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- 19:33 Eriror: we have gathered here
- 19:34 Eriror: in an attempt to go remotely fast
- 19:34 greenHam: I can use a remote?!
- 19:34 greenHam: Sweet!
- 19:34 Eriror: The rules do not ban this, right?
- 19:34 Eriror: I would say
- 19:34 Eriror: Go ham
- 19:34 greenHam: Yobby3
- 19:34 thalane: are we in greenhams discord or what's the plan
- 19:34 greenHam: I will be.
- 19:35 greenHam: Soon.
- 19:35 Eriror: I'm in
- 19:39 Doomtap#8874 joins the race.
- 19:43 daotmb#7961 joins the race.
- 19:45 MisanthropicBuddha#7124 joins the race.
- 19:45 greenHam: booder! :eyes:
- 19:45 MisanthropicBuddha: Ham shouldn't be in his own Discord.
- 19:45 MisanthropicBuddha: He should be in Eri's
- 19:45 MisanthropicBuddha: Kappa
- 19:46 MisanthropicBuddha: Also, hello HamMan
- 19:46 MisanthropicBuddha: So, what's after Desert? I have no idea anymore.
- 19:53 Bydey#8323 joins the race.
- 19:55 Buane#5757 joins the race.
- 19:55 thalane: oh baby
- 19:57 daotmb#7961 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 19:57 Kohrek#9665 joins the race.
- 19:58 thalane#0908 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 19:58 Eriror#8787 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 19:59 Kohrek#9665 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 19:59 Doomtap: sec
- 19:59 Doomtap#8874 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 19:59 MisanthropicBuddha#7124 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:59 Bydey: glgl
- 19:59 daotmb: gl hf :)
- 20:00 Eriror: glhf!
- 20:00 greenHam#5705 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:00 greenHam: glhf <:
- 20:00 Buane#5757 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:01 Bydey#8323 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:30 Eriror: 3bb
- 20:30 Doomtap: 2749 4bb
- 20:31 Buane: 3bb bad light wrld
- 20:31 daotmb: 2 bb
- 20:31 greenHam: 6bb
- 20:38 MisanthropicBuddha: .forefit
- 20:38 MisanthropicBuddha#7124 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:43 Bydey#8323 has forfeited from the race.
- 20:45 thisisnotyoho: ok i'm all adjusted to daylight savings time and ready for the weekly
- 20:45 thisisnotyoho: oh
- 20:45 thisisnotyoho: how do you edit comments
- 21:06 Doomtap: 10445 no ir
- 21:07 Buane: 10528
- 21:07 Eriror: 10538
- 21:07 daotmb: 10553
- 21:08 greenHam: 10624
- 21:09 thalane: 10730 kekw
- 21:14 thalane: died to vitty
- 21:14 thalane: you can do it
- 21:26 Eriror#8787 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:25:19!
- 21:26 Doomtap#8874 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:25:20!
- 21:27 Eriror: GGs
- 21:27 Buane#5757 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:25:49!
- 21:27 Buane: missed torch glitch great gaming
- 21:28 Doomtap: GG
- 21:28 Doomtap: Is anyone continueing their gaming experience via twitch?
- 21:28 daotmb#7961 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:26:55!
- 21:28 greenHam#5705 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:27:21!
- 21:29 greenHam: all I see are ads
- 21:29 daotmb: thinking about doing hundo
- 21:29 greenHam: who can even watch twitch
- 21:29 Buane: z1 hundo?
- 21:30 Kohrek#9665 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:28:26!
- 21:30 Doomtap#8874 added a comment: "bad"
- 21:31 daotmb: i dont even know where things are in z1
- 21:31 daotmb: if its not on the route, it doesnt exist
- 21:31 thalane#0908 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:30:14!
- 21:31 Race finished in 1:30:14.4
- 21:32 greenHam: nice runs
- 21:32 Eriror#8787 added a comment: "Not great?"
- 21:32 greenHam#5705 added a comment: "6bb again, 0 games played this week, at least"
- 21:32 daotmb#7961 added a comment: "didnt beat the average"
- 21:32 Buane#5757 added a comment: "torch glitch is a major glitch"
- 21:32 thalane#0908 added a comment: "party in hera, 9bb, vitty death"
- 21:34 Kohrek#9665 added a comment: "ran into or blocked by 5 different deadrocks"
- 21:34 Eriror: I lost 15s to bombable floor in IP, fluted to 3 in SP
- 21:34 Eriror: 705 gt with 4cyc aga2
- 21:35 thalane: 8s GT gold
- 21:35 thalane: I take it
- 21:39 greenHam: NO WAIT
- 21:40 greenHam: 6bb again, deathwarp in hera after BK
- 21:40 greenHam#5705 changed the comment to: "6bb again, deathwarp in hera after BK"
- 21:43 Race result recorded by Eriror#8787