[2021-08-14 21:10:30+00:00] JimboSlice joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:10:42+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:10:47+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
[2021-08-14 21:10:47+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
[2021-08-14 21:10:47+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
[2021-08-14 21:10:50+00:00] Icola#8220: Damn too slow
[2021-08-14 21:10:57+00:00] Icola#8220: gg Jimbo
[2021-08-14 21:11:11+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:11:18+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:11:20+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:11:23+00:00] Jimbo: Haha what’s up
[2021-08-14 21:11:35+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:11:57+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: yo zeph
[2021-08-14 21:12:09+00:00] Icola#8220: Well I woke up at 4:02 this afternoon monkaS
[2021-08-14 21:12:16+00:00] jaybone25#7000 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:12:27+00:00] Jimbo: monkaS
[2021-08-14 21:12:38+00:00] T-RIS#3918 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:12:52+00:00] wordsforswords joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:12:55+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: Wake up -> ZooTR
[2021-08-14 21:13:00+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: now thats livin'
[2021-08-14 21:15:18+00:00] JasonArilani: But what about... And hear me out here...... ZooTR -> Wake Up
[2021-08-14 21:15:31+00:00] T-RIS#3918: zootr > wake up > more zootr
[2021-08-14 21:15:56+00:00] wordsforswords: Open your eyes > wake up > link
[2021-08-14 21:16:24+00:00] T-RIS#3918: > wake me up inside
[2021-08-14 21:16:32+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: >can't wake up
[2021-08-14 21:17:00+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: tfw ZOoTR is a sphere 0 activity
[2021-08-14 21:17:05+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: > save me
[2021-08-14 21:17:12+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: lets remove all sphere 0s other than midos
[2021-08-14 21:17:29+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Yo Karp
[2021-08-14 21:17:41+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: and cojiro shows up in midos monkaS
[2021-08-14 21:17:46+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Who
[2021-08-14 21:17:57+00:00] T-RIS#3918: also you might want to post that the room is open in the discord
[2021-08-14 21:17:59+00:00] wordsforswords: blucco
[2021-08-14 21:19:27+00:00] TealRunway#6132: I'd love to but I'm not actually allowed to post in that channel, lol
[2021-08-14 21:19:37+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: Its in standard race planning
[2021-08-14 21:19:40+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: where it should be posted
[2021-08-14 21:20:01+00:00] TealRunway#6132: I know; It's showing me a "You do not have permission error"
[2021-08-14 21:20:20+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: that channel has no permissions anyone can post in it o.O
[2021-08-14 21:20:46+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: you sure you're not in standard announcements?
[2021-08-14 21:20:52+00:00] TealRunway#6132: Yep
[2021-08-14 21:21:11+00:00] TealRunway#6132: Lemme restart discord; It did this to me in WWR a few eeks back
[2021-08-14 21:22:21+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: Seems Posted now
[2021-08-14 21:22:28+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:22:37+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: I was wondering where the weekly post was.
[2021-08-14 21:22:48+00:00] wordsforswords: It was in your heart.
[2021-08-14 21:22:54+00:00] Bossage#7760 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:23:01+00:00] Bossage#7760: o/
[2021-08-14 21:23:42+00:00] Jimbo: o/
[2021-08-14 21:24:12+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:24:25+00:00] Barkshire#1794 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:25:30+00:00] zhor2000#2132 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:25:41+00:00] kr3z#4245 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:26:07+00:00] Flee#0246 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:26:42+00:00] Skeleton#6404 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:27:31+00:00] dot#3659: Apologizes if I'm late, to start my stream in advance my computer is currently compiling a level, and it's been going for multiple hours now
[2021-08-14 21:27:37+00:00] Aughoti#9108 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:27:48+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: you got 30 min
[2021-08-14 21:28:06+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: just run on minimum settings skeleton
[2021-08-14 21:28:26+00:00] Jimbo: Goldfish Pog
[2021-08-14 21:28:35+00:00] Aughoti#9108: o/
[2021-08-14 21:28:43+00:00] Jimbo: 2 in 1 what is wrong with us
[2021-08-14 21:28:44+00:00] Aughoti#9108: (why am i doing this Pepega)
[2021-08-14 21:29:03+00:00] Sonny#7662 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:29:26+00:00] Cfalcon#0137 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:29:30+00:00] felixoide4#9489 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:29:35+00:00] dot#3659: Minimum settings? Do you mean lower the quality of my stream?
[2021-08-14 21:30:02+00:00] Jimbo: Felix and Cfalcon as well oh boy
[2021-08-14 21:30:03+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: low bit rate and quality
[2021-08-14 21:30:13+00:00] Jimbo: felix I swear you don’t sleep dude
[2021-08-14 21:30:16+00:00] Jimbo: KEKW
[2021-08-14 21:30:23+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I do
[2021-08-14 21:30:32+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:31:15+00:00] felixoide4#9489: ...I swear
[2021-08-14 21:31:40+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: Felix has a MW tourney race in 4 hours too...
[2021-08-14 21:31:41+00:00] Jimbo: debatable lol
[2021-08-14 21:31:42+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: well 3.5
[2021-08-14 21:31:54+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Oh right
[2021-08-14 21:31:55+00:00] felixoide4#9489 quits the race.
[2021-08-14 21:31:57+00:00] Alf#5942 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:31:58+00:00] Jimbo: yeah I thought you said you were gonna slee before that lmao
[2021-08-14 21:32:05+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I didn't
[2021-08-14 21:32:46+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Because I had to mow the lawn, and my lawn mower got stuck because the grass was wet
[2021-08-14 21:32:59+00:00] Jimbo: that’s the worst lok
[2021-08-14 21:33:01+00:00] Jimbo: lol*
[2021-08-14 21:33:20+00:00] felixoide4#9489: yeah... and then the anti-choke system started leaking fuel, so I was very much not continuing
[2021-08-14 21:33:42+00:00] Jimbo: And the mower leaves ruts in the wet grass
[2021-08-14 21:33:51+00:00] Jimbo: It’s just not a good time
[2021-08-14 21:35:16+00:00] felixoide4#9489: yep
[2021-08-14 21:35:27+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I'm waiting till tomorrow at least, should be fine
[2021-08-14 21:40:03+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:42:30+00:00] Jimbo: Damn small group l
[2021-08-14 21:42:33+00:00] Jimbo: lol
[2021-08-14 21:43:07+00:00] TealRunway#6132: Quiet too...
[2021-08-14 21:43:11+00:00] TealRunway#6132: Too quiet
[2021-08-14 21:43:15+00:00] Aughoti#9108: monkaS
[2021-08-14 21:43:18+00:00] zhor2000#2132: yo grats on that win yesterday jimbo
[2021-08-14 21:43:20+00:00] wordsforswords: boo
[2021-08-14 21:43:32+00:00] zhor2000#2132: i watched the vod to see where i messed up and u were zoomin
[2021-08-14 21:43:35+00:00] wordsforswords: i'm a ghost
[2021-08-14 21:43:36+00:00] Jimbo: Thanks zhor :D
[2021-08-14 21:43:49+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: Its cfalcon's birthday everyone sing for him
[2021-08-14 21:43:55+00:00] wordsforswords: I'm singing rn
[2021-08-14 21:43:57+00:00] zhor2000#2132: :OOO
[2021-08-14 21:44:00+00:00] Cfalcon#0137: Jay plz >_>
[2021-08-14 21:44:07+00:00] Jimbo: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
[2021-08-14 21:44:12+00:00] zhor2000#2132: happy bday cfalcon <3
[2021-08-14 21:44:18+00:00] Jimbo: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
[2021-08-14 21:44:18+00:00] Aughoti#9108: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU
[2021-08-14 21:44:19+00:00] felixoide4#9489: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
[2021-08-14 21:44:27+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
[2021-08-14 21:44:29+00:00] Jimbo: HAPOY BIRTHDAY DEAR CFALCONNNNNNNN
[2021-08-14 21:44:29+00:00] JasonArilani: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!
[2021-08-14 21:44:38+00:00] Jimbo: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU
[2021-08-14 21:44:41+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOOOU
[2021-08-14 21:44:48+00:00] Jimbo: excuse my fail mobile typos
[2021-08-14 21:44:53+00:00] T-RIS#3918: B I R T H
[2021-08-14 21:45:09+00:00] felixoide4#9489: H
[2021-08-14 21:45:09+00:00] Icola#8220: Joyeuses paques
[2021-08-14 21:45:10+00:00] TealRunway#6132: Here
[2021-08-14 21:45:12+00:00] TealRunway#6132: your gift
[2021-08-14 21:45:15+00:00] TealRunway#6132: !seed
[2021-08-14 21:45:15+00:00] RandoBot: TealRunway, here is your seed: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=857741
[2021-08-14 21:45:15+00:00] RandoBot updated the race information.
[2021-08-14 21:45:21+00:00] Goal: Standard Ruleset
[2021-08-14 21:45:21+00:00] https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=857741 | OoTR NA Weekly
[2021-08-14 21:45:22+00:00] Jimbo: your gift
[2021-08-14 21:45:26+00:00] Jimbo: is ad
[2021-08-14 21:45:28+00:00] Jimbo: KEKW
[2021-08-14 21:46:11+00:00] Jimbo: Oh and 50 skulls can’t forget that
[2021-08-14 21:46:17+00:00] dot#3659: Yeah I don't think I'll be able to join this week, :/ it's still going and I rather not have my computer blue screen from too many things running at once
[2021-08-14 21:46:23+00:00] T-RIS#3918: so LS on PG?
[2021-08-14 21:46:23+00:00] TealRunway#6132: So let's see if I can pick 4 EU runners again by complete fluke.... Z3ph1r, Words, Karp, and T_RIS. How do you four feel about restream?
[2021-08-14 21:46:26+00:00] Skeleton#6404 quits the race.
[2021-08-14 21:46:33+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: sure
[2021-08-14 21:46:38+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: did i just move to EU?
[2021-08-14 21:46:40+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: lol
[2021-08-14 21:46:46+00:00] felixoide4#9489: KEKW
[2021-08-14 21:46:46+00:00] Aughoti#9108: Kappa
[2021-08-14 21:46:50+00:00] T-RIS#3918: u and me both z3ph
[2021-08-14 21:46:53+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: can't do clean audio
[2021-08-14 21:46:54+00:00] Jimbo: LUL z3ph
[2021-08-14 21:46:55+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: hahaha
[2021-08-14 21:46:56+00:00] T-RIS#3918: and sure! I can have clean audio
[2021-08-14 21:47:02+00:00] Jimbo: and t-ris lmao
[2021-08-14 21:47:12+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: yea sure no clean audio from moi
[2021-08-14 21:47:13+00:00] wordsforswords: sure, and clean audio
[2021-08-14 21:48:08+00:00] T-RIS#3918: we on zsr?
[2021-08-14 21:48:15+00:00] TealRunway#6132: Perfect! Thank you. And if I relocated you to EU; please enjoy your stay.
[2021-08-14 21:48:22+00:00] TealRunway#6132: Yes, ZSR 1
[2021-08-14 21:49:37+00:00] wordsforswords is ready! (21 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:53:13+00:00] zhor2000#2132 is ready! (20 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:53:30+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 is ready! (19 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:53:32+00:00] T-RIS#3918 is ready! (18 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:53:37+00:00] Barkshire#1794 is ready! (17 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:53:42+00:00] Alf#5942 is ready! (16 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:53:53+00:00] jaybone25#7000 is ready! (15 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:54:04+00:00] kr3z#4245 is ready! (14 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:54:27+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 is ready! (13 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:54:28+00:00] Sonny#7662 is ready! (12 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:55:15+00:00] Flee#0246 is ready! (11 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:55:17+00:00] Bossage#7760 is ready! (10 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:55:23+00:00] Ryuja#6053 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:55:46+00:00] Cfalcon#0137 is ready! (10 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:56:02+00:00] Campo#7429 joins the race.
[2021-08-14 21:56:05+00:00] Jagger#2449: Only 22? What happened to the na weekly
[2021-08-14 21:56:17+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: was a 76 person race earlier
[2021-08-14 21:56:35+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: everyone doing scrubs quals these days
[2021-08-14 21:57:06+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 is ready! (10 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:57:13+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 is ready! (9 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:57:15+00:00] Jagger#2449: Few care about weeklies with quals going it seems
[2021-08-14 21:57:41+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: That's fair
[2021-08-14 21:57:51+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (8 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:58:33+00:00] Campo#7429 is ready! (7 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:59:01+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 is ready! (6 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:59:06+00:00] zhor2000#2132: 24 is still a lot compared to pickup races during the week
[2021-08-14 21:59:26+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (5 remaining)
[2021-08-14 21:59:36+00:00] wordsforswords: glhf
[2021-08-14 21:59:39+00:00] Alf#5942: I mean, we only had 8 people for the MMR weekly. lol
[2021-08-14 21:59:41+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: glhf
[2021-08-14 21:59:56+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: So long as there's at least 2 then it's still a race
[2021-08-14 21:59:56+00:00] jaybone25#7000 is not ready. (6 remaining)
[2021-08-14 22:00:27+00:00] Ryuja#6053 is ready! (5 remaining)
[2021-08-14 22:00:42+00:00] jaybone25#7000 is ready! (4 remaining)
[2021-08-14 22:01:03+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (3 remaining)
[2021-08-14 22:01:36+00:00] Aughoti#9108 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2021-08-14 22:01:45+00:00] Jimbo: sorry installing wad and i'll be goo
[2021-08-14 22:01:46+00:00] Jimbo: good
[2021-08-14 22:01:57+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2021-08-14 22:01:57+00:00] T-RIS#3918: glhf gaymers ;)
[2021-08-14 22:02:03+00:00] Alf#5942: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:02:04+00:00] Bossage#7760: glhf!
[2021-08-14 22:02:04+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:02:06+00:00] SeYsEy#2150: gl hf
[2021-08-14 22:02:07+00:00] wordsforswords: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:02:08+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:02:09+00:00] Barkshire#1794: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:02:09+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: hfgl
[2021-08-14 22:02:12+00:00] zhor2000#2132: glhf gamerz
[2021-08-14 22:02:12+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: giraffe
[2021-08-14 22:02:13+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: gl hf
[2021-08-14 22:02:19+00:00] Aughoti#9108: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:02:27+00:00] Flee#0246: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:02:28+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: smh jimbo :)
[2021-08-14 22:02:30+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: jk
[2021-08-14 22:02:32+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:02:39+00:00] Jimbo: im sorry :(
[2021-08-14 22:02:44+00:00] Jimbo: game loading now
[2021-08-14 22:02:46+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: shit happens
[2021-08-14 22:02:54+00:00] Aughoti#9108: Go Lake Hylia Fast
[2021-08-14 22:03:01+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: strength hylia?
[2021-08-14 22:03:05+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: We're within 5 minutes of start time. You're still good
[2021-08-14 22:03:10+00:00] Jimbo: alright glhf
[2021-08-14 22:03:12+00:00] JimboSlice is ready! (0 remaining)
[2021-08-14 22:03:12+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
[2021-08-14 22:03:17+00:00] 10…
[2021-08-14 22:03:22+00:00] 5…
[2021-08-14 22:03:23+00:00] 4…
[2021-08-14 22:03:24+00:00] 3…
[2021-08-14 22:03:24+00:00] simbaddsa#2354: glhf
[2021-08-14 22:03:25+00:00] 2…
[2021-08-14 22:03:26+00:00] 1…
[2021-08-14 22:03:27+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
[2021-08-14 23:13:00+00:00] JimboSlice has forfeited from the race.
[2021-08-14 23:13:04+00:00] Jimbo: fuck this shit ill just watch
[2021-08-14 23:23:41+00:00] Cuphat#2212: pie7
[2021-08-15 00:53:40+00:00] Cfalcon#0137 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:50:13!
[2021-08-15 00:54:23+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-08-15 00:54:54+00:00] Bossage#7760: gg
[2021-08-15 00:55:23+00:00] Aughoti#9108: HAPPY BIRTHAY and GG
[2021-08-15 00:55:35+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: gg
[2021-08-15 00:56:06+00:00] Cfalcon#0137: thanks
[2021-08-15 01:05:06+00:00] Ryuja#6053 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:01:39!
[2021-08-15 01:06:20+00:00] Alf#5942 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-08-15 01:06:55+00:00] Alf#5942 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 01:07:02+00:00] Alf#5942 changed their comment.
[2021-08-15 01:07:09+00:00] Alf#5942: Comments aren't hidden.
[2021-08-15 01:09:15+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: changed it
[2021-08-15 01:09:57+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-08-15 01:10:04+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 has un-forfeited from the race.
[2021-08-15 01:10:07+00:00] SeYsEy#2150 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:06:39!
[2021-08-15 01:11:08+00:00] Alf#5942 changed their comment.
[2021-08-15 01:11:21+00:00] Sonny#7662 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:07:54!
[2021-08-15 01:13:40+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:10:12!
[2021-08-15 01:13:42+00:00] Bossage#7760 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:10:15!
[2021-08-15 01:13:55+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: :O
[2021-08-15 01:14:18+00:00] Bossage#7760: the snipe for top 5 ;)
[2021-08-15 01:14:19+00:00] Bossage#7760: gg
[2021-08-15 01:14:24+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: gg :)
[2021-08-15 01:15:32+00:00] TealRunway#6132: gg's. Want to join for an interview?
[2021-08-15 01:15:41+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: sure 1 second
[2021-08-15 01:16:40+00:00] wordsforswords has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:13:13!
[2021-08-15 01:17:23+00:00] Icola#8220 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:13:56!
[2021-08-15 01:17:34+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: im in the waiting room :)
[2021-08-15 01:18:15+00:00] Bossage#7760 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 01:18:19+00:00] TealRunway#6132: Sorry, had to wait on words :) Speaking of, Words, interview?
[2021-08-15 01:18:24+00:00] kr3z#4245 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:14:57!
[2021-08-15 01:19:18+00:00] wordsforswords: Sure, joining in a moment
[2021-08-15 01:19:23+00:00] T-RIS#3918 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:15:55!
[2021-08-15 01:21:18+00:00] TealRunway#6132: GG's T-RIS, want to join for an interview?
[2021-08-15 01:21:29+00:00] T-RIS#3918: sure one moment
[2021-08-15 01:24:17+00:00] jaybone25#7000 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:20:50!
[2021-08-15 01:24:36+00:00] Flee#0246 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:21:08!
[2021-08-15 01:24:38+00:00] Ryuja#6053 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 01:25:00+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:21:33!
[2021-08-15 01:25:02+00:00] Ryuja#6053: ggz everyone
[2021-08-15 01:25:05+00:00] kr3z#4245 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 01:25:30+00:00] Cuphat#2212: still not top half fml
[2021-08-15 01:25:32+00:00] Cuphat#2212: I'll take it
[2021-08-15 01:25:55+00:00] Cuphat#2212 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 01:26:15+00:00] Flee#0246 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 01:27:28+00:00] zhor2000#2132 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:24:00!
[2021-08-15 01:27:58+00:00] zhor2000#2132: ggs doods
[2021-08-15 01:42:20+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:38:52!
[2021-08-15 01:42:31+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: not last
[2021-08-15 01:42:40+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: gg
[2021-08-15 01:43:24+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:39:57!
[2021-08-15 01:43:58+00:00] TealRunway#6132: GG Karp; want to interview?
[2021-08-15 01:44:02+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: sure
[2021-08-15 01:48:04+00:00] Barkshire#1794 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:44:37!
[2021-08-15 01:58:26+00:00] Aughoti#9108 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:54:58!
[2021-08-15 01:58:53+00:00] Aughoti#9108 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 02:01:11+00:00] T-RIS#3918 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 02:06:08+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 has finished in 19th place with a time of 4:02:41!
[2021-08-15 02:06:32+00:00] simbaddsa#2354 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 02:11:08+00:00] Campo#7429 has finished in 20th place with a time of 4:07:41!
[2021-08-15 02:11:41+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 has finished in 21st place with a time of 4:08:13!
[2021-08-15 02:11:41+00:00] Race finished in 4:08:14.1
[2021-08-15 02:14:27+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 added a comment.
[2021-08-15 02:15:10+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/daring-shikashi-8115/log
[2021-08-15 02:15:12+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/daring-shikashi-8115/csv
[2021-08-15 13:05:59+00:00] Race result recorded by Cubsrule21#2508