[2021-07-04 12:00:11+00:00] shiroaeli#4273 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:00:32+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset> [2021-07-04 12:00:32+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log. [2021-07-04 12:00:32+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets [2021-07-04 12:00:53+00:00] JimboSlice joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:01:41+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: gle1 i cant participate today :sadge: [2021-07-04 12:02:34+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: :( [2021-07-04 12:03:20+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:03:39+00:00] Bossage#7760 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:03:58+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:04:12+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: !lock [2021-07-04 12:04:12+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors. [2021-07-04 12:04:52+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: :eyes: [2021-07-04 12:06:15+00:00] FcS35#2882 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:06:31+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:06:33+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: Time for a run back, ryuu? [2021-07-04 12:06:50+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:07:02+00:00] wordsforswords joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:07:30+00:00] emosoda joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:07:52+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:08:30+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Oh fuck emos here [2021-07-04 12:08:38+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 quits the race. [2021-07-04 12:08:55+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: Kek [2021-07-04 12:09:21+00:00] FcS35#2882: emosoda we can do our race league if you prefer :D [2021-07-04 12:09:27+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:09:28+00:00] wordsforswords: Good Morning / Day [2021-07-04 12:09:41+00:00] Melrose#4744 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:09:45+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Morning o/ [2021-07-04 12:10:20+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: mornin o/ [2021-07-04 12:10:21+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Still considering joining or not Karp ngl lmao [2021-07-04 12:11:22+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: Just aiming for top 10 and if I manage to best zeph or emo then we're good [2021-07-04 12:12:14+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:12:15+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Got a good chance at that I think lol [2021-07-04 12:12:37+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: Yo Levi let's go [2021-07-04 12:12:42+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: Note to self: don't dingus that 1 check in well, thanks brain [2021-07-04 12:12:50+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: Yo Karp o/ [2021-07-04 12:16:07+00:00] emosoda: @fcs35 yeah you wanna do league? [2021-07-04 12:16:40+00:00] FcS35#2882: yeah If you want [2021-07-04 12:16:59+00:00] emosoda: Can you fill the form in? I can open room [2021-07-04 12:17:13+00:00] FcS35#2882: Ok just finish one thing on FFR14 and I do that [2021-07-04 12:17:27+00:00] emosoda quits the race. [2021-07-04 12:17:35+00:00] FcS35#2882 quits the race. [2021-07-04 12:17:59+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:18:23+00:00] wordsforswords: I can feel Karp shifting sim from emo to z3ph now… [2021-07-04 12:18:33+00:00] wordsforswords: *aim [2021-07-04 12:19:00+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: and here I am aiming for the clouds XD [2021-07-04 12:20:02+00:00] favio94#9972 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:21:00+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Did...did they just schedule a league race in a weekly room? :P [2021-07-04 12:21:12+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: i think so @ shaun1e [2021-07-04 12:21:14+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: xD [2021-07-04 12:21:24+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Amazing :P [2021-07-04 12:22:26+00:00] Alf#5942 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:22:29+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:24:33+00:00] emosoda: can't turn down match #7 shaun1e ;D [2021-07-04 12:24:50+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Well, it's definitely a new one, I think :P [2021-07-04 12:27:24+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Ah fuck it [2021-07-04 12:27:25+00:00] shaun1e#9391 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:27:35+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: Pog. Let's go shaunie [2021-07-04 12:27:39+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: Wooooooooooo [2021-07-04 12:27:40+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: xD [2021-07-04 12:28:23+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: lets gooooo [2021-07-04 12:29:00+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: after no life-ing so much league, I'm gonna be super upset when I can't cahrge into Deku [2021-07-04 12:29:08+00:00] shaun1e#9391: SAME tho [2021-07-04 12:29:11+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: charge* [2021-07-04 12:29:13+00:00] Cokotier#5325 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:29:15+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: you and me both dark XD [2021-07-04 12:29:35+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I'm excited, if nto a little/lot tired [2021-07-04 12:29:46+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: (so much I can't spell..) [2021-07-04 12:29:53+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs xD [2021-07-04 12:31:15+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Closed deku and scrubs are on right? [2021-07-04 12:31:29+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: yup. but no dmc, dcvn or ganon scrubs [2021-07-04 12:31:35+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Right [2021-07-04 12:31:36+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: *the worst dmc [2021-07-04 12:31:39+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Yeah, and ZL can be WotH too [2021-07-04 12:31:48+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Yea DMC as child scrub gotcha [2021-07-04 12:31:55+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Why is that still a thing lol [2021-07-04 12:32:07+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: but hammer scrubs are still ok [2021-07-04 12:32:09+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: and ganons castle and dc are off too [2021-07-04 12:32:10+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Because, to turn ZL WotH off, we'd need to use Dev :P [2021-07-04 12:32:35+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Dev = Best [2021-07-04 12:32:45+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: ^ [2021-07-04 12:32:45+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: I mean... we already use it for league @ shaun1e xD [2021-07-04 12:32:53+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I know we do, oddly enough :P [2021-07-04 12:32:53+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: this [2021-07-04 12:33:13+00:00] shaun1e#9391: It's gotta be said, this is a quiet weekly atm [2021-07-04 12:33:15+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: :P [2021-07-04 12:33:24+00:00] shaun1e#9391: (inb4 massive rush of people) [2021-07-04 12:33:28+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: yeah... i know [2021-07-04 12:33:30+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: so who do I get to ***politely*** yell at in 4 hours? [2021-07-04 12:33:43+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: me <-- I enjoy a good yell [2021-07-04 12:33:48+00:00] shaun1e#9391: ootrrandomiser.com [2021-07-04 12:33:48+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: it's still half an hour. most people join within the last 5-10 minutes anyway :D [2021-07-04 12:33:56+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Is zl being woth tied to the rando in general or the hint distro? [2021-07-04 12:33:58+00:00] shaun1e#9391: wait, one too many r's there [2021-07-04 12:34:03+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: im aiming for sub 3 on this one... ive yet to get one during a weekly (i think?) [2021-07-04 12:34:09+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I wanna say distro [2021-07-04 12:34:16+00:00] shaun1e#9391: But not sure [2021-07-04 12:34:20+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I got 1 sub 3 in a weekly, but I rolled it myself [2021-07-04 12:34:24+00:00] tanjo3 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:34:29+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: it wasnt official [2021-07-04 12:34:40+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: after last week I'm aiming for sub 2 but pigs will fly [2021-07-04 12:34:54+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Every seed can sub 2 [2021-07-04 12:34:58+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: last week I'm still mad at myself for not sub 3 [2021-07-04 12:35:02+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: every seed can sub 4 days [2021-07-04 12:35:02+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: if it's a jet seed expect this one to sub 5 xD [2021-07-04 12:35:03+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Every seed CAN sub 2...weeks [2021-07-04 12:35:12+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: KEKW [2021-07-04 12:35:16+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: classic ;D [2021-07-04 12:35:18+00:00] shaun1e#9391: All seeds are jet seeds. It's just that some forget to pack the engine. [2021-07-04 12:35:19+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: **ALWAYS** **RUSH** **WOTHS** [2021-07-04 12:35:26+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: and full clear [2021-07-04 12:35:51+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: I still fail jets doing so though (9x's out of 10) >_< [2021-07-04 12:36:25+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: personally I think this is gonna be a more dip dip potato chip kinda seed [2021-07-04 12:36:30+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: idky [2021-07-04 12:36:33+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: just a hunch [2021-07-04 12:36:41+00:00] wordsforswords: Just only check the stuff you need and not the stuff you don’t. Ez [2021-07-04 12:36:47+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: Better be sour cream and onion dip with some ruffles [2021-07-04 12:36:48+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: >_> [2021-07-04 12:37:04+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Biggoron is Prescription lowest in weeklies, right? [2021-07-04 12:37:10+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: well said @wordsforswords [2021-07-04 12:37:11+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: yes i think [2021-07-04 12:37:15+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: if not a little cocky [2021-07-04 12:37:21+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: @melrose @z3ph1r @wordsforwords @DareDevinX ya'll ok for restream today? [2021-07-04 12:37:22+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: xD [2021-07-04 12:37:36+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I was wondering where that was :P [2021-07-04 12:37:37+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: sure, I can provide clean audio, too [2021-07-04 12:37:41+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: <3 [2021-07-04 12:37:47+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: <3 [2021-07-04 12:37:56+00:00] wordsforswords: Sure, but I was on last week if you want someone else. Happy to be on, though. [2021-07-04 12:38:09+00:00] Yace_Dante#4179 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:38:18+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: ah, the sheet isnt updated. so technically didnt happen :P [2021-07-04 12:38:30+00:00] Konditioner#9278 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:38:35+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: the sheet does not lie [2021-07-04 12:38:39+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: xD [2021-07-04 12:38:43+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: on which channel are we restreamed on today? [2021-07-04 12:38:53+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: main zsr [2021-07-04 12:38:59+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: thanks! [2021-07-04 12:39:03+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: np! [2021-07-04 12:39:04+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: uhhh sure i can be on restream [2021-07-04 12:39:11+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: no clean audio [2021-07-04 12:39:32+00:00] wordsforswords: I do yes have clean audio [2021-07-04 12:39:54+00:00] Melrose#4744: I’m down, although I just spent the last 5 hours doing an rsl race so I’ll be losing my mind soon [2021-07-04 12:40:31+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: monkaS [2021-07-04 12:40:39+00:00] Jimbo: ryuu going for back to back wins? :P [2021-07-04 12:40:42+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: seed gauntlets are fun though :D [2021-07-04 12:40:48+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Gonna try at least [2021-07-04 12:40:48+00:00] Hapax#2041 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:40:56+00:00] Jimbo: hapax o/ [2021-07-04 12:41:00+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Gotta take the chance while Kariossa is away zsrGrin [2021-07-04 12:41:00+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: what channel is it on shiro? [2021-07-04 12:41:10+00:00] Jimbo: it's main z3ph1r [2021-07-04 12:41:17+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: ty [2021-07-04 12:41:20+00:00] Jimbo: np [2021-07-04 12:41:26+00:00] Hapax#2041: heyo jimbo [2021-07-04 12:41:48+00:00] Hapax#2041: cool finish yesterday, 3:33:33 ex aequo with cubs [2021-07-04 12:41:56+00:00] Jimbo: lol yeah that was nuts [2021-07-04 12:42:12+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:42:27+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:44:54+00:00] Damdayou#9554 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:44:59+00:00] Damdayou#9554: Hello! [2021-07-04 12:45:39+00:00] shiroaeli#4273 updated the race information. [2021-07-04 12:45:43+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=826038 [2021-07-04 12:46:03+00:00] Hapax#2041: hey da [2021-07-04 12:46:04+00:00] Hapax#2041: m [2021-07-04 12:46:47+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:46:48+00:00] wordsforswords: Last time, somebody commented about how nice my goron tunic color was. I just want to let you all in on a secret: vanilla. [2021-07-04 12:47:03+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: LUL [2021-07-04 12:47:25+00:00] Hapax#2041: wow what a cool red!! [2021-07-04 12:47:38+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:47:38+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: can't beat the classics [2021-07-04 12:48:02+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I get tired of kokiri green after like.. one run [2021-07-04 12:49:11+00:00] wordsforswords is ready! (25 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:49:39+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 is ready! (24 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:49:40+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 is ready! (23 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:50:11+00:00] shaun1e#9391: aaaaa we don't start with Lens D: [2021-07-04 12:50:22+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: ? [2021-07-04 12:50:27+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: is that meant to be a league thing? lol [2021-07-04 12:50:29+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I'm too used to League :P [2021-07-04 12:50:31+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: or did I do something wrong [2021-07-04 12:50:32+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: oh ok [2021-07-04 12:50:33+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: but hey! we get free consumables xD [2021-07-04 12:50:36+00:00] tanjo3 is ready! (22 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:50:37+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: was mildly panicking [2021-07-04 12:50:42+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Sorry D: [2021-07-04 12:50:57+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: I had hoped you just meant league :P but can never be too sure [2021-07-04 12:51:01+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 is ready! (21 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:51:55+00:00] Alf#5942: Standard doesn't start with it, but it's still logically required for some stuff. I.E. Wasteland. [2021-07-04 12:51:58+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (20 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:52:01+00:00] Squall27730#2387 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:52:19+00:00] wordsforswords: Settings look fine, shiroaeli [2021-07-04 12:52:42+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: ty <3 :) [2021-07-04 12:53:06+00:00] JimboSlice is ready! (20 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:53:11+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 is ready! (19 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:53:11+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307 is ready! (18 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:53:29+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: good luck morning people [2021-07-04 12:53:53+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: jokes on you, not a morning person :D [2021-07-04 12:54:01+00:00] Damdayou#9554 is ready! (17 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:54:10+00:00] Jimbo: cmon skull seed! [2021-07-04 12:54:12+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: that means you need an extra amount of luck [2021-07-04 12:54:14+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: pls no [2021-07-04 12:54:15+00:00] Konditioner#9278 is ready! (16 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:54:15+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: that was the point lol, been up since 1 am [2021-07-04 12:54:18+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Joke's on you, it's not morning for me! :P [2021-07-04 12:54:24+00:00] Alf#5942: Neither am I. xD I just have other things happening during NA weekly [2021-07-04 12:54:27+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: lovely mid afternoon for me [2021-07-04 12:54:34+00:00] VenCorbin#0196 joins the race. [2021-07-04 12:54:48+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: the sun came up like 2 hours ago.. [2021-07-04 12:54:51+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: its technically nighttime for me; i work the night shift xD [2021-07-04 12:54:55+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I watched it go down and up [2021-07-04 12:54:57+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 is ready! (16 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:54:59+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766 is ready! (15 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:55:01+00:00] Bossage#7760 is ready! (14 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:55:14+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: me too dark xD [2021-07-04 12:55:15+00:00] Alf#5942: Yeah, well. You work overnight. [2021-07-04 12:55:23+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 is ready! (13 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:55:27+00:00] Alf#5942 is ready! (12 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:55:45+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: It gets lonely xD [2021-07-04 12:55:52+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: lol [2021-07-04 12:57:18+00:00] Hapax#2041 is ready! (11 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:58:02+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 is ready! (10 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:58:04+00:00] shaun1e#9391 is ready! (9 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:59:07+00:00] Melrose#4744 is ready! (8 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:59:14+00:00] Yace_Dante#4179 is ready! (7 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:59:34+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 is ready! (6 remaining) [2021-07-04 12:59:42+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (5 remaining) [2021-07-04 13:00:32+00:00] Squall27730#2387 is ready! (4 remaining) [2021-07-04 13:00:34+00:00] Cokotier#5325 is ready! (3 remaining) [2021-07-04 13:00:39+00:00] Cokotier#5325: GLHF [2021-07-04 13:00:43+00:00] wordsforswords: glhf [2021-07-04 13:00:45+00:00] Damdayou#9554: glhf [2021-07-04 13:00:45+00:00] Melrose#4744: glhf [2021-07-04 13:00:46+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: glhf! [2021-07-04 13:00:47+00:00] Hapax#2041: glhf!! [2021-07-04 13:00:47+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: gl hf [2021-07-04 13:00:47+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: glhf! [2021-07-04 13:00:48+00:00] shaun1e#9391: gfhl :) [2021-07-04 13:00:48+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: glhf [2021-07-04 13:00:49+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: glhf [2021-07-04 13:00:50+00:00] Bossage#7760: glhf [2021-07-04 13:00:51+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: GLHF [2021-07-04 13:00:52+00:00] Alf#5942: glhf! [2021-07-04 13:00:54+00:00] Jimbo: glhf [2021-07-04 13:01:08+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: gl hf [2021-07-04 13:01:11+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: glhf :) [2021-07-04 13:01:16+00:00] VenCorbin#0196 is ready! (2 remaining) [2021-07-04 13:01:17+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: hfgl [2021-07-04 13:01:22+00:00] shiroaeli#4273 quits the race. [2021-07-04 13:01:25+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795: GLHF! [2021-07-04 13:01:26+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: gl hf all! [2021-07-04 13:01:34+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: *bows* [2021-07-04 13:01:43+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: :) [2021-07-04 13:02:01+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: favio pls go live and ready up :) [2021-07-04 13:02:44+00:00] favio94#9972: I'm trying, I'll hurry up [2021-07-04 13:05:25+00:00] favio94#9972: ok, sorry for the delay [2021-07-04 13:05:32+00:00] favio94#9972 is ready! (0 remaining) [2021-07-04 13:05:32+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds! [2021-07-04 13:05:37+00:00] 10… [2021-07-04 13:05:42+00:00] 5… [2021-07-04 13:05:43+00:00] 4… [2021-07-04 13:05:44+00:00] 3… [2021-07-04 13:05:45+00:00] 2… [2021-07-04 13:05:46+00:00] 1… [2021-07-04 13:05:47+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2021-07-04 16:00:25+00:00] Melrose#4744 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:54:37! [2021-07-04 16:00:31+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: ggs [2021-07-04 16:00:44+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:54:56! [2021-07-04 16:00:49+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: DANG [2021-07-04 16:00:50+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: IT [2021-07-04 16:00:51+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: GGs! up for interview Melrose? [2021-07-04 16:00:51+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: GGs [2021-07-04 16:00:54+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: wow the snipe D: [2021-07-04 16:01:02+00:00] Melrose#4744: Sorry ryuukane [2021-07-04 16:01:04+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: GGs Ryuu , almost the double :) [2021-07-04 16:01:15+00:00] Melrose#4744: ggs [2021-07-04 16:01:25+00:00] Melrose#4744: On my way [2021-07-04 16:07:41+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:01:53! [2021-07-04 16:08:39+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: GGs! interview as well? :) [2021-07-04 16:08:44+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: you bet [2021-07-04 16:08:50+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: ill be right there [2021-07-04 16:12:27+00:00] favio94#9972 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:06:40! [2021-07-04 16:17:42+00:00] wordsforswords has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:11:55! [2021-07-04 16:17:57+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: GGs! interview words? :) [2021-07-04 16:18:06+00:00] wordsforswords: sure, one moment [2021-07-04 16:18:10+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:18:12+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: no worries, take your time [2021-07-04 16:18:28+00:00] Cokotier#5325 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:12:40! [2021-07-04 16:18:44+00:00] Cokotier#5325: ggs! [2021-07-04 16:19:16+00:00] Cokotier#5325 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:21:46+00:00] Konditioner#9278 has forfeited from the race. [2021-07-04 16:22:45+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:16:57! [2021-07-04 16:23:28+00:00] favio94#9972 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:25:31+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307 has forfeited from the race. [2021-07-04 16:27:09+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: SUPER tilted [2021-07-04 16:28:12+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:22:24! [2021-07-04 16:28:43+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:29:07+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:29:20+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: ggs karp [2021-07-04 16:32:29+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: ggs zeph [2021-07-04 16:33:26+00:00] favio94#9972 changed their comment. [2021-07-04 16:34:49+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:29:01! [2021-07-04 16:40:40+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:34:52! [2021-07-04 16:42:31+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:42:50+00:00] Jimbo: ok [2021-07-04 16:42:52+00:00] Jimbo: fuck this seed [2021-07-04 16:44:58+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:39:10! [2021-07-04 16:44:58+00:00] Hapax#2041 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:39:10! [2021-07-04 16:45:03+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: O.O [2021-07-04 16:45:08+00:00] Hapax#2041: omg [2021-07-04 16:45:12+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: haha GG [2021-07-04 16:45:17+00:00] Hapax#2041: ggs lmao [2021-07-04 16:45:18+00:00] Jimbo: LOL [2021-07-04 16:45:19+00:00] shirosoluna#5066: GGs! interview? :) [2021-07-04 16:45:22+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: sure [2021-07-04 16:45:23+00:00] Damdayou#9554: lol [2021-07-04 16:45:27+00:00] VenCorbin#0196: oof lol [2021-07-04 16:46:00+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: medaling in synchronized Ganon kills [2021-07-04 16:47:58+00:00] Hapax#2041: yesterday it happened to jimbo [2021-07-04 16:47:59+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:42:11! [2021-07-04 16:48:07+00:00] Hapax#2041: and cubs [2021-07-04 16:50:56+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:45:08! [2021-07-04 16:51:00+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:51:01+00:00] JimboSlice has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:45:14! [2021-07-04 16:51:04+00:00] shaun1e#9391 has forfeited from the race. [2021-07-04 16:51:14+00:00] VenCorbin#0196 has forfeited from the race. [2021-07-04 16:51:26+00:00] VenCorbin#0196 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:51:32+00:00] shaun1e#9391 added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:51:44+00:00] JimboSlice added a comment. [2021-07-04 16:52:07+00:00] JimboSlice changed their comment. [2021-07-04 16:54:23+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:48:35! [2021-07-04 16:59:09+00:00] Cuphat#2212 added a comment. [2021-07-04 17:03:37+00:00] Bossage#7760 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:57:49! [2021-07-04 17:03:59+00:00] Damdayou#9554 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:58:11! [2021-07-04 17:05:36+00:00] Bossage#7760 added a comment. [2021-07-04 17:09:29+00:00] Alf#5942 has finished in 19th place with a time of 4:03:41! [2021-07-04 17:09:43+00:00] Alf#5942 added a comment. [2021-07-04 17:17:58+00:00] Squall27730#2387 has forfeited from the race. [2021-07-04 17:20:45+00:00] tanjo3 has finished in 20th place with a time of 4:14:57! [2021-07-04 17:32:52+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 has finished in 21st place with a time of 4:27:04! [2021-07-04 17:33:41+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 added a comment. [2021-07-04 17:36:11+00:00] Yace_Dante#4179 has forfeited from the race. [2021-07-04 17:36:11+00:00] Race finished in 4:30:23.9 [2021-07-04 17:46:53+00:00] tanjo3 added a comment. [2021-07-04 17:57:39+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 added a comment. [2021-07-04 19:50:35+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/neutral-deadhand-3425/log [2021-07-04 19:50:37+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/neutral-deadhand-3425/csv [2021-07-06 18:00:37+00:00] Race result recorded by Xopar