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- 22:31 ArchfieldMonk#5147 joins the race.
- 22:32 DWRaceBot: Welcome to DWR! Create a standard seed with !roll or !roll3 for version 3.0
- 22:32 DWRaceBot: Full list of raceroom commands at
- 22:32 ArchfieldMonk#5147 invites dk9146#8136 to join the race.
- 22:32 ArchfieldMonk#5147 invites thehangrycanuck#2333 to join the race.
- 22:36 Angel FM: roll3
- 22:38 dk9146#8136 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:38 ArchfieldMonk: clear
- 22:38 dk9146: done
- 22:39 ArchfieldMonk: You can roll, Angel. I had to reseed once already today, so I think that means I'm benched.
- 22:39 thehangrycanuck#2333 accepts an invitation to join.
- 22:39 thehangrycanuck: hello
- 22:39 ArchfieldMonk#5147 quits the race.
- 22:39 ArchfieldMonk: Hey dk, hey hangry.
- 22:39 dk9146: howdy
- 22:39 Angel FM: Was there a reseed?
- 22:39 thehangrycanuck: hey arch
- 22:39 thehangrycanuck: if there's no restream we can get going whenever dk is ready
- 22:40 thehangrycanuck: wow your got a lot of points.. i have very little haha
- 22:40 dk9146: i'm ready whenever as well
- 22:40 thehangrycanuck: can we play FF rando instread haha
- 22:40 Angel FM: dk is big into FFR Kappa
- 22:40 thehangrycanuck: as am i
- 22:40 thehangrycanuck: it's my original rando
- 22:40 dk9146: lol
- 22:40 thehangrycanuck: anyway roll something up
- 22:41 Angel FM: Also don't know if I should be rolling after what I gave Xarnax and Ziggy
- 22:41 thehangrycanuck: let dk roll
- 22:41 thehangrycanuck: i don't really mind who rolls haha
- 22:41 dk9146: I never roll
- 22:41 thehangrycanuck: tristal rolled ours last night and it was awful
- 22:41 Angel FM: If you both want to go early, I can roll
- 22:41 dk9146: let's do it
- 22:41 thehangrycanuck: yeah i'm ready
- 22:42 Angel FM: !roll3
- 22:42 DWRaceBot updated the race information.
- 22:42 DWRaceBot: Randomizer v3.0.2 Seed: 2317699843104 Flags: IVIAAVCAKACAAAAAAAAAAEAQ
- 22:42 DWRaceBot:
- 22:42 Angel FM: 898f0c8453467bcc
- 22:42 dk9146: 898f0c8453467bcc
- 22:42 thehangrycanuck: 898f0c8453467bcc
- 22:42 Angel FM: You can ready whenever, I have auto start off
- 22:43 thehangrycanuck#2333 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:43 thehangrycanuck#2333 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 22:44 thehangrycanuck#2333 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:44 dk9146: GL, hope it's miserable!
- 22:44 dk9146#8136 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:44 thehangrycanuck: after last night i hope it can't get worse
- 22:45 thehangrycanuck: gl hf
- 22:45 Angel FM: If you would like a reroll, please DM me in Discord. I won't respond unless I hear from both of you
- 22:45 thehangrycanuck: that's up to dk
- 22:45 thehangrycanuck: if he wants we reroll
- 22:45 Angel FM: Both of you ready?
- 22:45 dk9146: yup
- 22:45 thehangrycanuck: ready freddy
- 22:45 Angel FM: GL to both of you!
- 22:46 Angel_FM#2654 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:46 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:02 thehangrycanuck#2333 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:02 thehangrycanuck: GG fuck this encounter rate.. every 4 steps or less
- 00:15 thehangrycanuck: going to leave this open till you finish
- 00:19 dk9146#8136 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:33:27!
- 00:19 Race finished in 1:33:27.9
- 00:20 dk9146: ggs, I didnt' actually mean for it to be terrible :(
- 00:23 thehangrycanuck: oh it was
- 00:23 thehangrycanuck: watch my vod.. i didnt get to take more then 4 steps without an encounter
- 00:23 thehangrycanuck: everywhere
- 00:23 thehangrycanuck: one point i got 8 encounters in 10 steps
- 00:24 thehangrycanuck: ggs man.. good luck moving on
- 00:32 dk9146: thanks, gl on the rest of yours as well
- 00:38 Race result recorded by Cyberdark86#4563