Dragon Warrior II Randomizer
Beat The Game
Version: 2.10.6 Seed: 25544520 Flags: RXGUuQMZLSHCTAamVYr3g2x2e7 (Treasures & 224 Gold)
- 1st Angel FM #3750 he / him Finished 81
- 2nd DestinyofaDragonWarrior #1528 Finished 266
- 3rd ryguy3745 #0275 Finished 209
- 4th DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more Puppet Men were the true final bosses. Finished 60
- — MiliusPyros #3956 he / him more RNG said no 6 times in a row DNF DNF 67
5 entrants
(1 inactive)