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- 00:37 ArchfieldMonk#5147 invites SassageLink#7163 to join the race.
- 00:37 DWRaceBot: Welcome to DWR! Create a standard seed with !roll or !roll3 for version 3.0
- 00:37 DWRaceBot: Full list of raceroom commands at
- 00:37 ArchfieldMonk#5147 invites Ultralavos#8954 to join the race.
- 00:41 Ultralavos#8954 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:41 ArchfieldMonk: Good evening!
- 00:41 Ultralavos: Hello
- 00:43 SassageLink#7163 accepts an invitation to join.
- 00:43 SassageLink: Howdy
- 00:45 SassageLink: lavos, this will be a good night for you to whoop on me lol. I've been nonstop for 16 hours today
- 00:46 Ultralavos: We’ll see. I’m yet to get a win, but I think I’ve been holding my own for as little experience as I do.
- 00:47 SassageLink: you've been fine. You're still early on, but you're putting up some pretty good runs
- 00:48 SassageLink: all it takes is a zig when you should zag in randomizers sometimes
- 00:48 ArchfieldMonk: Hey Sassage
- 00:48 SassageLink: how's it going archfield?
- 00:48 ArchfieldMonk: Going okay. How're you?
- 00:48 SassageLink: not bad
- 00:49 ArchfieldMonk: As a heads-up, Angel is carrying this evening's races that won't be on the DWR channel
- 00:50 ArchfieldMonk: Angel_FM is his Twitch if you want to send anyone that way.
- 00:50 ArchfieldMonk: But as we do not have an "official" restream, we can roll whenever you're both ready to go.
- 00:50 SassageLink: noice
- 00:51 SassageLink: I'm ready whenever you are lavos
- 00:51 Ultralavos: i have a few things to take care of real quick...going to get my stream up first though
- 00:51 SassageLink: all good. no rush
- 00:58 Ultralavos: All right i'm good now sorry
- 00:58 ArchfieldMonk: No problem at all.
- 00:58 ArchfieldMonk: The raceroom is set to autostart, so it'll fire when you both ready up. Please DM me in Discord if you'd like a reseed or encounter any technical difficulties.
- 00:59 ArchfieldMonk: !roll
- 00:59 DWRaceBot updated the race information.
- 00:59 DWRaceBot: Randomizer v3.0.3 Seed: 2561883896425 Flags: IVIAAVCEKACAAAAACAAAAEAQ
- 00:59 DWRaceBot:
- 00:59 Ultralavos: 3ca7f03ca08f24ff
- 01:00 SassageLink: 3ca7f03ca08f24ff
- 01:01 SassageLink: GLHF!
- 01:01 SassageLink#7163 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:01 ArchfieldMonk: Good luck, have fun!
- 01:01 Ultralavos: Good Luck Have Fun
- 01:01 Ultralavos#8954 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:47 SassageLink#7163 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:46:04!
- 02:51 Ultralavos#8954 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:51 Race finished in 1:49:12.5
- 02:51 ArchfieldMonk: GGs
- 02:52 SassageLink: GG. That was a rough one
- 02:52 Ultralavos: GG
- 02:53 Ultralavos: i think I should have been swinging on things I was running from for a while
- 02:54 SassageLink: I kinda did the same till I had a good trip through swamp. Then I was swinging at a ton of stuff to try and get a few levels
- 02:54 Ultralavos: What level did you finish at
- 02:54 SassageLink: Ended up getting nailed by a werewolf my 2nd trip into grave. Left the stones there till late
- 02:55 SassageLink: 17 was go mode. A lot of strength and a decent amount of hp
- 02:55 SassageLink: never found hauks or free cave either
- 02:55 Ultralavos: What was at swamp spike
- 02:56 SassageLink: golem. Thankfully I dug out the search tile. If not it woul've been rough.
- 02:56 SassageLink: what was at hauks? (assuming you found it)
- 02:56 Ultralavos: i was grinding stone man at hawks
- 02:56 SassageLink: ouch. that's a tough grind.
- 02:57 SassageLink: I went from I think 12 to 17 at the golem
- 02:57 Ultralavos: sleep and 3-4 swings still didn’t have hurtmore yet
- 02:57 SassageLink: yeah. hurtmore was the level 16 gem lol
- 02:57 Ultralavos: I was going to grab silver shield and try to finish at 16 with fairy water but a red dragon killed me right outside kol
- 02:58 SassageLink: 16 would've been nasty. Wasn't that only about 116-117 attack with fighter's ring?
- 02:58 Ultralavos: I do t think I have enough practice just swinging until then to know what the best xp per minute grinds are
- 02:59 SassageLink: it's tricky, but you'll pick up on it more as time goes. or you can do like me and completely forget all of that sometimes in a race lol
- 03:00 SassageLink: If you do the FW DL2 strats, I always say try to have around 125 attack unless you have 15 or 16 healmores
- 03:02 Ultralavos: Good luck with the rest of your races
- 03:02 SassageLink: as for xp grinds, it's all dependent on what you have at the time. This one was a lot ofdruinlords, drollmagis, and wraith knights in the mid levels
- 03:02 SassageLink: GL to you too if you have any left!
- 04:38 Race result recorded by aaron2u2#3589