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Race results

  1. quick-gauntlet-3820 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Su_2d #7027 Finished 134
    2. 2nd Solski #8295 Finished 2
    3. 3rd Mo_015 #3836 he / him Finished 3
    4. 4th phatscott25 #5085 he / him more made a bit of an aqueduct misfire Finished 2
    5. 5th Freddyn3k #1873 he / him Finished 64
    6. 6th Azazel's Prayers #0934 Finished 128
    7. iLunix1006 #4960 DNF 33
  2. mega-spazer-8066 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Mo_015 #3836 he / him Finished 17
    2. 2nd phatscott25 #5085 he / him Finished 65
    3. 3rd Anozilla #3417 more gravity where were you Finished 29
    4. 4th Su_2d #7027 more spore spawn placement toxic Finished 19
    5. 5th bressingham #8533 he / him Finished 31
    6. 6th Nikplayer #7600 he / him Finished 40
    7. SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him DNF 17
  3. cute-zebes-4509 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him Finished 22
    2. 2nd iLunix1006 #4960 Finished 21
    3. 3rd Su_2d #7027 Finished 55
    4. 4th Anfunny #3434 he / him Finished 1,649
    5. 5th phatscott25 #5085 he / him Finished 16
    6. 6th bressingham #8533 he / him Finished 78
    7. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 12
    8. Yokodero #7918 he / him DNF 181
  4. cunning-energytanks-3872 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st Eddie #4075 he / him Finished 14
    2. 2nd Oatsngoats #9396 Finished 14
    3. 3rd SpiffyThomas #2303 more WHERE ARE THE SUPER MISSILES?! (I went norfair first) Finished 6
    4. 4th Mo_015 #3836 he / him Finished 17
    5. 5th bressingham #8533 he / him more pain Finished 40
    6. 6th BaronRed #3841 Finished 24
    7. 7th SamLittlehorns #8400 he / him more very close to perfect route, died to Ketchup at the end Sadge Finished 16
    8. 8th phatscott25 #5085 he / him more could've gone through aqueduct way earlier Finished 24
    9. 9th Su_2d #7027 more idk how to puyo clip lol Finished 9
    10. 10th analog56x #7073 Finished 173
    11. 11th jmeasher #6324 he / him Finished 2
    12. 12th DanielRGT #5938 he / they more I literally got cooked this seed Finished 28
    13. 13th edibletoaster #2246 he / him more Phantoon in his lofty tower, watching over us all Finished 9
    14. 14th Rainboom13 #9726 Finished 366
    15. 15th Ike #3609 more Really felt like banging my head against the wall a couple times there lmao Finished 14
    16. Anozilla #3417 DNF 40
    17. Freddyn3k #1873 he / him DNF 53
    18. AsmadiGames #4257 DNF 15
  5. comic-atomic-0691 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Supersponge #2971 Finished 59
    2. 2nd Oatsngoats #9396 more Went on a fun little adventure :) Finished 12
    3. 3rd thisismyotheraccount #7731 more blind hunt for powerbombs is a bit annoying Finished 4
    4. 4th phatscott25 #5085 he / him Finished 1
    5. 5th Zeptar #1204 more Did a CWJ at the start because I forgot about grav jumps LOL Finished 29
    6. 6th Alexander #5976 Finished 10
    7. RJTheDestroyer #4888 he / him more Died to metal pirates without a nearby save after killing SpoSpo and Phant, and don't feel like redoing that, gg DNF 34
  6. tactical-bombtorizo-6886 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Oatsngoats #9396 Finished 23
    2. 2nd V2Nitro #8639 Finished 19
    3. 3rd Eddie #4075 he / him Finished 9
    4. 4th Mo_015 #3836 he / him Finished 13
    5. 5th BaronRed #3841 Finished 26
    6. 6th phatscott25 #5085 he / him more reset 3 times by falling into the sand in butterfly room + forgot hi-jump for awhile Finished 47
    7. 7th jmeasher #6324 he / him Finished 58
    8. 8th Kyzentun #5103 he / him Finished 62
    9. SpiffyThomas #2303 more Yup... ketchup scam to losing ALL 4 BOSS KILLS. and threw 15 mins in the trash at the beginning DNF 49
  7. dazzling-owtch-2329 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Osse101 #7408 he / him Finished 9
    2. 2nd bressingham #8533 he / him Finished 201
    3. 3rd Solski #8295 more My favourite part was dying to ridley 30 times and going back for grapple I reset 30 years ago Finished 10
    4. 4th SpiffyThomas #2303 Finished 12
    5. 5th phatscott25 #5085 he / him more routed beginning well, got lost in maridia for like 20 minutes because I didn't see WS on the map Finished 102
    6. 6th iLunix1006 #4960 Finished 19
    7. 7th Mo_015 #3836 he / him Finished 16
    8. 8th Anfunny #3434 he / him more I died and almost gave up. But I never give up Finished 12
    9. SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him DNF 19
  8. priceless-forgottenhighway-1359 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st SpiffyThomas #2303 more step 20 morph? Finished 13
    2. 2nd thisismyotheraccount #7731 more wow very late morph. Nice placement of plasma+spazer Finished 35
    3. 3rd bressingham #8533 he / him more self-gaslighted that I didn't scout plasma early lol Finished 138
    4. 4th phatscott25 #5085 he / him Finished 126
    5. 5th timmon_ #2158 Finished 51
    6. 6th SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him Finished 1
    7. 7th Anfunny #3434 he / him more what a dumb seed Finished 11
    8. 8th Gameaholic #9214 he / him Finished 1,167
    9. 9th edibletoaster #2246 he / him more Wacky seed. Too many early mistakes though but they're committed to memory now Finished 8
    10. iLunix1006 #4960 more Im stuck DNF 47
    11. RJTheDestroyer #4888 he / him more Just dying a million times Sadge DNF 20
  9. travelling-moat-6146 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st Oatsngoats #9396 Finished 26
    2. 2nd Eddie #4075 he / him Finished 1
    3. 3rd SpiffyThomas #2303 Finished 1
    4. 4th thisismyotheraccount #7731 more couple of preventable deaths Finished 23
    5. 5th Anozilla #3417 more died to ridley+lost maybe 10 min by baby grab Finished 32
    6. 6th Anfunny #3434 he / him Finished 3
    7. 7th SunWuFarmer #1930 he / him Finished 3
    8. 8th phatscott25 #5085 he / him more I didn't really encounter any problems, I just got lost Finished 26
    9. 9th Zeptar #1204 more Many costly deaths, grabbed varia like 4 times LOL Finished 22
    10. Gameaholic #9214 he / him more Wated 30 min doing a dumb trick DNF 42
    11. Scottycro42 #7942 DNF 116
    12. PrismaticCobras #0495 DNF 9
  10. snug-skree-5004 SMR Map Rando Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Oatsngoats #9396 Finished 27
    2. 2nd Eddie #4075 he / him Finished 3
    3. 3rd Phuckbutt #8895 he / him Finished 63
    4. 4th phatscott25 #5085 he / him Finished 328
    5. 5th thisismyotheraccount #7731 more got horribly lost Finished 11
    6. 6th jmeasher #6324 he / him Finished 119
    7. CheesyBoatRide #4157 he / him DNF 79
    8. Solski #8295 DNF 27
    9. Nikplayer #7600 he / him DNF 37
    10. EwolaKoala #0887 he / him more hard walled by bubble mountain DNF 119
    11. timmon_ #2158 DNF 121