[2021-03-06 22:03:13+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
[2021-03-06 22:03:13+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
[2021-03-06 22:03:13+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
[2021-03-06 22:03:21+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: !lock
[2021-03-06 22:03:21+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors.
[2021-03-06 22:03:59+00:00] jaybone25#7000 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:04:01+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:04:27+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:04:30+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:04:34+00:00] Sage#3585 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:04:34+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:04:37+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:04:39+00:00] FcS35#2882 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:04:53+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:05:16+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: actually i was gonna take a 30 min nap prob shouldn't be in room incase i dont' wake up kekw
[2021-03-06 22:05:16+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:05:17+00:00] roguecopter#2546 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:05:17+00:00] jaybone25#7000 quits the race.
[2021-03-06 22:05:27+00:00] rockchalk#3494 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:05:58+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: For reference, who's rolling the seed today?
[2021-03-06 22:06:07+00:00] Goomba#5087: who fucking cares
[2021-03-06 22:06:08+00:00] Goomba#5087 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:06:20+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: George most likely
[2021-03-06 22:06:21+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Because Lost rolled that hell seed two weeks ago, and not touching another Lost seed
[2021-03-06 22:06:31+00:00] emosoda joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:06:33+00:00] pen27guin#3335 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:06:33+00:00] Goomba#5087: seedroller superstition is the worst meme
[2021-03-06 22:06:36+00:00] Goomba#5087: other than greg
[2021-03-06 22:06:57+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: hating memes is a sick meme tho
[2021-03-06 22:07:03+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: very epic
[2021-03-06 22:07:06+00:00] kenokeefe#1306 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:07:07+00:00] Goomba#5087: i don't hate memes
[2021-03-06 22:07:10+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Hello
[2021-03-06 22:07:12+00:00] Goomba#5087: i hate bad memes
[2021-03-06 22:07:16+00:00] Goomba#5087: good memes are fine
[2021-03-06 22:07:25+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:07:29+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Start at 6pm est right ?
[2021-03-06 22:07:38+00:00] incoherent#6156: bunny hood is the best meme
[2021-03-06 22:08:02+00:00] Cola#5395: 1/32 best meme, no bias here
[2021-03-06 22:08:19+00:00] Goomba#5087: see incoherent knows what's up
[2021-03-06 22:08:54+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: yes no ?
[2021-03-06 22:09:10+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:09:16+00:00] rockchalk#3494: starts at 6pm est yeah
[2021-03-06 22:09:33+00:00] Jamo#6380 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:09:40+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:09:54+00:00] midori#0072 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:09:54+00:00] TreZc0_: goomba
[2021-03-06 22:09:59+00:00] TreZc0_: chill
[2021-03-06 22:10:06+00:00] FcS35#2882: with this settings, KZ skip allowed ?
[2021-03-06 22:10:09+00:00] TreZc0_: yes
[2021-03-06 22:10:16+00:00] FcS35#2882: ok thanks TreZ
[2021-03-06 22:10:22+00:00] mrmartin#9054 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:10:34+00:00] FcS35#2882: and yes kenokeefe
[2021-03-06 22:10:51+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: KZ skip allowed but imply "out of logic" right ?
[2021-03-06 22:10:51+00:00] MrMario7788#4876 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:10:54+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Settings is so wtf ahah
[2021-03-06 22:10:56+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: thx
[2021-03-06 22:11:27+00:00] Yoshizor#4830 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:11:35+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: So still 4/6 I assume?
[2021-03-06 22:11:37+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Yoshizor :eyes:
[2021-03-06 22:11:38+00:00] Yoshizor#4830: Hello everyone !
[2021-03-06 22:11:58+00:00] roguecopter#2546: i'm ready to get hurt again
[2021-03-06 22:12:21+00:00] Flee#0246 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:12:44+00:00] midori#0072: I hear George seeds are insane
[2021-03-06 22:12:50+00:00] midori#0072: @goomba
[2021-03-06 22:13:09+00:00] TreZc0_: why provoke a reaction on top, SO?
[2021-03-06 22:13:57+00:00] midori#0072: I love goomba just playing sir
[2021-03-06 22:15:38+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: Hey guys guess who's baaaack
[2021-03-06 22:15:46+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: Spoilers it's me
[2021-03-06 22:15:48+00:00] Johnny Gameshow#9974 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:15:49+00:00] MGNR28#6474 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:15:58+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: :P
[2021-03-06 22:16:24+00:00] emosoda: wb johnny
[2021-03-06 22:16:36+00:00] BrotinderDose#8716 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:16:47+00:00] BrotinderDose: sup o/
[2021-03-06 22:16:52+00:00] BrotinderDose: lets play some ootr
[2021-03-06 22:16:56+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: eyo o/
[2021-03-06 22:17:46+00:00] VidyaJames joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:19:03+00:00] xxJoker#4396 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:19:15+00:00] PinkKittyRose#1421 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:19:22+00:00] Zunguri#3239 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:19:57+00:00] papnoche#0509 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:20:09+00:00] xxJoker#4396 quits the race.
[2021-03-06 22:20:13+00:00] Markars#9224 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:20:25+00:00] Markars#9224: george seed monkaS
[2021-03-06 22:20:49+00:00] Linkpon#8526 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:21:02+00:00] kryal#0888 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:22:06+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Tonight I just want to be able to finish the seed x)
[2021-03-06 22:22:22+00:00] roguecopter#2546: ^
[2021-03-06 22:22:31+00:00] Zemoo#4988 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:22:44+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: I still got ptsd from the 50 skulls boomerang two weeks ago
[2021-03-06 22:22:44+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: I haven't randoed in a month so we will see how this goes lmao
[2021-03-06 22:23:45+00:00] Willx48#3322 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:24:21+00:00] Scorpion__Max#8873 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:25:41+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Dropping out, already feelng tired and still half an hour to go just to start.
[2021-03-06 22:25:43+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 quits the race.
[2021-03-06 22:27:15+00:00] YoshiKyon#6871 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:27:43+00:00] incoherent#6156: that 50 skull boomerang seed a couple weeks ago was legendary
[2021-03-06 22:27:45+00:00] Volwrath#6265 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:27:47+00:00] incoherent#6156: mostly because of hint placement
[2021-03-06 22:28:07+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: I've found it on deku tree
[2021-03-06 22:28:14+00:00] Goomba#5087: i enjoyed watching that one
[2021-03-06 22:28:20+00:00] Goomba#5087: kinda glad i didn't play it
[2021-03-06 22:28:27+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: But I'm in france so 6pm ces is midnight here
[2021-03-06 22:28:27+00:00] Goomba#5087: normally i enjoy skull seeds but ug
[2021-03-06 22:28:32+00:00] Goomba#5087: not that one
[2021-03-06 22:29:02+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: And when I've found the hint it was something like 2:45 am xD
[2021-03-06 22:29:12+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: CES*
[2021-03-06 22:29:21+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: I've forfaited
[2021-03-06 22:29:38+00:00] kryal#0888: i was so happy to see that hint
[2021-03-06 22:29:52+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Was my first weekly, I've appreciated this warm welcome
[2021-03-06 22:30:02+00:00] kryal#0888: snap ff'd so hard seeing it
[2021-03-06 22:30:11+00:00] lebarbu#0120 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:30:12+00:00] roguecopter#2546: same
[2021-03-06 22:30:21+00:00] roguecopter#2546: looked at it, literally said, 'welp!' and hit the button
[2021-03-06 22:30:36+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: "ff'd" means ?
[2021-03-06 22:30:40+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: forfeited
[2021-03-06 22:30:41+00:00] kryal#0888: forfeit
[2021-03-06 22:30:43+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: ok
[2021-03-06 22:30:50+00:00] Tepedino#8824 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:30:57+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: thx
[2021-03-06 22:31:00+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: @Cuphat @LeviBelvedere @Yoshizor @Zemoo would like to feature you 4 for the ZSR restream today :) let me know if you're okay with that and if you have clean game audio
[2021-03-06 22:31:17+00:00] Linael#4560 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:31:23+00:00] incoherent#6156 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:31:24+00:00] Yoshizor#4830: I'm okay ! But i don't have clean audio sorry
[2021-03-06 22:31:25+00:00] Zemoo#4988: OK with me
[2021-03-06 22:31:42+00:00] Zemoo#4988: clean audio means no mic?
[2021-03-06 22:31:56+00:00] CesarMartins12#1994 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:32:10+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: it means the only audio is your game audio
[2021-03-06 22:32:11+00:00] jaybone25#7000 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:32:14+00:00] Tepedino#8824 quits the race.
[2021-03-06 22:32:19+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: so no external music, alerts, etc
[2021-03-06 22:32:22+00:00] Zemoo#4988: ok i can do that
[2021-03-06 22:32:33+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: ok ty :D
[2021-03-06 22:32:36+00:00] Tepedino#8824 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:32:50+00:00] Cuphat#2212: sure, I generally don't have clean audio though
[2021-03-06 22:33:50+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: I'll go clean
[2021-03-06 22:35:18+00:00] Volwrath#6265: 5 woth 3 barren and open deku?
[2021-03-06 22:35:27+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: yep
[2021-03-06 22:35:35+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: open deku really ?
[2021-03-06 22:35:37+00:00] incoherent#6156: 5 woth, 3 barren, doubled sometimes, grotto hints back in, skull mask always hinted
[2021-03-06 22:35:53+00:00] incoherent#6156: (same as S3)
[2021-03-06 22:36:06+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: Which ZSR channel is the restream?
[2021-03-06 22:36:07+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: and 4 medallions for the bridge
[2021-03-06 22:36:07+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: We're not playing s4 with 4 medal ?
[2021-03-06 22:36:14+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: medaillons*
[2021-03-06 22:36:35+00:00] Aranaut#5360: It's a mix between S3 and S4 settings
[2021-03-06 22:36:38+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: Check the "standard announcment channel"   has more info about the changes to weekly settings
[2021-03-06 22:36:51+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: @levibelvedere main
[2021-03-06 22:36:58+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: twitch.tv/zeldaspeedruns
[2021-03-06 22:37:16+00:00] TheOtherNate#8907 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:37:22+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: Sweet, just for my stream description
[2021-03-06 22:38:25+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Is kz skip allowed still?
[2021-03-06 22:38:29+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: yes
[2021-03-06 22:38:40+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: its allowed everywhere other than S4 tourney unless stated otherwise
[2021-03-06 22:38:49+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: cheers Jaybone!
[2021-03-06 22:38:53+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:38:59+00:00] kryal#0888: thunder pog
[2021-03-06 22:39:03+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: hahahahaha
[2021-03-06 22:40:02+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: THUNDER
[2021-03-06 22:40:05+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: But KZ skip allowed doesn't mean it's the logic right ?
[2021-03-06 22:40:07+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: HELL YEAH
[2021-03-06 22:40:14+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: Corret
[2021-03-06 22:40:14+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: it's in the logic*
[2021-03-06 22:40:19+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: It is not in logic
[2021-03-06 22:40:22+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Ok
[2021-03-06 22:40:23+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:40:26+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: You just are allowed to do it
[2021-03-06 22:40:29+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Cause I don't know it xD
[2021-03-06 22:40:33+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:40:41+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: I had still some stuff to learn
[2021-03-06 22:40:42+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:40:50+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: Also because open deku is a thing I gotta hope I can still do b1 skip lmao
[2021-03-06 22:41:02+00:00] CesarMartins12#1994: lol
[2021-03-06 22:41:18+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: I haven't played in over a month
[2021-03-06 22:41:19+00:00] incoherent#6156: hey sometimes you have to B1 skip in S4 settings
[2021-03-06 22:41:20+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: JOHNNY
[2021-03-06 22:41:33+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: Can't wait to get very close to last place
[2021-03-06 22:41:39+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: I always B1 skip even when I have bombs xD
[2021-03-06 22:41:40+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: and thats what we call a bad seed :)
[2021-03-06 22:41:41+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Yo same here
[2021-03-06 22:41:49+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: Me and thunder
[2021-03-06 22:41:52+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: TIED FOR LAST
[2021-03-06 22:42:12+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: I'm gonna beat you Johnny for last place
[2021-03-06 22:43:29+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: wait a sec we have brot and vidya in here, are we sure this sint' mmr?
[2021-03-06 22:43:50+00:00] BrotinderDose: :D this isn't mm? Kappa
[2021-03-06 22:44:10+00:00] knxtdoor#5889 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:44:10+00:00] Goomba#5087: i sure hope not
[2021-03-06 22:44:15+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:44:50+00:00] VidyaJames: idk why I'm even doing this tbh
[2021-03-06 22:44:55+00:00] fGeorjje#2776 updated the race information.
[2021-03-06 22:44:57+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=729464
[2021-03-06 22:44:58+00:00] papnoche#0509: why not
[2021-03-06 22:44:59+00:00] Goal: Standard Ruleset
[2021-03-06 22:44:59+00:00] roguecopter#2546: for the love of the game
[2021-03-06 22:45:00+00:00] https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=729464 | OoT Item Randomizer Standard Weekly NA
[2021-03-06 22:45:06+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Is it the swinger club room or was it the door on the left ?
[2021-03-06 22:45:06+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: Good luck y'all. Wanted to Comm this but had family stuff come up. So i hope it's a long seed so i can still watch some when i getback home
[2021-03-06 22:45:15+00:00] Top_diesel#5071 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:46:02+00:00] DexterDoes#9771 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:46:32+00:00] Xuross#1161 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:46:37+00:00] fGeorjje#2776 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:47:02+00:00] FcS35#2882 is ready! (54 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:48:24+00:00] kenokeefe#1306 is ready! (53 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:48:30+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 is ready! (52 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:48:31+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: FcS35 out here trying to get setup% WR
[2021-03-06 22:48:36+00:00] Willx48#3322 is ready! (51 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:48:43+00:00] Markars#9224 is ready! (50 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:48:47+00:00] CesarMartins12#1994: LOL Now I realized, this are the settings we're using on Zelda Randomizer Brazil in the last 3 months
[2021-03-06 22:49:12+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: umm ok i may have just broke my wii
[2021-03-06 22:49:15+00:00] papnoche#0509 is ready! (49 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:49:18+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: What did you do?
[2021-03-06 22:49:21+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: well not broke lol, may have stuck my sd card in the disc slot
[2021-03-06 22:49:22+00:00] Linkcoeur#8025 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:49:24+00:00] Ostrealava02#4895 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:49:26+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: and it sucked it in
[2021-03-06 22:49:29+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: JAY
[2021-03-06 22:49:31+00:00] VidyaJames: S U C C
[2021-03-06 22:49:35+00:00] Zunguri#3239 is ready! (50 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:49:37+00:00] Aranaut#5360: GL Ostre
[2021-03-06 22:49:38+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: idk how to get this out
[2021-03-06 22:49:40+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: That's not where that's meant to go monkaS
[2021-03-06 22:49:46+00:00] Ostrealava02#4895: gl ostre
[2021-03-06 22:49:49+00:00] Volwrath#6265 is ready! (49 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:49:52+00:00] MGNR28#6474 is ready! (48 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:49:53+00:00] NysNyvLaufLort#1264 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:49:55+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: That's a monka s
[2021-03-06 22:50:10+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: yeahhhhh...
[2021-03-06 22:50:12+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: well then
[2021-03-06 22:50:14+00:00] jaybone25#7000 quits the race.
[2021-03-06 22:50:29+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: I mean you could still just emulate it?
[2021-03-06 22:50:31+00:00] VidyaJames: retroarch time
[2021-03-06 22:50:44+00:00] Aranaut#5360: F for your Wii
[2021-03-06 22:51:03+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: lol meh imma focus on fixing htis instead
[2021-03-06 22:51:08+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: and async iut after
[2021-03-06 22:51:15+00:00] Linkpon#8526: kz allowed?
[2021-03-06 22:51:17+00:00] Rhelys#8068 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:51:18+00:00] Sage#3585 is ready! (48 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:51:18+00:00] rockchalk#3494: yeah
[2021-03-06 22:51:22+00:00] Linkpon#8526: thanks :#
[2021-03-06 22:51:49+00:00] Top_diesel#5071 is ready! (47 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:51:56+00:00] Menou#8446: Bonjour
[2021-03-06 22:52:07+00:00] Johnny Gameshow#9974 is ready! (46 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:52:10+00:00] Zemoo#4988 is ready! (45 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:52:13+00:00] Goomba#5087 is ready! (44 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:52:13+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: MENOU
[2021-03-06 22:52:16+00:00] YoshiKyon#6871 is ready! (43 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:52:16+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Nice to see you
[2021-03-06 22:52:37+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Menou :eyes:
[2021-03-06 22:52:49+00:00] Icola#8220: o/
[2021-03-06 22:53:07+00:00] CesarMartins12#1994 is ready! (42 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:53:09+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: o/
[2021-03-06 22:53:11+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 is ready! (41 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:53:15+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 is ready! (40 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:53:21+00:00] midori#0072: hola menou
[2021-03-06 22:53:43+00:00] roguecopter#2546 is ready! (39 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:53:51+00:00] Yoshizor#4830 is ready! (38 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:53:54+00:00] Menou#8446: Kz skip allowed right ?
[2021-03-06 22:53:59+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Y
[2021-03-06 22:54:02+00:00] Menou#8446: ♥
[2021-03-06 22:54:17+00:00] midori#0072 is ready! (37 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:54:18+00:00] Jamo#6380 is ready! (36 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:54:22+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: Looks like hint settings is scrub tournament? So hints in grottos for this one?
[2021-03-06 22:54:27+00:00] rockchalk#3494: yeah
[2021-03-06 22:54:28+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: kz skip allowed, open deku, 5 woth, 3 barren
[2021-03-06 22:54:28+00:00] DexterDoes#9771 is ready! (35 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:54:28+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: What y'alls tunics be?
[2021-03-06 22:54:33+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: Mine be pink
[2021-03-06 22:54:35+00:00] kryal#0888: pink or nothing
[2021-03-06 22:54:38+00:00] papnoche#0509: pink ofc
[2021-03-06 22:54:43+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Dark blue
[2021-03-06 22:54:47+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: Oh, and open deku. Interesting
[2021-03-06 22:54:49+00:00] Goomba#5087: light blue
[2021-03-06 22:54:50+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: always pink ye
[2021-03-06 22:54:53+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795: Purple
[2021-03-06 22:54:54+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Mine is light blue too
[2021-03-06 22:54:55+00:00] Menou#8446: skull mask is an always ?
[2021-03-06 22:54:58+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Y
[2021-03-06 22:55:01+00:00] papnoche#0509: shoulda practiced my b1skip more
[2021-03-06 22:55:02+00:00] Goomba#5087: i used to do always purple but now i do random color
[2021-03-06 22:55:03+00:00] papnoche#0509: shame on me
[2021-03-06 22:55:04+00:00] roguecopter#2546: mine's kind of an olive drab?
[2021-03-06 22:55:06+00:00] lebarbu#0120 is ready! (34 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:55:06+00:00] MGNR28#6474: completely random
[2021-03-06 22:55:09+00:00] YoshiKyon#6871: always cyan, pink,purple for my three~
[2021-03-06 22:55:15+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (33 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:55:19+00:00] roguecopter#2546: maybe a little more green than olive drab
[2021-03-06 22:55:22+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: You've got the setting in the discord standard annoucement channel Menou :)
[2021-03-06 22:55:24+00:00] knxtdoor#5889 is ready! (32 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:55:25+00:00] Goomba#5087: lol yoshi that's literally the exact colors i used to have
[2021-03-06 22:55:26+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: tunic is like a seafoam green
[2021-03-06 22:55:32+00:00] Goomba#5087: just switched around a bit
[2021-03-06 22:55:41+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (31 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:55:42+00:00] YoshiKyon#6871: I don't remember the order, can just see cyan first, haha
[2021-03-06 22:56:00+00:00] Goomba#5087: i did purple kokiri, pink goron, cyan zora
[2021-03-06 22:56:03+00:00] NysNyvLaufLort#1264 is ready! (30 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:05+00:00] kryal#0888 is ready! (29 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:07+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Season 4 base settings with the following changes
- 4 medallions required for the Rainbow Bridge
- Open Deku Tree
- Season 3 Hint Distribution (5 WOTH, 3 Foolish, 30, 40, and 50 Skulls, Biggoron, Ocarina of Time, Skull Mask, Frogs 2, 5 Sometimes, each hint duplicated twice, every generic grotto has a unique hint, officially listed as "Scrubs" Hint Distribution)
[2021-03-06 22:56:09+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Cyan is a great colour
[2021-03-06 22:56:10+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 is ready! (28 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:11+00:00] VidyaJames is ready! (27 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:12+00:00] Scorpion__Max#8873 is ready! (26 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:38+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: Jay wth. Pepega
[2021-03-06 22:56:39+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: whose ready to skip grotto hints and miss out on crucial information
[2021-03-06 22:56:40+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 is ready! (25 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:45+00:00] Goomba#5087: heck yeah
[2021-03-06 22:56:46+00:00] Flee#0246 is ready! (24 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:47+00:00] Rhelys#8068 is ready! (22 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:47+00:00] BrotinderDose#8716 is ready! (22 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:48+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (21 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:49+00:00] papnoche#0509: o/
[2021-03-06 22:56:51+00:00] TheOtherNate#8907 is ready! (20 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:54+00:00] Xuross#1161 is ready! (19 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:54+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 is ready! (18 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:56:54+00:00] Linkcoeur#8025 is ready! (17 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:57:08+00:00] kryal#0888: never skipped a grotto hint in my life and i never will
[2021-03-06 22:57:10+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 is ready! (16 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:57:28+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: grotto hints not telling me I'm bad? what is this
[2021-03-06 22:57:37+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 is ready! (15 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:57:42+00:00] Goomba#5087: they'll probably still do that
[2021-03-06 22:57:44+00:00] Goomba#5087: just indirectly
[2021-03-06 22:57:49+00:00] VidyaJames: tru
[2021-03-06 22:57:52+00:00] rockchalk#3494: Goomba has a point here
[2021-03-06 22:57:57+00:00] Goomba#5087: "kak is woth dumbass, why did you even bother reading this"
[2021-03-06 22:58:11+00:00] rockchalk#3494 is ready! (14 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:58:17+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: Kak woth times 5
[2021-03-06 22:58:18+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: dumbass besing your pseudo
[2021-03-06 22:58:18+00:00] pen27guin#3335 is ready! (13 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:58:20+00:00] Aranaut#5360: KAKW woth 3 times LUL
[2021-03-06 22:58:33+00:00] papnoche#0509: kak baren...... aint that like almost impossible
[2021-03-06 22:58:37+00:00] emosoda is ready! (12 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:58:38+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: "Stone Water woth? WE LOVE WATER STONE"
[2021-03-06 22:58:40+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: it is now at least
[2021-03-06 22:58:40+00:00] papnoche#0509: it needs to have like prelude
[2021-03-06 22:58:46+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: ZL can be woth in these settings right
[2021-03-06 22:58:47+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: It's impossible in these settings because random spawn
[2021-03-06 22:58:47+00:00] kryal#0888: actually impossible still right
[2021-03-06 22:58:48+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:58:48+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: Sadge
[2021-03-06 22:58:51+00:00] roguecopter#2546: ZL can be woth
[2021-03-06 22:59:00+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: just not hinted
[2021-03-06 22:59:08+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 is ready! (12 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:59:09+00:00] Goomba#5087: i got a ZL woth in my last one
[2021-03-06 22:59:12+00:00] Goomba#5087: it definitely can be
[2021-03-06 22:59:13+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: Or was it changed?
[2021-03-06 22:59:14+00:00] Linael#4560 is ready! (11 remaining)
[2021-03-06 22:59:14+00:00] rockchalk#3494: ZL can be hinted woth with these hints
[2021-03-06 22:59:16+00:00] dotzo#7400 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:59:16+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: no i think it can be hinted woth because its s3 hints
[2021-03-06 22:59:19+00:00] Xuross#1161: It can be but we start with it
[2021-03-06 22:59:21+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: Hmmm I guess yeah
[2021-03-06 22:59:22+00:00] rockchalk#3494: it's only S4 tourney where it isn't
[2021-03-06 22:59:23+00:00] Rahylia#4212 joins the race.
[2021-03-06 22:59:29+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: dotzo racing standard pog
[2021-03-06 22:59:32+00:00] papnoche#0509: lemme make a guess right now
[2021-03-06 22:59:34+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: Rahylia :)
[2021-03-06 22:59:35+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Rahylia POG
[2021-03-06 22:59:39+00:00] dotzo#7400: i'm bored
[2021-03-06 22:59:41+00:00] kryal#0888: let's go rahylia
[2021-03-06 22:59:44+00:00] YoshiKyon#6871: :)
[2021-03-06 22:59:45+00:00] dotzo#7400: plus wanna check out these settings
[2021-03-06 22:59:45+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: Proper NA entering time
[2021-03-06 22:59:46+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: rahylia :D
[2021-03-06 22:59:47+00:00] Rahylia#4212: SURPRISE RACE
[2021-03-06 22:59:48+00:00] Goomba#5087: that's my secret captain
[2021-03-06 22:59:48+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: must be in the mood to hike
[2021-03-06 22:59:51+00:00] emosoda: rahylia :D
[2021-03-06 22:59:52+00:00] BrotinderDose: o/ rahylia
[2021-03-06 22:59:52+00:00] Goomba#5087: i'm always bored
[2021-03-06 22:59:54+00:00] VidyaJames: joining a race 1 minute before start time monkaW
[2021-03-06 23:00:12+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is not ready. (14 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:19+00:00] kryal#0888: what you mean start time is 2305 kappa
[2021-03-06 23:00:20+00:00] dotzo#7400 is ready! (13 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:22+00:00] Goomba#5087: you mean 16 minutes before start time right
[2021-03-06 23:00:29+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (12 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:31+00:00] PinkKittyRose#1421 is ready! (11 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:32+00:00] mrmartin#9054 is ready! (10 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:35+00:00] Tepedino#8824 is ready! (9 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:41+00:00] incoherent#6156 is ready! (8 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:42+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (7 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:48+00:00] Rahylia#4212: PEEPs <3
[2021-03-06 23:00:49+00:00] Goomba#5087: classic PKR with the last second ready shaking my smh
[2021-03-06 23:00:52+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 is ready! (6 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:00:59+00:00] MrMario7788#4876 is ready! (5 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:01:04+00:00] PinkKittyRose#1421: What, I was havin' a conversation.
[2021-03-06 23:01:04+00:00] Rahylia#4212 is ready! (4 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:01:05+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: I'm legit eating my dinner KEKW
[2021-03-06 23:01:18+00:00] kryal#0888: fueling up for the hike
[2021-03-06 23:01:19+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: eat quicker thunder wtf
[2021-03-06 23:01:21+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: inhale the food
[2021-03-06 23:01:23+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: based on the room name, I think we should rush LLR
[2021-03-06 23:01:23+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: There is no talking in rando
[2021-03-06 23:01:25+00:00] Tepedino#8824: backwalk with one hand, eat with the other
[2021-03-06 23:01:27+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: ONLY HINTS
[2021-03-06 23:01:30+00:00] Tepedino#8824: ez
[2021-03-06 23:01:36+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: i just finished my dinner
[2021-03-06 23:01:38+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: gl hf guys
[2021-03-06 23:01:41+00:00] Goomba#5087: yeah lemme really mix up my strategy and make sure to go LLR early
[2021-03-06 23:01:42+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Yo why didn't I think of that
[2021-03-06 23:01:42+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: eat fast ez
[2021-03-06 23:01:43+00:00] barbu#5807: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:01:43+00:00] Goomba#5087: never do that
[2021-03-06 23:01:45+00:00] incoherent#6156: They say that you will lose at the casino today
[2021-03-06 23:01:46+00:00] fGeorjje#2776 quits the race.
[2021-03-06 23:01:47+00:00] kryal#0888: last locationing llr
[2021-03-06 23:01:49+00:00] Willx49#3232: glhf !
[2021-03-06 23:01:49+00:00] Ostrealava02#4895 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:01:51+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Ah ok
[2021-03-06 23:01:52+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: gl hf
[2021-03-06 23:01:53+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: DONE
[2021-03-06 23:01:53+00:00] kryal#0888: talon is too epic for me
[2021-03-06 23:01:53+00:00] MGNR28#6474: Gl everybody
[2021-03-06 23:01:55+00:00] mrmartin#9054: glhf!
[2021-03-06 23:01:55+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795: GLHF!
[2021-03-06 23:01:56+00:00] Icola#8220: Gl
[2021-03-06 23:01:56+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: GL HF
[2021-03-06 23:01:56+00:00] Zunguri#3239: gl hf
[2021-03-06 23:01:56+00:00] BrotinderDose: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:01:57+00:00] rockchalk#3494: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:01:57+00:00] emosoda: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:01:58+00:00] Goomba#5087: gl
[2021-03-06 23:01:58+00:00] Flouche#5543: gl hf
[2021-03-06 23:01:58+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:01:58+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: glhf!
[2021-03-06 23:01:59+00:00] YoshiKyon#6871: glgl ^^
[2021-03-06 23:01:59+00:00] Tepedino#8824: GLHF
[2021-03-06 23:02:00+00:00] Scorpion__Max#8873: gl hf
[2021-03-06 23:02:00+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:00+00:00] dotzo#7400: fhlg
[2021-03-06 23:02:01+00:00] Rhelys#8068: gl;hf
[2021-03-06 23:02:01+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: glhf!
[2021-03-06 23:02:01+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:01+00:00] kryal#0888: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:02+00:00] Sage#3585: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:03+00:00] Yoshizor#4830: GL HF
[2021-03-06 23:02:03+00:00] papnoche#0509: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:03+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Eating fast not good for health monkaS
[2021-03-06 23:02:04+00:00] Volwrath#6265: glhf all!
[2021-03-06 23:02:05+00:00] JohnnytheJester#9234: gl hf
[2021-03-06 23:02:06+00:00] Aranaut#5360: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:06+00:00] Cola#5395: glhf all :)
[2021-03-06 23:02:08+00:00] Linael#4560: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:10+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:11+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: gl hf
[2021-03-06 23:02:13+00:00] Linkcoeur#8025: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:18+00:00] DexterDoes#9771: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:21+00:00] Xuross#1161: GL HF :)
[2021-03-06 23:02:22+00:00] Tepedino#8824: sitting for 3h playing zelda is not really the epitome of healthy either
[2021-03-06 23:02:27+00:00] Tepedino#8824: I mean, Good Luck
[2021-03-06 23:02:29+00:00] Goomba#5087: KEKW
[2021-03-06 23:02:30+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: brain exercise
[2021-03-06 23:02:31+00:00] Flee#0246: glhf
[2021-03-06 23:02:34+00:00] roguecopter#2546: why you even gotta do that to me
[2021-03-06 23:02:36+00:00] NysNyvLaufLort#1264: gl
[2021-03-06 23:02:36+00:00] papnoche#0509: motor skills
[2021-03-06 23:02:38+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: rando brain go brr
[2021-03-06 23:02:42+00:00] Linkpon#8526: GL guys
[2021-03-06 23:02:43+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: is it normal for brain exercise to hurt brain
[2021-03-06 23:02:43+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Or raiding in MMORPG games
[2021-03-06 23:02:46+00:00] Aranaut#5360: KEKW
[2021-03-06 23:02:58+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: NO PAIN NO GAIN
[2021-03-06 23:02:59+00:00] PinkKittyRose#1421: Having to keep looking between this screen and Discord.
[2021-03-06 23:03:04+00:00] Linkpon#8526 is ready! (0 remaining)
[2021-03-06 23:03:04+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
[2021-03-06 23:03:09+00:00] 10…
[2021-03-06 23:03:10+00:00] PinkKittyRose#1421: Type until the la-- oh hey it is the last second~
[2021-03-06 23:03:14+00:00] 5…
[2021-03-06 23:03:15+00:00] 4…
[2021-03-06 23:03:16+00:00] 3…
[2021-03-06 23:03:17+00:00] 2…
[2021-03-06 23:03:18+00:00] 1…
[2021-03-06 23:03:19+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
[2021-03-06 23:09:11+00:00] Johnny Gameshow#9974 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-06 23:09:32+00:00] Johnny Gameshow#9974 has un-forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-06 23:24:38+00:00] pen27guin#3335 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-06 23:26:20+00:00] pen27guin#3335: emulator issues
[2021-03-06 23:57:52+00:00] midori#0072 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 00:00:19+00:00] Johnny Gameshow#9974 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 00:01:11+00:00] knxtdoor#5889 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 00:04:37+00:00] lebarbu#0120 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 00:42:11+00:00] Cola#5395 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 00:45:05+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 00:58:00+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 00:58:30+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 01:28:42+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 01:29:18+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 01:35:41+00:00] DexterDoes#9771 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 01:36:23+00:00] Xuross#1161 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 01:37:12+00:00] Xuross#1161 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 01:41:38+00:00] mrmartin#9054 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 01:50:53+00:00] Goomba#5087 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:47:33!
[2021-03-07 01:51:00+00:00] rockchalk#3494: gg
[2021-03-07 01:51:10+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: gg
[2021-03-07 01:51:10+00:00] Goomba#5087: ggs
[2021-03-07 01:52:19+00:00] BrotinderDose: gg
[2021-03-07 01:52:40+00:00] Yoshizor#4830: Gg !
[2021-03-07 01:58:26+00:00] MrMario7788#4876 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:55:07!
[2021-03-07 01:58:44+00:00] Yoshizor#4830: Gg
[2021-03-07 01:59:31+00:00] MrMario7788#4876 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:00:03+00:00] emosoda: gg
[2021-03-07 02:00:10+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: ggs
[2021-03-07 02:00:35+00:00] PinkKittyRose#1421 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:57:15!
[2021-03-07 02:00:56+00:00] PinkKittyRose#1421: gg~
[2021-03-07 02:01:02+00:00] BrotinderDose: gg
[2021-03-07 02:01:05+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: gg
[2021-03-07 02:01:23+00:00] PinkKittyRose#1421 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:03:23+00:00] Ostrealava02#4895 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 02:03:36+00:00] Ostrealava02#4895 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:08:01+00:00] emosoda has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:04:41!
[2021-03-07 02:09:35+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:06:15!
[2021-03-07 02:11:03+00:00] Icola#8220 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:07:43!
[2021-03-07 02:13:04+00:00] Jamo#6380 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:09:45!
[2021-03-07 02:15:23+00:00] BrotinderDose: ggs
[2021-03-07 02:15:41+00:00] Flouche#5543: ggs
[2021-03-07 02:16:06+00:00] Yoshizor#4830 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:12:46!
[2021-03-07 02:16:18+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: gg yoshi! wanna interview on restream?
[2021-03-07 02:16:24+00:00] Yoshizor#4830: Yeah for sure !
[2021-03-07 02:16:39+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: join any public OoTR discord VC and i can drag you in :)
[2021-03-07 02:22:02+00:00] rockchalk#3494 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:18:43!
[2021-03-07 02:23:14+00:00] Sage#3585 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:19:55!
[2021-03-07 02:25:07+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:21:48!
[2021-03-07 02:25:16+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: gg cuphat! wanna interview on restream?
[2021-03-07 02:25:18+00:00] Sage#3585 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:25:28+00:00] Cuphat#2212: sure
[2021-03-07 02:25:38+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: as above, join any public OoTR vc and i can move you in
[2021-03-07 02:28:25+00:00] dotzo#7400 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:25:06!
[2021-03-07 02:30:04+00:00] YoshiKyon#6871 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:26:45!
[2021-03-07 02:30:41+00:00] YoshiKyon#6871 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:31:10+00:00] Scorpion__Max#8873 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:27:51!
[2021-03-07 02:33:14+00:00] kryal#0888 has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:29:55!
[2021-03-07 02:33:30+00:00] kryal#0888 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:36:25+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:33:05!
[2021-03-07 02:37:46+00:00] Rhelys#8068 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 02:40:07+00:00] FcS35#2882 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:36:48!
[2021-03-07 02:40:34+00:00] FcS35#2882 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:42:46+00:00] Zunguri#3239 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:39:27!
[2021-03-07 02:43:14+00:00] Zunguri#3239 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:43:36+00:00] Flee#0246 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 02:46:46+00:00] VidyaJames has finished in 19th place with a time of 3:43:26!
[2021-03-07 02:47:57+00:00] VidyaJames added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:48:21+00:00] Rahylia#4212 has finished in 20th place with a time of 3:45:02!
[2021-03-07 02:48:54+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 02:49:57+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:52:57+00:00] MGNR28#6474 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 02:54:18+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 has finished in 21st place with a time of 3:50:59!
[2021-03-07 02:54:47+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 3:51:28!
[2021-03-07 02:54:54+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 02:55:17+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: gg liam! wanna interview on restream?
[2021-03-07 02:55:25+00:00] Zemoo#4988 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 3:52:05!
[2021-03-07 02:55:42+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: ggs to you too :)
[2021-03-07 02:55:53+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: you two wanna interview?
[2021-03-07 02:56:50+00:00] roguecopter#2546 has finished in 24th place with a time of 3:53:31!
[2021-03-07 02:57:00+00:00] Zemoo#4988: I need a few minutes
[2021-03-07 02:57:56+00:00] kenokeefe#1306 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 02:58:01+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 has finished in 25th place with a time of 3:54:42!
[2021-03-07 02:58:18+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: I was goind well but too tired...
[2021-03-07 02:58:22+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: doing*
[2021-03-07 02:59:42+00:00] kenokeefe#1306: Good night everyone
[2021-03-07 03:00:24+00:00] Tepedino#8824 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 03:00:36+00:00] Tepedino#8824 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 03:01:02+00:00] Willx48#3322 has finished in 26th place with a time of 3:57:42!
[2021-03-07 03:01:13+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: @Zemoo when you wanna join, let me know
[2021-03-07 03:01:18+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: we got liam in here atm
[2021-03-07 03:02:23+00:00] Linkcoeur#8025 has finished in 27th place with a time of 3:59:04!
[2021-03-07 03:02:42+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 03:03:32+00:00] Zemoo#4988: ok ready
[2021-03-07 03:04:20+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: hop into a public OoTR VC
[2021-03-07 03:04:28+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: i'll drag you into the restream channel
[2021-03-07 03:05:30+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 has finished in 28th place with a time of 4:02:11!
[2021-03-07 03:06:47+00:00] emosoda added a comment.
[2021-03-07 03:07:02+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 03:10:05+00:00] incoherent#6156 has finished in 29th place with a time of 4:06:45!
[2021-03-07 03:11:00+00:00] incoherent#6156 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 03:11:19+00:00] Goomba#5087 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 03:13:38+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 has finished in 30th place with a time of 4:10:19!
[2021-03-07 03:15:18+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 31st place with a time of 4:11:59!
[2021-03-07 03:16:21+00:00] Linkpon#8526 has finished in 32nd place with a time of 4:13:02!
[2021-03-07 03:19:45+00:00] Markars#9224 has finished in 33rd place with a time of 4:16:25!
[2021-03-07 03:21:11+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 03:26:07+00:00] Volwrath#6265 has finished in 34th place with a time of 4:22:48!
[2021-03-07 03:27:11+00:00] BrotinderDose#8716 has finished in 35th place with a time of 4:23:52!
[2021-03-07 03:27:28+00:00] BrotinderDose#8716 added a comment.
[2021-03-07 03:27:39+00:00] TheOtherNate#8907 has finished in 36th place with a time of 4:24:19!
[2021-03-07 03:28:10+00:00] CesarMartins12#1994 has finished in 37th place with a time of 4:24:51!
[2021-03-07 03:32:41+00:00] incoherent#6156 changed their comment.
[2021-03-07 04:06:05+00:00] Linael#4560 has finished in 38th place with a time of 5:02:45!
[2021-03-07 04:08:00+00:00] NysNyvLaufLort#1264 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-03-07 04:55:23+00:00] papnoche#0509 has finished in 39th place with a time of 5:52:03!
[2021-03-07 06:13:57+00:00] Top_diesel#5071 has been disqualified from the race by FQef#8592.
[2021-03-07 06:13:57+00:00] Race finished in 7:10:37.8
[2021-03-07 06:17:53+00:00] Race result recorded by FQef#8592
[2021-03-07 13:12:40+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/epic-talon-1025/log
[2021-03-07 13:12:42+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/epic-talon-1025/csv