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- 19:33 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 requests to join the race.
- 19:35 HammerBro#0591 accepts a request to join from Ricky of Kokiri#9443.
- 19:36 CokeToast#3882 requests to join the race.
- 19:36 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 joins Team ⑨.
- 19:37 HammerBro#0591 accepts a request to join from CokeToast#3882.
- 19:37 CokeToast#3882 joins Clubbing Seals.
- 19:38 Hazukitty#6329 requests to join the race.
- 19:38 Sephim#3351 requests to join the race.
- 19:39 HammerBro#0591 accepts a request to join from Sephim#3351.
- 19:39 HammerBro#0591 accepts a request to join from Hazukitty#6329.
- 19:39 Hazukitty#6329 joins Team ⑨.
- 19:40 RickyofKokiri: good morning everybody o/
- 19:40 HammerBro: [waves]
- 19:40 RickyofKokiri: from PDT anyway for the next twenty minutes
- 19:42 Sephim#3351 joins Clubbing Seals.
- 19:44 Hazukitty: sleepy
- 19:44 CokeToast: Hello! Good afternoon from here in CST!
- 19:44 Hazukitty: playing too much PSO2
- 19:45 Hazukitty: and reading too much shoujo romance manhua
- 19:46 CokeToast: Understandable. I've been suffering from Factorio lately myself
- 19:46 HammerBro: Rooms sent out.
- 19:46 HammerBro: Stardew Valley here. Too much time.
- 19:47 CokeToast: All of these are great ways to burn a ton XD
- 19:48 HammerBro: Just surpassed 900 hours. I need help. And an intervention.
- 19:49 RickyofKokiri: oh damn XD
- 19:49 Hazukitty: 2000 in warframe
- 19:49 CokeToast: Hahaha, wow, yeah, that beats my Stardew time by a ton.... though... not quite up to my factorio yet...
- 19:50 HammerBro: I'm eternally grateful that Minecraft doesn't have an hour count.
- 19:50 HammerBro: Anyways, everyone is connected. Feel free to start whenever.
- 19:50 CokeToast: Fantastic, I'm ready whenever. Thanks for all the help.
- 19:51 HammerBro: No worries. I enjoy this crap far more than I should.
- 19:52 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:52 RickyofKokiri: is auto-start on or off?
- 19:52 HammerBro: On.
- 19:53 CokeToast#3882 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:53 Sephim#3351 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:53 HammerBro: GLHF!
- 19:53 CokeToast: Thanks, gl team 9!
- 19:53 RickyofKokiri: gl hf!
- 19:53 Sephim: you too!
- 19:57 RickyofKokiri: Hazu's getting the last of her setup complete
- 19:57 CokeToast: np!
- 19:57 Hazukitty#6329 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:57 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:57 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:36 Ricky of Kokiri#9443 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:38:16!
- 22:43 Hazukitty#6329 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:45:20!
- 22:44 CokeToast#3882 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:44 Sephim#3351 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:44 Race finished in 2:46:17.3
- 22:44 RickyofKokiri: ggs!
- 22:44 CokeToast: Gonna call it there. Thanks for the game!
- 22:44 Sephim: good win
- 22:44 Sephim: ggs all around
- 22:44 Hazukitty: ggg
- 22:45 Hazukitty: what was left?
- 22:45 CokeToast: Uh, so, we had a missed item... and a 1.5 hr bk sooo... a bit XD
- 22:46 RickyofKokiri: oh noooooo
- 22:46 Hazukitty: oh nooo
- 22:46 CokeToast: Yeah, was a super sad day
- 22:46 Hazukitty: we didn't realy ahve BK here, I knew enoguh bunny tech to keep in motion
- 22:46 Hazukitty: what item?
- 22:46 Hazukitty: hammer in IP?
- 22:46 CokeToast: Moon pearl for xKeys
- 22:46 CokeToast: Just forgot the sanctuary
- 22:47 RickyofKokiri: ouch that sucks :(
- 22:47 CokeToast: Yeah, but is what it is :) Let me practice all my glitches while in bk ;)
- 22:47 Sephim: yup
- 22:48 CokeToast: Thanks for the game though! Have a great rest of your evening
- 22:50 RickyofKokiri: you too! ggs again!
- 23:08 Race result recorded by Adilor#1610