[2020-09-27 12:03:03+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:03:18+00:00] alfalfa#3653 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:03:24+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset> [2020-09-27 12:03:24+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log. [2020-09-27 12:03:24+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets [2020-09-27 12:03:40+00:00] De4terium#8012 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:03:47+00:00] DoodleBit#2935 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:03:51+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: !lock [2020-09-27 12:03:51+00:00] RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors. [2020-09-27 12:04:00+00:00] Aksannyi#6291 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:04:06+00:00] Hamsda#9463 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:04:11+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: this is a dungeon run, right? [2020-09-27 12:04:39+00:00] navisayslisten#6621 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:05:28+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: I wish, but no [2020-09-27 12:05:35+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: It's a standard weekly [2020-09-27 12:05:43+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Like all standard weeklies [2020-09-27 12:05:46+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:05:47+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: i won't tell if you won't [2020-09-27 12:05:49+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: lol [2020-09-27 12:06:03+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: haha [2020-09-27 12:07:03+00:00] wordsforswords#7037 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:09:03+00:00] MetaLow#3027 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:09:23+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:09:54+00:00] Gorodine#7047 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:10:04+00:00] DoitiEtok#7450 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:10:37+00:00] wordsforswords: Ruff! My four paws feel lighter than usual today! [2020-09-27 12:11:08+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: hoo-whine [2020-09-27 12:13:51+00:00] emosoda#9290 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:14:45+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:14:48+00:00] zorro275#9551 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:14:57+00:00] Zorro#9005: Hello everyone ! [2020-09-27 12:15:02+00:00] wordsforswords: o/ [2020-09-27 12:15:03+00:00] renata#7226 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:17:53+00:00] De4terium#8012: Hello :) [2020-09-27 12:19:04+00:00] Feenie#6029 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:19:27+00:00] Feenie#6029: Bouya [2020-09-27 12:21:32+00:00] FantaTanked#6752 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:22:04+00:00] Titou#0711 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:25:45+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:25:54+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: uh oooh [2020-09-27 12:27:27+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:28:09+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Zorro275, MisterKarp, Gorodine, ArthurOudini - would you like to be on Restream today? [2020-09-27 12:28:16+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: sure thing [2020-09-27 12:29:13+00:00] spodersteve#5401 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:29:25+00:00] Gorodine#7047: yep [2020-09-27 12:29:25+00:00] lebarbu#0120 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:29:50+00:00] Zorro#9005: yes sure [2020-09-27 12:30:01+00:00] Zorro#9005: i can have clean audio if needed [2020-09-27 12:30:18+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: zorro + goro + arthur POGGERS [2020-09-27 12:30:38+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: Also Karp Kappa [2020-09-27 12:30:39+00:00] actinide#9544 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:30:43+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: LUL [2020-09-27 12:30:44+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Yeah that's my next question, who else has clean audio? Plus need confirmation for Authur [2020-09-27 12:31:00+00:00] P.Titou#6462: Arthur on restream KEKW [2020-09-27 12:31:01+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 quits the race. [2020-09-27 12:31:03+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:31:15+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: I can. but preferred not to if possible [2020-09-27 12:31:25+00:00] Gorodine#7047: same [2020-09-27 12:32:13+00:00] Nayrus#2599 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:32:40+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: I may need one other at least, just in case. Let's see if ArthurOudini confirms for Restream [2020-09-27 12:33:01+00:00] DgBarca#0570 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:34:39+00:00] Cuphat#2212: hey Cubs, while you are recording races, last week's NA weekly still hasn't been recorded [2020-09-27 12:34:44+00:00] Cuphat#2212: https://racetime.gg/ootr/salty-joker-8068 [2020-09-27 12:34:54+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:35:22+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: hello! [2020-09-27 12:35:49+00:00] Readrim#6625 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:36:37+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: I'm sorry about the misshap yesterday, I think I know what happened, just to be sure I'll stick to my usual way of starting my timer [2020-09-27 12:36:56+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: ArthurOudini, last call to confirm for Restream. [2020-09-27 12:37:03+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: wasn't anything on your end, I don't think stuck [2020-09-27 12:37:08+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: dyn took care of it this morning [2020-09-27 12:37:24+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: Because I "joined" thrice, since the popup box was going away [2020-09-27 12:37:25+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948: oh sorry I'm here [2020-09-27 12:37:35+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948: I'm down for restream [2020-09-27 12:37:38+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: that would make sense as to why it was on my end [2020-09-27 12:37:41+00:00] PunchAuFruit joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:37:42+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Ok cool! [2020-09-27 12:38:02+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Can anyone else other than zorro volunteer to be ready to have clean audio? [2020-09-27 12:38:07+00:00] drooness joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:38:14+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: :O [2020-09-27 12:38:19+00:00] Drooness: :O [2020-09-27 12:38:21+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: The Doctor is in [2020-09-27 12:38:24+00:00] Drooness: lmao [2020-09-27 12:38:26+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: yo [2020-09-27 12:38:27+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: pog? [2020-09-27 12:38:30+00:00] Drooness: yo Pog [2020-09-27 12:38:36+00:00] Drooness: Pogyo [2020-09-27 12:38:37+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: droo gentleman's agreement to skip stone dungeons [2020-09-27 12:38:40+00:00] Braaks#4674 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:38:41+00:00] Drooness: hmmm [2020-09-27 12:38:44+00:00] Drooness: I think I'll pass [2020-09-27 12:38:46+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: droo check freaky friday channel kthx [2020-09-27 12:38:47+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: I can do audio [2020-09-27 12:38:54+00:00] Drooness: I did I saw the ping sorry lol [2020-09-27 12:38:56+00:00] Drooness: I was mid seed [2020-09-27 12:38:58+00:00] Drooness: seems cool [2020-09-27 12:39:02+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Thanks Karp, I appreciate it! [2020-09-27 12:40:35+00:00] Rahylia#4212 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:40:42+00:00] Drooness: Pog [2020-09-27 12:40:57+00:00] emosoda: hey dr. oo o/ [2020-09-27 12:41:09+00:00] Rahylia#4212: POG [2020-09-27 12:42:45+00:00] Nopons#4783 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:42:48+00:00] Anvil#2440 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:44:31+00:00] Incarnadine#7186 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:45:08+00:00] zserf#4425 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:45:16+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: !seed [2020-09-27 12:45:16+00:00] RandoBot: DoodleBit, here is your seed: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=579767 [2020-09-27 12:45:17+00:00] RandoBot updated the race information. [2020-09-27 12:45:20+00:00] Goal: Standard ruleset [2020-09-27 12:45:21+00:00] https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=579767 | Standard EU Weekly [2020-09-27 12:46:35+00:00] Nayrus#2599 is ready! (36 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:48:02+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: the crop on my stream ok? [2020-09-27 12:48:13+00:00] emosoda: almost forgot to turn off the 20 min delay KEKW [2020-09-27 12:48:19+00:00] renata#7226 is ready! (35 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:48:22+00:00] navisayslisten#6621 is ready! (34 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:48:37+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Looks like it yeah [2020-09-27 12:48:56+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 is ready! (33 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:49:27+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:49:31+00:00] Melrose#4744: gl not getting sniped everyone and have fun [2020-09-27 12:49:41+00:00] emosoda: z3ph we meet again Pog [2020-09-27 12:50:02+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Pog [2020-09-27 12:50:04+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: I won't have fun mel thanks for wishing it to me [2020-09-27 12:50:08+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Just woke up lol [2020-09-27 12:50:22+00:00] emosoda: yo same an hour ago [2020-09-27 12:50:41+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: i woke up at like 5:30 and the dog was like OH IT'S WAKE TIME OK so i didn't go back to bed lol [2020-09-27 12:50:41+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: like I'm literally rolling out of bed now [2020-09-27 12:50:59+00:00] emosoda: how big is your bed z3ph? [2020-09-27 12:51:03+00:00] zorro275#9551 is ready! (33 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:51:16+00:00] Drooness: big enough for two ;) [2020-09-27 12:51:21+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: big enough :P [2020-09-27 12:51:29+00:00] emosoda: :-0 [2020-09-27 12:51:29+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: lol droo [2020-09-27 12:51:35+00:00] Cuphat#2212: unlike the past few weeks, I actually got up the 8:00 instead of joining the race and then immediately continuing to sleep until 8:45 [2020-09-27 12:51:44+00:00] Drooness: 😳 [2020-09-27 12:52:02+00:00] Melrose#4744: gav isn’t here to be the oracle so in his place I’m predicting metalow to win [2020-09-27 12:52:05+00:00] DoitiEtok#7450 is ready! (32 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:52:06+00:00] Cuphat#2212: apparently I am not awake enough to type the correct words though [2020-09-27 12:52:22+00:00] emosoda: oracle of del rando Pog [2020-09-27 12:52:49+00:00] MetaLow#6296: me ? naaahhh [2020-09-27 12:52:56+00:00] Melrose#4744: ok [2020-09-27 12:53:01+00:00] Melrose#4744: hamsda, youre winning [2020-09-27 12:53:03+00:00] Anvil#2440 is ready! (31 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:53:07+00:00] MetaLow#6296: i'm gonna do hundo again Kappa [2020-09-27 12:53:24+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: wait [2020-09-27 12:53:24+00:00] Nopons#4783 is ready! (30 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:53:29+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948: play more for more practice 5Head [2020-09-27 12:53:31+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: why is mel predicting whos winning [2020-09-27 12:53:35+00:00] Feenie#6029 is ready! (29 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:53:43+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: bc no gav monka [2020-09-27 12:53:46+00:00] Melrose#4744: gav is resting [2020-09-27 12:53:50+00:00] Melrose#4744: he earned it [2020-09-27 12:53:57+00:00] emosoda: face down in defense position [2020-09-27 12:54:18+00:00] Braaks#4674 is ready! (28 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:54:19+00:00] Aksannyi#6291 is ready! (27 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:54:43+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: lmfao [2020-09-27 12:54:43+00:00] Gorodine#7047 is ready! (26 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:54:52+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (25 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:55:14+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: i feel mel is like some false prophet tho [2020-09-27 12:55:18+00:00] shaun1e#9391 joins the race. [2020-09-27 12:55:24+00:00] zserf#4425 is ready! (25 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:55:24+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: just trying to roll in and take the spot [2020-09-27 12:55:28+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (24 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:55:29+00:00] Melrose#4744: shhhhh [2020-09-27 12:55:30+00:00] shaun1e#9391 is ready! (23 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:55:51+00:00] DgBarca#0570: fuck, retroarch doesn't want to load any rando rom anymore ? [2020-09-27 12:55:56+00:00] DgBarca#0570: practice rom is fine [2020-09-27 12:55:57+00:00] Incarnadine#7186 is ready! (22 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:56:08+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: hahah [2020-09-27 12:56:17+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: just time to practice i guess [2020-09-27 12:56:20+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: what's it doing dg, is it giving an error message? [2020-09-27 12:56:28+00:00] DgBarca#0570: it just [2020-09-27 12:56:29+00:00] actinide#9544 is ready! (21 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:56:30+00:00] DgBarca#0570: closes [2020-09-27 12:56:40+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: try switching cores? idk if that'll help ngl [2020-09-27 12:56:45+00:00] alfalfa#3653 is ready! (20 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:56:47+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 is ready! (19 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:56:53+00:00] wordsforswords: That happens to me occasionally. Although it usually works for me on retry. [2020-09-27 12:56:54+00:00] De4terium#8012 is ready! (18 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:56:55+00:00] Rahylia#4212 is ready! (17 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:56:58+00:00] Hamsda#9463 is ready! (16 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:56:58+00:00] Braaks#4674: are you using mupen? [2020-09-27 12:57:29+00:00] DgBarca#0570: no [2020-09-27 12:57:33+00:00] DgBarca#0570: it worked fine this morning [2020-09-27 12:57:41+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 is ready! (15 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:57:42+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: bizhawk master race [2020-09-27 12:57:44+00:00] drooness is ready! (14 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:57:51+00:00] Drooness: vc master race [2020-09-27 12:57:57+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: bizhawk laggggggggs [2020-09-27 12:57:59+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: lol [2020-09-27 12:57:59+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: WutFace [2020-09-27 12:58:01+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: bizhawk master disadvantage [2020-09-27 12:58:02+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: pog [2020-09-27 12:58:04+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: welp, droo gonna VC crash today [2020-09-27 12:58:04+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: you know [2020-09-27 12:58:04+00:00] wordsforswords#7037 is ready! (13 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:58:06+00:00] lebarbu#0120 is ready! (12 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:58:07+00:00] PunchAuFruit is ready! (11 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:58:08+00:00] Drooness: shh [2020-09-27 12:58:11+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: lmao [2020-09-27 12:58:12+00:00] Melrose#4744: ok zeph I’ve dmed gav like 30 times asking him to make a prediction [2020-09-27 12:58:13+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: if i wasnt on bizhawk i win the sgl qual yesterday [2020-09-27 12:58:16+00:00] Drooness: you're jinxing it [2020-09-27 12:58:19+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: you brought it on yourself lol [2020-09-27 12:58:20+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Just use carrier pidgeon to send your frames, it's better than Bizhawk :kappa: [2020-09-27 12:58:22+00:00] Drooness: :( [2020-09-27 12:58:31+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: i feel personally attacked shaunie [2020-09-27 12:58:32+00:00] Drooness: carrier pidgeon Pog [2020-09-27 12:58:39+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: lol [2020-09-27 12:58:40+00:00] MetaLow#3027 is ready! (10 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:58:43+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Love you too :3 [2020-09-27 12:58:43+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 is ready! (9 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:58:45+00:00] FantaTanked#6752 is ready! (8 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:58:57+00:00] emosoda#9290 is ready! (7 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:58:59+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: who is the crew on restream? [2020-09-27 12:59:03+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: your mum [2020-09-27 12:59:06+00:00] Drooness: hehe [2020-09-27 12:59:08+00:00] Drooness: gottem [2020-09-27 12:59:09+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: D: [2020-09-27 12:59:10+00:00] emosoda: :( [2020-09-27 12:59:14+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 is ready! (6 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:59:16+00:00] Readrim#6625 is ready! (5 remaining) [2020-09-27 12:59:19+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: look, listen here - the couple minutes of lag isn't going to cost me a race, ok? It's my shitty execution and routing that will cost me [2020-09-27 12:59:22+00:00] Drooness: I think Karp is up there [2020-09-27 12:59:24+00:00] Riley#6863: gl everyone:) [2020-09-27 12:59:29+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: see thats what i thought cubs [2020-09-27 12:59:39+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: then i lose by 9 seconds [2020-09-27 12:59:42+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: what did i do, droo? [2020-09-27 12:59:45+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: riley get your ass in here so I can lose to you [2020-09-27 12:59:46+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: smh [2020-09-27 12:59:47+00:00] Drooness: I was just gonna say LMAO [2020-09-27 12:59:55+00:00] shaun1e#9391: Just do your best and have fun, that's all ya need to do :3 [2020-09-27 12:59:55+00:00] Drooness: I was just saying you're on restream right Karp? [2020-09-27 12:59:55+00:00] DgBarca#0570 quits the race. [2020-09-27 12:59:58+00:00] DgBarca#0570: fuck tyhis [2020-09-27 12:59:58+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: riley too busy playing MM [2020-09-27 13:00:00+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: yeh [2020-09-27 13:00:04+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Pog Karp [2020-09-27 13:00:05+00:00] Drooness: skip midos [2020-09-27 13:00:08+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: Prob sleeping [2020-09-27 13:00:10+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: MonkaS [2020-09-27 13:00:10+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: potato skip [2020-09-27 13:00:11+00:00] Riley#6863: coop match today [2020-09-27 13:00:15+00:00] Titou#0711 is ready! (3 remaining) [2020-09-27 13:00:16+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: :o [2020-09-27 13:00:16+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: skip one grotto. lose by 3 hours [2020-09-27 13:00:19+00:00] Drooness: o shit thats today? [2020-09-27 13:00:19+00:00] DgBarca#0570 joins the race. [2020-09-27 13:00:21+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948: potato skip skip Pog [2020-09-27 13:00:32+00:00] Riley#6863: yea [2020-09-27 13:00:35+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 is ready! (3 remaining) [2020-09-27 13:00:59+00:00] SariasObject#3370 joins the race. [2020-09-27 13:01:00+00:00] spodersteve#5401: 2 mins or im out, fighting with retroarch [2020-09-27 13:01:03+00:00] SariasObject#3370 is ready! (3 remaining) [2020-09-27 13:01:19+00:00] Drooness: riley when is the match [2020-09-27 13:01:26+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: damn shoulda known i had time to make a coffee [2020-09-27 13:01:35+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: things arent ever on time Kappa [2020-09-27 13:01:38+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: wait, riley is co-op'ing the OoT/MM crossover? [2020-09-27 13:01:39+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: Pog [2020-09-27 13:01:52+00:00] Drooness: yeah Riley and Mel [2020-09-27 13:01:58+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: back to back ootr/mmr race when? [2020-09-27 13:01:59+00:00] Drooness: name a more iconic duo [2020-09-27 13:02:00+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: like a relay [2020-09-27 13:02:01+00:00] MetaLow#3027 is not ready. (4 remaining) [2020-09-27 13:02:02+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: let's do it [2020-09-27 13:02:05+00:00] Drooness: anytime aks [2020-09-27 13:02:06+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: i mean others [2020-09-27 13:02:07+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: not me [2020-09-27 13:02:09+00:00] Drooness: anytime [2020-09-27 13:02:11+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: me and hundo'ing seeds droo :) [2020-09-27 13:02:12+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: i haven't beaten mm vanilla [2020-09-27 13:02:15+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: im down to do lttp and oot [2020-09-27 13:02:20+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: not touching mm lol [2020-09-27 13:02:24+00:00] Hamsda#9463: crosskeys and rsl Pog [2020-09-27 13:02:25+00:00] DgBarca#0570: I don't understand :( [2020-09-27 13:02:25+00:00] Drooness: I'm down for that too zeph [2020-09-27 13:02:26+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: i still need to do alttp rando mw as a subgoal [2020-09-27 13:02:39+00:00] MetaLow#3027 is ready! (3 remaining) [2020-09-27 13:02:43+00:00] spodersteve#5401 is ready! (2 remaining) [2020-09-27 13:02:46+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: bear in mind i've never played lttp [2020-09-27 13:02:47+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: ever [2020-09-27 13:02:51+00:00] Drooness: its fun [2020-09-27 13:02:55+00:00] Hamsda#9463: or even better, crisscross and rsl Pog [2020-09-27 13:02:55+00:00] Drooness: very good gamer [2020-09-27 13:02:55+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: but my chat paid for this so lololololol mw it is [2020-09-27 13:02:57+00:00] Drooness: game* [2020-09-27 13:02:59+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: i would need to buy a new snes controller tho lol [2020-09-27 13:03:00+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: you also think MMR is fun droo [2020-09-27 13:03:05+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: broke mine the last time i played lttpr [2020-09-27 13:03:05+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: so idk if I trust that opinion [2020-09-27 13:03:05+00:00] Drooness: it is! [2020-09-27 13:03:06+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948: gl hf :) [2020-09-27 13:03:07+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: :> [2020-09-27 13:03:11+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: i need to do a vanilla mm playthrough [2020-09-27 13:03:11+00:00] Drooness: >:( [2020-09-27 13:03:12+00:00] shaun1e#9391: MMR is fun. Not easy, but fun xD [2020-09-27 13:03:12+00:00] P.Titou#6462: On va se cotiser pour t'acheter une wii, Barca [2020-09-27 13:03:15+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: finally get past GBT [2020-09-27 13:03:25+00:00] DgBarca#0570: alright just start without me I'll catch up [2020-09-27 13:03:26+00:00] DgBarca#0570 is ready! (1 remaining) [2020-09-27 13:03:30+00:00] Feenie#6029: GL HF [2020-09-27 13:03:30+00:00] Aksannyi#6291: :( [2020-09-27 13:03:30+00:00] wordsforswords: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:31+00:00] Drooness: imagine not beating GBT in like 5 mins XD [2020-09-27 13:03:32+00:00] renata#7226: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:32+00:00] Gorodine#7047: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:32+00:00] alfalfa#3653: gl hf everyone [2020-09-27 13:03:32+00:00] shaun1e#9391: gf hl [2020-09-27 13:03:32+00:00] Braaks#4674: gl! [2020-09-27 13:03:33+00:00] Anvil#2440: glgl! [2020-09-27 13:03:33+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: glhf! [2020-09-27 13:03:33+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: glgl [2020-09-27 13:03:34+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: ALRIGHTY! [2020-09-27 13:03:34+00:00] Zorro#9005: gl hf ! [2020-09-27 13:03:34+00:00] P.Titou#6462: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:34+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:35+00:00] Hamsda#9463: viel glück [2020-09-27 13:03:35+00:00] Drooness: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:35+00:00] DoodleBit#2935 quits the race. [2020-09-27 13:03:35+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds! [2020-09-27 13:03:36+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:36+00:00] FantaTanked#6752: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:37+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: gl hf [2020-09-27 13:03:37+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: glhf guys [2020-09-27 13:03:37+00:00] Rahylia#4212: gl hf [2020-09-27 13:03:38+00:00] NaviSeelie#8488: gl hf [2020-09-27 13:03:38+00:00] MetaLow#6296: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:39+00:00] Nayrus#2599: gg [2020-09-27 13:03:39+00:00] emosoda: glhf [2020-09-27 13:03:39+00:00] Kido#7647: gl [2020-09-27 13:03:40+00:00] barbu#5807: gl [2020-09-27 13:03:41+00:00] 10… [2020-09-27 13:03:46+00:00] 5… [2020-09-27 13:03:47+00:00] 4… [2020-09-27 13:03:48+00:00] 3… [2020-09-27 13:03:49+00:00] 2… [2020-09-27 13:03:50+00:00] 1… [2020-09-27 13:03:51+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2020-09-27 13:03:51+00:00] zserf#4425 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:00:00! [2020-09-27 13:03:58+00:00] zserf#4425 has been undone from the race. [2020-09-27 13:04:01+00:00] Drooness: pog? [2020-09-27 13:04:08+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: Pog [2020-09-27 13:17:36+00:00] DgBarca#0570: didn't manage to make it work, so much for my only race per week [2020-09-27 13:17:38+00:00] DgBarca#0570 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-27 14:49:53+00:00] lebarbu#0120 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-27 15:12:56+00:00] spodersteve#5401 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-27 15:23:31+00:00] Readrim#6625 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-27 16:17:21+00:00] Hamsda#9463 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:13:30! [2020-09-27 16:17:50+00:00] shaun1e#9391: gg [2020-09-27 16:17:54+00:00] Zorro#9005: gg [2020-09-27 16:17:55+00:00] FantaTanked#6752: gg [2020-09-27 16:17:57+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: gg [2020-09-27 16:17:59+00:00] Anvil#2440: gg [2020-09-27 16:18:07+00:00] Feenie#6029: gg [2020-09-27 16:18:09+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: gg [2020-09-27 16:18:14+00:00] Hamsda#9463: ggs thanks [2020-09-27 16:18:16+00:00] NaviSeelie#8488: gg [2020-09-27 16:18:19+00:00] wordsforswords: gg [2020-09-27 16:18:22+00:00] Star1468#7969: GG [2020-09-27 16:19:02+00:00] emosoda: gg [2020-09-27 16:19:28+00:00] P.Titou#6462: gg [2020-09-27 16:20:31+00:00] Hamsda#9463 added a comment: "retroarch crashed and i lost 3 minutes KEKW" [2020-09-27 16:20:50+00:00] alfalfa#3653: gg! [2020-09-27 16:22:37+00:00] navisayslisten#6621 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-27 16:30:29+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:26:38! [2020-09-27 16:30:34+00:00] Feenie#6029: gg ! [2020-09-27 16:30:38+00:00] alfalfa#3653: gg [2020-09-27 16:30:38+00:00] P.Titou#6462: gg [2020-09-27 16:30:44+00:00] shaun1e#9391: gg [2020-09-27 16:30:51+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: ggs thanks := [2020-09-27 16:30:52+00:00] MasterAleks#1550: :) [2020-09-27 16:31:06+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: ggs [2020-09-27 16:32:29+00:00] Titou#0711 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:28:38! [2020-09-27 16:33:01+00:00] Feenie#6029: gg! [2020-09-27 16:33:02+00:00] Titou#0711 added a comment: "ConfusedG" [2020-09-27 16:33:31+00:00] MasterAleks#1550 added a comment: ":)" [2020-09-27 16:34:56+00:00] zorro275#9551 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:31:05! [2020-09-27 16:35:04+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: GGs! [2020-09-27 16:35:11+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Would you like to join the interview? [2020-09-27 16:35:15+00:00] Feenie#6029: GG : [2020-09-27 16:35:24+00:00] Zorro#9005: yes, give me 1 min and i'll be there [2020-09-27 16:36:14+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: No problem, join any of the Voice Rooms when you're ready [2020-09-27 16:36:30+00:00] SariasObject#3370 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:32:39! [2020-09-27 16:36:48+00:00] FantaTanked#6752 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:32:57! [2020-09-27 16:36:50+00:00] SariasObject#3370 added a comment: "never playing sober again" [2020-09-27 16:37:09+00:00] FantaTanked#6752 added a comment: "lost top 5 to needing to pee KEKW" [2020-09-27 16:37:18+00:00] P.Titou#6462: gg fanta KEKW [2020-09-27 16:37:29+00:00] FantaTanked#6752: gg [2020-09-27 16:37:29+00:00] drooness has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:33:38! [2020-09-27 16:37:47+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: gg droo [2020-09-27 16:37:55+00:00] shaun1e#9391: gg! :) [2020-09-27 16:38:45+00:00] Drooness: gg [2020-09-27 16:39:00+00:00] drooness added a comment: "woopsies" [2020-09-27 16:39:44+00:00] z3ph1r#5399 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:35:53! [2020-09-27 16:39:48+00:00] shaun1e#9391: gg [2020-09-27 16:39:54+00:00] alfalfa#3653 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:36:03! [2020-09-27 16:40:00+00:00] z3ph1r#5399: gg [2020-09-27 16:40:13+00:00] alfalfa#3653 added a comment: "missed top 5 cause i forgot to mark something on my tracker NotLikeThis" [2020-09-27 16:40:45+00:00] Anvil#2440 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:36:54! [2020-09-27 16:40:50+00:00] Zorro#9005: sorry it's my first time being restreamed on zsr, in which discord do i join a vc ? [2020-09-27 16:40:57+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: The main discord [2020-09-27 16:41:02+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Any of the voice channels [2020-09-27 16:41:27+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: You can hop into Ruto or Darunia [2020-09-27 16:41:50+00:00] MetaLow#3027 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:37:59! [2020-09-27 16:42:08+00:00] Titou#0711 changed the comment to: "If I wasn't stupid, I would have save 3:28:38" [2020-09-27 16:42:09+00:00] MetaLow#3027 added a comment: "mistakes were made jeBaited" [2020-09-27 16:42:27+00:00] Titou#0711 changed the comment to: "If I wasn't stupid, I would have saved 3:28:38" [2020-09-27 16:43:52+00:00] Incarnadine#7186 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-27 16:46:57+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:43:06! [2020-09-27 16:47:36+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: GGs! [2020-09-27 16:47:46+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948: ggs thx [2020-09-27 16:47:47+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Want to join the commentary for an interview? [2020-09-27 16:47:57+00:00] ArthurOudini#1948: sure gimme a minute if that's ok [2020-09-27 16:48:04+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Of course! [2020-09-27 16:48:47+00:00] Nopons#4783 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:44:56! [2020-09-27 16:54:18+00:00] FantaTanked#6752 changed the comment to: "-" [2020-09-27 16:56:35+00:00] PunchAuFruit has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:52:44! [2020-09-27 16:59:33+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:55:42! [2020-09-27 17:00:00+00:00] Cubsrule21#2508 added a comment: "missed 1 check and cost me a half hour. Tunnel vision is a bitch" [2020-09-27 17:00:26+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:56:35! [2020-09-27 17:00:34+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 added a comment: "sad oof" [2020-09-27 17:01:18+00:00] actinide#9544 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:57:27! [2020-09-27 17:01:30+00:00] Gorodine#7047 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:57:39! [2020-09-27 17:01:44+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: GGs Gorodine, Interview? [2020-09-27 17:01:57+00:00] Gorodine#7047: no sorry :S [2020-09-27 17:02:02+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: No worries [2020-09-27 17:02:07+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Thanks for being on restream! [2020-09-27 17:02:45+00:00] MisterKarp#9404 has finished in 19th place with a time of 3:58:54! [2020-09-27 17:02:57+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: GGs! Interview MisterKarp? [2020-09-27 17:02:57+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: gg [2020-09-27 17:03:00+00:00] MisterKarp#9404: yeah why not [2020-09-27 17:03:12+00:00] DoodleBit#2935: Hop into any of the voice channels [2020-09-27 17:05:11+00:00] zorro275#9551 added a comment: "Happy to have been on the restream for my best finish in weekly so far. GG everyone !" [2020-09-27 17:05:27+00:00] emosoda#9290 has finished in 20th place with a time of 4:01:36! [2020-09-27 17:05:41+00:00] emosoda#9290 added a comment: "might as well been playing with eyes closed, worst performance of year" [2020-09-27 17:10:01+00:00] wordsforswords#7037 has finished in 21st place with a time of 4:06:10! [2020-09-27 17:10:22+00:00] wordsforswords#7037 added a comment: "I'll get you one of these times, emo" [2020-09-27 17:11:07+00:00] emosoda: 08/16/20 weekly, already happened [2020-09-27 17:11:14+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 4:07:23! [2020-09-27 17:11:19+00:00] Cuphat#2212 added a comment: "lol" [2020-09-27 17:11:22+00:00] shaun1e#9391 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 4:07:31! [2020-09-27 17:12:14+00:00] wordsforswords: :-o I didn't even notice, lol. You usually beat me at every turn. [2020-09-27 17:13:29+00:00] Cuphat#2212: I like how quickly you had the date and evertything [2020-09-27 17:14:15+00:00] DoitiEtok#7450 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-27 17:16:55+00:00] Braaks#4674 has finished in 24th place with a time of 4:13:04! [2020-09-27 17:19:07+00:00] Nayrus#2599 has finished in 25th place with a time of 4:15:16! [2020-09-27 17:19:47+00:00] De4terium#8012 has finished in 26th place with a time of 4:15:56! [2020-09-27 17:20:17+00:00] Aksannyi#6291 has finished in 27th place with a time of 4:16:26! [2020-09-27 17:20:19+00:00] Nayrus#2599 added a comment: "3x 100% in a row... whats up with these weekly seeds recently..." [2020-09-27 17:20:26+00:00] Aksannyi#6291 added a comment: "what - and i cannot stress this enough - the FUCK" [2020-09-27 17:20:52+00:00] De4terium#8012 added a comment: "I'm seriously jinxed monkaS" [2020-09-27 17:22:36+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 28th place with a time of 4:18:45! [2020-09-27 17:22:42+00:00] Rahylia#4212 has forfeited from the race. [2020-09-27 17:29:56+00:00] Feenie#6029 has finished in 29th place with a time of 4:26:05! [2020-09-27 17:47:39+00:00] renata#7226 has finished in 30th place with a time of 4:43:48! [2020-09-27 18:23:27+00:00] zserf#4425 has finished in 31st place with a time of 5:19:36! [2020-09-27 18:23:27+00:00] Race finished in 5:19:36.6 [2020-09-27 18:25:17+00:00] Race result recorded by Cubsrule21#2508 [2020-09-27 20:44:17+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/tactical-marth-9193/log