[2021-10-02 21:03:22+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
[2021-10-02 21:03:22+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
[2021-10-02 21:03:22+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
[2021-10-02 21:03:39+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:03:42+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:03:51+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:03:58+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:04:43+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: hmm
[2021-10-02 21:05:45+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:07:44+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:07:56+00:00] Aranaut#5360: o/
[2021-10-02 21:09:35+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: Icola gl bro
[2021-10-02 21:12:36+00:00] Icola#8220: gl gl
[2021-10-02 21:12:51+00:00] JimboSlice joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:14:01+00:00] Narcottic#4889 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:14:07+00:00] Narcottic#4889: o/
[2021-10-02 21:15:14+00:00] RicktheHusky#3516 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:17:05+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:17:06+00:00] felixoide4#9489 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:17:43+00:00] Melrose#4744 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:19:16+00:00] Jimbo: Wtf Felix
[2021-10-02 21:19:30+00:00] Jimbo: farming my points
[2021-10-02 21:19:44+00:00] felixoide4#9489: The farm has arrived
[2021-10-02 21:22:28+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:23:01+00:00] kariossa#1113 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:23:25+00:00] EarlWeird#4345 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:31:01+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:31:24+00:00] Jimbo: Thunder!
[2021-10-02 21:31:27+00:00] Jimbo: feeling better?
[2021-10-02 21:32:13+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Yeah! Can't sleep so gonna join
[2021-10-02 21:32:23+00:00] Jimbo: nice!
[2021-10-02 21:32:25+00:00] Jimbo: glad you're feeling better
[2021-10-02 21:32:30+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: ^^
[2021-10-02 21:32:43+00:00] TreZc0_: sorry, folks, sadly no restream. been a fairly busy day, and we're really on reserve today.
[2021-10-02 21:33:07+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: <3
[2021-10-02 21:33:11+00:00] felixoide4#9489: <3
[2021-10-02 21:35:41+00:00] kingzeldero#7369 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:36:47+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:37:20+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: HOLA TIO, HOLAA REY ZELDERO :)
[2021-10-02 21:38:42+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 quits the race.
[2021-10-02 21:39:00+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:39:06+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: pepeeeeeeeee
[2021-10-02 21:39:08+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: ;O;
[2021-10-02 21:39:29+00:00] kzeldero#3550: hola
[2021-10-02 21:41:33+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:42:06+00:00] kzeldero#3550: hola pepe hola tio
[2021-10-02 21:44:31+00:00] Alexis#1759 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:44:36+00:00] Linkpon#8526 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:47:45+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: so how does seed rolling work if there's no restream? do we just roll it ourselves?
[2021-10-02 21:48:05+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Is it just !seed?
[2021-10-02 21:48:34+00:00] Worn_Traveler#8362 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:48:36+00:00] Jimbo: I believe so but not 100%
[2021-10-02 21:48:41+00:00] felixoide4#9489: !seed
[2021-10-02 21:48:41+00:00] RandoBot: felixoide4, here is your seed: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=901403
[2021-10-02 21:48:42+00:00] RandoBot updated the race information.
[2021-10-02 21:49:10+00:00] Jimbo: yeah settings look right
[2021-10-02 21:49:13+00:00] Aranaut#5360: felixSeed monkaS
[2021-10-02 21:49:30+00:00] felixoide4#9489: kk
[2021-10-02 21:49:40+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Well someone needed to fuckin' roll LOL
[2021-10-02 21:49:41+00:00] Aranaut#5360: He put something behind AD SS
[2021-10-02 21:49:46+00:00] Jimbo: lmfao
[2021-10-02 21:50:03+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Watch as it's the rang :eyes:
[2021-10-02 21:50:06+00:00] Goal: Standard Ruleset
[2021-10-02 21:50:06+00:00] https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=901403 | Standard NA Weekly at 6PM ET
[2021-10-02 21:50:15+00:00] felixoide4#9489: It's probably just ksword
[2021-10-02 21:50:34+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: KEKWait
[2021-10-02 21:51:33+00:00] xenoh#9245 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:52:15+00:00] RicktheHusky#3516: Just making sure, this is the seed we're using, right?
[2021-10-02 21:52:20+00:00] Jimbo: yup
[2021-10-02 21:52:26+00:00] RicktheHusky#3516: Sweet, thanks
[2021-10-02 21:52:45+00:00] knxtdoor#5889 joins the race.
[2021-10-02 21:52:50+00:00] Jimbo: np
[2021-10-02 21:52:54+00:00] kingzeldero#7369 quits the race.
[2021-10-02 21:53:10+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 is ready! (22 remaining)
[2021-10-02 21:53:37+00:00] Jimbo: breaking in the new controller
[2021-10-02 21:53:43+00:00] Jimbo: first seed :eyes:
[2021-10-02 21:54:26+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Pog
[2021-10-02 21:54:43+00:00] Jimbo: can't wait to vc crash
[2021-10-02 21:55:09+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 is ready! (21 remaining)
[2021-10-02 21:55:25+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: On the ganon fight right before the final slash.
[2021-10-02 21:56:10+00:00] Jimbo: last sunday i crashed on my way up castle
[2021-10-02 21:56:17+00:00] Jimbo: so it wouldn't surprise me
[2021-10-02 21:56:45+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Yeah, i see in your clips, sad life monkaS
[2021-10-02 21:56:53+00:00] Jimbo: FeelsBadMan
[2021-10-02 21:56:53+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: One reason I don't play on vc anymore, the other being that I can set-up better controller if needed.
[2021-10-02 21:57:03+00:00] JimboSlice is ready! (20 remaining)
[2021-10-02 21:57:48+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (19 remaining)
[2021-10-02 21:58:28+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 is ready! (18 remaining)
[2021-10-02 21:58:41+00:00] Narcottic#4889 is ready! (17 remaining)
[2021-10-02 21:59:45+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: what are the always hints for this, is it 30,40,50,oot,biggoron, frogs?
[2021-10-02 21:59:48+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: is skull mask an always or not
[2021-10-02 21:59:51+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (16 remaining)
[2021-10-02 21:59:55+00:00] Narcottic#4889: yes
[2021-10-02 22:00:00+00:00] Jimbo: and skull mask
[2021-10-02 22:00:04+00:00] Jimbo: 7 total
[2021-10-02 22:00:10+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 is ready! (15 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:00:19+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: so 5 sometimes?
[2021-10-02 22:00:23+00:00] felixoide4#9489: yep
[2021-10-02 22:00:24+00:00] Jimbo: yup
[2021-10-02 22:00:35+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: thanks
[2021-10-02 22:00:38+00:00] xenoh#9245 is ready! (14 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:00:44+00:00] kariossa#1113 is ready! (13 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:00:58+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 is ready! (12 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:01:10+00:00] Worn_Traveler#8362 is ready! (11 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:01:15+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 is ready! (10 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:01:19+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 is ready! (9 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:01:23+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (8 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:01:28+00:00] knxtdoor#5889 is ready! (7 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:01:42+00:00] felixoide4#9489 is ready! (6 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:01:56+00:00] RicktheHusky#3516 is ready! (5 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:02:03+00:00] EarlWeird#4345 is ready! (4 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:02:10+00:00] felixoide4#9489: gl hf
[2021-10-02 22:02:12+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: glhf
[2021-10-02 22:02:16+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: glhd
[2021-10-02 22:02:17+00:00] EarlWeird#4345: glhf
[2021-10-02 22:02:17+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: glhf
[2021-10-02 22:02:21+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: glhf!
[2021-10-02 22:02:21+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: ghlf
[2021-10-02 22:02:22+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: glhf*
[2021-10-02 22:02:22+00:00] Narcottic#4889: glhf
[2021-10-02 22:02:25+00:00] RicktheHusky#3516: glhf
[2021-10-02 22:02:28+00:00] Worn_Traveler#8362: glhf
[2021-10-02 22:02:29+00:00] Melrose#4744: Fire med and prelude start?
[2021-10-02 22:02:32+00:00] felixoide4#9489: ye
[2021-10-02 22:02:34+00:00] kariossa#1113: gl hf !
[2021-10-02 22:02:35+00:00] Aranaut#5360: glhf
[2021-10-02 22:02:35+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Ye
[2021-10-02 22:02:36+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: glhf
[2021-10-02 22:02:36+00:00] RicktheHusky#3516: yeah
[2021-10-02 22:02:43+00:00] Cola#5395: glhf all :)
[2021-10-02 22:02:45+00:00] Melrose#4744: Neat, thanks, gl everyone
[2021-10-02 22:02:50+00:00] Melrose#4744 is ready! (3 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:02:55+00:00] Linkpon#8526 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:03:04+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:03:09+00:00] Alexis#1759: GLHF
[2021-10-02 22:03:14+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: ghlf
[2021-10-02 22:03:24+00:00] Alexis#1759 is ready! (0 remaining)
[2021-10-02 22:03:28+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: gl
[2021-10-02 22:03:29+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: gl
[2021-10-02 22:03:30+00:00] felixoide4#9489: uhhh
[2021-10-02 22:03:37+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: monka
[2021-10-02 22:03:38+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
[2021-10-02 22:03:39+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: pog
[2021-10-02 22:03:41+00:00] Aranaut#5360: xDD
[2021-10-02 22:03:43+00:00] 10…
[2021-10-02 22:03:48+00:00] 5…
[2021-10-02 22:03:49+00:00] 4…
[2021-10-02 22:03:50+00:00] 3…
[2021-10-02 22:03:51+00:00] 2…
[2021-10-02 22:03:52+00:00] 1…
[2021-10-02 22:03:53+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
[2021-10-03 00:13:55+00:00] Melrose#4744 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-10-03 00:14:11+00:00] Melrose#4744 added a comment.
[2021-10-03 00:38:51+00:00] xenoh#9245 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-10-03 00:54:03+00:00] felixoide4#9489 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:50:10!
[2021-10-03 00:54:22+00:00] knxtdoor#5889: gg
[2021-10-03 00:54:22+00:00] Alexis#1759: GG
[2021-10-03 00:54:26+00:00] Jimbo: GG
[2021-10-03 00:54:28+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: gg
[2021-10-03 00:54:37+00:00] felixoide4#9489: GG!
[2021-10-03 00:56:00+00:00] Aranaut#5360: gg's
[2021-10-03 00:57:23+00:00] felixoide4#9489 added a comment.
[2021-10-03 00:58:20+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-10-03 00:58:29+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 added a comment.
[2021-10-03 00:59:20+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:55:26!
[2021-10-03 01:02:02+00:00] JimboSlice has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:58:09!
[2021-10-03 01:08:30+00:00] Cola#5395 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:04:37!
[2021-10-03 01:09:50+00:00] kariossa#1113 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:05:57!
[2021-10-03 01:20:17+00:00] Icola#8220 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:16:24!
[2021-10-03 01:25:23+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:21:30!
[2021-10-03 01:29:03+00:00] EarlWeird#4345 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:25:10!
[2021-10-03 01:30:54+00:00] Narcottic#4889 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:27:01!
[2021-10-03 01:31:32+00:00] Narcottic#4889 added a comment.
[2021-10-03 01:32:04+00:00] Alexis#1759 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:28:10!
[2021-10-03 01:33:48+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 added a comment.
[2021-10-03 01:45:20+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:41:27!
[2021-10-03 01:46:30+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:42:37!
[2021-10-03 01:47:09+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:43:16!
[2021-10-03 01:50:12+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 added a comment.
[2021-10-03 01:53:58+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-10-03 01:57:53+00:00] Linkpon#8526 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:54:00!
[2021-10-03 02:06:38+00:00] knxtdoor#5889 has finished in 15th place with a time of 4:02:44!
[2021-10-03 02:10:53+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 has finished in 16th place with a time of 4:07:00!
[2021-10-03 02:13:34+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 added a comment.
[2021-10-03 02:27:34+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-10-03 02:42:41+00:00] RicktheHusky#3516 has finished in 17th place with a time of 4:38:48!
[2021-10-03 03:35:23+00:00] Worn_Traveler#8362 has finished in 18th place with a time of 5:31:30!
[2021-10-03 03:35:23+00:00] Race finished in 5:31:30.7
[2021-10-03 06:11:33+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/foolish-ichiro-7620/log
[2021-10-03 06:11:35+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/foolish-ichiro-7620/csv
[2021-10-03 12:26:07+00:00] felixoide4#9489 changed their comment.
[2021-10-03 13:56:30+00:00] Race result recorded by felixoide4#9489