Dragon Warrior Randomizer
Standard Flags
Randomizer v3.0.3 Seed: 4294376073840 Flags: IVIAAVCAKACAAAAAAAAAAEAQ
- 1st NESCardinality #3310 Finished 10
- 2nd BetaKappaOmegaRizz #8264 more 6 min to deathwarp out of grave because I put an AK47 to sleep. Thanks, game. Finished 8
- 3rd DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 more Heal is not Healmore, especially not against the Dragonlord D: Finished 4
- 4th atomraptors #5487 he / him Finished 17
- 5th Pav #6790 more Too Long to find Garinham somehow Finished 1
- 6th Opty7 #1954 she / her more I kept going past Garin and Zone 0 was rough. Finished 48
6 entrants
(0 inactive)