[2021-01-23 22:05:17+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset> [2021-01-23 22:05:17+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log. [2021-01-23 22:05:17+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets [2021-01-23 22:06:12+00:00] emosoda joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:06:14+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736: !lock [2021-01-23 22:06:14+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors. [2021-01-23 22:06:20+00:00] Holysparkz#8553 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:06:26+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:06:29+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:06:32+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:06:36+00:00] Jamo#6380 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:06:40+00:00] jaybone25#7000 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:06:41+00:00] felixoide4#9489 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:06:59+00:00] roguecopter#2546 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:07:00+00:00] rockchalk#3494 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:07:10+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:07:21+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:08:16+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: I saw something the other day about experimenting with 4-medallion bridge rather than 2. Is that being implemented today, or is it essentially same settings as quals? [2021-01-23 22:08:39+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: Yup 4 med bridge [2021-01-23 22:08:52+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: thanks [2021-01-23 22:08:53+00:00] mrmartin#9054 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:09:36+00:00] MrMario7788#4876 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:10:15+00:00] TheSaltySponge#9432 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:10:25+00:00] docheaps#0190 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:10:56+00:00] Melrose#4744 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:11:57+00:00] Digitalhobo#5930 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:12:05+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:14:34+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:17:07+00:00] Flee#0246 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:20:36+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: mweep skip is in now right? [2021-01-23 22:20:45+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: yes [2021-01-23 22:21:21+00:00] DrKirth#6888 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:22:06+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: I'm somewhat hoping for something in Ice, been working on a few custom tracks over the last couple of weeks, one of which I put in Ice Cavern [2021-01-23 22:23:44+00:00] Gorodine#7047 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:24:23+00:00] Cola#5395: cant wait for an item in child domain and mweep skip to be a negative lmao [2021-01-23 22:26:57+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:27:55+00:00] Linkpon#8526 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:29:20+00:00] Sawce_Bawss#0263 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:30:55+00:00] PhoenixFeather#0512 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:31:12+00:00] Teri_J#1132 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:31:30+00:00] Teri_J#1132: oof, im so used to well over 100 ppl in this [2021-01-23 22:31:47+00:00] Sawce_Bawss#0263: is this 4 med bridge ? [2021-01-23 22:31:53+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736: @cuphat @flee @docheaps @dubudeccer are you 4 okay with restream? [2021-01-23 22:32:01+00:00] Star1468#7969: yes sawce_Bawss [2021-01-23 22:32:22+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: sure monka [2021-01-23 22:32:23+00:00] Sawce_Bawss#0263: thx [2021-01-23 22:32:32+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:32:45+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:33:59+00:00] Cuphat#2212: looks like my connection is probably fine tonight so sure [2021-01-23 22:34:31+00:00] Flee#0246: There's a chance I'll have to leave early today, so probably not [2021-01-23 22:34:36+00:00] Star1468#7969: good to know Flee [2021-01-23 22:34:40+00:00] Star1468#7969: LiamSixx, restream? [2021-01-23 22:35:20+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: sure! [2021-01-23 22:35:23+00:00] JustSam#5727 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:35:26+00:00] Campo#7429 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:35:29+00:00] DocHeaps#0671: Let's do it! [2021-01-23 22:35:35+00:00] Star1468#7969: Woohoo! [2021-01-23 22:35:37+00:00] NinjaBus#4247 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:35:42+00:00] Star1468#7969: How many of you have clean audio? [2021-01-23 22:35:43+00:00] kr3z#4245 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:35:48+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: I can [2021-01-23 22:35:50+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: I do not [2021-01-23 22:35:58+00:00] DocHeaps#0671: Just don't expect me to mweep skip because it ain't happening tonight! [2021-01-23 22:36:04+00:00] Linlinlin: is this where I do mistakes ? [2021-01-23 22:36:12+00:00] Cuphat#2212: I don't usually [2021-01-23 22:36:18+00:00] rockchalk#3494: yeah [2021-01-23 22:36:25+00:00] NinjaBus#4247: Take chances, make mistakes! [2021-01-23 22:36:33+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795: #YOLO [2021-01-23 22:36:37+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736: @docheaps clean audio? [2021-01-23 22:36:40+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:36:45+00:00] roguecopter#2546: rush ice as soon as possible. bottle-less ice. fuck it. [2021-01-23 22:36:49+00:00] Zemoo#4988 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:36:49+00:00] DocHeaps#0671: I'll be clean [2021-01-23 22:36:53+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736: sick thank ya [2021-01-23 22:37:04+00:00] DocHeaps#0671: For sure! This'll be fun [2021-01-23 22:37:10+00:00] DocHeaps#0671: I hope.... [2021-01-23 22:37:10+00:00] Cuphat#2212: hey I did bottleless ice back in the weeklies between the qualifiers [2021-01-23 22:37:12+00:00] Cola#5395: bottle-less ice sounds like a great meme, ngl [2021-01-23 22:37:13+00:00] Cuphat#2212: it was dope [2021-01-23 22:37:16+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: gonna party on kz's head [2021-01-23 22:37:22+00:00] Cuphat#2212: "oh, wait, I am dumb" and leave [2021-01-23 22:37:51+00:00] Cola#5395: you can actually grab an item inside [2021-01-23 22:37:58+00:00] Cola#5395: with the bomb trick [2021-01-23 22:38:13+00:00] zserf#4425 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:38:14+00:00] Cola#5395: oh wait u need bottle to get in the room [2021-01-23 22:38:24+00:00] Cuphat#2212: also I don't think I even had bombs [2021-01-23 22:38:36+00:00] Cuphat#2212: I got way too excited to KZ skip [2021-01-23 22:38:37+00:00] NinjaBus#4247: I could see it if fountain were woth [2021-01-23 22:38:58+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: you can get all the items in ice with tricks and no bottles [2021-01-23 22:39:05+00:00] roguecopter#2546: find a fish bottle on the ice berg that is woth for paradox letter Kappa [2021-01-23 22:39:06+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: just not allowed in standard [2021-01-23 22:39:14+00:00] Cola#5395: i mean with HESS you can, sure [2021-01-23 22:40:44+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: sponge wanna skip midos [2021-01-23 22:41:21+00:00] NinjaBus#4247: for all the memes about paradox letter we forget that song of storms is the cannon time paradox [2021-01-23 22:42:04+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: its clearly just multiverse theory, everytime you pull the sword or put it away youre going to a different universe [2021-01-23 22:42:11+00:00] link88899#9714 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:42:17+00:00] roguecopter#2546: who saves the one you left behind? [2021-01-23 22:42:25+00:00] roguecopter#2546: this is wrinkling my brain [2021-01-23 22:42:34+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: So the Master Sword effectively becomes the Subtle Knife eh? [2021-01-23 22:42:40+00:00] NinjaBus#4247: nobody, you abandoned them [2021-01-23 22:43:37+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:44:27+00:00] Ryuja#6053 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:44:51+00:00] Linlinlin joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:45:04+00:00] error0x226#5465 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:45:12+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:46:08+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736 updated the race information. [2021-01-23 22:46:13+00:00] Goal: Standard Ruleset [2021-01-23 22:46:14+00:00] https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=688782 OoT Item Randomizer Standard Weekly NA [2021-01-23 22:46:29+00:00] purble#1465 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:47:31+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 is ready! (43 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:48:20+00:00] Kevin_818#9130 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:49:22+00:00] Gorodine#7047 is ready! (43 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:49:41+00:00] purble#1465: To confirm, settings are as S4 quals, but 4 med bridge? [2021-01-23 22:49:51+00:00] Holysparkz#8553: and mweep skip allowed [2021-01-23 22:50:06+00:00] purble#1465: Sure, but that's rules not settings :-p [2021-01-23 22:50:23+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: YEAH SPARKZ [2021-01-23 22:50:24+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: :) [2021-01-23 22:50:40+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 is ready! (42 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:50:44+00:00] kr3z#4245 is ready! (41 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:50:46+00:00] Campo#7429 is ready! (40 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:50:48+00:00] emosoda: #KZFanClub [2021-01-23 22:50:50+00:00] Melrose#4744: !sandr [2021-01-23 22:50:52+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: Pog [2021-01-23 22:51:15+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 is ready! (39 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:51:36+00:00] Zemoo#4988 is ready! (38 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:51:42+00:00] Jamo#6380 is ready! (37 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:51:48+00:00] emosoda: 3 beers deep, we goin ham 2day [2021-01-23 22:51:58+00:00] emosoda is ready! (36 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:52:03+00:00] link88899#9714 is ready! (35 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:52:04+00:00] jaybone25#7000 is ready! (34 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:52:06+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 is ready! (33 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:52:07+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 joins the race. [2021-01-23 22:52:13+00:00] NinjaBus#4247: going hamms? [2021-01-23 22:52:16+00:00] roguecopter#2546 is ready! (33 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:52:17+00:00] NinjaBus#4247 is ready! (32 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:52:23+00:00] emosoda: yeh [2021-01-23 22:53:02+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (31 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:53:02+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 is not ready. (32 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:53:08+00:00] DrKirth#6888 is ready! (31 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:53:20+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Dropping a crap ton of frames, rebooting router a sec [2021-01-23 22:53:42+00:00] Flee#0246 is ready! (30 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:53:48+00:00] docheaps#0190 is ready! (29 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:54:05+00:00] JustSam#5727 is ready! (28 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:55:52+00:00] TheSaltySponge#9432 is ready! (27 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:56:04+00:00] felixoide4#9489: sponge ready? [2021-01-23 22:56:06+00:00] felixoide4#9489: no way [2021-01-23 22:56:07+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 is ready! (26 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:56:07+00:00] Holysparkz#8553 is ready! (25 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:56:11+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: KEKW [2021-01-23 22:56:11+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (24 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:56:14+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: Yeah i'm confused [2021-01-23 22:56:17+00:00] TheSaltySponge#9432 is not ready. (25 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:56:20+00:00] Teri_J#1132: about? [2021-01-23 22:56:22+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: KEKW [2021-01-23 22:56:23+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: there we go [2021-01-23 22:56:24+00:00] felixoide4#9489: KEKW [2021-01-23 22:56:27+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: thats more like it [2021-01-23 22:56:40+00:00] Teri_J#1132: oh, i dont understand either but i just go with it [2021-01-23 22:56:44+00:00] felixoide4#9489 is ready! (24 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:57:02+00:00] purble#1465 is ready! (23 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:57:03+00:00] Linlinlin is ready! (22 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:57:12+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (21 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:57:12+00:00] error0x226#5465 is ready! (20 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:57:13+00:00] Linkpon#8526 is ready! (19 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:57:18+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 is ready! (18 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:57:52+00:00] MrMario7788#4876 is ready! (17 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:58:04+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 is ready! (16 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:58:04+00:00] Teri_J#1132 is ready! (15 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:58:11+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Theoretically ready, have to wait 75 seconds for OBS to reconnect though [2021-01-23 22:58:38+00:00] mrmartin#9054 is ready! (14 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:58:45+00:00] zserf#4425 is ready! (13 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:58:52+00:00] Sawce_Bawss#0263 is ready! (12 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:58:56+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (11 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:59:26+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 is ready! (10 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:59:28+00:00] Digitalhobo#5930 is ready! (9 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:59:33+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: I had to scramble to get ready, so S4 but 4 Med Rainbow Bridge and Mweep Skip allowed, yes? [2021-01-23 22:59:36+00:00] Melrose#4744 is ready! (8 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:59:41+00:00] Ryuja#6053 is ready! (7 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:59:43+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: yes [2021-01-23 22:59:44+00:00] felixoide4#9489: correct [2021-01-23 22:59:44+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: yeah [2021-01-23 22:59:45+00:00] Kevin_818#9130 is ready! (6 remaining) [2021-01-23 22:59:50+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: Nice, ty! [2021-01-23 22:59:56+00:00] Linlinlin: Sponge never taught me how to mweep skip [2021-01-23 23:00:02+00:00] felixoide4#9489: take your time, I'm wolfind down dinner atm [2021-01-23 23:00:03+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (5 remaining) [2021-01-23 23:00:03+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: wow rude [2021-01-23 23:00:06+00:00] PolyGanon#8519: Possible sync error.... this is really not my day [2021-01-23 23:00:07+00:00] Teri_J#1132: is mweep skip allowed? [2021-01-23 23:00:09+00:00] rockchalk#3494 is ready! (4 remaining) [2021-01-23 23:00:11+00:00] felixoide4#9489: yes [2021-01-23 23:00:13+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: yea [2021-01-23 23:00:17+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 is ready! (3 remaining) [2021-01-23 23:00:20+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: jumping over KZ is allowed [2021-01-23 23:00:23+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: clipping over is not [2021-01-23 23:00:23+00:00] Teri_J#1132: the clipping through the wall one? [2021-01-23 23:00:25+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: err under [2021-01-23 23:00:26+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: no [2021-01-23 23:00:30+00:00] Linlinlin: Goomba and riley aint there I had to bully someone else [2021-01-23 23:00:30+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: no no clipping the glitchless jump [2021-01-23 23:00:37+00:00] PhoenixFeather#0512 is ready! (2 remaining) [2021-01-23 23:00:38+00:00] Teri_J#1132: how does one jump OVER him????? [2021-01-23 23:00:46+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: #strat-discussion [2021-01-23 23:00:49+00:00] felixoide4#9489: ^ [2021-01-23 23:00:54+00:00] Teri_J#1132: hmmm [2021-01-23 23:00:58+00:00] Teri_J#1132: thnx [2021-01-23 23:01:10+00:00] Teri_J#1132: omg are we starting on time? [2021-01-23 23:01:12+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: probably a little late to learn, let's hope it doesn't come up ;) [2021-01-23 23:01:20+00:00] DocHeaps#0671: Wait, on time??! [2021-01-23 23:01:24+00:00] felixoide4#9489: just learn it on the fly 5Head [2021-01-23 23:01:24+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: nah [2021-01-23 23:01:27+00:00] Holysparkz#8553: #blamesponge [2021-01-23 23:01:27+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: got at least 5 min [2021-01-23 23:01:28+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: no sponge is making us late Kappa [2021-01-23 23:01:43+00:00] TheSaltySponge#9432 is ready! (1 remaining) [2021-01-23 23:01:44+00:00] Teri_J#1132: damn! we were all ready on time [2021-01-23 23:01:47+00:00] MrMario7788#4876: glhf! [2021-01-23 23:01:50+00:00] DocHeaps#0671: GLHF! <3 [2021-01-23 23:01:50+00:00] Kevin_818#9130: gl all [2021-01-23 23:01:51+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: glhf! [2021-01-23 23:01:51+00:00] emosoda: glhf [2021-01-23 23:01:51+00:00] felixoide4#9489: gl hf! [2021-01-23 23:01:52+00:00] Holysparkz#8553: glhf [2021-01-23 23:01:52+00:00] rockchalk#3494: glhf [2021-01-23 23:01:53+00:00] Teri_J#1132: GLHF [2021-01-23 23:01:54+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: glgl [2021-01-23 23:01:54+00:00] Flee#0246: glhf [2021-01-23 23:01:55+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: glhf [2021-01-23 23:01:55+00:00] link88899#9714: gl hf [2021-01-23 23:01:55+00:00] Gorodine#7047: glhf [2021-01-23 23:01:55+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795: GLHF! [2021-01-23 23:01:55+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: gl hf [2021-01-23 23:01:56+00:00] mrmartin#9054: glhf! [2021-01-23 23:01:56+00:00] purble#1465: glhf [2021-01-23 23:01:56+00:00] Linlinlin: gl hf owo [2021-01-23 23:01:59+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: glhf [2021-01-23 23:02:00+00:00] Cola#5395: Glhf all [2021-01-23 23:02:01+00:00] DrKirth#6888: hf evry1 [2021-01-23 23:02:02+00:00] Linkpon#8526: GL guys :3 [2021-01-23 23:02:03+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: glhf! [2021-01-23 23:02:03+00:00] PhoenixFeather#0512: glhf [2021-01-23 23:02:05+00:00] Sawce_Bawss#0263: jhfjkl [2021-01-23 23:02:06+00:00] Star1468#7969: GL HF [2021-01-23 23:02:09+00:00] roguecopter#2546: have fun stormin' the castle :D [2021-01-23 23:02:23+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736: starting! [2021-01-23 23:02:27+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736 quits the race. [2021-01-23 23:02:27+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds! [2021-01-23 23:02:27+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: We beat the restream for once, good job team! [2021-01-23 23:02:30+00:00] Jaybone25#6542: all good ADn [2021-01-23 23:02:32+00:00] 10… [2021-01-23 23:02:37+00:00] 5… [2021-01-23 23:02:38+00:00] 4… [2021-01-23 23:02:39+00:00] 3… [2021-01-23 23:02:40+00:00] 2… [2021-01-23 23:02:41+00:00] 1… [2021-01-23 23:02:42+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2021-01-23 23:03:55+00:00] AngryDemonNoises#2736: LUL thanks for your help jay <3 [2021-01-23 23:42:39+00:00] Kevin_818#9130 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 00:11:25+00:00] error0x226#5465 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 00:11:34+00:00] error0x226#5465 added a comment. [2021-01-24 01:30:37+00:00] NinjaBus#4247 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:27:55! [2021-01-24 01:30:47+00:00] Sawce_Bawss#0263: gg [2021-01-24 01:30:59+00:00] Teri_J#1132: thats a surprise [2021-01-24 01:31:04+00:00] Teri_J#1132: ggs mate [2021-01-24 01:31:12+00:00] NinjaBus#4247: gg, thanks [2021-01-24 01:31:20+00:00] NinjaBus#4247 added a comment. [2021-01-24 01:31:32+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948: gg ! [2021-01-24 01:32:46+00:00] mrmartin#9054 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 01:33:56+00:00] Ryuja#6053 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:31:14! [2021-01-24 01:36:02+00:00] rockchalk#3494 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:33:20! [2021-01-24 01:36:14+00:00] rockchalk#3494 added a comment. [2021-01-24 01:37:54+00:00] Ryuja#6053 added a comment. [2021-01-24 01:41:23+00:00] Digitalhobo#5930 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 01:42:16+00:00] Holysparkz#8553 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:39:34! [2021-01-24 01:42:33+00:00] JustSam#5727 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:39:51! [2021-01-24 01:42:46+00:00] felixoide4#9489 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 01:46:06+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:43:24! [2021-01-24 01:46:57+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: gg [2021-01-24 01:47:00+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: interveiw? [2021-01-24 01:47:09+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: yeah! just need a min [2021-01-24 01:47:15+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: fair [2021-01-24 01:48:27+00:00] TheSaltySponge#9432 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:45:45! [2021-01-24 01:49:14+00:00] Cola#5395 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:46:32! [2021-01-24 01:50:07+00:00] MrMario7788#4876 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:47:25! [2021-01-24 01:50:23+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 01:52:30+00:00] zserf#4425 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:49:48! [2021-01-24 01:53:13+00:00] jaybone25#7000 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 01:56:04+00:00] emosoda has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:53:22! [2021-01-24 01:58:32+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:55:50! [2021-01-24 01:58:37+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 has finished in 13th place with a time of 2:55:55! [2021-01-24 01:59:35+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: gg interview? [2021-01-24 02:00:23+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: sure [2021-01-24 02:00:25+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 has finished in 14th place with a time of 2:57:43! [2021-01-24 02:01:17+00:00] PolarBailey#1640: join a vc in the discord and we'll pull you in [2021-01-24 02:04:50+00:00] RoskaTyrant#7869 has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:02:08! [2021-01-24 02:05:06+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:02:24! [2021-01-24 02:05:40+00:00] Cuphat#2212 added a comment. [2021-01-24 02:05:46+00:00] Cuphat#2212: I'm in VC [2021-01-24 02:08:04+00:00] Icola#8220 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:05:22! [2021-01-24 02:11:05+00:00] Flee#0246 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:08:23! [2021-01-24 02:12:42+00:00] Gorodine#7047 has finished in 19th place with a time of 3:10:00! [2021-01-24 02:13:36+00:00] Linkpon#8526 has finished in 20th place with a time of 3:10:54! [2021-01-24 02:14:18+00:00] Zemoo#4988 has finished in 21st place with a time of 3:11:36! [2021-01-24 02:17:36+00:00] kr3z#4245 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 3:14:54! [2021-01-24 02:17:54+00:00] PhoenixFeather#0512 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 3:15:12! [2021-01-24 02:23:15+00:00] DrKirth#6888 has finished in 24th place with a time of 3:20:33! [2021-01-24 02:23:38+00:00] DrKirth#6888 added a comment. [2021-01-24 02:23:40+00:00] roguecopter#2546 has finished in 25th place with a time of 3:20:57! [2021-01-24 02:24:15+00:00] Jamo#6380 has finished in 26th place with a time of 3:21:33! [2021-01-24 02:35:28+00:00] docheaps#0190 has finished in 27th place with a time of 3:32:45! [2021-01-24 02:36:23+00:00] Sawce_Bawss#0263 has finished in 28th place with a time of 3:33:41! [2021-01-24 02:37:07+00:00] Sawce_Bawss#0263 added a comment. [2021-01-24 02:38:31+00:00] docheaps#0190 added a comment. [2021-01-24 02:39:13+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 29th place with a time of 3:36:30! [2021-01-24 02:47:44+00:00] purble#1465 has finished in 30th place with a time of 3:45:02! [2021-01-24 02:48:48+00:00] purble#1465 added a comment. [2021-01-24 02:55:55+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 added a comment. [2021-01-24 02:56:53+00:00] Campo#7429 has finished in 31st place with a time of 3:54:11! [2021-01-24 02:58:40+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 has finished in 32nd place with a time of 3:55:58! [2021-01-24 03:01:02+00:00] link88899#9714 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 03:01:39+00:00] Melrose#4744 has finished in 33rd place with a time of 3:58:57! [2021-01-24 03:01:46+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 has finished in 34th place with a time of 3:59:04! [2021-01-24 03:03:31+00:00] PolyGanon#8519 added a comment. [2021-01-24 03:04:42+00:00] Melrose#4744 added a comment. [2021-01-24 03:25:28+00:00] Linlinlin has finished in 35th place with a time of 4:22:45! [2021-01-24 04:08:13+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 has finished in 36th place with a time of 5:05:31! [2021-01-24 04:08:20+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 added a comment. [2021-01-24 04:08:26+00:00] Teri_J#1132: ggs [2021-01-24 04:08:31+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: I hate it :D [2021-01-24 04:08:34+00:00] Teri_J#1132 has forfeited from the race. [2021-01-24 04:08:34+00:00] Race finished in 5:05:52.1 [2021-01-24 04:08:42+00:00] Teri_J#1132: and i just hit go mode [2021-01-24 04:09:04+00:00] Teri_J#1132: that seed sucked ass [2021-01-24 04:09:20+00:00] Teri_J#1132 added a comment: "fuck that KS location" [2021-01-24 04:09:20+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: For real though, S4 is wrecking me [2021-01-24 04:09:38+00:00] Teri_J#1132: its the damn sword requirement [2021-01-24 07:02:24+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/mecha-luigi-7622/log [2021-01-24 07:02:26+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/mecha-luigi-7622/csv [2021-01-24 07:28:09+00:00] Race result recorded by JasonArilani