[2022-07-02 20:55:15+00:00] TreZc0_: !lock [2022-07-02 20:55:23+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed [2022-07-02 20:55:23+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log. [2022-07-02 20:55:23+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets [2022-07-02 20:57:11+00:00] TreZc0_: !lock [2022-07-02 20:57:11+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors. [2022-07-02 20:57:35+00:00] Xavi#9337 joins the race. [2022-07-02 20:57:36+00:00] Schulzer#3184 joins the race. [2022-07-02 20:57:37+00:00] Balthier#5331 joins the race. [2022-07-02 20:59:01+00:00] BrotinderDose joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:00:20+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:00:37+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:02:55+00:00] Oximan#8883 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:04:21+00:00] soulblade128#8773 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:10:32+00:00] Machie#1863 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:10:58+00:00] BrotinderDose quits the race. [2022-07-02 21:12:01+00:00] Volc-41#3164 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:13:53+00:00] kariossa#1113 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:15:37+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:15:45+00:00] Aranaut#5360: o/ [2022-07-02 21:16:19+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:17:09+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: This the weekly room? 👀 [2022-07-02 21:17:37+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: yep [2022-07-02 21:17:43+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: Cool cool, thanks [2022-07-02 21:18:46+00:00] emosoda joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:19:29+00:00] Jimbo joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:24:53+00:00] Weasel2366#5808 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:26:20+00:00] Zemoo#4988 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:30:44+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:31:00+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: Eyo folks o/ [2022-07-02 21:31:04+00:00] emosoda: o/ [2022-07-02 21:31:09+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: o/ [2022-07-02 21:32:04+00:00] Schulzer#3184: o/ [2022-07-02 21:32:45+00:00] MorceauLion64#1909 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:33:33+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:34:34+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:35:39+00:00] TreZc0_: Weasel2366 MisterKarp emosoda MorceauLion64 okay with being featured on the restream? one of you with clean audio? [2022-07-02 21:35:52+00:00] Pyra#2564: sure to restream, can have clean audio if needed [2022-07-02 21:35:57+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: sounds good to me [2022-07-02 21:35:58+00:00] MorceauLion64#1909: ok! [2022-07-02 21:36:05+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: can do clean if needsbe [2022-07-02 21:36:14+00:00] emosoda: yass! dirty audio only [2022-07-02 21:36:31+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: dirty SMILERS [2022-07-02 21:36:37+00:00] Pyra#2564: i can leave my mic on if you want dirty audio [2022-07-02 21:36:53+00:00] TreZc0_: stop the filth! [2022-07-02 21:37:03+00:00] emosoda: : ( [2022-07-02 21:37:05+00:00] Sponge#2155: clean that audio up, with the new oxiclean formula! [2022-07-02 21:37:06+00:00] emosoda: ok [2022-07-02 21:37:07+00:00] Pyra#2564: never [2022-07-02 21:37:15+00:00] Oximan#8883: you rang? [2022-07-02 21:37:23+00:00] Yace_Dante#4179 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:37:28+00:00] Sponge#2155: its Oximan! [2022-07-02 21:37:33+00:00] Sponge#2155: come to save the day again! :O [2022-07-02 21:37:36+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: new weekly rule set i assume? [2022-07-02 21:37:38+00:00] emosoda: lets go oxi join dude [2022-07-02 21:37:45+00:00] emosoda: oh wait he did Pepega [2022-07-02 21:38:35+00:00] TreZc0_: okay weasel, karp, would be great if you kept your audio clean :) [2022-07-02 21:38:41+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: sure thing [2022-07-02 21:39:00+00:00] Pyra#2564: sure [2022-07-02 21:39:03+00:00] kzeldero#3550 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:39:16+00:00] kzeldero#3550: hi [2022-07-02 21:39:43+00:00] Zinedine#7130 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:39:47+00:00] Froppy#8840 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:40:09+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:40:40+00:00] Flee#0246 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:41:21+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:45:10+00:00] TreZc0_: t r e z s e e d: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=1130351 [2022-07-02 21:45:15+00:00] TreZc0_ updated the race information. [2022-07-02 21:46:10+00:00] Aceslayer111#9361 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:46:57+00:00] soulblade128#8773: Delicious trez seed without a channel point investment, poggers [2022-07-02 21:47:20+00:00] IamLxght#7156 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:47:35+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Better with a sauce KEKW [2022-07-02 21:47:35+00:00] mrmartin#9054 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:48:08+00:00] soulblade128#8773: fair [2022-07-02 21:48:18+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: schezwan sauce [2022-07-02 21:49:30+00:00] Vetifer#0307 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:50:21+00:00] soulblade128#8773 is ready! (30 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:50:29+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 is ready! (29 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:50:38+00:00] Weasel2366#5808 is ready! (28 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:51:41+00:00] MorceauLion64#1909 is ready! (27 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:52:50+00:00] Zemoo#4988 is ready! (26 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:52:52+00:00] zhor2000#2132 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:53:00+00:00] toburr#2847 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:53:11+00:00] Aceslayer111#9361 is ready! (27 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:53:28+00:00] kzeldero#3550 is ready! (26 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:53:30+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (25 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:53:35+00:00] zhor2000#2132: does anyone else have their livesplit crash when they join a racetime room? [2022-07-02 21:53:47+00:00] Flee#0246 is ready! (24 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:53:48+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:53:56+00:00] Susato#2100: Same problem here [2022-07-02 21:54:01+00:00] zhor2000#2132: oof [2022-07-02 21:54:28+00:00] MorceauLion64#1909: not sure you need to link livesplit anyway [2022-07-02 21:54:42+00:00] MorceauLion64#1909: racetime timer is the important one [2022-07-02 21:54:57+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 is ready! (24 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:55:02+00:00] Schulzer#3184 is ready! (23 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:55:03+00:00] zhor2000#2132: yea you dont need it but its nice to have it linked [2022-07-02 21:55:04+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:55:18+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 is ready! (23 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:55:20+00:00] Froppy#8840 is ready! (22 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:55:27+00:00] IamLxght#7156 is ready! (21 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:55:41+00:00] incoherent#6156 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:55:45+00:00] kzeldero#3550 is not ready. (23 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:55:47+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (22 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:55:56+00:00] Xavi#9337 is ready! (21 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:56:29+00:00] Yace_Dante#4179 is ready! (20 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:56:45+00:00] Susato#2100: I downloaded it back and it's fine now [2022-07-02 21:57:28+00:00] incoherent#6156 is ready! (19 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:57:35+00:00] zhor2000#2132: have their been any changes to the weekly races recently? i thought i saw something about testing new settings [2022-07-02 21:57:55+00:00] TreZc0_: yea, we are on dev now and use new settings [2022-07-02 21:58:07+00:00] TreZc0_: check the seed page and scroll to the bottom for an overview [2022-07-02 21:58:11+00:00] Cuphat#2212: open deku, start with prelude, and dev version are the big differences [2022-07-02 21:58:18+00:00] incoherent#6156: they're mostly the pre-S5 weekly settings with starting prelude and CSMC+CTMC [2022-07-02 21:58:18+00:00] TreZc0_: CTMC [2022-07-02 21:58:19+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: https://discord.com/channels/274180765816848384/846134673888903199/986700137696989224 [2022-07-02 21:58:34+00:00] Volc-41#3164 is ready! (18 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:58:35+00:00] zhor2000#2132: perfect ty [2022-07-02 21:58:37+00:00] zhor2000#2132 is ready! (17 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:58:38+00:00] emosoda: it's kinda like new coke [2022-07-02 21:58:53+00:00] Pyra#2564: first weekly seed for me and the 2nd song confused me lol [2022-07-02 21:59:09+00:00] Schulzer#3184: One song location just has a normal item now [2022-07-02 21:59:09+00:00] emosoda: yeah one of the songs is an item and you dont have to play them anymore Kreygasm [2022-07-02 21:59:11+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 is ready! (16 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:59:15+00:00] Schulzer#3184: so Kak foolish even more likely Pog [2022-07-02 21:59:18+00:00] Cuphat#2212: yeah, so one song location has an item of some kind [2022-07-02 21:59:18+00:00] incoherent#6156: yeah but I have to remember which song colors are which [2022-07-02 21:59:19+00:00] andres3456#9754 joins the race. [2022-07-02 21:59:24+00:00] toburr#2847 is ready! (16 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:59:29+00:00] emosoda: it tells you [2022-07-02 21:59:32+00:00] Pyra#2564: less song playing? [2022-07-02 21:59:36+00:00] Pyra#2564: Execution advantage nerf [2022-07-02 21:59:37+00:00] incoherent#6156: it tells you like 2 seconds later. time loss! [2022-07-02 21:59:41+00:00] Pyra#2564: let's goooo i'm so buffed now [2022-07-02 21:59:47+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: emo likes to hike [2022-07-02 21:59:47+00:00] Zinedine#7130 is ready! (15 remaining) [2022-07-02 21:59:48+00:00] Cuphat#2212: zfg2ndTry [2022-07-02 21:59:54+00:00] emosoda: you're going down toad :D [2022-07-02 22:00:00+00:00] mrmartin#9054 is ready! (14 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:01+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: HashFrog [2022-07-02 22:00:03+00:00] Jimbo is ready! (13 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:03+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (12 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:06+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (11 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:07+00:00] Schulzer#3184: HashFrog [2022-07-02 22:00:07+00:00] emosoda is ready! (10 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:14+00:00] incoherent#6156: HashSoldOut [2022-07-02 22:00:22+00:00] kariossa#1113 is ready! (9 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:25+00:00] Oximan#8883 is ready! (8 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:27+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 is ready! (7 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:32+00:00] Balthier#5331 is ready! (6 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:34+00:00] Machie#1863 is ready! (5 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:00:50+00:00] Aranaut#5360: With Prelude in pocket, there's more crazys spawn ahah [2022-07-02 22:00:56+00:00] incoherent#6156: only the non-starting age [2022-07-02 22:01:00+00:00] kzeldero#3550 is ready! (4 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:01:01+00:00] incoherent#6156: starting age still has the same rules [2022-07-02 22:01:29+00:00] Vetifer#0307 is ready! (3 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:01:30+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: 2nd race in 3 months wish me luck [2022-07-02 22:01:36+00:00] andres3456#9754 is ready! (2 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:01:39+00:00] Jimbo: glhf [2022-07-02 22:01:40+00:00] emosoda: inco they're a bit different with prelude start isnt it [2022-07-02 22:01:42+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: glhf [2022-07-02 22:01:43+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453: glhf [2022-07-02 22:01:46+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: glhf! [2022-07-02 22:01:49+00:00] Pyra#2564: glhf [2022-07-02 22:01:49+00:00] incoherent#6156: that was my understanding from scrubs, at least [2022-07-02 22:01:53+00:00] kzeldero#3550 is not ready. (3 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:01:53+00:00] MorceauLion64#1909: glhf! [2022-07-02 22:01:53+00:00] Lxght#7004: glhf [2022-07-02 22:01:54+00:00] Aceslayer111#9361: glhf [2022-07-02 22:01:55+00:00] Flee#0246: glhf [2022-07-02 22:01:56+00:00] incoherent#6156: since new scrubs season does the same thing with prelude [2022-07-02 22:01:57+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: glhf [2022-07-02 22:01:59+00:00] Volc#1558: gl hf [2022-07-02 22:02:02+00:00] Zinedine#7130: glhf [2022-07-02 22:02:03+00:00] TreZc0_: GLHF [2022-07-02 22:02:04+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: glhf :-) [2022-07-02 22:02:06+00:00] Aranaut#5360: glhff [2022-07-02 22:02:08+00:00] Cola#5395: glhf :) [2022-07-02 22:02:08+00:00] emosoda: hlhf [2022-07-02 22:02:08+00:00] kariossa#1113: gl hf ! [2022-07-02 22:02:11+00:00] mrmartin#9054: glhf! [2022-07-02 22:02:13+00:00] andres3456#9754: GL HF [2022-07-02 22:02:16+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 is ready! (2 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:02:17+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (1 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:02:21+00:00] kzeldero#3550 is ready! (0 remaining) [2022-07-02 22:02:22+00:00] zhor2000#2132: glhf gamerz [2022-07-02 22:02:23+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds! [2022-07-02 22:02:26+00:00] Oximan#8883: Good Luck, and remember, no fun allowed [2022-07-02 22:02:28+00:00] 10… [2022-07-02 22:02:33+00:00] 5… [2022-07-02 22:02:34+00:00] 4… [2022-07-02 22:02:35+00:00] 3… [2022-07-02 22:02:36+00:00] 2… [2022-07-02 22:02:37+00:00] 1… [2022-07-02 22:02:38+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2022-07-02 22:03:46+00:00] zhor2000#2132 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-02 22:13:36+00:00] zhor2000#2132 has un-forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:12:00+00:00] Balthier#5331 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:18:30+00:00] MorceauLion64#1909 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:15:52! [2022-07-03 00:18:39+00:00] MizuiroFox#9434: GG Morceau, wanna join for an interview? [2022-07-03 00:19:01+00:00] MorceauLion64#1909: ty, yes just taking a few mins [2022-07-03 00:19:20+00:00] MizuiroFox#9434: no worries! [2022-07-03 00:22:20+00:00] Schulzer#3184 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:22:38+00:00] Balthier#5331 added a comment. [2022-07-03 00:23:11+00:00] Schulzer#3184 added a comment. [2022-07-03 00:24:59+00:00] Icola#8220 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:25:54+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:23:15! [2022-07-03 00:26:57+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 added a comment. [2022-07-03 00:26:58+00:00] kariossa#1113 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:27:52+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:25:14! [2022-07-03 00:28:40+00:00] Cola#5395 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:29:30+00:00] Oximan#8883 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:39:07+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:36:28! [2022-07-03 00:39:13+00:00] Jimbo has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:39:28+00:00] Jimbo: well play trez [2022-07-03 00:39:31+00:00] Jimbo: played* [2022-07-03 00:41:52+00:00] Yace_Dante#4179 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:39:14! [2022-07-03 00:43:03+00:00] mrmartin#9054 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:40:24! [2022-07-03 00:43:35+00:00] Weasel2366#5808 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:40:57! [2022-07-03 00:43:50+00:00] MizuiroFox#9434: GG weasel, wanna join for interview? [2022-07-03 00:44:03+00:00] Pyra#2564: sure [2022-07-03 00:45:35+00:00] incoherent#6156 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:42:56! [2022-07-03 00:46:14+00:00] Flee#0246 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:43:35! [2022-07-03 00:47:26+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 added a comment. [2022-07-03 00:50:31+00:00] Machie#1863 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:47:53! [2022-07-03 00:50:35+00:00] Machie#1863 is no longer done. [2022-07-03 00:50:37+00:00] Machie#1863 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:51:44+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:49:05! [2022-07-03 00:53:51+00:00] Machie#1863 added a comment. [2022-07-03 00:55:27+00:00] Zemoo#4988 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:52:48! [2022-07-03 00:58:56+00:00] Volc-41#3164 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 00:59:18+00:00] andres3456#9754 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:56:40! [2022-07-03 01:04:55+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:02:16! [2022-07-03 01:08:51+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 added a comment. [2022-07-03 01:09:01+00:00] Zinedine#7130 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:06:22! [2022-07-03 01:10:09+00:00] Aceslayer111#9361 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 01:10:18+00:00] zhor2000#2132 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 01:14:19+00:00] toburr#2847 has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:11:40! [2022-07-03 01:16:02+00:00] toburr#2847 added a comment. [2022-07-03 01:22:36+00:00] Xavi#9337 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 01:26:03+00:00] emosoda has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:23:24! [2022-07-03 01:26:11+00:00] MizuiroFox#9434: GG Emosoda, wanna join for interview? [2022-07-03 01:26:18+00:00] emosoda: mp[e [2022-07-03 01:26:24+00:00] emosoda: nope* [2022-07-03 01:26:36+00:00] MizuiroFox#9434: No prob, GG! [2022-07-03 01:27:34+00:00] emosoda added a comment. [2022-07-03 01:27:44+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 has forfeited from the race. [2022-07-03 01:28:19+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 added a comment. [2022-07-03 01:31:19+00:00] Froppy#8840 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:28:41! [2022-07-03 01:33:56+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:31:17! [2022-07-03 01:33:59+00:00] MizuiroFox#9434: GG MisterKarp, wanna join for interview? [2022-07-03 01:34:07+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: yeah I'll be on for a short one [2022-07-03 01:34:23+00:00] MizuiroFox#9434: Yeah no worries [2022-07-03 01:37:22+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 has finished in 19th place with a time of 3:34:44! [2022-07-03 01:37:35+00:00] tenacious_toad#5453 added a comment. [2022-07-03 01:41:44+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 has finished in 20th place with a time of 3:39:05! [2022-07-03 01:52:10+00:00] Vetifer#0307 has finished in 21st place with a time of 3:49:31! [2022-07-03 02:00:32+00:00] Icola#8220 added a comment. [2022-07-03 02:15:16+00:00] IamLxght#7156 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 4:12:37! [2022-07-03 02:17:24+00:00] IamLxght#7156 added a comment. [2022-07-03 03:05:31+00:00] kzeldero#3550 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 5:02:53! [2022-07-03 04:31:58+00:00] soulblade128#8773 has finished in 24th place with a time of 6:29:20! [2022-07-03 04:31:59+00:00] Race finished in 6:29:20.4 [2022-07-03 05:28:11+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/dizzy-nabooru-0931/log [2022-07-03 05:28:14+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/dizzy-nabooru-0931/csv [2022-07-07 21:18:20+00:00] Race result recorded by felixoide4#9489