[2021-08-14 12:55:16+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124 joins the race. [2021-08-14 12:55:20+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: !lock [2021-08-14 12:55:20+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset> [2021-08-14 12:55:20+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log. [2021-08-14 12:55:20+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets [2021-08-14 12:55:41+00:00] SonicRPika#5088 joins the race. [2021-08-14 12:58:31+00:00] Tepedino#8824 joins the race. [2021-08-14 12:58:37+00:00] Tepedino#8824: good morning :) [2021-08-14 13:00:14+00:00] Sharky2107#6867 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:00:25+00:00] EnigmaticHylian#7576 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:00:28+00:00] renata#7226 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:01:11+00:00] barbu#5807 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:01:52+00:00] Cokotier#5325 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:02:04+00:00] Cokotier#5325: o/ [2021-08-14 13:02:20+00:00] shaun1e#9391 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:02:24+00:00] Lefty#7499 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:02:26+00:00] JimboSlice joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:02:29+00:00] Aughoti#9108 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:02:30+00:00] Worink#3355 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:02:35+00:00] Lefty#7499: Hello! [2021-08-14 13:02:38+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723: morning [2021-08-14 13:02:40+00:00] Jimbo: o/ [2021-08-14 13:02:49+00:00] Aughoti#9108: is that JimboSlice, winner of Qual 7? Pog [2021-08-14 13:02:58+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:03:01+00:00] Worink#3355: anyone hungry for chicken? :Kappa: [2021-08-14 13:03:02+00:00] jojolmn#6493 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:03:06+00:00] Jimbo: Aughoti PogChamp [2021-08-14 13:03:08+00:00] VenCorbin#0196 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:03:18+00:00] Thojost#0089 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:03:23+00:00] baelnog#5605 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:03:28+00:00] Troollax#7271 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:03:34+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:03:38+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:03:55+00:00] felixoide4#9489 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:04:08+00:00] TrenteR: :eyes: [2021-08-14 13:04:21+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:04:25+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:04:31+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I most definitely shouldn't be awake [2021-08-14 13:04:42+00:00] TrenteR: same felix [2021-08-14 13:04:49+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: rise and shine, ZOOTR time [2021-08-14 13:05:02+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I only woke up like 5 minutes ago, I need some food [2021-08-14 13:05:27+00:00] Bossage#7760 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:05:32+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723: I woke up an hour ago but I still need food [2021-08-14 13:05:36+00:00] Bossage#7760: o/ [2021-08-14 13:05:39+00:00] shaun1e#9391: The number of people I recognise from yesterday's race room is too high. Do y'all sleep? [2021-08-14 13:05:45+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: o.o [2021-08-14 13:05:49+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723: about 5 and a half hours yes [2021-08-14 13:05:52+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: need food and to find my hand brace myself [2021-08-14 13:06:04+00:00] Worink#3355: I slept, and i was watching the Qual 7 restream [2021-08-14 13:06:27+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:06:27+00:00] Worink#3355: honestly, glad I watched it, and didn't play it [2021-08-14 13:06:33+00:00] Tepedino#8824: Shaun1e what is this sleep you speak of? [2021-08-14 13:06:38+00:00] kr3z#4245 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:06:43+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Something that's good for you. [2021-08-14 13:06:47+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Sleep? [2021-08-14 13:06:50+00:00] Tepedino#8824: you mean food? [2021-08-14 13:06:51+00:00] Chopthetank#0580 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:06:53+00:00] Tepedino#8824: Food is good for me [2021-08-14 13:06:55+00:00] Worink#3355: oh? passing out? I do that all the time LUL [2021-08-14 13:07:03+00:00] Tepedino#8824: insane amount of coffee too [2021-08-14 13:07:20+00:00] Tepedino#8824: amounts? english is hard ¬¬ [2021-08-14 13:07:23+00:00] Worink#3355: Mountain Dew, breakfast of gaming champions KEKW [2021-08-14 13:07:25+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723: I prefer tea [2021-08-14 13:08:01+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I prefer Pepsi Max :P [2021-08-14 13:08:05+00:00] Sonny#7662 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:08:08+00:00] Worink#3355: eww... fake sugar [2021-08-14 13:08:19+00:00] Tepedino#8824: I miss dr pepper :/ [2021-08-14 13:08:49+00:00] Worink#3355: so, who's genning today? [2021-08-14 13:08:58+00:00] shaun1e#9391: RandoBot [2021-08-14 13:09:01+00:00] picks_6#0013 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:09:11+00:00] Worink#3355: I meant who's triggering randoBot... [2021-08-14 13:09:17+00:00] picks#2164: Hello I'm here to be farmed [2021-08-14 13:09:28+00:00] Worink#3355: ...wut? [2021-08-14 13:09:41+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Well, hopefully no-one, we really shouldn't be triggering it. [2021-08-14 13:09:49+00:00] Aranaut#5360: I bet for DreadzadnnCatz for rolling seed [2021-08-14 13:10:06+00:00] MILLEKA__#8244 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:10:11+00:00] BrotinderDose joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:10:12+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Ugh keyboard drift again [2021-08-14 13:10:25+00:00] Worink#3355: as long as it isn't "in the Woods" LUL [2021-08-14 13:10:56+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: hmm I'll have to look at the code at some point I wonder what the random in randomizer actually is [2021-08-14 13:10:59+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:12:05+00:00] Worink#3355: *sets up torch and pitchfork stand, torches lit upon purchase* [2021-08-14 13:12:14+00:00] Worink#3355: just in case XD [2021-08-14 13:13:51+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: pogtastic Shiro.. [2021-08-14 13:13:55+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: Mersenne Twister [2021-08-14 13:14:01+00:00] MelissaMGaming#3099 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:14:17+00:00] adamhii#1432 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:14:56+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: !lock [2021-08-14 13:14:56+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors. [2021-08-14 13:15:11+00:00] CANMaple#1272 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:15:23+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:16:45+00:00] Feenie#6029 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:16:51+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: Sharky, VenCorbin, Can Maple are you all fine being restreamed and who could provide clean audio ? [2021-08-14 13:17:01+00:00] CANMaple#1272: 0_0 [2021-08-14 13:17:21+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Only 3 runners monkaS [2021-08-14 13:17:29+00:00] TrenteR: Dreadz, Either my addition skills are rusty or that is 3 [2021-08-14 13:17:31+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: other one is in vc with me xD [2021-08-14 13:17:37+00:00] TrenteR: OH LUL [2021-08-14 13:17:41+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Ah I see [2021-08-14 13:17:47+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: Which would be sonicRPika [2021-08-14 13:18:13+00:00] tanjo3 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:18:23+00:00] CANMaple#1272: but warning, i will probably take 4 hours [2021-08-14 13:18:38+00:00] Sharky2107#6867: Sure, I will also have clean audio. [2021-08-14 13:18:45+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: serious controller issues. can't do KZ or upper river heart piece. should I skip this one? [2021-08-14 13:18:49+00:00] VenCorbin#0196: sure. i dont mind. i wont have clean audio though this time. [2021-08-14 13:19:02+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: Its fine Maple - we're prepared and i did too last time :D [2021-08-14 13:19:20+00:00] CANMaple#1272: so in terms of clean audio does that mean no mic cuz i can still do that? [2021-08-14 13:19:43+00:00] TrenteR: Depends on you Karp. We can only say that we would prefer less forfeits <3 [2021-08-14 13:19:43+00:00] Jimbo: yeah clean means game sound only [2021-08-14 13:19:50+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: Yeah no mic would be nice cause of one backup [2021-08-14 13:19:56+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:20:01+00:00] CANMaple#1272: ok [2021-08-14 13:20:07+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785: This is my seed, I can feel it [2021-08-14 13:20:09+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: I'll skip out then. gl everyone [2021-08-14 13:20:11+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 quits the race. [2021-08-14 13:20:13+00:00] TrenteR: if you think you can work with it, go for it. if you say nah i have enough other quals, skipping isn't bad either [2021-08-14 13:20:16+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: Ill use Sharky as main and you maple as backup then [2021-08-14 13:20:16+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Thanks Karp :D [2021-08-14 13:20:22+00:00] CANMaple#1272: i can do it [2021-08-14 13:20:29+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: I'll wait until I'm back from holiday on my main PC [2021-08-14 13:20:35+00:00] TrenteR: hope you can fix it Karp <3 [2021-08-14 13:23:51+00:00] Cyberion#5453 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:24:03+00:00] Rafa#9983 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:24:09+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:24:15+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:24:19+00:00] Rafa#9983: Heyyy o/ [2021-08-14 13:24:23+00:00] kariookami#4991 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:25:42+00:00] Cyberion#5453: that was some early pick for restream [2021-08-14 13:25:48+00:00] Worink#3355: ikr [2021-08-14 13:26:04+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: ^ [2021-08-14 13:26:13+00:00] Worink#3355: oh well, perhaps tomorrow, if I run tomorrow night [2021-08-14 13:26:29+00:00] Worink#3355: running out of quals though, this is #5 for me [2021-08-14 13:26:34+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:26:52+00:00] kariookami#4991: noooooooooooo [2021-08-14 13:26:58+00:00] kariookami#4991: im gonna last location [2021-08-14 13:27:11+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: im gonna outta spite [2021-08-14 13:27:17+00:00] Alextric#7847 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:28:10+00:00] Goombill#1284 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:28:46+00:00] Cyberion#5453: don't know how many individual runners have run at least one live qual but if they want to not restream a runner twice at least 60 would be needed over all 15 quals [2021-08-14 13:29:12+00:00] Aughoti#9108: qual 1 had 101 so [2021-08-14 13:29:20+00:00] Worink#3355: KEK [2021-08-14 13:29:31+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:29:34+00:00] Worink#3355: Qual 1 was also the Weekly that week [2021-08-14 13:29:52+00:00] Cola#5395: id expect theres gonna be above 200 people joining at least 1 qual [2021-08-14 13:30:06+00:00] Sharky2107#6867: Last Saturday Morning had 80-something I think [2021-08-14 13:30:59+00:00] Worink#3355: *keeps praying to the RNG goddesses* [2021-08-14 13:31:33+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:32:18+00:00] Alextric#7847: Is there a way to have livesplit auto start with the race? [2021-08-14 13:32:30+00:00] Cybrou#8097 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:32:42+00:00] Cybrou#8097: o/ [2021-08-14 13:32:44+00:00] CANMaple#1272: do u have it linked to racetime [2021-08-14 13:32:46+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Ryuu :eyes: [2021-08-14 13:32:51+00:00] Cola#5395: if you connect via livesplit it starts automatically [2021-08-14 13:32:57+00:00] Worink#3355: yeah, but it'll be off by a second or 2 [2021-08-14 13:33:10+00:00] Worink#3355: at least from my experience [2021-08-14 13:33:12+00:00] Alextric#7847: Oh gotcha, thanks all! [2021-08-14 13:33:15+00:00] kariossa#1113 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:33:17+00:00] CANMaple#1272: KEIPER [2021-08-14 13:33:19+00:00] CANMaple#1272: MY BOY [2021-08-14 13:33:22+00:00] Worink#3355: I go when the racetime chat says go [2021-08-14 13:33:32+00:00] Jagger#2449 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:33:32+00:00] CANMaple#1272: F CHICKENS [2021-08-14 13:33:34+00:00] TrenteR: kariossa. do you sleep? [2021-08-14 13:33:37+00:00] BrotinderDose: GO Kappa [2021-08-14 13:33:53+00:00] kariookami#4991: there's, clockworth and fowlington, peckarino and gizmo, chickabell, camila, egg bert. [2021-08-14 13:34:02+00:00] kariossa#1113: a little monkaS [2021-08-14 13:34:09+00:00] felixoide4#9489: monkaS [2021-08-14 13:34:13+00:00] CANMaple#1272: those the names of the chickens? [2021-08-14 13:34:19+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: yo Maple [2021-08-14 13:34:27+00:00] kariookami#4991: theres lara and fenton, danies and prophites of truth and mercy, regret [2021-08-14 13:34:28+00:00] CANMaple#1272: hi [2021-08-14 13:34:30+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: guess what I did last night [2021-08-14 13:34:33+00:00] kariookami#4991: yes [2021-08-14 13:34:33+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: those chickens [2021-08-14 13:34:34+00:00] CANMaple#1272: no [2021-08-14 13:34:39+00:00] CANMaple#1272: was it last check [2021-08-14 13:34:46+00:00] Aranaut#5360: You did qual yetersday kariossa ? [2021-08-14 13:34:55+00:00] TrenteR: yes they did [2021-08-14 13:34:59+00:00] Aranaut#5360: What a madman monkaS [2021-08-14 13:35:03+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: didn't matter cause I hecked my time of day going over to GTG and never got Hammer [2021-08-14 13:35:05+00:00] TrenteR: i still don't quite understand how [2021-08-14 13:35:05+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: :) [2021-08-14 13:35:07+00:00] kariookami#4991: i need to change my name [2021-08-14 13:35:11+00:00] Lefty#7499: imagine needing chickens for go mode :( [2021-08-14 13:35:12+00:00] CANMaple#1272: ahhhhh [2021-08-14 13:35:14+00:00] Worink#3355: indeed, double Quals on Friday the 13th KEKW [2021-08-14 13:35:20+00:00] kariookami#4991: people thinks of me as kariossa [2021-08-14 13:35:23+00:00] Jagger#2449: Dude kak was woth, how do you not do chickens [2021-08-14 13:35:30+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: because Jagger [2021-08-14 13:35:32+00:00] CANMaple#1272: kak is always woth [2021-08-14 13:35:37+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: out of principal [2021-08-14 13:35:37+00:00] Worink#3355: until it isn't [2021-08-14 13:35:40+00:00] Jagger#2449: yea and you only got bow there [2021-08-14 13:35:44+00:00] Jagger#2449: of course you do chickens lol [2021-08-14 13:35:52+00:00] pwalks22#9015: Even when it isn't hinted WOTH, it's still WOTH [2021-08-14 13:35:53+00:00] Worink#3355: yum, KFC [2021-08-14 13:36:01+00:00] CrustyKyler#1089: rang was there too [2021-08-14 13:36:08+00:00] Worink#3355: Rang was bait LUL [2021-08-14 13:36:09+00:00] CANMaple#1272: treat every seed like kak is woth and yet we still skip chickens until last [2021-08-14 13:36:11+00:00] Jagger#2449: rang was bait tho [2021-08-14 13:36:14+00:00] Death King II#7040 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:36:27+00:00] Aranaut#5360: He did another seed yeterday noon rolled by me in keysanity and finished in 4 hours 28 min [2021-08-14 13:36:27+00:00] favio94#9972 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:36:32+00:00] Timmeyto_Soup#9153 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:36:54+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Was a huge spicy one i never rolled for him KEKW [2021-08-14 13:37:05+00:00] Cola#5395: 3 seeds a day is the only way man [2021-08-14 13:37:21+00:00] JasonArilani joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:37:28+00:00] picks#2164: :) [2021-08-14 13:37:28+00:00] Aughoti#9108: X [2021-08-14 13:37:39+00:00] incoherent#6156: why am I awake for this [2021-08-14 13:37:42+00:00] Worink#3355: Cola, the Madlad LUL [2021-08-14 13:37:42+00:00] incoherent#6156 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:37:54+00:00] kariookami#4991: so you can be [2021-08-14 13:37:59+00:00] JasonArilani: Nothing like waking up at 6:30 AM to play a Qual [2021-08-14 13:38:00+00:00] kariookami#4991: incoherent [2021-08-14 13:38:06+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: KEKW jason [2021-08-14 13:38:07+00:00] incoherent#6156: same jason [2021-08-14 13:38:09+00:00] Cola#5395: im not actually doing 3 seeds a day anymore, but i used to [2021-08-14 13:38:12+00:00] felixoide4#9489: What the fuck guys [2021-08-14 13:38:20+00:00] felixoide4#9489: It's 6:30, go back to bed [2021-08-14 13:38:21+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:38:23+00:00] Twins Stars#7978: how join please [2021-08-14 13:38:23+00:00] Aranaut#5360: The fuck ? oO [2021-08-14 13:38:24+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: 3 RSL a day anyone? [2021-08-14 13:38:26+00:00] Twins Stars#7978: /join [2021-08-14 13:38:29+00:00] JudgeLeedo#3522: good morning everybody [2021-08-14 13:38:32+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: I'm up at 6:30 normally, 9 AM is easy [2021-08-14 13:38:32+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459: bed? but it's 15:38 here LUL [2021-08-14 13:38:34+00:00] incoherent#6156: I keep having Sunday plans so I can't join the normal human hour quals [2021-08-14 13:38:35+00:00] Sharky2107#6867: Yo Leedo [2021-08-14 13:38:41+00:00] Andols#0088 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:38:42+00:00] felixoide4#9489: join button above chat @Twins Stars [2021-08-14 13:38:46+00:00] JudgeLeedo#3522 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:39:03+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: TWINS STARS POG [2021-08-14 13:39:04+00:00] kariookami#4991: europe doesnt run on normal human hours [2021-08-14 13:39:09+00:00] Worink#3355: @inchoerent but it's 9:40 AM where I am, for me, this IS normal hours XD [2021-08-14 13:39:17+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 quits the race. [2021-08-14 13:39:24+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:39:28+00:00] Worink#3355: and the seed is cursed by Ryuu [2021-08-14 13:39:37+00:00] Twins Stars#7978 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:39:42+00:00] Twins Stars#7978: ha good thx [2021-08-14 13:39:42+00:00] Top_diesel#5071 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:39:47+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Nah just quit to take a screenshot with the join button Kappa [2021-08-14 13:39:53+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I figured [2021-08-14 13:39:53+00:00] Cola#5395: i gotta love how all of NA keeps complaining about EU times its too early, while EU folks just join NA races at 2 am lel [2021-08-14 13:39:54+00:00] Aranaut#5360: One day i'll roll a seed for a ''crossed seed'' for Ryuu KEKW [2021-08-14 13:39:55+00:00] Worink#3355: riiight... [2021-08-14 13:40:05+00:00] felixoide4#9489: KEKW [2021-08-14 13:40:08+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: But Worink if ya really want me to curse this seed [2021-08-14 13:40:11+00:00] Twins Stars#7978: where is the seed ? [2021-08-14 13:40:14+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: I can still go back to Yakuza [2021-08-14 13:40:14+00:00] Alexis#1759 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:40:15+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Not rolled yet [2021-08-14 13:40:16+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459: i wish we had morning quals for EU honestly FeelsBadMan [2021-08-14 13:40:18+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: It'll show up in about 5 min [2021-08-14 13:40:35+00:00] Aughoti#9108: imagine gamers who prefer to wake up early instead of staying up too late [2021-08-14 13:40:43+00:00] felixoide4#9489: thonk [2021-08-14 13:40:48+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: you mean me [2021-08-14 13:41:07+00:00] Jagger#2449 is ready! (62 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:41:15+00:00] felixoide4#9489: huh ok [2021-08-14 13:41:21+00:00] Aughoti#9108: monkaHmm [2021-08-14 13:41:21+00:00] felixoide4#9489: The seed isn't out yet monkaHmm [2021-08-14 13:41:24+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: lol [2021-08-14 13:41:28+00:00] Worink#3355: MonkaHmm [2021-08-14 13:41:28+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: bold move, let's see if it works out for them [2021-08-14 13:41:40+00:00] JudgeLeedo#3522: haha [2021-08-14 13:41:51+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459: it's not like i started an offline qual at 10pm and stayed till 2pm to watch the bad batch afterwards OpieOP [2021-08-14 13:42:03+00:00] Worink#3355: LUL [2021-08-14 13:42:06+00:00] Lefty#7499: pressing x to doubt [2021-08-14 13:42:11+00:00] Worink#3355: ^ [2021-08-14 13:42:12+00:00] Rafa#9983: The guy is too powerful [2021-08-14 13:42:32+00:00] Rafa#9983: he can win without the seed monkaS [2021-08-14 13:43:02+00:00] Pizzariffic#5140 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:43:38+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:43:51+00:00] CrustyKyler#1089: hi purple [2021-08-14 13:43:57+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: hihi [2021-08-14 13:43:58+00:00] actinide#9544 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:44:02+00:00] kzeldero#3550: Hi [2021-08-14 13:44:11+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459: 3 more for "nice" [2021-08-14 13:44:20+00:00] aston1988#7539 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:44:24+00:00] CANMaple#1272: 2 [2021-08-14 13:44:42+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: It's tiiime.... [2021-08-14 13:45:00+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: !seed scrub [2021-08-14 13:45:00+00:00] RandoBot: Dreadzandcatz, here is your seed: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=857307 [2021-08-14 13:45:00+00:00] RandoBot updated the race information. [2021-08-14 13:45:00+00:00] Engel#2700 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:45:12+00:00] Skolslink#5514 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:45:15+00:00] SizeSixteens#6108 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:45:18+00:00] Lefty#7499: I believe in you dreadz [2021-08-14 13:45:49+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: @Restreamed ppl, if you can go live as soon as posible that would be much apriciated [2021-08-14 13:46:31+00:00] kingzeldero#7369 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:46:33+00:00] CANMaple#1272: yeh willl as soon as i get my seed ready [2021-08-14 13:46:53+00:00] VenCorbin#0196: absolutely. just loading the seed now. [2021-08-14 13:47:02+00:00] tanjo3: race info not updated? [2021-08-14 13:47:19+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: Refresh the page and it sould work [2021-08-14 13:47:41+00:00] Eni Neily#8221 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:48:02+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124 updated the race information. [2021-08-14 13:48:25+00:00] DJGUAP0#6592 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:48:27+00:00] CANMaple#1272: yo it just randomized pokemon battle music for me [2021-08-14 13:48:50+00:00] Worink#3355 is ready! (71 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:48:52+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766 is ready! (70 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:49:04+00:00] felixoide4#9489 is ready! (69 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:49:07+00:00] adamhii#1432 is ready! (68 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:49:13+00:00] Top_diesel#5071 is ready! (67 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:49:14+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 is ready! (66 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:49:26+00:00] Goombill#1284 is ready! (65 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:49:40+00:00] barbu#5807 is ready! (64 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:49:55+00:00] Alextric#7847 is ready! (63 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:50:11+00:00] pwalks22#9015: Just to confirm, hash is: tunic, chus, frog, sword, bow? [2021-08-14 13:50:19+00:00] Worink#3355: yup [2021-08-14 13:50:19+00:00] Chopthetank#0580 is ready! (62 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:50:22+00:00] KamekoSkye#1360: yep [2021-08-14 13:50:24+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723 is ready! (61 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:50:28+00:00] VenCorbin#0196 is ready! (60 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:50:30+00:00] pwalks22#9015: Thanks [2021-08-14 13:50:33+00:00] Worink#3355: also, nice song [2021-08-14 13:50:57+00:00] Cyberion#5453: at least no zl woth potential XD [2021-08-14 13:50:59+00:00] Cybrou#8097 is ready! (59 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:51:11+00:00] Worink#3355: Cyberion, I wanted them to see for themselves [2021-08-14 13:51:16+00:00] Worink#3355: *pouts* [2021-08-14 13:51:27+00:00] CANMaple#1272 is ready! (58 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:51:28+00:00] Rafa#9983 is ready! (57 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:51:30+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: Goron Tunic, chu, frog, sword, bow? [2021-08-14 13:51:34+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: just making sure [2021-08-14 13:51:34+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 is ready! (56 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:51:46+00:00] Worink#3355: your Kokiri Tunic rolled red LUL [2021-08-14 13:51:46+00:00] Cybrou#8097 is not ready. (57 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:51:48+00:00] Alextric#7847 quits the race. [2021-08-14 13:51:52+00:00] Rafa#9983: Yup keiper [2021-08-14 13:51:55+00:00] JudgeLeedo#3522 is ready! (56 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:52:00+00:00] jojolmn#6493 is ready! (55 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:52:04+00:00] pwalks22#9015: My Kokiri Tunic rolled mustard yellow [2021-08-14 13:52:07+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: oh I make every cosmetic thing in my seeds red [2021-08-14 13:52:10+00:00] Cyberion#5453: i also have the feeling all the quals i did take part had same starting medal/stone [2021-08-14 13:52:10+00:00] Rafa#9983: It's Pik :D [2021-08-14 13:52:12+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: cause... funny [2021-08-14 13:52:18+00:00] aston1988#7539 is ready! (54 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:52:19+00:00] Skolslink#5514 is ready! (53 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:52:22+00:00] Worink#3355: I won't RED into it LUL [2021-08-14 13:52:31+00:00] Lefty#7499: heh [2021-08-14 13:52:49+00:00] Troollax#7271 is ready! (52 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:52:51+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: how do you tell which tunic you're wearing without just REMEMBERING I'd combust [2021-08-14 13:52:54+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Colours tunics xD [2021-08-14 13:53:09+00:00] MelissaMGaming#3099 is ready! (51 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:53:09+00:00] tanjo3 is ready! (50 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:53:15+00:00] Cola#5395: does it matter what tunic you have on tho? [2021-08-14 13:53:16+00:00] Aranaut#5360: I've patched mine with custom musics <3 [2021-08-14 13:53:16+00:00] aston1988#7539: #VanillaTunicsCrew [2021-08-14 13:53:23+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I mean, if you're wearing the Goron tunic, you won't combust xD [2021-08-14 13:53:23+00:00] CANMaple#1272: my base kok tunic is blood orange [2021-08-14 13:53:25+00:00] JimboSlice is ready! (49 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:53:26+00:00] Worink#3355: yeah, I always use custom colors for all my stuff [2021-08-14 13:53:30+00:00] Cyberion#5453: always goron unless not found yet XD [2021-08-14 13:53:45+00:00] VenCorbin#0196: i also have custom music. i didnt know if that was considered dirty audio though. [2021-08-14 13:53:51+00:00] Cola#5395: i guess goron tunic is nice before 5 hearts [2021-08-14 13:53:53+00:00] Worink#3355: I even made my sword trail colors match my Master Sword joycon and top cover that came with it [2021-08-14 13:54:06+00:00] picks_6#0013 is ready! (48 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:07+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: are you going to get interrupted by the text boxes y/n [2021-08-14 13:54:09+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307 is ready! (47 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:12+00:00] Lefty#7499 is ready! (46 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:13+00:00] Pizzariffic#5140 is ready! (45 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:14+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785 is ready! (44 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:15+00:00] Timmeyto_Soup#9153 is ready! (43 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:15+00:00] kingzeldero#7369 is ready! (42 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:27+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: I just want to know [2021-08-14 13:54:28+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Nw about custom musics cuz there are in game [2021-08-14 13:54:28+00:00] Timmeyto_Soup#9153 is not ready. (43 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:32+00:00] Alextric#7847 joins the race. [2021-08-14 13:54:33+00:00] Sonny#7662 is ready! (43 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:34+00:00] Twins Stars#7978 is ready! (42 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:35+00:00] Alextric#7847 is ready! (41 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:46+00:00] MILLEKA__#8244 is ready! (40 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:51+00:00] Cybrou#8097 is ready! (39 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:54+00:00] EnigmaticHylian#7576 is ready! (38 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:54:55+00:00] Eni Neily#8221 is ready! (37 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:01+00:00] Bossage#7760 is ready! (36 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:03+00:00] shaun1e#9391 is ready! (35 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:04+00:00] baelnog#5605 is ready! (34 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:05+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (33 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:15+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389 is ready! (32 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:20+00:00] Sharky2107#6867 is ready! (31 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:21+00:00] Goombill#1284 is not ready. (32 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:24+00:00] Thojost#0089 is ready! (31 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:27+00:00] actinide#9544 is ready! (30 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:34+00:00] DJGUAP0#6592 is ready! (29 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:37+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 is ready! (28 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:55:51+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: so what will be the cause of AD today? [2021-08-14 13:56:00+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: ZL Kappa [2021-08-14 13:56:03+00:00] Cybrou#8097: Sun tomb :p [2021-08-14 13:56:04+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Actually AD for Storms this time [2021-08-14 13:56:04+00:00] CANMaple#1272: nah [2021-08-14 13:56:06+00:00] CANMaple#1272: cant be zl [2021-08-14 13:56:08+00:00] kr3z#4245 is ready! (27 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:56:14+00:00] Worink#3355: I mean, Ryuu did curse the seed by joining then quitting [2021-08-14 13:56:15+00:00] Lefty#7499: felix noooooooooo [2021-08-14 13:56:17+00:00] Skolslink#5514: hi GLHF =) [2021-08-14 13:56:19+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: I know I'm joking LUL [2021-08-14 13:56:20+00:00] renata#7226 is ready! (26 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:56:22+00:00] Aughoti#9108: logically for saria [2021-08-14 13:56:23+00:00] BrotinderDose: it could be z l [2021-08-14 13:56:27+00:00] CANMaple#1272: oh shit [2021-08-14 13:56:30+00:00] Worink#3355: even if Ryuu rejoined, still cursed [2021-08-14 13:56:30+00:00] shaun1e#9391: AD will be Prelude, but it'll be Deku/DC stones so it's actually worth getting Kappa [2021-08-14 13:56:34+00:00] Jagger#2449: suns AD lets go [2021-08-14 13:56:41+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: You guys really want me to di 5 ADs out of 5 quals ? monkaS [2021-08-14 13:56:42+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: Bolero for hovers [2021-08-14 13:56:46+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: No joke AD for prelude might not be bad [2021-08-14 13:56:55+00:00] Worink#3355: Alex, you're EVIL XD [2021-08-14 13:56:56+00:00] Skolslink#5514: because it's possible ryuukane Kappa [2021-08-14 13:57:01+00:00] Aranaut#5360: If there is an item at sun song Redead grave again behind AD, i'm going to hunt felix KEKW [2021-08-14 13:57:02+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: AD Prelude is nice unless your other 2 stones are forest and shadow [2021-08-14 13:57:03+00:00] aston1988#7539: prelewd [2021-08-14 13:57:03+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: if it actually was Deku/DC for it I would [2021-08-14 13:57:05+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: 100% [2021-08-14 13:57:16+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Stone dungeons aren't bad just because they're stones :3 [2021-08-14 13:57:32+00:00] Cybrou#8097: Jabu :s [2021-08-14 13:57:33+00:00] Worink#3355: well, best of luck to you all, see you all on the other side [2021-08-14 13:57:39+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Butyeah, Deku/DC for any song is probably worth [2021-08-14 13:57:44+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: I accidentally hit the button to start the seed on my controller, I didn't see the starting location but I have no way of proving that, can I like start with a 1min penalty or something? [2021-08-14 13:57:49+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 is ready! (25 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:57:50+00:00] aston1988#7539: it's probably woth?? i better do it! [2021-08-14 13:57:53+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Yeah good luck everyone! [2021-08-14 13:57:55+00:00] Andols#0088 is ready! (24 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:58:09+00:00] kariookami#4991: im gonna run this drunk [2021-08-14 13:58:11+00:00] incoherent#6156 is ready! (23 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:58:17+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: Kari LUL [2021-08-14 13:58:22+00:00] Engel#2700 is ready! (22 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:58:28+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Don't worry Timmey tbh [2021-08-14 13:58:28+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 is ready! (21 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:58:31+00:00] kariookami#4991 is ready! (20 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:58:34+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Okay <3 [2021-08-14 13:58:37+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Thanks [2021-08-14 13:58:39+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: I heard you added Nanbaka to your list [2021-08-14 13:58:41+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Np [2021-08-14 13:58:45+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: I'm proud [2021-08-14 13:58:47+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: glhf.. im so freaking tired... [2021-08-14 13:58:52+00:00] kariossa#1113 is ready! (19 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:58:52+00:00] kariookami#4991: i did [2021-08-14 13:58:55+00:00] kariookami#4991: along with overlord [2021-08-14 13:58:57+00:00] Aughoti#9108 is ready! (18 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:58:58+00:00] Timmeyto_Soup#9153 is ready! (17 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:58:59+00:00] Top_diesel#5071: GL GL everyone [2021-08-14 13:59:00+00:00] kariookami#4991: and i messed it up twice [2021-08-14 13:59:05+00:00] kariookami#4991: GL HF [2021-08-14 13:59:10+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: smh I'll teach you the lore [2021-08-14 13:59:14+00:00] JasonArilani: Can't wait to fall asleep mid-qual :P [2021-08-14 13:59:15+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617: GLHF [2021-08-14 13:59:16+00:00] JasonArilani is ready! (16 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:59:21+00:00] SizeSixteens#6108 is ready! (15 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:59:22+00:00] BrotinderDose is ready! (14 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:59:23+00:00] SonicRPika#5088 is ready! (13 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:59:24+00:00] Aughoti#9108: Pepega [2021-08-14 13:59:26+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: exactly Jason [2021-08-14 13:59:28+00:00] Jagger#2449: Jason keeping race room open for 10 hours [2021-08-14 13:59:30+00:00] Lefty#7499: Jason don't joke about that. it could happen :( [2021-08-14 13:59:31+00:00] kariookami#4991: i know the lore but its still 60 songs in and they tend to blend [2021-08-14 13:59:31+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Falling asleep while playing OoTR what a mood [2021-08-14 13:59:33+00:00] Death King II#7040 is ready! (12 remaining) [2021-08-14 13:59:34+00:00] incoherent#6156: AUS/east asia qual when Kappa [2021-08-14 13:59:35+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Never done that before [2021-08-14 13:59:36+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Just tired to listen wild enemy MM music KEKW [2021-08-14 13:59:43+00:00] picks#2164: if jason takes a nap and beats me im never playing again kekw [2021-08-14 13:59:44+00:00] Engel#2700: hear me out, we all take a nap at the hour mark [2021-08-14 13:59:47+00:00] felixoide4#9489: KEKW [2021-08-14 13:59:55+00:00] shaun1e#9391: 1 hour break at the 1 hour mark? Kappa [2021-08-14 13:59:55+00:00] aston1988#7539: sleepy% [2021-08-14 13:59:59+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 is ready! (11 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:00:00+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I've done it so many times in multiwolds lol [2021-08-14 14:00:03+00:00] Cola#5395: but what if ur done at the hour mark [2021-08-14 14:00:04+00:00] Pizzariffic#5140: wouldn't mind honestly [2021-08-14 14:00:06+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459 is ready! (10 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:00:08+00:00] Tepedino#8824 is ready! (9 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:00:10+00:00] Aughoti#9108: monkaS [2021-08-14 14:00:13+00:00] Goombill#1284 is ready! (8 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:00:15+00:00] felixoide4#9489: If you're done at the hour mark you deserve your sleep [2021-08-14 14:00:16+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: falling asleep during OoTR? Happens everytime I need to do Ice for requiem for a small key [2021-08-14 14:00:21+00:00] favio94#9972 is ready! (7 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:00:23+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:27+00:00] Goombill#1284: Had to restart my router, but looks like things are fine just in time. [2021-08-14 14:00:28+00:00] Jagger#2449: gl [2021-08-14 14:00:31+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Purple monkaS [2021-08-14 14:00:35+00:00] Cyberion#5453 is ready! (6 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:00:37+00:00] Pizzariffic#5140: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:40+00:00] Cokotier#5325 is ready! (5 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:00:40+00:00] felixoide4#9489: gl gl [2021-08-14 14:00:43+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: GLHF [2021-08-14 14:00:45+00:00] Rafa#9983: glhfffff [2021-08-14 14:00:46+00:00] Cola#5395: glhf all :) [2021-08-14 14:00:47+00:00] pwalks22#9015: GLHF [2021-08-14 14:00:47+00:00] MILLEKA__#8244: GL HFFF [2021-08-14 14:00:48+00:00] Cybrou#8097: gl hf ! [2021-08-14 14:00:48+00:00] Aranaut#5360: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:48+00:00] Cokotier#5325: GLHF [2021-08-14 14:00:49+00:00] shaun1e#9391: gfhl [2021-08-14 14:00:49+00:00] Sharky2107#6867: GLHF [2021-08-14 14:00:50+00:00] Thojost#0089: glglgl [2021-08-14 14:00:50+00:00] barbu#5807: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:51+00:00] kariossa#1113: gl hf ! [2021-08-14 14:00:51+00:00] actinide#9544: gl hf [2021-08-14 14:00:51+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:51+00:00] Bossage#7760: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:52+00:00] VenCorbin#0196: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:53+00:00] JudgeLeedo#3522: good luck everybody [2021-08-14 14:00:53+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:54+00:00] Aughoti#9108: just get a power nap while autopiloting forest [2021-08-14 14:00:55+00:00] Skolslink#5514: GLHF =) [2021-08-14 14:00:55+00:00] tanjo3: glhf [2021-08-14 14:00:56+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: Jason if you fall asleep and still beat me I'll retire. I'll even send you a signed jersey [2021-08-14 14:00:56+00:00] JasonArilani: This is also the perfect day to use a new tracker that I've never used before on stream. I can see nothing going wrong today [2021-08-14 14:00:57+00:00] jojolmn#6493: gl hf [2021-08-14 14:00:57+00:00] baelnog#5605: good luck hike fast [2021-08-14 14:00:58+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: 1 of 1 [2021-08-14 14:01:15+00:00] Aughoti#9108: Jason gonna win the qual [2021-08-14 14:01:18+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: good lunch have fries [2021-08-14 14:01:20+00:00] JasonArilani: Lmao [2021-08-14 14:01:21+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785: -For loter: how do I end 6h followers-only mode [2021-08-14 14:01:28+00:00] Goombill#1284: GL HF [2021-08-14 14:01:31+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: slash followersoff [2021-08-14 14:01:31+00:00] Cybrou#8097: /follower off [2021-08-14 14:01:32+00:00] kzeldero#3550: gl [2021-08-14 14:01:32+00:00] felixoide4#9489: ./followersoff [2021-08-14 14:01:33+00:00] Aughoti#9108: glhf [2021-08-14 14:01:37+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785: ty [2021-08-14 14:01:37+00:00] felixoide4#9489: without the dot [2021-08-14 14:01:38+00:00] Chopthetank#0580: gl hf ! [2021-08-14 14:01:42+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785: glhf every1 [2021-08-14 14:01:42+00:00] incoherent#6156: there's also a button you can add to the dashboard [2021-08-14 14:01:47+00:00] BrotinderDose: glhf [2021-08-14 14:01:47+00:00] CrustyKyler#1089: glhf [2021-08-14 14:01:51+00:00] Death King II#7040: gl hf [2021-08-14 14:01:56+00:00] JasonArilani: GF HL [2021-08-14 14:01:57+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: i want fries dark yum [2021-08-14 14:01:58+00:00] JasonArilani: Wait [2021-08-14 14:02:02+00:00] JasonArilani: I think I did that wrong :P [2021-08-14 14:02:03+00:00] kariookami#4991 is not ready. (6 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:02:10+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 is ready! (5 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:02:12+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: BLHF >:) [2021-08-14 14:02:15+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: good fun have luck? [2021-08-14 14:02:16+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: yo GF HL [2021-08-14 14:02:20+00:00] shaun1e#9391: gh fl [2021-08-14 14:02:23+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: i like that more [2021-08-14 14:02:27+00:00] Rafa#9983: okay, gf and hl woth thanks to Jason Kappa [2021-08-14 14:02:27+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I mean it makes sense [2021-08-14 14:02:29+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785: good freakin heckin luck [2021-08-14 14:02:36+00:00] Aughoti#9108: glhf [2021-08-14 14:02:38+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Get Lights Have FireArrows [2021-08-14 14:02:38+00:00] JasonArilani: WHY DID IT TAKE ME LIKE 15 SECONDS TO FIGURE OUT WHAT BLHF COULD MEAN?!?? [2021-08-14 14:02:44+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I love this community lol [2021-08-14 14:02:45+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Jason pls [2021-08-14 14:02:48+00:00] Aranaut#5360: KEKW [2021-08-14 14:02:48+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723: lol [2021-08-14 14:02:49+00:00] Alexis#1759 is ready! (4 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:02:51+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Well, that bodes well, Jason [2021-08-14 14:02:52+00:00] kariookami#4991 is ready! (3 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:02:57+00:00] JasonArilani: It's fine [2021-08-14 14:02:58+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: *best luck have fun [2021-08-14 14:03:00+00:00] JasonArilani: Don't worry about it [2021-08-14 14:03:02+00:00] JasonArilani: :) [2021-08-14 14:03:03+00:00] Jagger#2449: brotherly love have fun of course [2021-08-14 14:03:09+00:00] Lefty#7499: hahahahahhaa devin [2021-08-14 14:03:09+00:00] incoherent#6156: blhnf [2021-08-14 14:03:10+00:00] KamekoSkye#1360: No luck, only fun [2021-08-14 14:03:16+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: ;D [2021-08-14 14:03:18+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: Big Luck obviously [2021-08-14 14:03:20+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: GL y'all [2021-08-14 14:03:20+00:00] felixoide4#9489: no game, only read [2021-08-14 14:03:33+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: Boil Ham harvest Lettuce [2021-08-14 14:03:34+00:00] Aranaut#5360: No fun allowed [2021-08-14 14:03:34+00:00] Aughoti#9108: Biggoron loves hot fries [2021-08-14 14:03:34+00:00] shaun1e#9391: No game (no life)? [2021-08-14 14:03:42+00:00] Willx49#3232: Blibloubloup ! [2021-08-14 14:03:44+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: Bad Luck Has Funnies [2021-08-14 14:03:50+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: No game, only Pepega [2021-08-14 14:03:51+00:00] rollo#5737 joins the race. [2021-08-14 14:03:51+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389: Dark LUL [2021-08-14 14:03:52+00:00] JasonArilani: I love you all [2021-08-14 14:03:52+00:00] pwalks22#9015: Biggoron locks hovers fam? [2021-08-14 14:03:58+00:00] Dr.Nagi#0041: y'all silly [2021-08-14 14:03:58+00:00] JasonArilani: <3 [2021-08-14 14:03:59+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: NO [2021-08-14 14:04:02+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: NOT AGAIN [2021-08-14 14:04:03+00:00] rollo#5737 is ready! (3 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:04:11+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Rollo actually reading up in 10 seconds [2021-08-14 14:04:12+00:00] incoherent#6156: the 7:03 joinready. I respect it [2021-08-14 14:04:12+00:00] felixoide4#9489: rollo with the stealth [2021-08-14 14:04:12+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: you know what [2021-08-14 14:04:13+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 is ready! (2 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:04:14+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: I respect it [2021-08-14 14:04:23+00:00] Cyberion#5453 is not ready. (3 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:04:27+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124 quits the race. [2021-08-14 14:04:29+00:00] JudgeLeedo#3522: well played [2021-08-14 14:04:39+00:00] Cyberion#5453: tech issues occured [2021-08-14 14:04:41+00:00] rollo#5737: Just woke up and wasn't sure I'd set it up in time [2021-08-14 14:04:44+00:00] Tepedino#8824: Timmeyto_soup monkaS [2021-08-14 14:04:49+00:00] JasonArilani: Tekky shoes. ohno [2021-08-14 14:04:52+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Hi Tepedino~ [2021-08-14 14:04:54+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I stayed awake after work [2021-08-14 14:04:57+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: bit mistake [2021-08-14 14:04:59+00:00] Tepedino#8824: <3 [2021-08-14 14:05:02+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: big* [2021-08-14 14:05:05+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I'm 100% not awake enough for this [2021-08-14 14:05:10+00:00] Engel#2700: same [2021-08-14 14:05:11+00:00] CANMaple#1272: same [2021-08-14 14:05:13+00:00] Jimbo: same kekw [2021-08-14 14:05:14+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: yep [2021-08-14 14:05:14+00:00] CANMaple#1272: jinx [2021-08-14 14:05:16+00:00] Lefty#7499: felix, please tell you slept a little bit [2021-08-14 14:05:16+00:00] Pizzariffic#5140: I'll sleep someday [2021-08-14 14:05:16+00:00] CANMaple#1272: u own me a beer [2021-08-14 14:05:18+00:00] Lefty#7499: guys [2021-08-14 14:05:23+00:00] Lefty#7499: yall worry me [2021-08-14 14:05:24+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I slept like 4 hours [2021-08-14 14:05:26+00:00] JasonArilani: Feeeeeeeeeeeelix [2021-08-14 14:05:31+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Sleep is something you should all get enough of [2021-08-14 14:05:31+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: Imagine sleeping? [2021-08-14 14:05:31+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917: i slept 5 hours [2021-08-14 14:05:34+00:00] Aughoti#9108: 4edioxilef [2021-08-14 14:05:39+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Oh god at that point f*ck the Scrubs Qual LUL [2021-08-14 14:05:41+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: Yeah, I'm glad I skipped last night's race so I could actually be awake for this one [2021-08-14 14:05:43+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: I'd use that time to sleep [2021-08-14 14:05:48+00:00] incoherent#6156: also windows update went off and now bizhawk is going to randomly stutter 3-4 times during the seed and give me a heart attack [2021-08-14 14:05:48+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Blame Lackofsleep, Hate Felix [2021-08-14 14:05:49+00:00] Cyberion#5453 is ready! (1 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:05:51+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Sorry bro [2021-08-14 14:05:51+00:00] kzeldero#3550: dormir es malo [2021-08-14 14:05:56+00:00] JasonArilani: I mean... That's about the same amount that I got sooo [2021-08-14 14:05:58+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: Sleep is temporary, rando is forever [2021-08-14 14:06:00+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Sleep is GOOD [2021-08-14 14:06:04+00:00] felixoide4#9489: I'll sleep after the qual, I have a multiworld match @ 9pm [2021-08-14 14:06:11+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I forgot how to sleep [2021-08-14 14:06:11+00:00] JasonArilani: Pepega [2021-08-14 14:06:15+00:00] Aughoti#9108: Pepega [2021-08-14 14:06:15+00:00] Jagger#2449: 6 minutes past ;9 [2021-08-14 14:06:16+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race. [2021-08-14 14:06:22+00:00] Aughoti#9108: monkaS [2021-08-14 14:06:22+00:00] Cola#5395: maybe i should do that too felix [2021-08-14 14:06:22+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: NO STOP [2021-08-14 14:06:25+00:00] Rafa#9983: WHATTTT [2021-08-14 14:06:27+00:00] Lefty#7499: hahahahahahahahaha [2021-08-14 14:06:29+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: Icola lol [2021-08-14 14:06:31+00:00] Worink#3355: ugh... [2021-08-14 14:06:33+00:00] Aranaut#5360: xDDD [2021-08-14 14:06:35+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Ded [2021-08-14 14:06:36+00:00] Skolslink#5514: icola you awake kappa [2021-08-14 14:06:37+00:00] picks#2164: i have time to run to starbucks real quick right? [2021-08-14 14:06:40+00:00] Alexis#1759: POG Icola [2021-08-14 14:06:40+00:00] shaun1e#9391: What is "respect for starting times" [2021-08-14 14:06:44+00:00] Lefty#7499: really squeezin in at the last -6 minutes [2021-08-14 14:06:46+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Picks at this rate I wouldn't be surprised [2021-08-14 14:06:53+00:00] Feenie#6029: I'm ready but I'm waiting for this man, I'm taking you all hostage [2021-08-14 14:06:54+00:00] kariookami#4991: we have a start time? [2021-08-14 14:06:55+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: pshh when have we ever started on time [2021-08-14 14:06:56+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766: get me a cappucino picks [2021-08-14 14:07:01+00:00] incoherent#6156: well if you're not the last one to ready then you can kinda do what you want [2021-08-14 14:07:05+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: brb taking a shower [2021-08-14 14:07:08+00:00] Jagger#2449: disgusting behaviour feenie [2021-08-14 14:07:13+00:00] KamekoSkye#1360: Force start is on [2021-08-14 14:07:18+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: ima take a quick power nap [2021-08-14 14:07:18+00:00] Worink#3355: good [2021-08-14 14:07:25+00:00] BrotinderDose: pls go my menu song is aweful :D:D [2021-08-14 14:07:29+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Honestly, let's still remember the starting time was supposed to be 2pm UTC. If you're going to join after, please ready up quickly [2021-08-14 14:07:30+00:00] JasonArilani: LOL [2021-08-14 14:07:31+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917: 16:07 [2021-08-14 14:07:32+00:00] VenCorbin#0196: if lcola readys first that will be a good laugh. [2021-08-14 14:07:38+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Mine has looped like 20 times and I'm going crazy BrotinderDose [2021-08-14 14:07:41+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Brotinder xDD [2021-08-14 14:07:50+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Alright, when are we fkn closing the room [2021-08-14 14:07:50+00:00] CANMaple#1272: I NEED TO LEAVE IN 4 HOURS ACK [2021-08-14 14:07:57+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: @Brotinderdose mine is Bowsers Castle [2021-08-14 14:08:15+00:00] BrotinderDose: nice one i would love to have this LUL [2021-08-14 14:08:28+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 joins the race. [2021-08-14 14:08:30+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: I think this is Zelda II Palace or something that I have? [2021-08-14 14:08:30+00:00] BrotinderDose: FeelsLateMan [2021-08-14 14:08:32+00:00] Lefty#7499: bruh [2021-08-14 14:08:33+00:00] Jimbo: LUL [2021-08-14 14:08:33+00:00] Rafa#9983: STOOP [2021-08-14 14:08:33+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: Force start? [2021-08-14 14:08:34+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: It's nice, for the first 10 times [2021-08-14 14:08:34+00:00] Jagger#2449: come on man [2021-08-14 14:08:34+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I hate it, make it stoppp [2021-08-14 14:08:34+00:00] SizeSixteens#6108: lol [2021-08-14 14:08:37+00:00] Aranaut#5360: Come on KEKW [2021-08-14 14:08:37+00:00] Jagger#2449: can we lock this room [2021-08-14 14:08:38+00:00] Cyberion#5453: close the room [2021-08-14 14:08:40+00:00] Sonny#7662: Lmao [2021-08-14 14:08:46+00:00] Lefty#7499: at some point like... bruh [2021-08-14 14:08:47+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: I thought we already did? [2021-08-14 14:08:49+00:00] aston1988#7539: the date is 14th august 3021. scrubs qual 8 still hasn't started. [2021-08-14 14:08:50+00:00] CANMaple#1272: seriously tho [2021-08-14 14:08:51+00:00] Andols#0088: They joined late, just force start [2021-08-14 14:08:55+00:00] Andols#0088: IMO [2021-08-14 14:08:56+00:00] tanjo3: plz [2021-08-14 14:08:58+00:00] CANMaple#1272: i need to leave right after this [2021-08-14 14:08:59+00:00] Feenie#6029 is ready! (2 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:09:02+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: gimme a sec [2021-08-14 14:09:03+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917: who we waiting for [2021-08-14 14:09:10+00:00] Jimbo: maple aren't you on restream lmao [2021-08-14 14:09:13+00:00] CANMaple#1272: yes [2021-08-14 14:09:15+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917: who we waiting for? [2021-08-14 14:09:17+00:00] JasonArilani: @DreadzandCatz, you can force start at 10 minutes past. [2021-08-14 14:09:21+00:00] incoherent#6156: force start at :10 yeah [2021-08-14 14:09:23+00:00] Worink#3355: yeah, force start, the 2 not ready joined late [2021-08-14 14:09:33+00:00] JasonArilani: If they haven't readied up, then they are removed from the race [2021-08-14 14:09:42+00:00] Cyberion#5453: idc [2021-08-14 14:09:46+00:00] SizeSixteens#6108: more than generous [2021-08-14 14:09:49+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917: ELTIOKAMINA press ready or they kick you [2021-08-14 14:10:00+00:00] Sonny#7662: PauseChamp [2021-08-14 14:10:02+00:00] Jagger#2449: he cant, hes not live [2021-08-14 14:10:03+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: They can't. Not streaming yet [2021-08-14 14:10:08+00:00] felixoide4#9489: Force start Pog [2021-08-14 14:10:12+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: He's screwed at this point lol [2021-08-14 14:10:14+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307: feelssadman [2021-08-14 14:10:14+00:00] JasonArilani: It's not a means of being rude. But we do need to honor people's times [2021-08-14 14:10:15+00:00] Jagger#2449: gooooo [2021-08-14 14:10:17+00:00] Lefty#7499: I've being forced [2021-08-14 14:10:18+00:00] Lefty#7499: start [2021-08-14 14:10:18+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (1 remaining) [2021-08-14 14:10:25+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I'd argue people joining late are the ones being rude. [2021-08-14 14:10:27+00:00] Jimbo: Pog [2021-08-14 14:10:28+00:00] shaun1e#9391: But that's just me [2021-08-14 14:10:30+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: !start [2021-08-14 14:10:32+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459: i mean, there's a scheduled start time, if you join late you can't complain imo [2021-08-14 14:10:36+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: !forcestart [2021-08-14 14:10:36+00:00] felixoide4#9489: It's a button Dreadz [2021-08-14 14:10:38+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084: i agree [2021-08-14 14:10:42+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds! [2021-08-14 14:10:43+00:00] Rafa#9983: GLHF!!! [2021-08-14 14:10:45+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: aight GLHF [2021-08-14 14:10:47+00:00] 10… [2021-08-14 14:10:47+00:00] Cybrou#8097: gl hf [2021-08-14 14:10:50+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749: glhf [2021-08-14 14:10:51+00:00] rollo#5737: gl hf [2021-08-14 14:10:52+00:00] 5… [2021-08-14 14:10:52+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459: glhf [2021-08-14 14:10:52+00:00] Lefty#7499: it happens. We're the ones who started late to give them the chance, lol [2021-08-14 14:10:52+00:00] Aranaut#5360: glhf [2021-08-14 14:10:53+00:00] 4… [2021-08-14 14:10:53+00:00] Tepedino#8824: GLHF [2021-08-14 14:10:54+00:00] 3… [2021-08-14 14:10:55+00:00] 2… [2021-08-14 14:10:56+00:00] 1… [2021-08-14 14:10:57+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2021-08-14 16:20:59+00:00] kariossa#1113 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:10:02! [2021-08-14 16:21:04+00:00] Jimbo: ggs [2021-08-14 16:21:11+00:00] Alexis#1759: GG [2021-08-14 16:21:20+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: gg [2021-08-14 16:21:28+00:00] Andols#0088: gg [2021-08-14 16:21:47+00:00] pwalks22#9015: gg [2021-08-14 16:22:01+00:00] Sharky2107#6867: gg [2021-08-14 16:22:07+00:00] Aranaut#5360: gg's [2021-08-14 16:25:06+00:00] Cyberion#5453: gg [2021-08-14 16:25:49+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: gg [2021-08-14 16:27:10+00:00] Rafa#9983: gg [2021-08-14 16:27:28+00:00] kzeldero#3550: gg [2021-08-14 16:30:42+00:00] felixoide4#9489 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:19:45! [2021-08-14 16:31:11+00:00] Jimbo: ggs [2021-08-14 16:31:13+00:00] picks#2164: gg [2021-08-14 16:31:19+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:33:34+00:00] Rafa#9983: gg [2021-08-14 16:34:22+00:00] Engel#2700 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:23:25! [2021-08-14 16:35:45+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: gg [2021-08-14 16:35:50+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:35:57+00:00] Engel#2700: gg [2021-08-14 16:37:50+00:00] Icola#8220 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:26:53! [2021-08-14 16:38:04+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:27:07! [2021-08-14 16:39:20+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: Gg [2021-08-14 16:39:49+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:40:21+00:00] favio94#9972 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:29:24! [2021-08-14 16:42:57+00:00] Alexis#1759 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:32:00! [2021-08-14 16:43:24+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:44:03+00:00] kzeldero#3550: ggs [2021-08-14 16:45:40+00:00] JimboSlice has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:34:43! [2021-08-14 16:46:25+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:46:40+00:00] Jimbo: ggs [2021-08-14 16:47:18+00:00] JimboSlice added a comment. [2021-08-14 16:48:29+00:00] Sonny#7662 has finished in 9th place with a time of 2:37:32! [2021-08-14 16:48:32+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: gg [2021-08-14 16:48:39+00:00] Alexis#1759 added a comment. [2021-08-14 16:48:49+00:00] Sonny#7662: ggs [2021-08-14 16:48:52+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:48:56+00:00] Cola#5395 has finished in 10th place with a time of 2:37:59! [2021-08-14 16:49:13+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: ggs [2021-08-14 16:49:17+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:51:54+00:00] Timmeyto_Soup#9153 has finished in 11th place with a time of 2:40:57! [2021-08-14 16:52:04+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: gg [2021-08-14 16:52:20+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: pooogies! [2021-08-14 16:52:21+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: gg [2021-08-14 16:52:34+00:00] Tepedino#8824 has finished in 12th place with a time of 2:41:37! [2021-08-14 16:52:58+00:00] Tepedino#8824: GG [2021-08-14 16:53:00+00:00] Rafa#9983: ggs [2021-08-14 16:53:22+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Spoilers. [2021-08-14 16:53:27+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: Hahaha Tepedino [2021-08-14 16:53:28+00:00] Tepedino#8824: o crap [2021-08-14 16:53:29+00:00] Tepedino#8824: my bad [2021-08-14 16:53:45+00:00] Tepedino#8824: much appreciated [2021-08-14 16:54:00+00:00] kariookami#4991: jabus required? [2021-08-14 16:54:01+00:00] Tepedino#8824 added a comment. [2021-08-14 16:54:12+00:00] kariookami#4991: Kappa [2021-08-14 16:54:15+00:00] Tepedino#8824: Kappa [2021-08-14 16:54:16+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: After I missed top 10, I settled on a new goal... to beat you, Tepedino LUL [2021-08-14 16:54:17+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: And I DID IT [2021-08-14 16:54:31+00:00] Tepedino#8824: I am happy to be the goal of such a wonderful player [2021-08-14 16:54:35+00:00] NewSoupVi#7303: <3 [2021-08-14 16:54:41+00:00] PurpleRupees#9084 has finished in 13th place with a time of 2:43:44! [2021-08-14 16:54:56+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:55:14+00:00] Rafa#9983 has finished in 14th place with a time of 2:44:17! [2021-08-14 16:55:57+00:00] Chopthetank#0580 has finished in 15th place with a time of 2:45:00! [2021-08-14 16:56:07+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 16:56:26+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: ggs [2021-08-14 16:56:30+00:00] Chopthetank#0580: gg [2021-08-14 16:56:37+00:00] Chopthetank#0580: i finish again 15 xD [2021-08-14 16:57:30+00:00] Rafa#9983 added a comment. [2021-08-14 16:57:34+00:00] Aughoti#9108 has finished in 16th place with a time of 2:46:37! [2021-08-14 16:59:26+00:00] incoherent#6156 has finished in 17th place with a time of 2:48:29! [2021-08-14 16:59:59+00:00] actinide#9544 has finished in 18th place with a time of 2:49:02! [2021-08-14 17:00:31+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 17:00:39+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: ggs [2021-08-14 17:01:05+00:00] Top_diesel#5071 has finished in 19th place with a time of 2:50:08! [2021-08-14 17:01:07+00:00] actinide#9544: ggs [2021-08-14 17:01:13+00:00] Jagger#2449 has finished in 20th place with a time of 2:50:16! [2021-08-14 17:01:15+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766 has finished in 21st place with a time of 2:50:18! [2021-08-14 17:01:20+00:00] Thojost#0089 has forfeited from the race. [2021-08-14 17:01:37+00:00] Jagger#2449: im so fucking upset with my execution this seed, fuck [2021-08-14 17:01:47+00:00] barbu#5807 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 2:50:50! [2021-08-14 17:02:09+00:00] jaxstronomy#7766 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:02:16+00:00] baelnog#5605 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 2:51:19! [2021-08-14 17:02:20+00:00] Troollax#7271 has finished in 24th place with a time of 2:51:23! [2021-08-14 17:02:41+00:00] Skolslink#5514 has finished in 25th place with a time of 2:51:44! [2021-08-14 17:03:10+00:00] Andols#0088 has finished in 26th place with a time of 2:52:13! [2021-08-14 17:03:33+00:00] Jagger#2449 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:03:35+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: poogies ! gg everyone [2021-08-14 17:03:45+00:00] Cokotier#5325 has finished in 27th place with a time of 2:52:48! [2021-08-14 17:03:47+00:00] Andols#0088: GG [2021-08-14 17:04:39+00:00] Cokotier#5325: gg [2021-08-14 17:05:54+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs yall [2021-08-14 17:05:57+00:00] Cokotier#5325 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:06:05+00:00] BrotinderDose has finished in 28th place with a time of 2:55:08! [2021-08-14 17:07:01+00:00] incoherent#6156 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:07:30+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:07:42+00:00] Cokotier#5325: Lost 5 min and 11 PLACES!!! because my grandparents came wtf xD [2021-08-14 17:08:38+00:00] aston1988#7539 has finished in 29th place with a time of 2:57:41! [2021-08-14 17:08:44+00:00] Lefty#7499 has finished in 30th place with a time of 2:57:47! [2021-08-14 17:09:24+00:00] Cybrou#8097: .done* [2021-08-14 17:09:27+00:00] Cybrou#8097 has finished in 31st place with a time of 2:58:30! [2021-08-14 17:09:37+00:00] MILLEKA__#8244 has finished in 32nd place with a time of 2:58:40! [2021-08-14 17:09:46+00:00] Pizzariffic#5140 has finished in 33rd place with a time of 2:58:49! [2021-08-14 17:09:56+00:00] Cybrou#8097 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:10:26+00:00] MILLEKA__#8244 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:11:30+00:00] VenCorbin#0196 has finished in 34th place with a time of 3:00:33! [2021-08-14 17:11:35+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: GG's Ven! Wanna hop in for a short interview intermezo ? [2021-08-14 17:11:48+00:00] VenCorbin#0196: sure! be there in a sec. [2021-08-14 17:12:02+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: coolio [2021-08-14 17:12:06+00:00] kingzeldero#7369 has forfeited from the race. [2021-08-14 17:12:09+00:00] Bossage#7760 has finished in 35th place with a time of 3:01:12! [2021-08-14 17:12:21+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: Just pick a vc and ill drag you [2021-08-14 17:12:40+00:00] TheAranaut#1351 has finished in 36th place with a time of 3:01:43! [2021-08-14 17:12:57+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs [2021-08-14 17:13:29+00:00] Death King II#7040 has finished in 37th place with a time of 3:02:32! [2021-08-14 17:14:33+00:00] kariookami#4991 has finished in 38th place with a time of 3:03:36! [2021-08-14 17:14:50+00:00] kariookami#4991: I FINALLY BEAT THUNDER [2021-08-14 17:15:03+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 has finished in 39th place with a time of 3:04:06! [2021-08-14 17:16:01+00:00] Bossage#7760 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:17:20+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 has finished in 40th place with a time of 3:06:23! [2021-08-14 17:17:37+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 has finished in 41st place with a time of 3:06:40! [2021-08-14 17:17:52+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:19:09+00:00] KeiperDontCare#8389 has finished in 42nd place with a time of 3:08:12! [2021-08-14 17:19:19+00:00] jojolmn#6493 has finished in 43rd place with a time of 3:08:22! [2021-08-14 17:22:44+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 has finished in 44th place with a time of 3:11:47! [2021-08-14 17:23:17+00:00] adamhii#1432 has finished in 45th place with a time of 3:12:20! [2021-08-14 17:23:18+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:23:21+00:00] renata#7226 has finished in 46th place with a time of 3:12:24! [2021-08-14 17:23:39+00:00] adamhii#1432 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:23:53+00:00] renata#7226 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:24:11+00:00] kr3z#4245 has finished in 47th place with a time of 3:13:14! [2021-08-14 17:24:51+00:00] kr3z#4245 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:27:00+00:00] Twins Stars#7978 has finished in 48th place with a time of 3:16:03! [2021-08-14 17:28:47+00:00] JasonArilani has finished in 49th place with a time of 3:17:50! [2021-08-14 17:28:57+00:00] ScorpiosFinalGambit#2997: ggs! [2021-08-14 17:29:08+00:00] baelnog#5605 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:29:15+00:00] Worink#3355 has finished in 50th place with a time of 3:18:18! [2021-08-14 17:29:22+00:00] JasonArilani added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:30:17+00:00] CANMaple#1272 has finished in 51st place with a time of 3:19:20! [2021-08-14 17:30:40+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: GG! Wanna join us for a Interview ? [2021-08-14 17:30:46+00:00] Feenie#6029 has finished in 52nd place with a time of 3:19:48! [2021-08-14 17:30:53+00:00] CANMaple#1272: sure [2021-08-14 17:31:00+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: just join a vc ill drag you in [2021-08-14 17:31:15+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459 has finished in 53rd place with a time of 3:20:18! [2021-08-14 17:31:17+00:00] SizeSixteens#6108 has finished in 54th place with a time of 3:20:20! [2021-08-14 17:31:53+00:00] DarkDyllon#4459 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:32:44+00:00] SonicRPika#5088 has finished in 55th place with a time of 3:21:47! [2021-08-14 17:32:57+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: GG! Also wanna join us for interviews ? [2021-08-14 17:33:11+00:00] KamekoSkye#1360: Sure, gimme a min to wrap up and I'll be right there [2021-08-14 17:33:18+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: sure [2021-08-14 17:33:19+00:00] Twins Stars#7978 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:34:13+00:00] VenCorbin#0196 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:34:36+00:00] EnigmaticHylian#7576 has finished in 56th place with a time of 3:23:39! [2021-08-14 17:35:13+00:00] MelissaMGaming#3099 has finished in 57th place with a time of 3:24:16! [2021-08-14 17:35:25+00:00] Cyberion#5453 has finished in 58th place with a time of 3:24:28! [2021-08-14 17:35:55+00:00] Cyberion#5453 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:36:19+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 has finished in 59th place with a time of 3:25:22! [2021-08-14 17:36:29+00:00] rollo#5737 has finished in 60th place with a time of 3:25:32! [2021-08-14 17:36:35+00:00] AlexanderHD#8749 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:36:47+00:00] Eni Neily#8221 has finished in 61st place with a time of 3:25:50! [2021-08-14 17:37:13+00:00] rollo#5737 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:38:46+00:00] Sharky2107#6867 has finished in 62nd place with a time of 3:27:49! [2021-08-14 17:39:36+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: GG also wanna join us ? [2021-08-14 17:40:13+00:00] Sharky2107#6867: Yeah, give me a min and I be there [2021-08-14 17:41:17+00:00] JudgeLeedo#3522 has finished in 63rd place with a time of 3:30:20! [2021-08-14 17:41:29+00:00] Goombill#1284 has finished in 64th place with a time of 3:30:32! [2021-08-14 17:42:18+00:00] tanjo3 has finished in 65th place with a time of 3:31:21! [2021-08-14 17:49:01+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307 has forfeited from the race. [2021-08-14 17:49:31+00:00] shaun1e#9391 has finished in 66th place with a time of 3:38:34! [2021-08-14 17:49:33+00:00] DarkxL1nk#4307 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:50:05+00:00] DJGUAP0#6592 has finished in 67th place with a time of 3:39:08! [2021-08-14 17:50:59+00:00] shaun1e#9391 added a comment. [2021-08-14 17:56:25+00:00] shaun1e#9391 changed their comment. [2021-08-14 17:59:21+00:00] Alextric#7847 has finished in 68th place with a time of 3:48:24! [2021-08-14 17:59:54+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785 has finished in 69th place with a time of 3:48:57! [2021-08-14 18:00:10+00:00] Rafa#9983: Nice [2021-08-14 18:00:17+00:00] ketchuptheduck#4785: I was nice [2021-08-14 18:04:01+00:00] picks_6#0013 has finished in 70th place with a time of 3:53:04! [2021-08-14 18:07:28+00:00] picks_6#0013 added a comment. [2021-08-14 18:07:32+00:00] SonicRPika#5088 added a comment. [2021-08-14 18:13:51+00:00] DeadlyThunder#9617 added a comment. [2021-08-14 18:18:49+00:00] AuroraPhoenix#7723 has finished in 71st place with a time of 4:07:52! [2021-08-14 18:18:49+00:00] Race finished in 4:07:52.6 [2021-08-14 18:31:36+00:00] Dreadzandcatz#6124: GG's everyone! [2021-08-14 19:26:25+00:00] Sharky2107#6867 added a comment. [2021-08-14 19:39:02+00:00] felixoide4#9489 added a comment. [2021-08-15 01:31:34+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/pogtastic-shiro-8684/log [2021-08-15 01:46:32+00:00] IvaneroWorld#9917 added a comment. [2021-08-15 13:08:36+00:00] Race result recorded by Cubsrule21#2508 [2021-08-19 02:36:04+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/pogtastic-shiro-8684/csv