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- 23:31 Randomizer Bot: Welcome to DK64R! Let me roll a seed for you. I promise it won't hurt.THIS IS CURRENT IN DEV MODE ONLY. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
- 00:26 Yata: the two in cabins area are notoriously easy to forget
- 00:26 MumboToken: castle has one all the way low by the tree with lanky coins
- 00:26 WileECoyoteGenius: thank you
- 00:27 MumboToken: those are really the weirdest ones
- 00:27 MumboToken: and obviously the two extras in japes that were mentioned
- 00:27 MegaPaul#6696 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 00:27 TheLittleKing00#6328 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 00:27 quatmaniac#3815 joins the race.
- 00:27 VioletPumpkin#5625 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 00:28 Charlesjarls#7237 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 00:28 DrSamalander: Are we Donkaholics?
- 00:28 Sowser_: I know i am
- 00:28 2dos: i should have a new discord role
- 00:29 KeiperDontCare#8389 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 00:29 2dos: for the person that does the most season races per season
- 00:29 WileECoyoteGenius: what does the K Rool symbol next ot the keys on the file select mean?
- 00:29 TheLittleKing00: that's the win condition
- 00:29 WileECoyoteGenius: ah OK
- 00:29 TheLittleKing00: in this case, fighting Krool
- 00:29 Hoyetly: just give it to charles or mumbo now
- 00:29 NintendoSara: we should have that role
- 00:29 WileECoyoteGenius: K I think that's everything I had to ask
- 00:29 WileECoyoteGenius: thank you a lot everyone
- 00:29 2dos: i mean alpha could come in with a steel chair anytime
- 00:29 WileECoyoteGenius: gl hf
- 00:29 VerdantAsh: dk lanky cg grab climb?
- 00:29 MumboToken: alpha will get first and second place
- 00:29 quatmaniac#3815 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 00:29 WileECoyoteGenius: yes
- 00:29 TheLittleKing00: correct
- 00:29 DrSamalander: Is alpha still alive?
- 00:29 VerdantAsh: bet
- 00:29 Hoyetly: he's too into oot rn
- 00:30 VerdantAsh: alpha is doing oot
- 00:30 VerdantAsh: ye
- 00:30 2dos: @verdantash mornin
- 00:30 VerdantAsh: Mornin 2dos
- 00:30 MegaPaul: +slam ash
- 00:30 2dos: you should ready :)
- 00:30 Hoyetly#2444 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:30 TheLittleKing00: Blue slam means no slam hint remember everybody
- 00:30 VerdantAsh: yeah sorry ust finishing my setup
- 00:30 NintendoSara: 2dos wants to be last to ready lol
- 00:30 2dos: kk
- 00:30 Charlesjarls: glhlfhglfghlfghlfghlfghlf
- 00:30 VerdantAsh: gimme oneeee sec
- 00:30 WileECoyoteGenius: how do you get the slam hint? On a door like the others?
- 00:30 MumboToken: glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl gll gl lgl glglglgl gllglgl gl glg lglgl ggl gl g gl gl glgl gllg lg lgl glg lglgl gl gl lglglgl lgl g
- 00:30 Sowser_: glhf!!!!!!!
- 00:30 DrSamalander: GLHF
- 00:30 WileECoyoteGenius: gl hf
- 00:30 Hoyetly: GLHF EVERYONE
- 00:30 MegaPaul: glhf
- 00:30 2dos: GL HF
- 00:30 VerdantAsh#1713 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:30 TheLittleKing00: yes, if you don't start with two slams
- 00:30 Eternal: good luck
- 00:30 Yata: hlgf
- 00:31 TheLittleKing00: glhf
- 00:31 2dos#0770 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:31 NintendoSara: GL HF
- 00:31 NintendoSara#8450 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:01 MumboToken#6300 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:29:50!
- 02:01 MumboToken#6300 notched up a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 02:03 MumboToken#6300 added a comment.
- 02:05 Hoyetly#2444 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:33:54!
- 02:05 Hoyetly#2444 snagged a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 02:05 Hoyetly#2444 added a comment.
- 02:08 TheLittleKing00#6328 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:37:07!
- 02:08 TheLittleKing00#6328 scored a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 02:10 VerdantAsh#1713 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:38:28!
- 02:10 VerdantAsh#1713 scored a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 02:12 Charlesjarls#7237 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:40:51!
- 02:12 Sowser_#7150 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:41:09!
- 02:12 Sowser_#7150 just cooked up a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 02:13 DrSamalander#9430 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:41:57!
- 02:13 DrSamalander#9430 bagged a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 02:14 KeiperDontCare#8389 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:43:05!
- 02:15 VioletPumpkin#5625 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:44:17!
- 02:15 VioletPumpkin#5625 snagged a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 02:24 Eternal#4408 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:52:31!
- 02:24 Eternal#4408 just cooked up a new personal best time for "Season 3.5 Settings"!
- 02:24 Eternal#4408 added a comment.
- 02:24 2dos#0770 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:53:18!
- 02:25 2dos#0770 added a comment.
- 02:29 Yata#9210 has finished in 12th place with a time of 1:58:02!
- 02:37 MegaPaul#6696 has finished in 13th place with a time of 2:05:59!
- 02:38 MegaPaul#6696 added a comment.
- 02:42 WileECoyoteGenius#0630 has finished in 14th place with a time of 2:11:07!
- 02:42 WileECoyoteGenius#0630 added a comment.
- 03:09 quatmaniac#3815 has finished in 15th place with a time of 2:37:50!
- 03:09 Race finished in 2:37:50.9
- 03:50 Race result recorded by NintendoSara#8450