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Race results

  1. artful-clawshots-4965 SS Rando Beat the Game Co-op Finished not recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st PippyInATopHat #0014 she / her more I love the smell of mandatory fun fun in the morning Finished n/a
    2. 2nd gymnast86 #8649 he / him more no sky keep \o/ Finished 2,488
    3. 3rd Fireworkspinner #0882 he / him more Terrible start, but got better Finished n/a
    4. 4th YourAverageLink #5418 he / him more I heard you like minigames Finished 2,488
    5. 5th Tomomodachi #9642 she / her more :3 Fun fun more like **** **** Finished n/a
    6. 6th Sledgen #5443 he / him more Disgusting bottlenecks early on, insanely quick go mode at the end. Probably made at least 20+ minutes of mistakes. very fun! Finished n/a
    7. 7th CubeDavid #1606 he / him more "Wait, why does Impa not talk to me??" *Checks Gear* "Well, shit" Finished n/a
    8. 8th goldendevil1711 #8479 he / him more <--- Literal garbage at this game Finished n/a
    9. 9th Crain #0315 he / him more Never a better time to know Trial RBM Finished n/a
    10. 10th TheKingsPride #9659 he / him more three hard bottlenecks in a seed? one of which is all loose crystals? yes please! Finished n/a
    11. 11th SpaceRawk #4581 he / him more "You don't have Nayru's Wisdom?" "No... Do you have Nayru's Wisdom?" "..." Finished 902
    12. 12th Skinnydee17 #6028 he / him more The Entrances were randomized???!!!! Finished n/a
  2. gnarly-island-5433 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st PippyInATopHat #0014 she / her Finished 41
    2. 2nd Tomomodachi #9642 she / her Finished 26
  3. amused-forest-1262 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st SpaceRawk #4581 he / him more STILL waiting on that normal seed Finished 9
    2. 2nd Tomomodachi #9642 she / her more what in the actual HELL was that Finished 21
  4. saucy-island-5013 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayStormThunder #6790 he / him Finished 1,927
    2. 2nd Tomomodachi #9642 she / her Finished 1,328
  5. charming-thunderhead-8935 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st SpaceRawk #4581 he / him more one normal seed. that's all I ask for. just one normal seed Finished 10
    2. Tomomodachi #9642 she / her DNF 23
  6. calm-thunderhead-6946 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Tomomodachi #9642 she / her more 15 locations left, rip boko base Finished 47
    2. 2nd Sledgen #5443 he / him more of course the seed where I play the best, is a fullclear. Finished 14
  7. speedy-pumpkin-3933 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished not recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Tomomodachi #9642 she / her Finished 1,304
    2. 2nd Sledgen #5443 he / him more Ah, the classic go mode on skydive chest. Finished 1,433
    3. 3rd SpaceRawk #4581 he / him Finished 1,699
    4. Skinnydee17 #6028 he / him DNF 1,199
  8. mini-fun-0331 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st RayStormThunder #6790 he / him Finished 1,927
    2. Tomomodachi #9642 she / her more tired and seed sucked lmao DNF 1,304
  9. witty-beedle-4771 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished not recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st SpaceRawk #4581 he / him more whip in sandship saved me kekw Finished 1,715
    2. 2nd Tomomodachi #9642 she / her more beetles? Finished 1,304
    3. Pacmanpowerghost #0701 he / him DNF 1,958
  10. good-imprisoned-5366 SS Rando Beat the Game Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Tomomodachi #9642 she / her more I hate bottles :) Finished 1,304
    2. 2nd goldendevil1711 #8479 he / him more Curse you early Zelda's Closet Finished 726