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19:55 Randomizer Bot : Welcome to DK64R! Let me roll a seed for you. I promise it won't hurt. Roll seed… Roll Spoiler seed… Help
19:54 WileECoyoteGenius#0630 joins the race. 19:55 MumboToken#6300 joins the race. 19:56 WileECoyoteGenius : mornin 19:56 NintendoSara : Mornin 20:05 quatmaniac#3815 joins the race. 20:06 MumboToken#6300 quits the race. 20:07 MumboToken#6300 joins the race. 20:09 Alpha#3525 joins the race. 20:10 Konditioner#9278 joins the race. 20:15 NintendoSara : !seed season 3 race settings 20:15 Randomizer Bot : NintendoSara, your seed is generating. Please wait... 20:15 Randomizer Bot updated the race information.20:15 MumboToken : zorulda not showing up to his own race 20:17 OhJustNothing#5988 joins the race. 20:18 MurkeyM_Bucki#9840 joins the race. 20:18 OhJustNothing : There's a chance I'll have to DNF due to internet shenanigans, we'll see 20:18 MurkeyM_Bucki : I just got a 2:15 even on the last seed, I'm so happy and I can join this one too 20:20 quatmaniac : i will prob just have to dnf cuse i cant figure the seed out lol 20:22 zorulda#4963 joins the race. 20:24 quatmaniac#3815 is ready! (7 remaining) 20:24 MurkeyM_Bucki#9840 is ready! (6 remaining) 20:27 WileECoyoteGenius#0630 is ready! (5 remaining) 20:28 zorulda#4963 is ready! (4 remaining) 20:28 MumboToken#6300 is ready! (3 remaining) 20:29 zorulda : mornin friends 20:29 OhJustNothing : might need like two minutes past start time 20:29 OhJustNothing : max 20:29 zorulda : egregious 20:29 zorulda : no prob 20:29 MumboToken : Wishing the noobs an abundance of good luck on their new adventure! May the odds be ever in their favor and may they possess a healthy dose of good luck to guide them through the unknown. As they take their first steps, may the noobs' good intentions pave the way for a successful journey. Wishing them good fortune, good vibes, and a healthy dose of luck as they navigate the uncharted territories ahead. Noob or not, with a pinch of good luck, they'll be just fine! 20:29 OhJustNothing : I know it's never been done before but pls 20:29 zorulda : mumbo plz 20:29 Trikkums#3948 joins the race. 20:30 quatmaniac : i will take all the luck i can get thank you mumbo 20:30 Trikkums : mornin, will be quick as i can :D 20:30 MumboToken : Wishing the noobs an abundance of good noob on their new noob! May the noob be ever in their noob favor and may they possess a healthy dose of good luck to guide them through the unknown noob. As they take their first noob steps, may the noobs good intentions pave the way for a successful journey noob. Wishing them good fortune, good vibes, and a healthy dose of luck as they navigate the uncharted territories noob ahead. Noob or not, with a pinch of good luck, they'll be just fine noob! 20:30 MurkeyM_Bucki : Thought you were going to bed Trikkums 20:31 zorulda : this is going to bed 20:31 zorulda : its a nightcap 20:31 OhJustNothing#5988 is ready! (3 remaining) 20:31 WileECoyoteGenius : the allure of donk is too stronk 20:31 Trikkums : Yes well now i got the itch haha 20:31 OhJustNothing : GLHF 20:31 Konditioner#9278 is ready! (2 remaining) 20:31 MumboToken : Wishing the noobs an abundance of noob on their new noob noob! May the noob noob be ever in their noob noob favor and may they possess a healthy dose of good noob luck to guide them through the unknown noob. As they take their first noob noob steps, may the noobs good noob intentions pave the way for a successful noob journey noob. Wishing them good fortune, good vibes, and a healthy dose of good noob luck as they navigate the uncharted territories noob ahead. Noobs or not, with a pinch of good luck, they'll be just fine noob noob! 20:31 Alpha#3525 is ready! (1 remaining) 20:31 WileECoyoteGenius : gl hf 20:31 Trikkums : Especially after that lovely first seed 20:31 NintendoSara : Gl.hf 20:31 MurkeyM_Bucki : glhf 20:31 zorulda : glhf 20:31 quatmaniac : gl 20:31 NintendoSara : Trikkums you ready? 20:32 Trikkums : One sec 20:32 Trikkums : There, GLHF 20:32 Trikkums#3948 is ready! (0 remaining) 20:33 NintendoSara#8450 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds! 20:33 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun. 21:57 MumboToken#6300 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:24:07! 22:00 Konditioner#9278 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:27:01! 22:01 Alpha#3525 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:28:27! 22:03 Alpha#3525 added a comment. 22:10 zorulda#4963 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:37:05! 22:12 Trikkums#3948 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:39:21! 22:17 WileECoyoteGenius#0630 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:44:15! 22:19 WileECoyoteGenius#0630 added a comment. 22:20 MurkeyM_Bucki#9840 has forfeited from the race. 22:21 OhJustNothing#5988 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:48:02! 22:23 OhJustNothing#5988 added a comment. 22:48 Trikkums#3948 added a comment. 22:50 quatmaniac#3815 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:17:08! 22:50 Race finished in 2:17:08.4 17:56 Race result recorded by NintendoSara#8450