[2021-06-05 20:59:51+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:00:02+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
[2021-06-05 21:00:02+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
[2021-06-05 21:00:02+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
[2021-06-05 21:00:41+00:00] Jimbo#7149 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:00:57+00:00] Jimbo: o/
[2021-06-05 21:01:03+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: o/
[2021-06-05 21:01:21+00:00] Linkpon#8526 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:01:41+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:02:42+00:00] Drumm#0289 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:04:31+00:00] Aughoti#9108 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:04:36+00:00] Aughoti#9108: o/
[2021-06-05 21:04:37+00:00] Melrose#4744 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:04:41+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: o/
[2021-06-05 21:04:55+00:00] Jimbo: o/
[2021-06-05 21:05:05+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: o/
[2021-06-05 21:05:06+00:00] Melrose#4744: o/
[2021-06-05 21:05:06+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: 4
[2021-06-05 21:05:07+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: are this weeks setting same as last week?
[2021-06-05 21:05:16+00:00] Jimbo: i believe it changed
[2021-06-05 21:05:19+00:00] Jimbo: let me check
[2021-06-05 21:05:39+00:00] Jimbo: it did from when i played at least
[2021-06-05 21:05:40+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: ty
[2021-06-05 21:06:02+00:00] Jimbo: - Season 4 Base
- 4 medallions required to spawn the Rainbow Bridge
- Closed Deku Tree
- Season 3 hint distribution
- Scrub shuffle: On (Affordable), excluding the DMC scrub aswell as the 4 scrubs in Dodongos Cavern and the 4 scrubs in Ganons Castle
[2021-06-05 21:06:26+00:00] Jimbo: that may be the same as last week i'm not sure though
[2021-06-05 21:06:43+00:00] Drumm#0289: oh so the scrub in dmc as child is not needed?
[2021-06-05 21:06:45+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: i think deku was open last week but could be wrong
[2021-06-05 21:06:59+00:00] Digitalhobo#5930 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:07:31+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: correct
[2021-06-05 21:07:33+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:07:45+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: also the scrubs in DC and ganon's castle were not disabled last week
[2021-06-05 21:08:02+00:00] Readrim#6625 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:08:24+00:00] Jimbo: ah see i'm losing it lol
[2021-06-05 21:08:30+00:00] Jimbo: but yeah those are the current settings
[2021-06-05 21:08:36+00:00] Jimbo: the one i posted
[2021-06-05 21:08:52+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: one hour?
[2021-06-05 21:09:24+00:00] Jimbo: yes top of hour
[2021-06-05 21:09:32+00:00] Kolvek#2674 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:09:34+00:00] Jimbo: 6pm est
[2021-06-05 21:11:58+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:12:06+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:15:54+00:00] midori#0072 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:16:01+00:00] mrmartin#9054 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:16:36+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:16:39+00:00] kariossa#1113 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:16:53+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:17:21+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: So Jabu is the only dungeon scrub now
[2021-06-05 21:18:19+00:00] midori#0072: Yeah
[2021-06-05 21:20:03+00:00] kr3z#4245 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:20:34+00:00] VidyaJames joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:20:45+00:00] VidyaJames: just forfeited our MW match, time for the runback xd
[2021-06-05 21:21:40+00:00] xYoshi9100x#9701 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:22:26+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:24:00+00:00] Flee#0246 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:24:30+00:00] shaun1e#9391 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:26:35+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:27:38+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:27:58+00:00] DaisyFan#0481 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:27:59+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: @flee @melrose @@vidjaJames @LiamSixx up for a restream today?
[2021-06-05 21:28:07+00:00] VidyaJames: oh gosh okay
[2021-06-05 21:28:10+00:00] VidyaJames: I can have clean audio
[2021-06-05 21:29:53+00:00] Melrose#4744: ok
[2021-06-05 21:29:56+00:00] barbu#5807 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:30:28+00:00] Konditioner#9278 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:30:39+00:00] Flee#0246: Uhh I am currently learning scrub locations, so maybe you'd prefer someone who knows what they're doing? :P
[2021-06-05 21:30:45+00:00] Flee#0246: But if you can't find anyone else I'm down for the lols
[2021-06-05 21:30:56+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: imagine any of us knowing what we're doing
[2021-06-05 21:30:57+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: KEKW
[2021-06-05 21:31:11+00:00] Melrose#4744: thanks for the reminder flee lmao
[2021-06-05 21:31:13+00:00] Flee#0246: xD
[2021-06-05 21:31:28+00:00] VidyaJames: Season 4 Base - 4 medallions required to spawn the Rainbow Bridge - Closed Deku Tree - Season 3 hint distribution - Scrub shuffle: On (Affordable), excluding the DMC scrub aswell as the 4 scrubs in Dodongos Cavern and the 4 scrubs in Ganons Castle
[2021-06-05 21:31:38+00:00] VidyaJames: in other words, the only dungeon scrub is the jabu one
[2021-06-05 21:31:40+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: I've got no idea what im doing this nweek
[2021-06-05 21:32:07+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I probably shouldn't be doing this cos I have a League match tomorrow early afternoon, but yeah :P
[2021-06-05 21:32:16+00:00] VidyaJames: what channel is the restream on?
[2021-06-05 21:32:17+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: great job of being an organizer there
[2021-06-05 21:32:19+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: Kappa
[2021-06-05 21:32:31+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Ehh, I need some practice, right? :P
[2021-06-05 21:33:33+00:00] incoherent#6156 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:33:57+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: I'm down for restream!
[2021-06-05 21:34:29+00:00] Rahylia#4212 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:34:46+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: @flee up to you - can find someone else if you'd rather
[2021-06-05 21:35:14+00:00] Flee#0246: Sure I don't mind
[2021-06-05 21:35:42+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: !lock
[2021-06-05 21:35:42+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors.
[2021-06-05 21:36:14+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: @vidyajames - pretty sure it's gonna be on ZSR2
[2021-06-05 21:36:20+00:00] VidyaJames: thanks!
[2021-06-05 21:36:27+00:00] VidyaJames: just trying to make a chat command and such
[2021-06-05 21:36:42+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:38:31+00:00] Wavemetal#8151 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:41:25+00:00] Zemoo#4988 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:42:46+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: @vidyajames new plan - gonna be on main
[2021-06-05 21:44:45+00:00] VidyaJames: radical
[2021-06-05 21:45:36+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:45:56+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: eyo o/
[2021-06-05 21:46:24+00:00] Altripp#4543 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:46:46+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Hi!
[2021-06-05 21:46:49+00:00] Melrose#4744: heya levi
[2021-06-05 21:46:50+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 updated the race information.
[2021-06-05 21:46:55+00:00] Altripp#4543: Hey guys! Do we have to start the stream before redying up?
[2021-06-05 21:46:55+00:00] Goal: Standard Ruleset
[2021-06-05 21:46:56+00:00] OoTR Standard NA Weekly Race | https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=803306
[2021-06-05 21:47:00+00:00] Melrose#4744: spoiler log
[2021-06-05 21:47:16+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: ...
[2021-06-05 21:47:16+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: rr
[2021-06-05 21:47:21+00:00] Aughoti#9108: rip spoiler
[2021-06-05 21:47:24+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 updated the race information.
[2021-06-05 21:47:28+00:00] Drumm#0289: lol
[2021-06-05 21:47:28+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: will fix
[2021-06-05 21:47:31+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: WRONG SEED ALL
[2021-06-05 21:48:09+00:00] Icola#8220: Last woth Kak
[2021-06-05 21:48:21+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 updated the race information.
[2021-06-05 21:48:22+00:00] Altripp#4543: Its gonna be an EZ run bois
[2021-06-05 21:48:26+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:27+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:27+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:28+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:28+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:29+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:29+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:30+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:31+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:31+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:32+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:33+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: .
[2021-06-05 21:48:35+00:00] Goal: Standard Ruleset
[2021-06-05 21:48:35+00:00] OoTR Standard NA Weekly Race | https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=803317
[2021-06-05 21:48:37+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: NEW SEED
[2021-06-05 21:49:25+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: race will likely start a few minutes late due to restream - will make it as short a delay as possible
[2021-06-05 21:49:51+00:00] Melrose#4744: yo that's enough time to brew tea
[2021-06-05 21:49:52+00:00] renata#7226 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:50:01+00:00] VidyaJames: enough time to crack open a cold one
[2021-06-05 21:50:43+00:00] Goal: Standard Ruleset
[2021-06-05 21:50:43+00:00] OoTR Standard NA Weekly Race | https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=803317
[2021-06-05 21:50:51+00:00] VidyaJames: so just to be 100% clear:
[2021-06-05 21:51:03+00:00] VidyaJames: speedfrog, str2, sold out, str2, heart container
[2021-06-05 21:51:09+00:00] Melrose#4744: aye
[2021-06-05 21:51:17+00:00] shaun1e#9391 quits the race.
[2021-06-05 21:51:34+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: ugh! i wish the weekly was held like half hour to an hour earlier these definitely aren't uk friendly xD
[2021-06-05 21:51:46+00:00] shaun1e#9391: I mean, EU weekly's a friendlier time :P
[2021-06-05 21:51:53+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: wait!
[2021-06-05 21:51:58+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: there is an eu weekly
[2021-06-05 21:52:01+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Yup
[2021-06-05 21:52:07+00:00] shaun1e#9391: 1pm UTC Sundays
[2021-06-05 21:52:08+00:00] Melrose#4744: tomorrow at 2pm
[2021-06-05 21:52:10+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: why has no one told me this before! lol
[2021-06-05 21:52:25+00:00] Melrose#4744: but that's also the Azerbaijan Grand Prix
[2021-06-05 21:52:29+00:00] Melrose#4744: so rip
[2021-06-05 21:53:03+00:00] VidyaJames: press 1 if you're watching whatever that is and your name is not melrose
[2021-06-05 21:53:08+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: i mean... its eu friendly but its not people with kids friendly lmao the misses is going to kill me but ill still be racing xD
[2021-06-05 21:53:15+00:00] Altripp#4543 is ready! (35 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:53:17+00:00] Digitalhobo#5930 is ready! (34 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:53:20+00:00] JLoYoshi#2752 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:53:29+00:00] Readrim#6625 is ready! (34 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:53:30+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 is ready! (33 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:53:58+00:00] barbu#5807 is ready! (32 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:54:05+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 is ready! (31 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:54:05+00:00] Konditioner#9278 is ready! (30 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:55:09+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 is ready! (29 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:55:14+00:00] Aughoti#9108 is ready! (28 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:56:16+00:00] Zemoo#4988 is ready! (27 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:56:20+00:00] Wavemetal#8151 is ready! (26 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:56:26+00:00] LunaSutra#1595: heeya guys
[2021-06-05 21:56:36+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Hiya
[2021-06-05 21:56:43+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: Wondering where the seed is and finally realizing that Livesplit crashed. Uuuuugh
[2021-06-05 21:56:49+00:00] LunaSutra#1595: Just back from work
[2021-06-05 21:56:55+00:00] LunaSutra#1595: is ok ? I'm almost ready
[2021-06-05 21:57:12+00:00] LunaSutra#1595 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:57:15+00:00] xYoshi9100x#9701 is ready! (26 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:57:18+00:00] Kolvek#2674 is ready! (25 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:57:20+00:00] kr3z#4245 is ready! (24 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:57:22+00:00] DaisyFan#0481 is ready! (23 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:57:23+00:00] Drumm#0289 is ready! (22 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:57:30+00:00] Flee#0246 is ready! (21 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:57:37+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 is ready! (20 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:58:08+00:00] Altripp#4543: Hey guys non-ironic question: I actually only need 4 medallions to go into Ganons Castle?
[2021-06-05 21:58:15+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: yes
[2021-06-05 21:58:16+00:00] renata#7226 is ready! (19 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:58:18+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: yes
[2021-06-05 21:58:18+00:00] Altripp#4543: (Also, is Ganon Boss Key vanilla or rando'd?)
[2021-06-05 21:58:25+00:00] renata#7226: but 6 for ganon's boss key
[2021-06-05 21:58:27+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: on LACS at 6 Medallions
[2021-06-05 21:58:38+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: @here PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE CORRECT HASH! frog/gautlet/sold out/gauntlet/heart container
[2021-06-05 21:58:45+00:00] incoherent#6156: protip: do not S&Q on the first frame after entering ToT with 6 medallions
[2021-06-05 21:58:47+00:00] Altripp#4543: Wait 6 medallions = LACS = Ganon BK? Is that it?
[2021-06-05 21:58:56+00:00] renata#7226: correct
[2021-06-05 21:58:58+00:00] Cola#5395: yes
[2021-06-05 21:58:58+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: yes
[2021-06-05 21:58:58+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: yup
[2021-06-05 21:59:02+00:00] Altripp#4543: Alright, thanks a bunch!
[2021-06-05 21:59:07+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 21:59:09+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 is ready! (19 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:14+00:00] incoherent#6156 is ready! (18 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:14+00:00] Kolvek#2674 is not ready. (19 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:16+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 is ready! (18 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:19+00:00] mrmartin#9054 is ready! (17 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:20+00:00] Jimbo#7149 is ready! (16 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:31+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 is not ready. (17 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:32+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 is ready! (16 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:35+00:00] LunaSutra#1595 is ready! (15 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:38+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (14 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:42+00:00] kariossa#1113 is ready! (13 remaining)
[2021-06-05 21:59:54+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 is ready! (12 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:00:38+00:00] VidyaJames is ready! (11 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:00:40+00:00] JLoYoshi#2752 is ready! (10 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:00:57+00:00] Jimbo: who rolled this seed?
[2021-06-05 22:01:05+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: Cubs
[2021-06-05 22:01:15+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: cubsruEvil
[2021-06-05 22:01:20+00:00] Jimbo: oh boy
[2021-06-05 22:01:25+00:00] LunaSutra#1595: kekw
[2021-06-05 22:01:27+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: Let's see if Cubs is on drugs today :P
[2021-06-05 22:01:31+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: monkaS
[2021-06-05 22:01:56+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: i mean personally ive yet to see a seed with a double item hash without a high skul required item xD
[2021-06-05 22:02:04+00:00] Digitalhobo#5930: :)
[2021-06-05 22:02:04+00:00] Jimbo: ^
[2021-06-05 22:02:07+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: can't wait to see if this is worse than the MW race that I'm race modding
[2021-06-05 22:02:07+00:00] Jimbo: don'
[2021-06-05 22:02:07+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (9 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:02:08+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: :)
[2021-06-05 22:02:17+00:00] Jimbo: don't say that lol
[2021-06-05 22:02:26+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: Just rush unhinted 50 :4head
[2021-06-05 22:02:28+00:00] Rahylia#4212 is ready! (8 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:02:29+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: I'm ready to b e sad
[2021-06-05 22:02:41+00:00] Aughoti#9108: I mean I already played 1 broken seed today blameShawn
[2021-06-05 22:02:43+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (7 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:02:49+00:00] Melrose#4744 is ready! (6 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:03:02+00:00] Kolvek#2674 is ready! (5 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:03:04+00:00] barbu#5807: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:10+00:00] Melrose#4744: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:12+00:00] LunaSutra#1595: gl hf !
[2021-06-05 22:03:13+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (4 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:03:16+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Gl hf!
[2021-06-05 22:03:16+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: ngl first time getting into this i saw that you could get a reward for 50 tokens! i genuinely had to check how many tokens were in game and was extremely shocked to see 100 xD
[2021-06-05 22:03:17+00:00] Altripp#4543: GL HF all!
[2021-06-05 22:03:18+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:18+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:18+00:00] ZAH3516#7242: gl hf
[2021-06-05 22:03:19+00:00] Aughoti#9108: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:19+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137: gl hf
[2021-06-05 22:03:22+00:00] kariossa#1113: gl hf
[2021-06-05 22:03:23+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: ghlf
[2021-06-05 22:03:23+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:25+00:00] Drumm#0289: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:27+00:00] JLoYoshi#2752: gl hf!
[2021-06-05 22:03:29+00:00] Cola#5395: glhf all :)
[2021-06-05 22:03:30+00:00] Rahylia#4212: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:30+00:00] Flee#0246: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:31+00:00] Jimbo: glhf!
[2021-06-05 22:03:33+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: glhf everybody :-)
[2021-06-05 22:03:34+00:00] VidyaJames: glhf
[2021-06-05 22:03:35+00:00] renata#7226: gl happy hiking
[2021-06-05 22:03:39+00:00] Linkpon#8526 is ready! (3 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:03:51+00:00] Linkpon#8526: GL guys :3
[2021-06-05 22:04:04+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: glhf!
[2021-06-05 22:04:40+00:00] Readrim#6625 is not ready. (4 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:04:56+00:00] midori#0072 is ready! (3 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:05:18+00:00] Kolvek#2674 quits the race.
[2021-06-05 22:05:31+00:00] Readrim#6625 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:05:31+00:00] Kolvek#2674: sorry, my seed keeps getting messed up
[2021-06-05 22:06:07+00:00] Icola#8220 is not ready. (3 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:06:30+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:06:49+00:00] incoherent#6156: @eltiokamina
[2021-06-05 22:06:57+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: tio???
[2021-06-05 22:07:12+00:00] Jimbo: afk KEKW
[2021-06-05 22:07:18+00:00] LunaSutra#1595: pepe ♥
[2021-06-05 22:07:26+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: hi lunasutra!! :)
[2021-06-05 22:07:30+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: good luck
[2021-06-05 22:07:38+00:00] LunaSutra#1595: same buddy (:
[2021-06-05 22:07:47+00:00] Kolvek#2674 joins the race.
[2021-06-05 22:07:53+00:00] Kolvek#2674: nevermind i fixed it
[2021-06-05 22:08:02+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: nice
[2021-06-05 22:08:02+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: pog
[2021-06-05 22:08:02+00:00] Kolvek#2674 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:08:09+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: i see you at second round leage !
[2021-06-05 22:08:11+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Awesome!
[2021-06-05 22:08:19+00:00] Altripp#4543: We startin?
[2021-06-05 22:08:19+00:00] incoherent#6156: are we force starting at :10
[2021-06-05 22:08:23+00:00] Cuphat#2212: force start?
[2021-06-05 22:08:25+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: ok - here we go
[2021-06-05 22:08:27+00:00] Linkpon#8526: e.e
[2021-06-05 22:08:33+00:00] Jimbo: lol
[2021-06-05 22:08:33+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: @eltiokamina 2 min before I force start
[2021-06-05 22:08:38+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2021-06-05 22:08:41+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: please go live and ready up ASAP
[2021-06-05 22:08:43+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: yeaahhh
[2021-06-05 22:08:44+00:00] VidyaJames: yo pog
[2021-06-05 22:08:45+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479: tiooooo
[2021-06-05 22:08:46+00:00] LeviBelvedere#7717: yay
[2021-06-05 22:08:46+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: thank you :)\
[2021-06-05 22:08:50+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: glhf :)
[2021-06-05 22:08:55+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 quits the race.
[2021-06-05 22:08:55+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
[2021-06-05 22:08:57+00:00] Jimbo: glhf!
[2021-06-05 22:09:00+00:00] 10…
[2021-06-05 22:09:05+00:00] 5…
[2021-06-05 22:09:06+00:00] 4…
[2021-06-05 22:09:07+00:00] 3…
[2021-06-05 22:09:08+00:00] 2…
[2021-06-05 22:09:09+00:00] 1…
[2021-06-05 22:09:10+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
[2021-06-05 22:22:29+00:00] JLoYoshi#2752 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-05 22:22:41+00:00] JLoYoshi#2752 added a comment.
[2021-06-05 22:23:35+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/reliable-pierre-5521/log
[2021-06-05 22:25:54+00:00] Readrim#6625 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-05 22:39:15+00:00] Digitalhobo#5930 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-05 22:49:17+00:00] LunaSutra#1595: HF, to tired to waste time.
[2021-06-05 22:49:19+00:00] LunaSutra#1595 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-05 22:54:09+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-05 23:00:14+00:00] Drumm#0289 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-05 23:34:43+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-05 23:51:15+00:00] DaisyFan#0481 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-06 00:00:03+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-06 00:03:16+00:00] midori#0072 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-06 00:52:07+00:00] barbu#5807 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:42:57!
[2021-06-06 00:53:16+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: GG
[2021-06-06 00:53:58+00:00] barbu#5807: thank
[2021-06-06 00:56:36+00:00] barbu#5807 is no longer done.
[2021-06-06 00:56:38+00:00] barbu#5807 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-06 00:57:21+00:00] Jimbo: ?
[2021-06-06 00:57:27+00:00] barbu#5807: sorry guy a play bad seed
[2021-06-06 00:57:39+00:00] barbu#5807: shit
[2021-06-06 00:57:41+00:00] Kolvek#2674: RIP
[2021-06-06 00:57:44+00:00] barbu#5807: 00.
[2021-06-06 00:57:49+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: you can unforfeit
[2021-06-06 00:58:07+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: go through the website
[2021-06-06 00:58:15+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: instead of livesplit
[2021-06-06 01:02:16+00:00] Altripp#4543 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-06 01:02:19+00:00] Altripp#4543: :(
[2021-06-06 01:02:28+00:00] Altripp#4543: game 2 hard. Devs nerf pl0x
[2021-06-06 01:03:37+00:00] Cuphat#2212: did george roll this dogshit
[2021-06-06 01:03:43+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Lol
[2021-06-06 01:05:06+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: hi, seed roller here
[2021-06-06 01:05:10+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: fuck you cuphat :)
[2021-06-06 01:06:20+00:00] Kolvek#2674: :)
[2021-06-06 01:18:46+00:00] Altripp#4543 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 01:19:07+00:00] Icola#8220 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:09:57!
[2021-06-06 01:19:43+00:00] Icola#8220: ggs
[2021-06-06 01:19:51+00:00] Cola#5395 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:10:40!
[2021-06-06 01:20:46+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: I'm thirsty
[2021-06-06 01:20:50+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: all the sudden
[2021-06-06 01:22:16+00:00] mrmartin#9054 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:13:06!
[2021-06-06 01:41:43+00:00] Cuphat#2212: more like cubssuck21 amiright
[2021-06-06 01:42:48+00:00] kariossa#1113 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:33:38!
[2021-06-06 01:43:21+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: this is your punishment for adding mweep back
[2021-06-06 01:43:23+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: (:
[2021-06-06 01:43:48+00:00] Cuphat#2212: roll one more seed like this and I add Darunia'
[2021-06-06 01:43:52+00:00] Cuphat#2212: s Dance back
[2021-06-06 01:44:03+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: that I'm ok with
[2021-06-06 01:44:34+00:00] Melrose#4744: Carlos Wentz is his franchise quarterback, I'd be inflicting pain on everyone around me too
[2021-06-06 01:46:39+00:00] Cuphat#2212: if we want to talk NFL I am a Falcons fan so I mean
[2021-06-06 01:47:04+00:00] Cuphat#2212: 28-3
[2021-06-06 01:47:14+00:00] Melrose#4744: *cries in Daniel Jones*
[2021-06-06 01:47:15+00:00] Cuphat#2212: imagine trading Julio Jones
[2021-06-06 01:47:50+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: thought jacksonville was the UK team
[2021-06-06 01:48:28+00:00] VidyaJames has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:39:17!
[2021-06-06 01:48:42+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: GG james
[2021-06-06 01:48:45+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: up for an interview?
[2021-06-06 01:48:55+00:00] VidyaJames: yee just need a few for bathroom
[2021-06-06 01:49:19+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: np
[2021-06-06 01:49:25+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: hop in VC when ready
[2021-06-06 01:51:24+00:00] VidyaJames: in waiting room
[2021-06-06 01:58:52+00:00] Jimbo: im annoyed
[2021-06-06 02:00:07+00:00] Rahylia#4212 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:50:57!
[2021-06-06 02:00:37+00:00] incoherent#6156: hi annoyed im dad
[2021-06-06 02:00:59+00:00] VidyaJames: yo let's fuckin go
[2021-06-06 02:01:02+00:00] VidyaJames: @rahylia
[2021-06-06 02:01:05+00:00] Rahylia#4212: pog james
[2021-06-06 02:03:32+00:00] VidyaJames added a comment.
[2021-06-06 02:05:49+00:00] Aughoti#9108 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:56:38!
[2021-06-06 02:06:04+00:00] Konditioner#9278 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-06 02:06:09+00:00] Aughoti#9108 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 02:08:48+00:00] Flee#0246 has forfeited from the race.
[2021-06-06 02:10:06+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: GG Flee - wanna come in for an interview?
[2021-06-06 02:11:23+00:00] Flee#0246: Yeah I'll stop by for a little bit
[2021-06-06 02:35:05+00:00] xYoshi9100x#9701 has finished in 8th place with a time of 4:25:54!
[2021-06-06 02:35:08+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 9th place with a time of 4:25:58!
[2021-06-06 02:35:13+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: Bruh
[2021-06-06 02:35:14+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: GG Liam!
[2021-06-06 02:35:20+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: up for an interview?
[2021-06-06 02:35:41+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: yeah!
[2021-06-06 02:35:45+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: GG
[2021-06-06 02:36:19+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: hope in any VC in ZSR
[2021-06-06 02:36:58+00:00] xYoshi9100x#9701 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 02:40:29+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 has finished in 10th place with a time of 4:31:19!
[2021-06-06 02:41:53+00:00] incoherent#6156 has finished in 11th place with a time of 4:32:43!
[2021-06-06 02:42:27+00:00] incoherent#6156 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 02:44:11+00:00] DecoyTroy#5137 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 02:45:48+00:00] Zemoo#4988 has finished in 12th place with a time of 4:36:38!
[2021-06-06 02:45:50+00:00] LeviBelvedere#9247 has finished in 13th place with a time of 4:36:40!
[2021-06-06 02:49:28+00:00] Jimbo#7149 has finished in 14th place with a time of 4:40:17!
[2021-06-06 02:50:04+00:00] Jimbo: cubs is on my shit list
[2021-06-06 02:50:12+00:00] Jimbo#7149 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 02:55:00+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 15th place with a time of 4:45:50!
[2021-06-06 02:55:27+00:00] Cuphat#2212: fuck you cubs what the actual shit is this
[2021-06-06 02:55:44+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: you know what you did
[2021-06-06 02:55:51+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Lol
[2021-06-06 02:55:59+00:00] Cuphat#2212: yes I do, I played a Cubs seed
[2021-06-06 02:56:19+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: I told you - that's what you get for bringing back a mweep
[2021-06-06 02:56:34+00:00] Cuphat#2212: I'll fucking do it again
[2021-06-06 02:56:44+00:00] Cuphat#2212: <goofy.gif>
[2021-06-06 03:07:43+00:00] Melrose#4744 has finished in 16th place with a time of 4:58:33!
[2021-06-06 03:08:09+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: GG Mel - up for an interview?
[2021-06-06 03:08:22+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: Do it, tell Cubs what we're all thinking
[2021-06-06 03:08:32+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Haha
[2021-06-06 03:08:35+00:00] Melrose#4744: omg cubs why would you restream that
[2021-06-06 03:08:37+00:00] Kolvek#2674 has finished in 17th place with a time of 4:59:26!
[2021-06-06 03:08:39+00:00] Melrose#4744: the poor coms
[2021-06-06 03:08:57+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: lul
[2021-06-06 03:09:02+00:00] Melrose#4744: it's 4am but sure
[2021-06-06 03:09:22+00:00] Kolvek#2674 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 03:09:23+00:00] Pepe Argento#6479 has finished in 18th place with a time of 5:00:13!
[2021-06-06 03:17:18+00:00] renata#7226 has finished in 19th place with a time of 5:08:08!
[2021-06-06 03:32:36+00:00] Linkpon#8526 has finished in 20th place with a time of 5:23:26!
[2021-06-06 03:40:57+00:00] kr3z#4245 has finished in 21st place with a time of 5:31:47!
[2021-06-06 03:42:26+00:00] kr3z#4245 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 04:00:09+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 5:50:59!
[2021-06-06 04:02:50+00:00] Wavemetal#8151 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 5:53:40!
[2021-06-06 04:02:55+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Gg!
[2021-06-06 04:03:29+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: That was a rough one
[2021-06-06 04:04:30+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 04:05:45+00:00] JindaWuff#7297: CUBS WE'RE GONNA /TALK/
[2021-06-06 04:05:49+00:00] JindaWuff#7297 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 04:05:50+00:00] Wavemetal#8151: Lol
[2021-06-06 04:06:37+00:00] Wavemetal#8151 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 04:07:20+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: WE ALREADY DID
[2021-06-06 04:55:14+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 has finished in 24th place with a time of 6:46:03!
[2021-06-06 04:55:14+00:00] Race finished in 6:46:03.9
[2021-06-06 04:55:52+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: GG
[2021-06-06 04:55:59+00:00] Altripp#4543 changed their comment.
[2021-06-06 05:15:27+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 added a comment.
[2021-06-06 05:34:03+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 changed their comment.
[2021-06-06 07:27:20+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/reliable-pierre-5521/log
[2021-06-06 07:27:21+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/reliable-pierre-5521/csv
[2021-06-06 15:08:22+00:00] Race result recorded by FQef#8592