07:00+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:07:38+00:00] Machie#1863 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:08:35+00:00] Volc#1558: hi [2023-01-28 22:09:28+00:00] Oximan#8883 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:12:12+00:00] T-RIS#3918 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:12:39+00:00] Hyper#8571 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:13:31+00:00] Hyper#8571: Oh boy, time to jump over the fish again! [2023-01-28 22:14:43+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Post S6 tournament so ? [2023-01-28 22:15:20+00:00] Aranaut#5360: ^i mean Mweep skip allowed ? [2023-01-28 22:15:24+00:00] Hyper#8571: Yup [2023-01-28 22:15:28+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Okay [2023-01-28 22:15:30+00:00] soulblade128#8773: in weeklies it should be [2023-01-28 22:15:53+00:00] Cola#5395: ye it is, unless we make this a 1v1 spontaneously [2023-01-28 22:15:58+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Yeah that's why i'm meaning ''post S6 tournament'' [2023-01-28 22:16:07+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:21:16+00:00] BladefangFT#7357 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:21:27+00:00] Flee#0246: Hey all, anyone mind giving me a rundown of the settings or linking me to where I can find them? I've been inactive for 3 months so idk what the weekly or S6 settings are [2023-01-28 22:21:34+00:00] Flee#0246 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:24:43+00:00] DLReap#4048 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:25:11+00:00] Cola#5395: Settings: Back by popular demand, most of the settings for the tournament will be the same as last year. For anything not listed below, the setting will be the same that was used in Season 5. As a quick summary: - 6 Medallion Bridge - Chest Size Matches Contents - Closed Deku Tree - Random Starting Age On top of this, we have made the following changes for Season 6: - Anju now only requires 4 Chickens to reward her item - Vanilla adult spawn in Temple of Time and random child spawn - New hint distribution with no foolish hints, Burning Kak added as always hints, and no song sometimes hints (except Ice Cavern) [2023-01-28 22:25:15+00:00] Cola#5395: if that helps you [2023-01-28 22:26:28+00:00] Death King II#7040 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:26:57+00:00] Flee#0246: That's perfect, thanks cola! [2023-01-28 22:28:04+00:00] Hyper#8571: Also ctmc was added [2023-01-28 22:28:12+00:00] Cola#5395: right true [2023-01-28 22:28:20+00:00] Scarlet#8830: Basically a S6? [2023-01-28 22:28:39+00:00] Cola#5395: ye its S6 settings, just flee asked what S6 is [2023-01-28 22:28:46+00:00] Scarlet#8830: Oh ok [2023-01-28 22:29:11+00:00] Scarlet#8830: ok thx thx [2023-01-28 22:29:30+00:00] Aranaut#5360: S6 with Mweep skip allowed again cuz ''post S6'' ^^ [2023-01-28 22:29:54+00:00] Hyper#8571: Some say allowed [2023-01-28 22:29:59+00:00] Hyper#8571: I say mandatory [2023-01-28 22:30:02+00:00] BTaggerung#1426 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:30:05+00:00] Hyper#8571: Kappa [2023-01-28 22:30:12+00:00] Aranaut#5360: omegaLUL [2023-01-28 22:30:36+00:00] engineer124#7554 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:31:52+00:00] soulblade128#8773: -rubs hands together- let's tank those Racetime points baby! [2023-01-28 22:32:11+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Pog [2023-01-28 22:33:40+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:35:06+00:00] soulblade128#8773: my controller sensitivity is still all wonky =/ [2023-01-28 22:35:21+00:00] Aranaut#5360: F [2023-01-28 22:35:52+00:00] soulblade128#8773: its okay you only need precise movements for shooting galleries [2023-01-28 22:37:27+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:37:52+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: @T-RIS @Machie @Death King II @Oximan Are you guys fine with being restreamed? [2023-01-28 22:37:56+00:00] methinkso#7428 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:38:05+00:00] interloper#0934 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:38:18+00:00] Oximan#8883: Sure [2023-01-28 22:39:08+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Clean audio? [2023-01-28 22:39:29+00:00] Disweek#8984 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:40:38+00:00] incoherent#6156 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:41:28+00:00] Machie#1863: yeah sure [2023-01-28 22:41:50+00:00] Machie#1863: i will get clean audio if you need, since it's too late to talk for me HashFrog [2023-01-28 22:43:41+00:00] T-RIS#3918: oh shit sure [2023-01-28 22:43:47+00:00] T-RIS#3918: oxi I'm 1v1ing you [2023-01-28 22:43:50+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: no rushing ice because late [2023-01-28 22:43:51+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: Kappa [2023-01-28 22:44:04+00:00] T-RIS#3918: HashFrog [2023-01-28 22:44:09+00:00] T-RIS#3918: I can have clean audio [2023-01-28 22:44:13+00:00] Volc#1558: KZ allowed ? [2023-01-28 22:44:19+00:00] Volc#1558: KZ skip sorry [2023-01-28 22:44:21+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Yes [2023-01-28 22:44:21+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: ya [2023-01-28 22:44:24+00:00] Volc#1558: Ok thx [2023-01-28 22:44:24+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:45:02+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: @Cuphat Are you fine withbeing restreamed? [2023-01-28 22:45:03+00:00] Alpha_Que_Up#8019 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:45:22+00:00] Cuphat#2212: sure, why not [2023-01-28 22:45:46+00:00] soulblade128#8773: poggies cuthat [2023-01-28 22:46:00+00:00] methinkso#7428 quits the race. [2023-01-28 22:46:21+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: !seed s6 [2023-01-28 22:46:22+00:00] RandoBot: AlexanderHD, here is your seed: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1319553 [2023-01-28 22:46:22+00:00] RandoBot updated the race information. [2023-01-28 22:46:39+00:00] RandoBot updated the race information. [2023-01-28 22:46:42+00:00] emosoda joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:48:19+00:00] soulblade128#8773: oh heck yeah alexander seed [2023-01-28 22:48:51+00:00] Skuby#3113 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:48:53+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:49:42+00:00] soli#9689 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:49:44+00:00] soulblade128#8773 is ready! (29 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:50:02+00:00] soli#9689 is ready! (28 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:51:03+00:00] interloper#0934 is ready! (27 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:51:40+00:00] Oximan#8883: Sorry, no clean sudio from me [2023-01-28 22:51:46+00:00] Oximan#8883: sorry for late answer [2023-01-28 22:52:45+00:00] Skuby#3113 is ready! (26 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:52:50+00:00] DLReap#4048 is ready! (25 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:53:06+00:00] engineer124#7554 is ready! (24 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:53:21+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (23 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:53:27+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 is ready! (22 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:53:56+00:00] T-RIS#3918 is ready! (21 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:54:06+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 is ready! (20 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:54:25+00:00] Machie#1863 is ready! (19 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:55:31+00:00] Flee#0246 is ready! (18 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:55:41+00:00] BladefangFT#7357 is ready! (17 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:55:50+00:00] Disweek#8984 is ready! (16 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:56:12+00:00] Alpha_Que_Up#8019 is ready! (15 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:56:18+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 is ready! (14 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:56:26+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is not ready. (15 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:56:54+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 is ready! (14 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:56:59+00:00] Oximan#8883 is ready! (13 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:57:03+00:00] Volc-41#3164 is ready! (12 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:57:43+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 is ready! (11 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:57:48+00:00] Oboe#8721 joins the race. [2023-01-28 22:57:54+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (11 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:58:00+00:00] Death King II#7040 is ready! (10 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:58:19+00:00] Aranaut#5360: glhf [2023-01-28 22:58:30+00:00] Death King II#7040: gl hf [2023-01-28 22:58:33+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 is ready! (9 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:58:33+00:00] Oboe#8721 is ready! (8 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:58:33+00:00] BTaggerung#1426 is ready! (7 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:58:37+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: GLHF [2023-01-28 22:58:44+00:00] T-RIS#3918: glhf ;3 [2023-01-28 22:58:52+00:00] emosoda: glhf twis :) [2023-01-28 22:58:56+00:00] interloper#0934: glhf [2023-01-28 22:58:58+00:00] Skuby#3113: glhf HashFrog [2023-01-28 22:59:03+00:00] BTaggerung#1426: gl hf [2023-01-28 22:59:03+00:00] Oximan#8883: GLHHashFrog [2023-01-28 22:59:04+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 is ready! (6 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:59:04+00:00] Volc#1558: glhf [2023-01-28 22:59:05+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (5 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:59:06+00:00] engineer124#7554: gl hf! [2023-01-28 22:59:06+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: glhf [2023-01-28 22:59:07+00:00] Machie#1863: GL & hf [2023-01-28 22:59:07+00:00] Cola#5395: glhf all [2023-01-28 22:59:08+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: gl hf [2023-01-28 22:59:11+00:00] Oximan#8883: GLH HashFrog [2023-01-28 22:59:23+00:00] Flee#0246: glhf [2023-01-28 22:59:28+00:00] soli#9689: hf [2023-01-28 22:59:36+00:00] emosoda is ready! (4 remaining) [2023-01-28 22:59:52+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is not ready. (5 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:00:01+00:00] Hyper#8571 is ready! (4 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:00:14+00:00] Hyper#8571: glhf [2023-01-28 23:00:35+00:00] Alf#5942 is ready! (3 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:00:44+00:00] incoherent#6156 is ready! (2 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:00:50+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (1 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:00:53+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 joins the race. [2023-01-28 23:01:11+00:00] kammy#1898 joins the race. [2023-01-28 23:01:17+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 is ready! (2 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:01:18+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (1 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:01:21+00:00] kammy#1898 is ready! (0 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:01:22+00:00] SeYsEy#2150: gl hhf [2023-01-28 23:01:22+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: GLHF [2023-01-28 23:01:23+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is not ready. (1 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:01:30+00:00] emosoda: T__T [2023-01-28 23:01:33+00:00] Machie#1863: D: [2023-01-28 23:01:35+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: So close [2023-01-28 23:01:38+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Bruh moment [2023-01-28 23:01:40+00:00] kammy#1898: Let's go [2023-01-28 23:01:43+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (0 remaining) [2023-01-28 23:01:47+00:00] Oximan#8883: You ruined christmas [2023-01-28 23:01:57+00:00] incoherent#6156: it's fine, it's only :02 [2023-01-28 23:02:00+00:00] Machie#1863: HashFrog [2023-01-28 23:02:07+00:00] Aranaut#5360: peepoClown [2023-01-28 23:02:15+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: GLHF [2023-01-28 23:02:30+00:00] Cola#5395: cubs we going? [2023-01-28 23:02:53+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Retream issues ? monkaS [2023-01-28 23:02:55+00:00] Oximan#8883: its not 6:15 yet [2023-01-28 23:02:59+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Restream* [2023-01-28 23:03:00+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds! [2023-01-28 23:03:02+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: it's only 3:02 [2023-01-28 23:03:02+00:00] T-RIS#3918: HashFrog [2023-01-28 23:03:03+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: My bad [2023-01-28 23:03:05+00:00] 10… [2023-01-28 23:03:08+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Nvm [2023-01-28 23:03:10+00:00] 5… [2023-01-28 23:03:11+00:00] 4… [2023-01-28 23:03:12+00:00] 3… [2023-01-28 23:03:13+00:00] 2… [2023-01-28 23:03:14+00:00] 1… [2023-01-28 23:03:15+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2023-01-29 00:08:03+00:00] Death King II#7040 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 00:10:32+00:00] kammy#1898 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 00:17:52+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 00:19:13+00:00] Alpha_Que_Up#8019 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 00:20:13+00:00] Oboe#8721 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 00:20:46+00:00] Oboe#8721 added a comment. [2023-01-29 00:27:25+00:00] Oboe#8721 changed their comment. [2023-01-29 01:06:44+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 01:14:13+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 01:14:22+00:00] Cuphat#2212 added a comment. [2023-01-29 01:14:40+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Interview? [2023-01-29 01:15:03+00:00] Cuphat#2212: sure, why not [2023-01-29 01:46:09+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:42:53! [2023-01-29 01:48:08+00:00] Machie#1863: gg [2023-01-29 01:48:19+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Thx, ggs ! [2023-01-29 01:51:58+00:00] Volc-41#3164 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 01:53:24+00:00] Volc-41#3164 added a comment. [2023-01-29 01:55:37+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:52:22! [2023-01-29 01:56:08+00:00] interloper#0934 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 01:56:13+00:00] Cola#5395 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:52:57! [2023-01-29 01:59:40+00:00] emosoda has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:56:25! [2023-01-29 02:04:24+00:00] T-RIS#3918 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:01:09! [2023-01-29 02:04:33+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Interview? [2023-01-29 02:04:45+00:00] T-RIS#3918: sure! gimme a minute HashFrog [2023-01-29 02:04:49+00:00] T-RIS#3918: ggs [2023-01-29 02:08:34+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:05:19! [2023-01-29 02:08:43+00:00] DLReap#4048 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 02:08:46+00:00] Machie#1863 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:05:31! [2023-01-29 02:08:51+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Interview? [2023-01-29 02:09:00+00:00] Machie#1863 added a comment. [2023-01-29 02:09:04+00:00] Machie#1863: yeah let me a min [2023-01-29 02:11:12+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:07:57! [2023-01-29 02:12:24+00:00] incoherent#6156 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:09:09! [2023-01-29 02:12:58+00:00] soli#9689 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:09:43! [2023-01-29 02:13:44+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:10:29! [2023-01-29 02:13:50+00:00] BladefangFT#7357 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 02:15:19+00:00] incoherent#6156 added a comment. [2023-01-29 02:16:47+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 added a comment. [2023-01-29 02:18:57+00:00] Hyper#8571 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:15:42! [2023-01-29 02:18:58+00:00] Alf#5942 has forfeited from the race. [2023-01-29 02:21:27+00:00] engineer124#7554 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:18:11! [2023-01-29 02:23:27+00:00] Flee#0246 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:20:12! [2023-01-29 02:24:55+00:00] Oximan#8883 has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:21:40! [2023-01-29 02:25:01+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Interview? [2023-01-29 02:25:05+00:00] Oximan#8883: sure [2023-01-29 02:34:18+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:31:03! [2023-01-29 02:36:38+00:00] BTaggerung#1426 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:33:23! [2023-01-29 02:37:33+00:00] BTaggerung#1426 added a comment. [2023-01-29 02:44:17+00:00] Hyper#8571 added a comment. [2023-01-29 02:53:54+00:00] Skuby#3113 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:50:39! [2023-01-29 02:55:16+00:00] Skuby#3113 added a comment. [2023-01-29 02:57:05+00:00] T-RIS#3918 added a comment. [2023-01-29 03:04:54+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 has finished in 19th place with a time of 4:01:39! [2023-01-29 04:03:04+00:00] soulblade128#8773 has finished in 20th place with a time of 4:59:49! [2023-01-29 04:08:18+00:00] soulblade128#8773 added a comment. [2023-01-29 05:11:54+00:00] Disweek#8984 has finished in 21st place with a time of 6:08:38! [2023-01-29 05:11:54+00:00] Race finished in 6:08:39.1 [2023-01-29 05:12:37+00:00] Disweek#8984 added a comment. [2023-01-29 05:22:33+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/dapper-biggoron-3860/log [2023-01-29 05:22:35+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/dapper-biggoron-3860/csv [2023-01-29 17:20:55+00:00] Race result recorded by Jimbo