[2020-12-19 05:08:59+00:00] Egg#2701 joins the race.
[2020-12-19 05:09:15+00:00] wooferzfg joins the race.
[2020-12-19 05:09:40+00:00] OriginalElijah#1735 joins the race.
[2020-12-19 05:09:40+00:00] Egg#2701: Woah, THE wooferzfg
[2020-12-19 05:13:13+00:00] tanjo3: f it
[2020-12-19 05:13:25+00:00] tanjo3#6944 joins the race.
[2020-12-19 05:13:28+00:00] Egg#2701: tanjo too?
[2020-12-19 05:13:33+00:00] Egg#2701: (:
[2020-12-19 05:16:55+00:00] OriginalElijah#1735 is ready! (3 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:17:28+00:00] Egg#2701 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:18:32+00:00] tanjo3: !bantingletuner
[2020-12-19 05:18:32+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: The Tingle Tuner is now banned in this race.
[2020-12-19 05:18:58+00:00] tanjo3#6944 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:19:26+00:00] Tubamann#5428: hm
[2020-12-19 05:19:44+00:00] tanjo3: hop in, the water's warm
[2020-12-19 05:19:54+00:00] Tubamann#5428 joins the race.
[2020-12-19 05:20:06+00:00] tanjo3: temperature ok?
[2020-12-19 05:20:11+00:00] tanjo3: need to turn it up for you?
[2020-12-19 05:20:16+00:00] Tubamann#5428: Haven't played since my race with SiYes
[2020-12-19 05:20:24+00:00] OriginalElijah: still gonna beat me tho
[2020-12-19 05:20:27+00:00] Tubamann#5428: So if anything I need to temp the water myself LMAO
[2020-12-19 05:20:33+00:00] tanjo3: oh god, not another hyperbolic time chamber
[2020-12-19 05:20:38+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160 joins the race.
[2020-12-19 05:20:48+00:00] Tubamann#5428: Gotta prep to not lose against Jar too badly, you know?
[2020-12-19 05:20:52+00:00] Tubamann#5428: Dean Pog
[2020-12-19 05:21:12+00:00] Egg#2701: im gonna try and convince my rommate to roll this seed lmao
[2020-12-19 05:21:30+00:00] tanjo3: imma pretend y'all are gobbity
[2020-12-19 05:21:36+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:21:52+00:00] OriginalElijah: I have to go into work an hour early tomorrow instead of staying an hour late
[2020-12-19 05:21:58+00:00] OriginalElijah: so that's "awesome"
[2020-12-19 05:22:07+00:00] Tubamann#5428: yaaaay
[2020-12-19 05:22:35+00:00] Tubamann#5428 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:22:38+00:00] tanjo3: imma brb real quickl
[2020-12-19 05:22:40+00:00] tanjo3#6944 is not ready. (2 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:22:44+00:00] Egg#2701: you're good!
[2020-12-19 05:22:45+00:00] Claireeon#9421 joins the race.
[2020-12-19 05:22:45+00:00] OriginalElijah: yeah it's gonna be so awesome :(
[2020-12-19 05:22:55+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: bruh fat race
[2020-12-19 05:22:58+00:00] Tubamann#5428: Claire Pog
[2020-12-19 05:23:12+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: we're gonna get stomped by clair strats
[2020-12-19 05:23:32+00:00] OriginalElijah: lucky for me claire tells me all her strats :eyes:
[2020-12-19 05:23:48+00:00] OriginalElijah: I help her test them before they come out for official release
[2020-12-19 05:23:57+00:00] Claireeon#9421: Stealing my strats D:
[2020-12-19 05:24:05+00:00] Tubamann#5428: I'm excited for potential overlook strats :eyes:
[2020-12-19 05:24:13+00:00] OriginalElijah: No stealing
[2020-12-19 05:24:18+00:00] OriginalElijah: never stealing
[2020-12-19 05:24:23+00:00] Claireeon#9421: Yeah I'll probably mess around with that some more in the future
[2020-12-19 05:24:36+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: just borrowing without permission kappa
[2020-12-19 05:24:51+00:00] OriginalElijah: Claire said it was ok :)
[2020-12-19 05:25:00+00:00] OriginalElijah: we're friends and stuff
[2020-12-19 05:25:05+00:00] OriginalElijah: Pokemon buddies LUL
[2020-12-19 05:25:49+00:00] tanjo3: oh nice
[2020-12-19 05:25:50+00:00] tanjo3#6944 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:26:46+00:00] Claireeon#9421: I'll be ready in like 1 minute
[2020-12-19 05:26:49+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: I'm using my good controller now
[2020-12-19 05:27:02+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: it has a super tight dead zone and it's great for swimming
[2020-12-19 05:27:04+00:00] OriginalElijah: imagine having more than 1 controller :eyes:
[2020-12-19 05:27:16+00:00] Egg#2701: i have a few......
[2020-12-19 05:27:22+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: i may or may not have like 8
[2020-12-19 05:27:39+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: but i'm gonna part the bad ones into the good ones
[2020-12-19 05:27:43+00:00] Tubamann#5428: I technically have two, but one is not officially branded so it's dead to me
[2020-12-19 05:27:59+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: I have 3 wave birds 2 in mint condition
[2020-12-19 05:28:08+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: I've wanted to use them for speedrunning but......
[2020-12-19 05:28:24+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: just never tried it out
[2020-12-19 05:29:19+00:00] Claireeon#9421 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:29:38+00:00] tanjo3#6944 is not ready. (2 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:29:46+00:00] Claireeon#9421: Wavebirds sell for quite a bit nowadays
[2020-12-19 05:30:50+00:00] Gobbity#8651 joins the race.
[2020-12-19 05:30:53+00:00] Gobbity#8651: uh oh
[2020-12-19 05:30:55+00:00] tanjo3#6944 is ready! (2 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:30:56+00:00] Tubamann#5428: uh oh
[2020-12-19 05:31:02+00:00] tanjo3: gottem
[2020-12-19 05:31:03+00:00] Egg#2701: OH MY GOD
[2020-12-19 05:31:09+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: i was gonna messege him and ask
[2020-12-19 05:31:10+00:00] Egg#2701: LETS FECKING GO
[2020-12-19 05:31:12+00:00] OriginalElijah: Am I going to have to actually try in this race...
[2020-12-19 05:31:14+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: then i said nah
[2020-12-19 05:31:21+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: nah he sux
[2020-12-19 05:31:26+00:00] Gobbity#8651: i see how it is dean
[2020-12-19 05:31:27+00:00] Gobbity#8651: Keepo
[2020-12-19 05:31:29+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: couldn't beat a casual kappa
[2020-12-19 05:31:29+00:00] Gobbity#8651 is ready! (1 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:31:39+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: (i'm about to get stomped)
[2020-12-19 05:31:47+00:00] OriginalElijah: This race is starting to look like it would be more fun to watch than to race in LUL
[2020-12-19 05:31:55+00:00] tanjo3: btw gobbity
[2020-12-19 05:31:57+00:00] tanjo3: !tingletuner
[2020-12-19 05:31:58+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: The Tingle Tuner is banned in this race.
[2020-12-19 05:32:06+00:00] Gobbity#8651: im leaving
[2020-12-19 05:32:11+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: !unbanBarrierSkip
[2020-12-19 05:32:12+00:00] tanjo3: nop
[2020-12-19 05:32:14+00:00] Gobbity#8651: LMAO
[2020-12-19 05:32:25+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: ur all going down now
[2020-12-19 05:32:36+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: i need 1 sword upgrade and I'm out
[2020-12-19 05:32:40+00:00] Tubamann#5428: !bantingletuner
[2020-12-19 05:32:40+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: The Tingle Tuner is already banned in this race.
[2020-12-19 05:32:42+00:00] Gobbity#8651: o shit
[2020-12-19 05:33:00+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: does banning it twice unban it
[2020-12-19 05:33:06+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: it cancels out
[2020-12-19 05:33:08+00:00] OriginalElijah: @dean yes
[2020-12-19 05:33:14+00:00] Egg#2701: Ou est woofer
[2020-12-19 05:33:15+00:00] OriginalElijah: It's pemdas
[2020-12-19 05:33:29+00:00] wooferzfg is ready! (0 remaining)
[2020-12-19 05:33:29+00:00] OriginalElijah: 4th grade stuff really
[2020-12-19 05:33:39+00:00] tanjo3: GL all
[2020-12-19 05:33:41+00:00] Egg#2701: anyone else dropping by
[2020-12-19 05:33:43+00:00] Egg#2701: if not
[2020-12-19 05:33:46+00:00] Egg#2701: good luck yall
[2020-12-19 05:33:50+00:00] Gobbity#8651: glgl
[2020-12-19 05:33:51+00:00] OriginalElijah: GLhf
[2020-12-19 05:33:54+00:00] Tubamann#5428: GLHF
[2020-12-19 05:33:58+00:00] Egg#2701: !startspoilerlograce
[2020-12-19 05:33:59+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Generating seed...
[2020-12-19 05:34:01+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: GL to everyone (except gob kappa)
[2020-12-19 05:34:03+00:00] wooferzfg: oh hey gobbity
[2020-12-19 05:34:06+00:00] Claireeon#9421: GL All! ^_^
[2020-12-19 05:34:08+00:00] tanjo3: the only thing dropping are my rt bux
[2020-12-19 05:34:08+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Seed generated! Preparation stage starts in 15 seconds...
[2020-12-19 05:34:18+00:00] Claireeon#9421: Oof tanjo, lol
[2020-12-19 05:34:18+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 5...
[2020-12-19 05:34:19+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 4...
[2020-12-19 05:34:20+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 3...
[2020-12-19 05:34:21+00:00] Egg#2701: fyi my roommate rolled this
[2020-12-19 05:34:21+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 2...
[2020-12-19 05:34:22+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: 1...
[2020-12-19 05:34:23+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 50 minutes to prepare your route!
[2020-12-19 05:34:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Spoiler Log: https://gist.github.com/0a9a1ef197974c54c32310e02091423d
[2020-12-19 05:44:23+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 40 minutes until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 05:54:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 30 minutes until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:04:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 20 minutes until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:09:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 15 minutes until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:09:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Permalink: MS44LjAANzg4NDEzYjgtYmNlNC00OTYzLTllMzctNjQxNmNkMjk5YTk3ABcDBgIPEMAMAAAAAAAAAA==
[2020-12-19 06:13:07+00:00] Gobbity#8651: 'hoy Jabun
[2020-12-19 06:13:19+00:00] tanjo3: 'hoy jabun
[2020-12-19 06:13:29+00:00] tanjo3: !time
[2020-12-19 06:13:29+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 10:54 until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:14:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 10 minutes until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:14:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Please start your stream if you haven't done so already!
[2020-12-19 06:14:57+00:00] Tubamann#5428: Whore Jabby
[2020-12-19 06:15:04+00:00] Tubamann#5428: Wait, wrong game
[2020-12-19 06:15:12+00:00] Tubamann#5428: 'hoy Jabun
[2020-12-19 06:16:08+00:00] Egg#2701: !time
[2020-12-19 06:16:08+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 08:15 until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:17:29+00:00] OriginalElijah: Here's to hoping my route works LUL
[2020-12-19 06:17:35+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: just skip ankle 4thousandHead
[2020-12-19 06:17:42+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: anyone getting hurricane spin lul
[2020-12-19 06:17:59+00:00] wooferzfg: !time
[2020-12-19 06:17:59+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 06:24 until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:18:09+00:00] Tubamann#5428: Wait you can skip ankle this seed Kappa
[2020-12-19 06:18:32+00:00] OriginalElijah: IF you guys are skipping ankle how you getting the shard at Angular?
[2020-12-19 06:18:48+00:00] Gobbity#8651: guys you are actually fucking terrifying me PLEASE LMAOO
[2020-12-19 06:18:53+00:00] Tubamann#5428: LMAO
[2020-12-19 06:18:57+00:00] OriginalElijah: LUL
[2020-12-19 06:19:04+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: git em
[2020-12-19 06:19:20+00:00] wooferzfg: im getting mirror shield just to flex
[2020-12-19 06:19:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 5 minutes until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:19:25+00:00] Egg#2701: ^^^
[2020-12-19 06:19:37+00:00] wooferzfg: i will shine light at tingle's face and blind him forever
[2020-12-19 06:19:44+00:00] tanjo3: gobbity
[2020-12-19 06:19:46+00:00] OriginalElijah: You guys can all probably get mirror shield and still beat me, but can you beat each other :eyes:
[2020-12-19 06:19:47+00:00] tanjo3: my back is safe
[2020-12-19 06:19:50+00:00] tanjo3: how bout yours
[2020-12-19 06:19:55+00:00] Gobbity#8651: good to hear man!
[2020-12-19 06:19:58+00:00] Gobbity#8651: its great :)
[2020-12-19 06:20:02+00:00] tanjo3: nice
[2020-12-19 06:20:05+00:00] tanjo3: not for long tho
[2020-12-19 06:20:09+00:00] Gobbity#8651: monkaS
[2020-12-19 06:20:21+00:00] Gobbity#8651: keep your door cracked and one eye open buddy
[2020-12-19 06:20:24+00:00] Gobbity#8651: thats all i gotta say
[2020-12-19 06:20:40+00:00] tanjo3: yep, one eye open
[2020-12-19 06:20:44+00:00] tanjo3: all i need to beat you Kappa
[2020-12-19 06:20:49+00:00] Gobbity#8651: OOOO
[2020-12-19 06:22:00+00:00] Egg#2701: !tine
[2020-12-19 06:22:03+00:00] Egg#2701: !time
[2020-12-19 06:22:03+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 02:20 until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:22:07+00:00] Tubamann#5428: !tiempo
[2020-12-19 06:22:18+00:00] Egg#2701: je ne sais pas espana
[2020-12-19 06:22:48+00:00] OriginalElijah: donde esta la biblioteca?
[2020-12-19 06:22:55+00:00] wooferzfg: !time
[2020-12-19 06:22:55+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 01:28 until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:22:58+00:00] wooferzfg: !oye
[2020-12-19 06:22:58+00:00] Egg#2701: escalada? ohhhhh
[2020-12-19 06:23:00+00:00] Tubamann#5428: Puedo ir al bano
[2020-12-19 06:23:03+00:00] OriginalElijah: (that's all I remember from 3 yearrs of spanish)
[2020-12-19 06:23:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: You have 1 minute until the race starts!
[2020-12-19 06:23:24+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: File Name: 623946
[2020-12-19 06:24:09+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
[2020-12-19 06:24:13+00:00] tanjo3: gl all
[2020-12-19 06:24:14+00:00] 10…
[2020-12-19 06:24:17+00:00] wooferzfg: gl
[2020-12-19 06:24:19+00:00] Tubamann#5428: GL
[2020-12-19 06:24:19+00:00] Egg#2701: glhf
[2020-12-19 06:24:19+00:00] 5…
[2020-12-19 06:24:19+00:00] OriginalElijah: gl gl
[2020-12-19 06:24:20+00:00] 4…
[2020-12-19 06:24:20+00:00] Gobbity#8651: gl all but dean
[2020-12-19 06:24:21+00:00] 3…
[2020-12-19 06:24:22+00:00] 2…
[2020-12-19 06:24:23+00:00] Gobbity#8651: half luck to tanjo
[2020-12-19 06:24:23+00:00] 1…
[2020-12-19 06:24:24+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: thx
[2020-12-19 06:24:24+00:00] The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
[2020-12-19 06:37:29+00:00] Egg#2701: ummm windfall broken lmao
[2020-12-19 06:37:40+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: ye
[2020-12-19 06:38:01+00:00] Egg#2701: No literally, my ferris wheel wont turn
[2020-12-19 06:38:06+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: storage?
[2020-12-19 06:38:10+00:00] Egg#2701: No
[2020-12-19 06:38:22+00:00] Egg#2701: It does the cutscene and goes down as well
[2020-12-19 06:38:34+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: wind north?
[2020-12-19 06:38:34+00:00] Egg#2701: Even went inside a loading zone too
[2020-12-19 06:39:01+00:00] Egg#2701: nvm fixed
[2020-12-19 06:47:51+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: i'll have you know i've lost 5 mins so far lul
[2020-12-19 07:05:12+00:00] Egg#2701: i lost 20...
[2020-12-19 07:14:25+00:00] Gobbity#8651: gg LOOOOOL
[2020-12-19 07:15:16+00:00] Gobbity#8651: turns out hard  to light chests withg no light in et
[2020-12-19 07:22:31+00:00] Egg#2701: I screwed up door cancel, messed up kalle demos boss fight, and I forgot to grab CM (for safety, mainly this reason) and I keep messing up CM skip in TotG
[2020-12-19 07:29:31+00:00] Egg#2701: Is there an easier way to do cm skip in totg?
[2020-12-19 07:31:02+00:00] Tubamann#5428 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:06:38!
[2020-12-19 07:31:03+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Tubamann, before you end your stream, please remember to advance to the second text box after defeating Ganondorf.
[2020-12-19 07:31:12+00:00] Tubamann#5428: GG
[2020-12-19 07:32:08+00:00] tanjo3#6944 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:07:44!
[2020-12-19 07:32:08+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: tanjo3, before you end your stream, please remember to advance to the second text box after defeating Ganondorf.
[2020-12-19 07:32:17+00:00] Gobbity#8651: ggs everyone!
[2020-12-19 07:32:19+00:00] Tubamann#5428 added a comment: "Everything up till the last 10 minutes were really good, but then I probably peepoClowned like 3 minutes from after ET onwards"
[2020-12-19 07:32:31+00:00] tanjo3: gg
[2020-12-19 07:33:16+00:00] wooferzfg has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:08:51!
[2020-12-19 07:33:16+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: wooferzfg, before you end your stream, please remember to advance to the second text box after defeating Ganondorf.
[2020-12-19 07:33:28+00:00] wooferzfg added a comment: "had to redo half of forbbiden woods because im dumb!"
[2020-12-19 07:33:36+00:00] wooferzfg: gg
[2020-12-19 07:34:23+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160 has forfeited from the race.
[2020-12-19 07:34:40+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: so yeah
[2020-12-19 07:34:45+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: GG
[2020-12-19 07:34:51+00:00] Tubamann#5428: oof
[2020-12-19 07:34:52+00:00] Tubamann#5428: GG
[2020-12-19 07:34:56+00:00] tanjo3: gg
[2020-12-19 07:35:03+00:00] OriginalElijah#1735 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:10:38!
[2020-12-19 07:35:03+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: OriginalElijah, before you end your stream, please remember to advance to the second text box after defeating Ganondorf.
[2020-12-19 07:35:15+00:00] Tubamann#5428: GG
[2020-12-19 07:35:19+00:00] tanjo3: gg
[2020-12-19 07:35:20+00:00] OriginalElijah: gg
[2020-12-19 07:35:38+00:00] DeanMachine42#0160: GG
[2020-12-19 07:37:02+00:00] Gobbity#8651 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:12:38!
[2020-12-19 07:37:03+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Gobbity, before you end your stream, please remember to advance to the second text box after defeating Ganondorf.
[2020-12-19 07:37:07+00:00] tanjo3: gg
[2020-12-19 07:37:08+00:00] Tubamann#5428: GGs
[2020-12-19 07:37:12+00:00] Gobbity#8651: gg LMAOOO
[2020-12-19 07:37:50+00:00] Gobbity#8651 added a comment: "turns out hard to turn on chests in ET with no light and hard to use leaf with no magic"
[2020-12-19 07:38:07+00:00] Gobbity#8651: boy command melody wou;d have been useful
[2020-12-19 07:38:13+00:00] wooferzfg: lmao
[2020-12-19 07:38:16+00:00] wooferzfg: yeah probably
[2020-12-19 07:38:18+00:00] Gobbity#8651: got into ET and realized i couldnt light up the chest
[2020-12-19 07:38:20+00:00] Egg#2701: you dont say......
[2020-12-19 07:38:20+00:00] tanjo3: lol
[2020-12-19 07:38:22+00:00] Gobbity#8651: so i had to go back to DRC
[2020-12-19 07:38:31+00:00] Gobbity#8651: get command melody
[2020-12-19 07:38:40+00:00] Gobbity#8651: then use M/C to re-enter ET in cabana
[2020-12-19 07:38:47+00:00] OriginalElijah: note to self make sure I have ET in logic if I end up against gob LUL
[2020-12-19 07:39:02+00:00] Gobbity#8651: then i forgot i dont have enough magic for mirror shield skip and didnt route in a key
[2020-12-19 07:39:18+00:00] Gobbity#8651: so i got a lucky drop from the floor master in the next room eventually LMAOOO
[2020-12-19 07:39:24+00:00] Gobbity#8651: thank you for coming to my ted talk
[2020-12-19 07:40:18+00:00] Egg#2701 has forfeited from the race.
[2020-12-19 07:40:26+00:00] Egg#2701: I cant man
[2020-12-19 07:41:44+00:00] Egg#2701: im retrying the seed cuz I know my route was good. I made too many mistakes
[2020-12-19 07:43:08+00:00] Claireeon#9421 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:18:44!
[2020-12-19 07:43:08+00:00] Race finished in 1:18:44.4
[2020-12-19 07:43:08+00:00] twwr-spoiler-log-bot: Claireeon, before you end your stream, please remember to advance to the second text box after defeating Ganondorf.
[2020-12-19 07:43:13+00:00] wooferzfg: gg
[2020-12-19 07:43:18+00:00] tanjo3: ggs all
[2020-12-19 07:43:56+00:00] Egg#2701: ggs everyone
[2020-12-19 07:46:57+00:00] Race result recorded by wooferzfg
[2020-12-19 12:04:07+00:00] Chat log download: https://racetime.gg/twwr/lurking-ivysaur-5906/log