[2021-06-12 21:00:41+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:00:46+00:00] RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset> [2021-06-12 21:00:46+00:00] RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log. [2021-06-12 21:00:46+00:00] RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets [2021-06-12 21:01:09+00:00] Cuphat#2212 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:01:20+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:02:00+00:00] Icola#8220 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:02:11+00:00] JimboSlice joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:03:49+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:04:44+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: o/ [2021-06-12 21:06:09+00:00] Jimbo: yo o/ [2021-06-12 21:07:43+00:00] Jimbo: same as last week correct? [2021-06-12 21:07:56+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: yup, 50 skulls and all [2021-06-12 21:08:15+00:00] Jimbo: cool thanks [2021-06-12 21:10:29+00:00] Cola#5395 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:11:09+00:00] Alf#5942 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:12:03+00:00] Alf#5942: Looks like they have their logs hidden. [2021-06-12 21:13:07+00:00] Alf#5942: Ignore me. xD [2021-06-12 21:13:28+00:00] xYoshi9100x#9701 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:14:25+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: this starts on the hour right? [2021-06-12 21:14:44+00:00] Aughoti#9108: theoretically [2021-06-12 21:15:29+00:00] Altripp#4543 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:15:49+00:00] Altripp#4543: This week I'm gonna finish the damn seed [2021-06-12 21:16:43+00:00] McCript#8728 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:17:58+00:00] kariossa#1113 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:18:23+00:00] Melrose#4744 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:18:44+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:21:07+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:21:14+00:00] DareDevinX#1691: let's make this an EU party! [2021-06-12 21:21:17+00:00] mrmartin#9054 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:24:55+00:00] SariasObject#3370 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:31:31+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:31:51+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: I'm drunk why not [2021-06-12 21:32:09+00:00] SariasObject#3370: thats what she said [2021-06-12 21:34:16+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:35:46+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: @Cola @kariossa @mrmartin @Icola would like to feature you four on restream today - let me know if you're okay with that and if you have clean audio [2021-06-12 21:36:18+00:00] kariossa#1113: yes sure no clean audio tho [2021-06-12 21:36:30+00:00] Cola#5395: sure, i can do clean audio [2021-06-12 21:36:43+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: tyty [2021-06-12 21:36:55+00:00] DareDevinX#1691 quits the race. [2021-06-12 21:37:55+00:00] mrmartin#9054: sure, clean audio on my side as well [2021-06-12 21:38:03+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: ty! <3 [2021-06-12 21:38:08+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: @Icola how about you? [2021-06-12 21:39:23+00:00] Icola#8220: Hey ! yeah sure, clean audio [2021-06-12 21:41:24+00:00] Darker#0188 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:41:36+00:00] Konditioner#9278 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:42:49+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:43:06+00:00] Kolvek#2674 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:43:34+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: lest go darker [2021-06-12 21:43:36+00:00] eltiokamina#3856: GL [2021-06-12 21:45:11+00:00] fGeorjje#2776 updated the race information. [2021-06-12 21:45:13+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=808540 [2021-06-12 21:45:15+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: good luck gamers [2021-06-12 21:46:00+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: Leave luck to heaven [2021-06-12 21:46:12+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: we play will skill [2021-06-12 21:46:16+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242 quits the race. [2021-06-12 21:46:24+00:00] DubuDeccer#0242: turns out my sprained ankle too pained [2021-06-12 21:46:42+00:00] LiamSixx#5477: dang, get well soon bud [2021-06-12 21:46:50+00:00] Samwizest#8610: no scrubs in dodongo right? [2021-06-12 21:46:59+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: or ganons [2021-06-12 21:47:55+00:00] Kolvek#2674: time for another 50 skull AD seed xDDDD [2021-06-12 21:48:08+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195: :| [2021-06-12 21:48:16+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: was that the EU weekly? [2021-06-12 21:48:29+00:00] Cuphat#2212: no [2021-06-12 21:48:36+00:00] Kolvek#2674: no that was us [2021-06-12 21:49:15+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: oh right, I only remember the dumb 40 first hook forgot 50 had something [2021-06-12 21:49:30+00:00] Kolvek#2674: i think 50 was hammer or something like that [2021-06-12 21:50:33+00:00] Cuphat#2212: last week's NA was 40 skull logical first hook with 50 skull hammer yeah [2021-06-12 21:50:44+00:00] Altripp#4543: How long racetime gg takes to register that I started streaming? [2021-06-12 21:50:45+00:00] Cuphat#2212: WotH bottle for skulls [2021-06-12 21:50:57+00:00] Cuphat#2212: should only take a minute or two [2021-06-12 21:51:05+00:00] Altripp#4543: Hey Cuphat :) [2021-06-12 21:51:21+00:00] Altripp#4543: Hopefully I'm gonna finish the run today lol [2021-06-12 21:51:24+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 is ready! (20 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:51:52+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: i know that feeling alt [2021-06-12 21:51:55+00:00] Konditioner#9278 is ready! (19 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:51:57+00:00] McCript#8728 is ready! (18 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:51:59+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: ive finished one race so far xD [2021-06-12 21:52:03+00:00] Darker#0188: ey ELTIOKAMINA GL [2021-06-12 21:52:08+00:00] Altripp#4543: @dowsey 2 yrs hyatus, second run today lol [2021-06-12 21:52:14+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: damn! [2021-06-12 21:52:16+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: gl [2021-06-12 21:52:19+00:00] Altripp#4543: "Rusty" would describe my current state pretty well [2021-06-12 21:52:33+00:00] Cola#5395: i feel rusty after 2 days already [2021-06-12 21:52:46+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: ive raced almost everyday for 2-3 weeks now and i still dont fully understand logic or know all the tricks you can do xD [2021-06-12 21:52:53+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 is ready! (17 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:52:59+00:00] Alf#5942 is ready! (16 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:53:07+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:53:47+00:00] Cola#5395 is ready! (16 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:54:50+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:54:57+00:00] xYoshi9100x#9701 is ready! (16 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:55:15+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 is ready! (15 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:55:28+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 is ready! (14 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:55:46+00:00] Cuphat#2212 is ready! (13 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:55:56+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 is ready! (12 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:56:02+00:00] JimboSlice is ready! (11 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:56:10+00:00] Altripp#4543 is ready! (10 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:56:37+00:00] fGeorjje#2776 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:56:48+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 is ready! (10 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:56:53+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: i actually gotta join to gatekeep for once lol [2021-06-12 21:56:58+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: NA weekly starting on time?! [2021-06-12 21:57:05+00:00] Cuphat#2212: nah [2021-06-12 21:57:12+00:00] Darker#0188 is ready! (9 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:57:15+00:00] Kolvek#2674 is ready! (8 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:57:15+00:00] Jimbo: let's not get ahead of ourselves lol [2021-06-12 21:57:18+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 joins the race. [2021-06-12 21:57:30+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: need to unready Kappa [2021-06-12 21:57:35+00:00] kariossa#1113 is ready! (8 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:58:16+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 is ready! (7 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:58:17+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 is ready! (6 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:58:23+00:00] mrmartin#9054 is ready! (5 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:58:30+00:00] ZAH3516#7242: hook BK chu master compass yea? [2021-06-12 21:58:37+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795: Yup [2021-06-12 21:58:40+00:00] ZAH3516#7242: ty [2021-06-12 21:58:46+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 is ready! (4 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:58:59+00:00] Samwizest#8610: gl hf everyone [2021-06-12 21:59:01+00:00] Altripp#4543: Longshot BK Bombchu MS and Compass [2021-06-12 21:59:04+00:00] Altripp#4543: s that hash correct? [2021-06-12 21:59:08+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: glhf [2021-06-12 21:59:08+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: glhf! [2021-06-12 21:59:12+00:00] MythicSelkie#2028: glhf [2021-06-12 21:59:14+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795: GLHF! [2021-06-12 21:59:21+00:00] Stuck_man#6906: yes Altripp [2021-06-12 21:59:23+00:00] Alf#5942: glhf! [2021-06-12 21:59:28+00:00] Altripp#4543: Thanks! [2021-06-12 21:59:33+00:00] Altripp#4543: GL HF all :) [2021-06-12 21:59:39+00:00] mrmartin#9054: glhf! [2021-06-12 21:59:41+00:00] Cola#5395: glhf all :) [2021-06-12 21:59:46+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: GLHF [2021-06-12 21:59:47+00:00] Kolvek#2674: gl hf [2021-06-12 21:59:47+00:00] kariossa#1113: gl hf ! [2021-06-12 21:59:48+00:00] ZAH3516#7242: gl hf [2021-06-12 21:59:51+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195: gl hf! [2021-06-12 21:59:54+00:00] Icola#8220 is ready! (3 remaining) [2021-06-12 21:59:55+00:00] Jimbo: glhf! [2021-06-12 22:00:12+00:00] Jimbo: small one today [2021-06-12 22:00:14+00:00] Melrose#4744 is ready! (2 remaining) [2021-06-12 22:00:36+00:00] SariasObject#3370 is ready! (1 remaining) [2021-06-12 22:00:52+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: glhf [2021-06-12 22:00:53+00:00] fGeorjje#2776 quits the race. [2021-06-12 22:00:53+00:00] Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds! [2021-06-12 22:00:55+00:00] Jimbo: holy shit no way [2021-06-12 22:00:58+00:00] 10… [2021-06-12 22:01:03+00:00] Jimbo: on time Pog [2021-06-12 22:01:03+00:00] 5… [2021-06-12 22:01:04+00:00] 4… [2021-06-12 22:01:05+00:00] 3… [2021-06-12 22:01:06+00:00] 2… [2021-06-12 22:01:07+00:00] 1… [2021-06-12 22:01:08+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. [2021-06-12 22:42:29+00:00] dowsey9027#0331: My pc just crashed - _- [2021-06-12 22:43:38+00:00] dowsey9027#0331 has forfeited from the race. [2021-06-12 23:22:59+00:00] SariasObject#3370 has forfeited from the race. [2021-06-13 00:27:53+00:00] Flouflouche#1934 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:26:45! [2021-06-13 00:28:52+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: ggs! [2021-06-13 00:29:06+00:00] Flouche#5543: thx! [2021-06-13 00:32:24+00:00] Melrose#4744 has forfeited from the race. [2021-06-13 00:41:09+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:40:00! [2021-06-13 00:41:25+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: gg [2021-06-13 00:41:30+00:00] RyuuKane#3246: GGs [2021-06-13 00:42:42+00:00] Cola#5395 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:41:33! [2021-06-13 00:42:58+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: gg cola! wanna interview on restream? [2021-06-13 00:43:09+00:00] Cola#5395: sure 1 moment [2021-06-13 00:43:44+00:00] RyuuKane#3246 added a comment. [2021-06-13 00:57:49+00:00] Konditioner#9278 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:56:40! [2021-06-13 00:58:48+00:00] Icola#8220 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:57:39! [2021-06-13 00:59:00+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: ggs icola! wanna interview on restream? [2021-06-13 00:59:14+00:00] Icola#8220: Hey no thanks, tkanks for the restream ! [2021-06-13 01:05:48+00:00] kariossa#1113 has finished in 6th place with a time of 3:04:39! [2021-06-13 01:05:59+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: gg kariossa! wanna interview? [2021-06-13 01:07:41+00:00] kariossa#1113: ill pass this one but thanks for the restream ! [2021-06-13 01:09:39+00:00] mrmartin#9054 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:08:31! [2021-06-13 01:09:51+00:00] fGeorjje#2776: ggs! wanna interview? [2021-06-13 01:10:03+00:00] mrmartin#9054: ggs, sure [2021-06-13 01:24:45+00:00] Stuck_man#6906 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:23:36! [2021-06-13 01:25:38+00:00] McCript#8728 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:24:30! [2021-06-13 01:26:00+00:00] JimboSlice has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:24:51! [2021-06-13 01:28:53+00:00] JimboSlice added a comment. [2021-06-13 01:31:19+00:00] Alf#5942 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:30:11! [2021-06-13 01:38:07+00:00] xYoshi9100x#9701 has forfeited from the race. [2021-06-13 01:38:17+00:00] xYoshi9100x#9701 added a comment. [2021-06-13 01:44:48+00:00] ACreativeUsername#3795 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:43:39! [2021-06-13 01:50:29+00:00] Kolvek#2674 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:49:21! [2021-06-13 01:57:10+00:00] LiamSixx#5477 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:56:02! [2021-06-13 02:28:49+00:00] Darker#0188 has finished in 15th place with a time of 4:27:41! [2021-06-13 02:31:53+00:00] Cuphat#2212 has finished in 16th place with a time of 4:30:44! [2021-06-13 02:33:21+00:00] Cuphat#2212 added a comment. [2021-06-13 02:33:35+00:00] Cuphat#2212: lmao this was my own fault, I deserved this [2021-06-13 02:36:27+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 has finished in 17th place with a time of 4:35:18! [2021-06-13 02:39:31+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 has finished in 18th place with a time of 4:38:22! [2021-06-13 02:39:54+00:00] ELTIOKAMINA#7405 added a comment. [2021-06-13 02:48:45+00:00] Owningmatt93#4195 added a comment. [2021-06-13 03:09:56+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 has finished in 19th place with a time of 5:08:47! [2021-06-13 03:10:33+00:00] ZAH3516#7242 added a comment. [2021-06-13 03:59:10+00:00] Altripp#4543 has finished in 20th place with a time of 5:58:02! [2021-06-13 03:59:10+00:00] Race finished in 5:58:02.3 [2021-06-13 05:09:18+00:00] Race result recorded by FQef#8592 [2021-06-13 06:14:25+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/ootr/wild-sheik-4862/log [2021-06-13 06:14:27+00:00] CSV results file: https://racetime.gg/ootr/wild-sheik-4862/csv