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- 12:38 Mohaf: pretty sure yes
- 12:47 Jacques: where is everyone
- 12:47 Mohaf: im remaining hopeful :/
- 12:48 Mohaf: probably @ people after 10 minutes lol
- 12:48 Jacques: :(
- 12:48 Mohaf: jack are you gonna practice at all lol
- 12:48 Mohaf: i might do a hand warmer
- 12:49 Jacques: Nah not really
- 12:49 Jacques: Maybe do TW and that's it
- 12:50 Wojowu#8684 joins the race.
- 12:50 Wojowu: 👀
- 12:50 Jacques: yay
- 12:51 Rex: I have consumed the flesh of cows and will be ready in roughly 10 minutes thanks
- 12:52 Wojowu: bugsnax moment
- 12:52 Mohaf: pog
- 12:53 Mohaf: rex should i ping people now
- 12:53 Rex: ye
- 12:53 Mohaf: you got it
- 13:02 Mohaf: jack are you alive
- 13:02 Jacques: hi
- 13:02 Mohaf: oh nice
- 13:02 Mohaf: we're waiting on crodi by the looks of it
- 13:02 Mohaf: kinse should be joining here as well(?)
- 13:03 kez: oh shit sorry
- 13:03 kez: you know i forgot to even press the button
- 13:03 kinse#5492 joins the race.
- 13:03 Mohaf: nice
- 13:03 kez: been that long
- 13:03 Mohaf: lol
- 13:03 kez: but ye i will be ready whenever im literally just sat here
- 13:04 Mohaf: crodi should be here in about 5 minutes yay
- 13:04 Mohaf: 6 man race aint bad, only 3 bailed
- 13:04 Jacques: smartin?
- 13:05 Mohaf: said he has family so he might not join
- 13:05 Mohaf: zatchi just disappeared
- 13:05 Mohaf: mastoise never went online
- 13:05 Mohaf: i did @ him in the discord
- 13:11 owgroovy#2599 joins the race.
- 13:11 Mohaf: crodi is slow mo
- 13:11 Mohaf: smh
- 13:12 McCrodi#5808 joins the race.
- 13:12 Mohaf: @ jack @ jack @ jack
- 13:13 Jacques: hiii
- 13:13 Mohaf#9592 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 13:13 Wojowu#8684 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 13:13 Rex#0214 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 13:13 owgroovy#2599 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 13:13 Mohaf#9592 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 13:13 McCrodi#5808 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 13:13 kinse#5492 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 13:14 Jacques#7565 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:14 Jacques#7565 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 13:14 Jacques#7565 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:14 Mohaf: new game ofc
- 13:14 Mohaf#9592 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 13:14 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 10 seconds!
- 13:14 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 13:53 Mohaf#9592 has forfeited from the race.
- 13:53 Mohaf#9592 added a comment: "somehow crashed in packless"
- 13:57 Rex#0214 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:43:06!
- 13:58 Rex#0214 added a comment: "easiest race of my life honestly"
- 13:59 Mohaf#9592 changed the comment to: "crashed on packless on 42:1x pace :("
- 14:01 Jacques#7565 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:46:52!
- 14:02 kinse#5492 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:47:31!
- 14:03 McCrodi#5808 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:48:31!
- 14:03 Jacques: How do you add a comment
- 14:03 Mohaf: . comment
- 14:03 McCrodi: you can press "Add Comment" where the done was
- 14:04 Jacques: I see now
- 14:04 McCrodi#5808 added a comment: "Duck Coco"
- 14:04 Jacques: ty guys
- 14:04 Mohaf: grats on insane 46
- 14:04 Jacques#7565 added a comment: "Cold Hard Crap"
- 14:04 Jacques: Insane?
- 14:04 Mohaf: return of the king and all that
- 14:04 Jacques: It was bad man
- 14:04 Jacques: GF distracted me on Ruination lmao
- 14:04 Jacques: Died like 5 times
- 14:05 Mohaf: classic women
- 14:06 owgroovy#2599 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:51:37!
- 14:07 Jacques: ggs
- 14:07 Jacques: Wojowu only just bought the game the other day
- 14:39 Wojowu#8684 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:24:41!
- 14:39 Race finished in 1:24:41.7
- 14:45 Jacques: grats man
- 14:45 Wojowu#8684 added a comment: "First run ever"
- 14:46 Jacques: You're gonna have to learn zig zag NSS
- 14:47 Wojowu: First I will have to learn to not suck
- 14:47 Wojowu: Then I can learn how to suck with epic speed strats
- 14:47 Mohaf: jack is such a boomer he's using racetime chat instead of discord
- 14:47 Mohaf: why am i still here
- 14:49 Jacques: I don't enjoy discord
- 14:49 Jacques: dunno why
- 18:29 Race result recorded by Rabini#9574