[2021-06-26 21:08:38+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
[2021-06-26 21:08:38+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
[2021-06-26 21:08:38+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
[2021-06-26 21:09:33+00:00] Theumman#0440 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:09:41+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:09:41+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:10:28+00:00] Blueseangfh2#1828 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:10:31+00:00] Ch0c0#3389 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:10:34+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:11:54+00:00] Thojost#0089 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:12:17+00:00] McCript#8728 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:14:46+00:00] Alf#5942 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:15:35+00:00] Melrose#4744 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:16:11+00:00] Kolvek#2674 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:16:16+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:17:31+00:00] Gandorf the Purple#0374 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:17:40+00:00] TealRunway#6132 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:18:52+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:24:53+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:25:35+00:00] T-RIS#3918 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:26:02+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:26:19+00:00] Drumm#0289 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:27:00+00:00] Drumm#0289: what is the ruleset?
[2021-06-26 21:27:39+00:00] Hapax#2041 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:28:08+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Last time I played, it was scrubs enabled, 4/6, and S4 hints. I think there was a tweak to remove dungeon scrubs from the pool?
[2021-06-26 21:28:22+00:00] Drumm#0289: okay
[2021-06-26 21:28:28+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: just DCVN and Ganon scrubs removed
[2021-06-26 21:28:31+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: jabu scrubs in
[2021-06-26 21:28:35+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: *scrub
[2021-06-26 21:28:54+00:00] Flouche#5543: DMC scrub out as well
[2021-06-26 21:29:13+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: ah of course, worst scrub too
[2021-06-26 21:29:58+00:00] T-RIS#3918: dc and ganon scrubs are off?
[2021-06-26 21:30:02+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: yeah
[2021-06-26 21:30:08+00:00] T-RIS#3918: rip
[2021-06-26 21:30:20+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:30:28+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: And the link for scrub locations in case anyone unfamiliar comes in: https://wiki.ootrandomizer.com/index.php?title=Scrubs
[2021-06-26 21:32:43+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Hoping there isn't a Barren Forest Hint today, I've set up a suitable music track for if I have to clear it.
[2021-06-26 21:33:06+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469: Youll get WOTH forest instead lol
[2021-06-26 21:33:27+00:00] Kolvek#2674: i'm feeling a 50 skull seed again  xD
[2021-06-26 21:33:47+00:00] EnigmaticHylian#7576 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:34:29+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: I made a custom remix of SM64's Piranha Plant Lullaby. The snooze temple now has a snooze soundtrack
[2021-06-26 21:35:46+00:00] VidyaJames joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:35:57+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: yo vidya
[2021-06-26 21:37:31+00:00] Konditioner#9278 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:38:20+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: shops arent rando are they?
[2021-06-26 21:38:46+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: nope. But affordable Scrubsanity is on, minus DC and Ganon scrubs
[2021-06-26 21:38:57+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: and closed deku?
[2021-06-26 21:39:02+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Good question
[2021-06-26 21:39:14+00:00] Konditioner#9278: Yes Deku is closed
[2021-06-26 21:39:15+00:00] Gandorf the Purple#0374: closed deku yes
[2021-06-26 21:39:22+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: Deku on 50 skulls
[2021-06-26 21:39:29+00:00] Gandorf the Purple#0374: and scrubs of DMC child are off too
[2021-06-26 21:40:41+00:00] Star1468#7969: Sorry about the late pings, we're a little shortstaffed tonight, I'm speedrunning setup and Delilah is taking the actual restream
[2021-06-26 21:40:52+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:40:53+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: np star you're ok
[2021-06-26 21:41:47+00:00] Star1468#7969: We only have 2 trackers tonight b/c of how much is going on, so I'm only picking two runners for now
[2021-06-26 21:41:57+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469: all good star
[2021-06-26 21:41:59+00:00] Star1468#7969: T-RIS and Karp, up for restream?
[2021-06-26 21:42:03+00:00] Zemoo#4988 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:42:04+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: sure why not
[2021-06-26 21:42:04+00:00] T-RIS#3918: o shit uh
[2021-06-26 21:42:11+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469: oooh thats a nice restream
[2021-06-26 21:42:18+00:00] T-RIS#3918: sure Pepega
[2021-06-26 21:42:46+00:00] Melrose#4744: Yo can I be interviewed instead of t-ris
[2021-06-26 21:42:56+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: ah ha ha
[2021-06-26 21:43:01+00:00] Star1468#7969: thanks T-RIS!
[2021-06-26 21:43:22+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: I can provide clean
[2021-06-26 21:43:38+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: T-RIS prepare for trouble
[2021-06-26 21:43:38+00:00] T-RIS#3918: KEKW
[2021-06-26 21:43:51+00:00] T-RIS#3918: can't wait to Pepega something
[2021-06-26 21:44:02+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: oh snap
[2021-06-26 21:44:13+00:00] Alexis#1759 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:44:16+00:00] T-RIS#3918: what channel is the restream?
[2021-06-26 21:44:19+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: I am the king of pepega-ing checks dw
[2021-06-26 21:44:35+00:00] T-RIS#3918: hell yeah let's go
[2021-06-26 21:44:54+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: I suspect ZSR2? Only because I think ZSR1 had void vs trez, and ZSR3 had Skyward sword, last I checked
[2021-06-26 21:45:01+00:00] Darker#0188 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:45:05+00:00] Nopons#4783 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:45:16+00:00] Star1468#7969: ZSR2 yeah
[2021-06-26 21:45:33+00:00] Star1468#7969: clean audio would be good karp
[2021-06-26 21:45:42+00:00] Star1468#7969: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=819807
[2021-06-26 21:45:51+00:00] Star1468#7969 updated the race information.
[2021-06-26 21:46:18+00:00] Goal: Standard Ruleset
[2021-06-26 21:46:18+00:00] OoT Item Randomizer Standard Weekly NA | Seed: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=819807
[2021-06-26 21:47:26+00:00] kariossa#1113 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:48:20+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:48:51+00:00] T-RIS#3918: I can have clean audio too btw
[2021-06-26 21:49:12+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: lest go darker y pepe  a ganar
[2021-06-26 21:49:19+00:00] Star1468#7969: thanks T_RIS
[2021-06-26 21:49:49+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 is ready! (30 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:50:03+00:00] Blueseangfh2#1828 is ready! (29 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:50:16+00:00] EnigmaticHylian#7576 is ready! (28 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:50:27+00:00] Drumm#0289 is ready! (27 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:50:35+00:00] Thojost#0089 is ready! (26 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:51:11+00:00] Konditioner#9278 is ready! (25 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:53:07+00:00] Hapax#2041 is ready! (24 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:53:48+00:00] Gandorf the Purple#0374 is ready! (23 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:54:00+00:00] VidyaJames is ready! (22 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:54:03+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 is ready! (21 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:54:07+00:00] Hapax#2041 is not ready. (22 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:54:18+00:00] Kolvek#2674 is ready! (21 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:54:33+00:00] TealRunway#6132 is ready! (20 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:54:36+00:00] Linkpon#8526 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:54:43+00:00] Darker#0188 is ready! (20 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:55:06+00:00] T-RIS#3918 is ready! (19 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:55:10+00:00] Delilah#1060 joins the race.
[2021-06-26 21:55:48+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: sorry was sorting my daughter out for bed
[2021-06-26 21:55:53+00:00] Hapax#2041 is ready! (19 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:55:53+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: getting ready now
[2021-06-26 21:55:57+00:00] McCript#8728 is ready! (18 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:56:24+00:00] Ch0c0#3389 is ready! (17 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:56:27+00:00] Nopons#4783 is ready! (16 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:56:45+00:00] Melrose#4744 is ready! (15 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:57:25+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 is not ready. (16 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:57:26+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Back in a second, grabbing a drink before it starts
[2021-06-26 21:57:32+00:00] Theumman#0440 is ready! (15 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:57:45+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (14 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:58:05+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 is ready! (13 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:58:09+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (12 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:58:16+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: monkas Stuckman
[2021-06-26 21:58:42+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: what's up? :p
[2021-06-26 21:58:51+00:00] Zemoo#4988 is ready! (11 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:58:54+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: my rival gl
[2021-06-26 21:59:02+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: good luck!
[2021-06-26 21:59:03+00:00] Samwizest#8610: GL HF
[2021-06-26 21:59:11+00:00] Theumman#0440: GL HF
[2021-06-26 21:59:11+00:00] Blueseangfh2#1828: `gl hf
[2021-06-26 21:59:24+00:00] Kolvek#2674: gl hf
[2021-06-26 21:59:26+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: same to mel, tris, james and everyone
[2021-06-26 21:59:29+00:00] T-RIS#3918: glhf ;)
[2021-06-26 21:59:30+00:00] Alf#5942 is ready! (10 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:59:36+00:00] Drumm#0289: gl hf
[2021-06-26 21:59:40+00:00] Melrose#4744: gl karp
[2021-06-26 21:59:44+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 is ready! (9 remaining)
[2021-06-26 21:59:45+00:00] Hapax#2041: glhf
[2021-06-26 21:59:56+00:00] Flouche#5543: glhf
[2021-06-26 21:59:57+00:00] Gandorf the Purple#0374: gl hf !!
[2021-06-26 22:00:10+00:00] kariossa#1113 is ready! (8 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:00:32+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 is ready! (7 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:00:35+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: gl hf
[2021-06-26 22:00:38+00:00] Alf#5942 is not ready. (8 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:00:49+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 is ready! (7 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:00:52+00:00] Alf#5942: Feed my dogs right quick.
[2021-06-26 22:01:04+00:00] VidyaJames: OhMyDog
[2021-06-26 22:01:11+00:00] Gandorf the Purple#0374: RICHARD
[2021-06-26 22:01:14+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (6 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:01:16+00:00] Kolvek#2674: FrankerZ
[2021-06-26 22:01:29+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: GLHF. Here's hoping the seed's only mildly cursed and not absolutely cursed.
[2021-06-26 22:01:38+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469 is ready! (5 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:01:42+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 is ready! (4 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:01:44+00:00] T-RIS#3918: I love me a star seed <3
[2021-06-26 22:01:48+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: glhf
[2021-06-26 22:01:50+00:00] Linkpon#8526 is ready! (3 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:01:52+00:00] Delilah#1060 quits the race.
[2021-06-26 22:01:57+00:00] Alexis#1759 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:01:58+00:00] Thojost#0089: gl hf all!
[2021-06-26 22:02:02+00:00] Alf#5942: Promised my gf I'd feed them. lol
[2021-06-26 22:02:03+00:00] Ch0c0#3389: gl hf
[2021-06-26 22:02:05+00:00] Alexis#1759: GLHF
[2021-06-26 22:02:06+00:00] Alf#5942: glhf my dudes!
[2021-06-26 22:02:08+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: glhf!
[2021-06-26 22:02:08+00:00] VidyaJames: glhf
[2021-06-26 22:02:11+00:00] Alf#5942 is ready! (0 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:02:11+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: glhf
[2021-06-26 22:02:12+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469: Star rolled a good seed yesterday, can it happen twice in a row.... not a chance lol
[2021-06-26 22:02:14+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: ghlf
[2021-06-26 22:02:15+00:00] Delilah#1060: GLHF
[2021-06-26 22:02:34+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: manual start?
[2021-06-26 22:02:38+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: uhh... is it not going?
[2021-06-26 22:02:43+00:00] VidyaJames: KomodoPause
[2021-06-26 22:02:43+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: wtf?
[2021-06-26 22:02:47+00:00] Melrose#4744: glhf
[2021-06-26 22:02:55+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 is not ready. (1 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:02:56+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 is ready! (0 remaining)
[2021-06-26 22:02:57+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Probably manual start so the restream can more reliably time it
[2021-06-26 22:03:20+00:00] Flouche#5543: There is no other thing than a top 32 today Pog
[2021-06-26 22:03:33+00:00] Delilah#1060: uhhhh
[2021-06-26 22:03:36+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Plus, NA weekly, only three minutes late. Restream's probably not ready for us to be that early
[2021-06-26 22:03:40+00:00] Delilah#1060: star never monitored me
[2021-06-26 22:03:46+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469: Star has to start it O _ O
[2021-06-26 22:03:48+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469: uh oh
[2021-06-26 22:03:50+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: STAR!
[2021-06-26 22:04:05+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: estrella?
[2021-06-26 22:04:14+00:00] VidyaJames: star morelike far (from her computer)
[2021-06-26 22:04:25+00:00] VidyaJames: star morelike star(t)
[2021-06-26 22:04:32+00:00] Chimpanreeve#9719 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
[2021-06-26 22:04:36+00:00] Chimpanreeve#9719: GL HF
[2021-06-26 22:04:37+00:00] 10…
[2021-06-26 22:04:37+00:00] VidyaJames: KomodoHype
[2021-06-26 22:04:38+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: ghlf
[2021-06-26 22:04:41+00:00] Delilah#1060: Thanks Chimp!
[2021-06-26 22:04:41+00:00] Melrose#4744: my hero :D
[2021-06-26 22:04:42+00:00] 5…
[2021-06-26 22:04:43+00:00] 4…
[2021-06-26 22:04:44+00:00] 3…
[2021-06-26 22:04:45+00:00] 2…
[2021-06-26 22:04:46+00:00] 1…
[2021-06-26 22:04:47+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
[2021-06-26 23:06:25+00:00] VidyaJames has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:01:38!
[2021-06-26 23:06:30+00:00] VidyaJames is no longer done.
[2021-06-26 23:06:35+00:00] VidyaJames: whoops
[2021-06-26 23:06:38+00:00] Delilah#1060: monkaS
[2021-06-27 00:10:48+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 00:11:09+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: my pc just started shutting its self down out of no where and stopped my bizhawk -_-
[2021-06-27 00:31:19+00:00] Darker#0188 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 00:54:16+00:00] Ch0c0#3389 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 00:58:07+00:00] Melrose#4744 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:53:20!
[2021-06-27 00:58:35+00:00] Alexis#1759: GG
[2021-06-27 00:58:52+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: #rushice
[2021-06-27 00:58:55+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: Kappa
[2021-06-27 00:59:05+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: GG mel
[2021-06-27 00:59:06+00:00] Delilah#1060: Cubs pls
[2021-06-27 00:59:15+00:00] Melrose#4744: ggs
[2021-06-27 00:59:17+00:00] Melrose#4744: thanks cubs
[2021-06-27 01:02:55+00:00] Flouche#5543: gg mel
[2021-06-27 01:11:18+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:06:31!
[2021-06-27 01:11:42+00:00] Alexis#1759: GG
[2021-06-27 01:11:53+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: GG
[2021-06-27 01:13:31+00:00] Alf#5942 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:08:44!
[2021-06-27 01:13:35+00:00] kariossa#1113 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:08:48!
[2021-06-27 01:13:53+00:00] Thojost#0089 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 01:14:10+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:09:22!
[2021-06-27 01:14:10+00:00] Alf#5942: gg, close one  Kariossa.
[2021-06-27 01:15:27+00:00] kariossa#1113: gg
[2021-06-27 01:22:22+00:00] Drumm#0289 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 01:28:11+00:00] Nopons#4783 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:23:23!
[2021-06-27 01:30:43+00:00] VidyaJames has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:25:56!
[2021-06-27 01:31:03+00:00] VidyaJames added a comment.
[2021-06-27 01:32:02+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 01:32:32+00:00] Alexis#1759 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:27:45!
[2021-06-27 01:33:31+00:00] Alexis#1759 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 01:34:13+00:00] T-RIS#3918 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:29:26!
[2021-06-27 01:34:53+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: GG tris
[2021-06-27 01:34:57+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: interview?
[2021-06-27 01:35:04+00:00] T-RIS#3918: sure gimme one minute
[2021-06-27 01:37:17+00:00] T-RIS#3918: where do I go? owo
[2021-06-27 01:37:42+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:32:55!
[2021-06-27 01:37:50+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: ggs
[2021-06-27 01:37:51+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: interview karp?
[2021-06-27 01:37:53+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: sure
[2021-06-27 01:37:54+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: ZSR discord tris
[2021-06-27 01:37:55+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: any VC
[2021-06-27 01:37:58+00:00] Zemoo#4988 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 01:38:06+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 01:49:43+00:00] Theumman#0440 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 01:56:13+00:00] Blueseangfh2#1828 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:51:26!
[2021-06-27 01:59:31+00:00] Konditioner#9278 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:54:44!
[2021-06-27 02:02:02+00:00] Linkpon#8526 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 02:02:14+00:00] Linkpon#8526 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:05:36+00:00] Blueseangfh2#1828 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:07:20+00:00] Gandorf the Purple#0374 has finished in 13th place with a time of 4:02:33!
[2021-06-27 02:19:20+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 14th place with a time of 4:14:33!
[2021-06-27 02:19:30+00:00] Cuphat#2212 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:19:45+00:00] Cuphat#2212: if I don't sub-4 my next seed I might just be done for a while
[2021-06-27 02:19:56+00:00] Cuphat#2212: hot trash
[2021-06-27 02:20:10+00:00] Cuphat#2212: anyway ggs good luck for those still in this
[2021-06-27 02:23:31+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469 has finished in 15th place with a time of 4:18:43!
[2021-06-27 02:24:26+00:00] AeroRaiser#6469 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:24:38+00:00] Melrose#4744 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:25:04+00:00] Kolvek#2674 has finished in 16th place with a time of 4:20:17!
[2021-06-27 02:25:16+00:00] McCript#8728 has finished in 17th place with a time of 4:20:29!
[2021-06-27 02:27:46+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 has finished in 18th place with a time of 4:22:59!
[2021-06-27 02:29:11+00:00] Kolvek#2674 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:32:01+00:00] EnigmaticHylian#7576 has finished in 19th place with a time of 4:27:14!
[2021-06-27 02:33:01+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 has finished in 20th place with a time of 4:28:14!
[2021-06-27 02:33:35+00:00] EnigmaticHylian#7576 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:37:22+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:41:46+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 has finished in 21st place with a time of 4:36:59!
[2021-06-27 02:45:25+00:00] TealRunway#6132 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-27 02:47:16+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 02:51:56+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 03:09:59+00:00] Hapax#2041 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 5:05:12!
[2021-06-27 03:09:59+00:00] Race finished in 5:05:12.8
[2021-06-27 03:14:16+00:00] Hapax#2041 added a comment.
[2021-06-27 03:26:12+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/grumpy-medigoron-8895/log
[2021-06-27 03:26:13+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/grumpy-medigoron-8895/csv
[2021-06-28 19:52:36+00:00] Race result recorded by JasonArilani