
A Link to the Past Randomizer ALttPR Beat the game SpeedGaming Daily Race Series - AD Boots at 2:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming3 - Seed Distributed at 1:50 PM Eastern - 43932 adboots - https://alttpr.com/h/xRv27Q8lyl - (Moon Pearl/Bow/Shield/Empty Bottle/Green Potion)
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  1. 1st matt7898 #1275 Finished 6
  2. 2nd GFE #5633 he / him more Got rekt by early EP play again, otherwise everything went well. Finished 1
  3. 3rd MrScruffNinjaTuna #6668 he / him Finished 8
  4. 4th Shinmaru #3292 he / him more 132 by far the best I have ever done in one of these dailies Finished 65
  5. 5th Julloninja #3102 he / him Finished 20
  6. 6th AryaStark2942 #5333 they / them more Thank you, seed, for allowing me to not have to make actual routing decisions after the first two minutes. ;) Finished 42
  7. 7th WindFox470 #8003 he / him Finished 6
  8. 8th faker_ jr #1792 he / him Finished 165
  9. 9th Cireon #5595 he / him more 142/216. First 40 mins no sword, then suddenly 4 swords! Friendly seed, but first race nerves caused lots of fumbles :( Better next time Finished 67
  10. 10th mrbuffed #6797 more Why hammer why? Finished 209
  11. 11th surge #5742 more hmm! was this all dungeons? Finished 198
  12. 12th Furiousprince97 #8407 he / him more I did Awful. never did find the fourth sword Finished 137
  13. JohnSnuu #1184 he / him DNF DNF 75
13 entrants (1 inactive)