
Donkey Kong 64 Randomizer DK64R Season 3.5 Settings Tuesday evening friendly RaceCoin RarewareCoin Orange RainbowCoin Orange https://dev.dk64randomizer.com/randomizer?seed_id=101250
Opened by
NintendoSara #8450
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
  • videocam
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  • visibility
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  1. 1st MumboToken #6300 he / they more tunnel vision on thinking key 7 was triangle pad in isles but other than bungled endgame i played very well Finished 383
  2. 2nd Hoyetly #2444 he / him more good seed Finished 363
  3. 3rd TheLittleKing00 #6328 he / him Finished 428
  4. 4th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished 836
  5. 5th Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 298
  6. 6th Sowser_ #7150 he / him Finished 14
  7. 7th DrSamalander #9430 he / him Finished 475
  8. 8th KeiperDontCare #8389 Finished 1,124
  9. 9th VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her Finished 104
  10. 10th Eternal #4408 more stupid vines... Finished 165
  11. 11th 2dos #0770 he / him more not the dev forgetting the CLO ruleset........................ Finished 707
  12. 12th Yata #9210 they / them Finished 414
  13. 13th MegaPaul #6696 he / him more plz help missed hint Finished 525
  14. 14th WileECoyoteGenius #0630 he / him more first CLO seed I ever played, was rough but fun Finished 24
  15. 15th quatmaniac #3815 he / him Finished 142
15 entrants (0 inactive)