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- 00:37 ArchfieldMonk#5147 invites DiabeetusThe2nd#8420 to join the race.
- 00:37 ArchfieldMonk#5147 invites Ultralavos#8954 to join the race.
- 00:37 DWRaceBot: Welcome to DWR! Create a standard seed with !roll or !roll3 for version 3.0
- 00:37 DWRaceBot: Full list of raceroom commands at
- 00:38 DiabeetusThe2nd#8420 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:43 Ultralavos#8954 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:44 Ultralavos: HI
- 00:44 ArchfieldMonk: Howdy, welcome in
- 00:45 ArchfieldMonk: Tonight's race is not restreamed, so I can roll whenever you're ready to go.
- 00:46 Ultralavos: I am ready whenever
- 00:55 DiabeetusThe2nd: Hellohello.
- 00:55 DiabeetusThe2nd: I am also good to go.
- 00:55 ArchfieldMonk: !roll
- 00:55 DWRaceBot updated the race information.
- 00:55 DWRaceBot: Randomizer v3.0.3 Seed: 6472898614172 Flags: IVIAAVCEKACAAAAACAAAAEAQ
- 00:55 DWRaceBot:
- 00:56 DiabeetusThe2nd: e5bd714ff8af32c
- 00:56 Ultralavos: e5bd714ff8af32c
- 00:56 ArchfieldMonk: Checksums look good. The race room is set to auto-start, so it'll fire when you both ready up. Good luck, have fun!
- 00:56 ArchfieldMonk: Please DM me in Discord if you encounter any technical difficulties or would like a reseed.
- 00:58 DiabeetusThe2nd: gl
- 00:58 DiabeetusThe2nd#8420 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:59 Ultralavos: Good Luck
- 00:59 Ultralavos#8954 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:37 DiabeetusThe2nd#8420 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:38:17!
- 04:09 Ultralavos#8954 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:09:58!
- 04:09 Race finished in 3:09:58.8
- 04:10 DiabeetusThe2nd: gg
- 04:10 DiabeetusThe2nd: What an absolute mess.
- 04:10 Ultralavos: gg
- 04:11 Ultralavos: Yeah the grind was gross and the map boss beat me....took so long to realize that bridge was there to stones cave and garanham
- 04:32 DiabeetusThe2nd: That was also the last area I found at like 2:10+
- 12:31 Race result recorded by Highspirits#9473