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- 04:16 gill42: but starting from a new file?
- 04:16 gill42: or can we use a completed one?
- 04:16 MotoKong: room name?
- 04:16 Glan: bingo is on a complete file
- 04:16 Glan: apparently
- 04:17 MotoKong: im still settingup
- 04:17 MotoKong: i think i got it
- 04:17 gill42: oh word
- 04:18 TH3MOTOGAM3R#6724 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 04:18 TH3MOTOGAM3R#6724 is not ready. (9 remaining)
- 04:18 redotr: im rolling out, direct all q's to basement in disco
- 04:18 redotr: gl gamers <]:^)
- 04:19 MotoKong: i ahve the site up is that all?
- 04:24 Toady#1810 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 04:25 Glan#5460 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 04:25 Glan#5460 is not ready. (8 remaining)
- 04:25 TH3MOTOGAM3R#6724 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 04:26 RaikouRider#0123 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 04:26 kasperoni-macaroni#9424 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 04:27 tonkotsu#8056 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 04:27 gill42#5234 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 04:27 Glan#5460 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 04:28 kasperoni-macaroni: this is on completed save file?
- 04:28 Eazinn: yes
- 04:29 Toady: how do i enter
- 04:29 Toady: it says im ready
- 04:29 Toady: but i dont see anything else
- 04:29 Eazinn#5005 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:29 Eazinn#5005 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 04:29 Eazinn: i dont wanna ready up until we are all good
- 04:30 V0oid: ^
- 04:30 V0oid: i am myself, how's everybody's status?
- 04:30 Toady: am i supposed to have chosen a color already
- 04:30 RaikouRider: Dunno about this route, but I think I'm ready to play
- 04:30 MotoKong: im good
- 04:30 Eazinn#5005 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 04:31 V0oid: aight glgl
- 04:31 V0oid#9933 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 04:31 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 04:31 Toady: wait
- 04:31 Toady: dont have the card
- 04:31 gill42: glgl
- 04:31 gill42: uh oh
- 04:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:31 V0oid: discord toady
- 04:32 Toady: got it now
- 04:49 tonkotsu#8056 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:17:28!
- 04:49 gill42: nice run
- 04:50 gill42#5234 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:50 Glan#5460 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:19:17!
- 04:51 Eazinn: damn that was fast tonk
- 04:51 Eazinn: gg
- 04:51 V0oid#9933 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:19:45!
- 04:51 Glan: ggs
- 04:51 V0oid: nice runs
- 04:51 tonkotsu: ty and ggs
- 04:52 tonkotsu: I was gonna finish by visiting swanky in w7
- 04:52 tonkotsu: then noticed he wasn't there lol
- 04:54 V0oid: should've gone for the diag like you did glan lmao
- 04:54 RaikouRider#0123 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:22:55!
- 04:54 V0oid: just noticed it was kind of insane with my other goals
- 04:54 RaikouRider: man I didn't think about the diagonals lol
- 04:54 RaikouRider#0123 added a comment: "R1 C3 R5"
- 04:55 RaikouRider: why am I not surprised I'm the only person who routed in KONG
- 04:58 RaikouRider: this was really fun, do you have plans to make an actual bingo app?
- 05:00 V0oid: yea this was dope
- 05:00 V0oid: we need moar goals and moar bingo races POGGERS
- 05:00 Glan: this was real fun
- 05:00 Glan: i agree
- 05:01 RaikouRider: I might make one for 3
- 05:01 RaikouRider: at least a goal list
- 05:01 RaikouRider: can I cut stream now?
- 05:05 Eazinn#5005 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:33:59!
- 05:05 Eazinn: that hurt my brain
- 05:05 Eazinn: im to dumb for bingo lol
- 05:07 V0oid: haha
- 05:18 kasperoni-macaroni#9424 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:46:30!
- 05:18 kasperoni-macaroni: FINALLY lol
- 05:18 kasperoni-macaroni: i did like 5 extra things lol
- 05:18 MotoKong: Done!
- 05:19 kasperoni-macaroni: press done
- 05:19 V0oid: nice runs gamers
- 05:19 TH3MOTOGAM3R#6724 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:47:38!
- 05:19 kasperoni-macaroni: nice
- 05:19 MotoKong: shit didnt realize it was on split lol
- 05:20 MotoKong: messed up afew but it was good :0
- 05:20 MotoKong: alright imma call it anight later!!
- 05:28 V0oid: are you almost done toady? :eyes:
- 05:30 Toady: yes
- 05:33 Toady#1810 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:01:45!
- 05:33 Race finished in 1:01:45.2
- 05:33 Toady: oh oops i forgot to hit done
- 05:33 V0oid: nice run!
- 05:33 V0oid: thx for joining everyone