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- 23:00 vxr441#1566 invites MisanthropicBuddha#7124 to join the race.
- 23:00 vxr441#1566 invites AceZer0#0349 to join the race.
- 23:04 MisanthropicBuddha#7124 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:07 AceZer0#0349 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:07 AceZer0: hello!
- 23:07 MisanthropicBuddha: Hello there
- 23:08 greenHam: gamers o/
- 23:09 AceZer0: yo, sup greenham
- 23:09 MisanthropicBuddha: How'd you find me? 0_0
- 23:09 greenHam: a little petey bird told me
- 23:09 MisanthropicBuddha: The most dangerous of all the birds
- 23:15 VXR441: who has clean audio?
- 23:15 AceZer0: I will, starting stream right now too
- 23:15 MisanthropicBuddha: You can check mine.
- 23:15 MisanthropicBuddha: I'm using my mic now, but I won't when the race starts.
- 23:27 AceZer0: okay, your file name can be H OLD UP
- 23:27 MisanthropicBuddha: Oh, we have to give each other file names?
- 23:27 AceZer0: yeah
- 23:27 MisanthropicBuddha: Dammit, now I have to be creative?
- 23:27 AceZer0: oh, I forgot this is your first non-async race, lol
- 23:28 MisanthropicBuddha: 0 BB PLZ
- 23:28 AceZer0: you don't have to be, you can just mash your face on the keyboard and give me some letters
- 23:28 AceZer0: or that works :)
- 23:28 MisanthropicBuddha: I did, that's what came up
- 23:28 AceZer0: damn, that seems like a sign
- 23:28 AceZer0: hat I will actually get like 6 bb, lol
- 23:29 MisanthropicBuddha: I'm hoping for the 15
- 23:29 MisanthropicBuddha: Truly blessed
- 23:29 AceZer0: the dream, lol
- 23:29 MisanthropicBuddha: I want to feel special
- 23:30 MisanthropicBuddha: Ace, gl
- 23:30 MisanthropicBuddha: Hope your run goes smooth as eggs
- 23:30 VXR441: you can ready up now
- 23:31 AceZer0: okay
- 23:31 MisanthropicBuddha#7124 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:31 AceZer0: GL to you too, and HF!
- 23:31 AceZer0#0349 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:31 vxr441#1566 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:31 VXR441: glhf
- 23:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:00 AceZer0#0349 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:28:56!
- 01:01 MisanthropicBuddha#7124 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:29:24!
- 01:01 Race finished in 1:29:24.5
- 01:01 AceZer0: gg dude!
- 01:01 VXR441: GGs to both of you. Interview?
- 01:01 MisanthropicBuddha: gg
- 01:01 AceZer0: yeah, I can be in in one moment
- 01:01 MisanthropicBuddha: I'm going to decline
- 01:04 Race result recorded by daotmb#7961