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- 23:07 aaron2u2#3589 invites sillydabbit#5574 to join the race.
- 23:07 aaron2u2#3589 invites Vriaeliss#3077 to join the race.
- 23:07 DWRaceBot: Welcome to DWR! Create a standard seed with !roll or !roll3 for version 3.0
- 23:07 DWRaceBot: Full list of raceroom commands at
- 23:08 Vriaeliss#3077 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:08 sillydabbit#5574 accepts an invitation to join.
- 23:08 Vriaeliss: o/
- 23:09 sillydabbit: \o
- 23:10 aaron2u2: 'allo gov'na, how be ye?
- 23:10 aaron2u2: ahem
- 23:10 aaron2u2: Hi! I'll be your admin for the day. If you want to request a reroll, please DM me in discord
- 23:10 sillydabbit: 🧐
- 23:10 aaron2u2: This race is not receiving an official restream. Not sure if anybody is picking it up tbh; may have to wait for a vodcast
- 23:11 sillydabbit: Okie dokie. Thanks
- 23:11 Vriaeliss: okay
- 23:11 aaron2u2: so basically you should feel free to go whenever you're ready. Let me know when you are life and I can roll. No rush of course
- 23:11 aaron2u2: Any changes to the flagset?
- 23:11 sillydabbit: I'm good as is
- 23:11 Vriaeliss: didn't discuss any
- 23:12 sillydabbit: Tho aaron one day we will be in the same group so we can throw something in there
- 23:12 aaron2u2: D:
- 23:20 aaron2u2: y'all ready to roll?
- 23:20 sillydabbit: let's do it
- 23:20 Vriaeliss: sure
- 23:20 aaron2u2: !roll
- 23:20 DWRaceBot updated the race information.
- 23:20 DWRaceBot: Randomizer v3.0.3 Seed: 4609986063024 Flags: IVIAAVCEKACAAAAACAAAAEAQ
- 23:20 DWRaceBot:
- 23:20 aaron2u2: 7a044beebeb55d49
- 23:20 sillydabbit: 7a044beebeb55d49
- 23:20 Vriaeliss: 7a044beebeb55d49
- 23:20 aaron2u2: auto-start is ON
- 23:21 aaron2u2: so don't ready until you are ready. But when you are ready, ready, and it'll go on its own
- 23:21 aaron2u2: GL HF!
- 23:21 Vriaeliss: GL HF~
- 23:21 sillydabbit: gl!
- 23:21 Vriaeliss#3077 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:22 sillydabbit: be just a min
- 23:23 Vriaeliss: no worries/rush
- 23:24 sillydabbit: alright let's mosey
- 23:24 sillydabbit#5574 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:24 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:25 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:42 sillydabbit#5574 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:16:53!
- 00:47 Vriaeliss#3077 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:22:15!
- 00:47 Race finished in 1:22:15.7
- 00:47 Vriaeliss: gg
- 00:47 Vriaeliss: were you able to count co-ords?
- 00:47 sillydabbit: gg
- 00:47 sillydabbit: didn't even try
- 00:47 sillydabbit: carried the princess for awhile
- 00:47 aaron2u2: GG
- 00:48 sillydabbit: amazing walk back and use of wings btw
- 00:48 Vriaeliss: I got greedy doing that and sent home with her, cost me a lot of time, not sure I would've squeeked a win if that hadn't happened =/
- 00:48 Vriaeliss: haha, thanks :)
- 00:48 sillydabbit: close in every race!
- 00:48 sillydabbit: i went 1-6 my first year, made the playoffs last year
- 00:49 Vriaeliss: 5/6 yeah were close
- 00:49 sillydabbit: so if you had fun that's all that matters
- 00:49 Vriaeliss: not feeling bad, nah. was good times overall and happy to have the races done too
- 00:49 sillydabbit: yeah you played well. gg
- 00:50 Vriaeliss: this one had me worried though, had only 90hp at 15 with str/agi
- 00:50 sillydabbit: that level 16 stat gain was like
- 00:50 sillydabbit: O_O
- 00:51 Vriaeliss: right? a lot of the levels had a huge gain in one thing or another
- 00:51 sillydabbit: i somewhat stupidly passed up on a few good enemies when i was walking because carry the princess on low resources had me in full survival mode lol
- 00:51 sillydabbit: even after i got a top off lol
- 00:51 Vriaeliss: I think the first 10 or so hurtmores all failed for me in the beginning
- 00:52 Vriaeliss: like, how's that possible v. axe knights, greens, and magi-wyverns?!
- 00:53 sillydabbit: yeah that zone was a bit mean
- 00:53 sillydabbit: with the low hp
- 00:53 sillydabbit: i got to hauks early and died
- 00:53 sillydabbit: pushed out a little bit before settling down in that zone
- 00:53 sillydabbit: of course hauks was the floot
- 00:54 Vriaeliss: which wasn't very useful this seed, 'cept that last spike tile I guess
- 00:55 Vriaeliss: well, is me bedtime - GG again and GL with the rest of your matches :)
- 00:56 Vriaeliss#3077 added a comment.
- 00:57 sillydabbit: gg and thank you. have a good evening
- 10:06 Race result recorded by Highspirits#9473