
Dragon Warrior Randomizer DWR Standard Flags Randomizer v3.0.3 Seed: 9082122451045 Flags: IVIAAVCAKACAAAAAAAAAAEAQ
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KamionRenokai #4418
Race monitors
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  1. 1st dk9146 #8136 he / him more Flootless finish!! Finished 19
  2. 2nd DiabeetusThe2nd #8420 Finished 13
  3. 3rd Artorious308 #0164 he / him Finished 19
  4. 4th NESCardinality #3310 Finished 1
  5. 5th Centroid41 #6531 he / him Finished 134
  6. 6th juef #6649 he / him Finished 2,539
  7. 7th Ziggy7z #7455 more Well I wanted to finish in the top half so yay? XD Finished 6
  8. 8th HoodyTwoShoes #5705 he / him more I don't think I will ever win the 7/9. Finished 2
  9. 9th aaron2u2 #3589 more #nevergwaelin Finished 12
  10. 10th MiliusPyros #3956 he / him Finished 5
  11. 11th Xarnax42 #5360 Finished 24
  12. 12th theamericandweem #0182 he / him Finished 8
  13. 13th emp_anyamountofmoney #9662 he / him more I AM ERROR Finished 19
  14. 14th LarviStar37 #2209 he / him more Lv17 with Death Necklace. I considered quiting for over half an hour but somehow held myself together. Now to cry and actually eat food. Finished 168
  15. AsmadiGames #4257 DNF DNF 32
15 entrants (1 inactive)