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00:30 Randomizer Bot : Welcome to DK64R! I promise that today's seed will be nice. Roll seed… Roll Spoiler seed… Help
00:30 NintendoSara#8450 joins the race. 00:31 KingofYamimakai#5379 joins the race. 00:58 H3adak3#9682 joins the race. 01:07 Alpha#3525 joins the race. 01:08 NanoFish42#6188 joins the race. 01:15 NintendoSara : !seed season 3 race settings 01:15 Randomizer Bot : NintendoSara, your seed is generating. Please wait... 01:16 Randomizer Bot updated the race information.01:17 Charlesjarls#7237 joins the race. 01:19 Alpha : Are any of you opposed to "potentially" starting 5 minutes later than the scheduled time? Mumbo wants to join but "might" be slightly late. 01:19 H3adak3 : dont matta to me 01:20 KingofYamimakai : normally its ok but for mumbo never 01:20 KingofYamimakai : xD 01:20 Alpha : actually yeah ur right i agee with you 01:21 Kilvereis : I wonder why Mumbo would be late, someone know why? :) :) :) :) 01:25 NanoFish42 : Monin racers 01:25 NanoFish42 : Mornin* 01:27 MumboToken#6300 joins the race. 01:27 MumboToken : sup noobs 01:27 KingofYamimakai#5379 is ready! (6 remaining) 01:27 NanoFish42#6188 is ready! (5 remaining) 01:28 Charlesjarls#7237 is ready! (4 remaining) 01:29 Kilvereis#3601 joins the race. 01:29 H3adak3#9682 is ready! (4 remaining) 01:31 Prakcity#9148 joins the race. 01:31 KingofYamimakai : mumbo putting us behind 01:31 KingofYamimakai : what a guy 01:31 MumboToken#6300 is ready! (4 remaining) 01:31 MumboToken : 4 remaining... 01:31 KingofYamimakai : still delayed cause of mumbo 01:31 NintendoSara : We can wait 5 min 01:32 KingofYamimakai : they would be ready if you werent holding them hostage 01:32 NintendoSara : Mumbo is ready! 01:32 Prakcity#9148 is ready! (3 remaining) 01:32 MumboToken : i had a race to get 2nd place losing by 30 minutes in ok 01:32 MumboToken : hop off 01:32 KingofYamimakai : :o 01:32 KingofYamimakai : thats tragic 01:32 MumboToken : were you watching anyone king 01:32 MumboToken : that was 01:32 MumboToken : a seed 01:33 KingofYamimakai : no i was playing league haha 01:33 MumboToken : i hear alpha is looking for a duo q partner 01:33 Prakcity : can i go pee 01:33 KingofYamimakai : :o 01:33 MumboToken : hes an iron master yi junglew 01:33 Alpha : LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO 01:33 KingofYamimakai : hot 01:33 MumboToken : king fun fact 01:33 Kilvereis#3601 is ready! (2 remaining) 01:33 Alpha#3525 is ready! (1 remaining) 01:33 MumboToken : remember when you were looking for a partner for the pictionary race 01:33 MumboToken : the first one 01:33 NintendoSara#8450 quits the race. 01:33 MumboToken : alpha was gonna do it 01:33 NintendoSara : Gl hf 01:33 KingofYamimakai : :o 01:33 Kilvereis : GLHF 01:33 MumboToken : but he was too starstruck to ask you 01:33 NanoFish42 : GLHF! 01:34 NintendoSara#8450 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds! 01:34 KingofYamimakai : who wouldnt be 01:34 Charlesjarls : gfhl 01:34 MumboToken : "what if he thinks im a bad partner" 01:34 Alpha : what drugs are you on mumbo 01:34 Prakcity : gl 01:34 MumboToken : GLGLGLGLGLGLGLGL 01:34 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. 03:01 Alpha#3525 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:27:10! 03:02 MumboToken#6300 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:28:29! 03:03 Charlesjarls#7237 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:29:01! 03:04 MumboToken#6300 added a comment. 03:08 Kilvereis#3601 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:33:49! 03:08 KingofYamimakai#5379 has forfeited from the race. 03:09 Kilvereis#3601 added a comment. 03:13 H3adak3#9682 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:39:03! 04:20 Prakcity#9148 has forfeited from the race. 04:31 NanoFish42#6188 has forfeited from the race. 04:31 Race finished in 2:57:02.1 04:33 NanoFish42#6188 added a comment. 06:16 Race result recorded by NintendoSara#8450