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- 00:53 KamionRenokai: Sure thing! I'll get you next.
- 00:53 KamionRenokai: Joey, you're all set!
- 00:53 EdgeTalvaron: Dweem ill let ya know so you can comm with a familiar voice
- 00:54 KamionRenokai: Dweem's turn!
- 00:54 theamericandweem: I should be clean
- 00:55 KamionRenokai: Yes you are! Could you turn your game volume up a bit, please?
- 00:55 theamericandweem: just a minute, let me tweak something
- 00:55 KamionRenokai: Sure!
- 00:55 theamericandweem: should be good
- 00:55 Fattjoey: With my emu I need it to be on top for the volume to be full .. otherwise its alot quieter
- 00:56 theamericandweem: I tab between notepad and such
- 00:56 KamionRenokai: Yeah, that'll be good. Thank you, sir!
- 00:56 Fattjoey: Sounds like dweems the same lol
- 00:56 theamericandweem: what are you using Joey? I know there is a checkbox in Mesen that can stop the muting when tabbing between windows.
- 00:57 KamionRenokai: And you're all set! Edge's turn, and I'll get you when you're ready, Jeevan.
- 00:57 Fattjoey: I'm on mesen and yea I'm too lazy lol
- 00:57 Jeevan: been live, whenever YOU are ready :)
- 00:57 theamericandweem: <--also a fat lazy slob
- 00:57 ic10as: you find 4 for the stream? willing to be streamed if you need a 4th
- 00:57 KamionRenokai: Actually, we've got four already, but thank you, though!
- 00:57 KamionRenokai: Edge's all set! Jeevan's turn!
- 00:58 Fattjoey: The sound let's me know if the things actually on top and theres not a hidden pop up stopping me from moving lol
- 00:59 KamionRenokai: And Jeevan's all set! Alrighty, does anyone have any questions before I post the flags, seed number and checksum?
- 01:00 Fattjoey: Can I use the restroom ? Lol
- 01:00 theamericandweem: are we ready for a train wreck
- 01:00 theamericandweem: choo choo
- 01:00 KamionRenokai: Sure. XD
- 01:00 theamericandweem: that's the spirit
- 01:02 Fattjoey: Does everyone know the random chest locations incase it rolls on?
- 01:02 Fattjoey: Also bk now
- 01:03 EdgeTalvaron: aye
- 01:04 ic10as: bk?
- 01:04 KamionRenokai: Welcome back!
- 01:04 Fattjoey: Back
- 01:04 Fattjoey: Fat guy type fast with short words lol
- 01:04 ic10as: why use lot word when few word do trick
- 01:05 EdgeTalvaron: brain no work right, few word do good\
- 01:05 Fattjoey: Lol
- 01:06 EdgeTalvaron: im as ready as ill be
- 01:06 Fattjoey: Ready aswell
- 01:06 KamionRenokai: Alrighty. Running a tiny bit behind, but we're good either way. Incoming!
- 01:06 Jeevan: rdy
- 01:06 theamericandweem: woot
- 01:07 KamionRenokai:
- 01:07 KamionRenokai: And the checksum is: 6745a44e4762db55
- 01:07 Jeevan: 6745a44e4762db55
- 01:07 theamericandweem: 6745a44e4762db55
- 01:07 EdgeTalvaron: 6745a44e4762db55
- 01:07 Jeevan: GLHF
- 01:07 Jeevan#8788 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:08 EdgeTalvaron#7191 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:08 Fattjoey: 6745a44e4762db55
- 01:08 Fattjoey#6938 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:08 theamericandweem: Have "fun", GL
- 01:08 theamericandweem#0182 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:08 EdgeTalvaron: lets give em a show
- 01:08 Fattjoey: GL HF all
- 01:08 ic10as: 6745a44e4762db55
- 01:08 EdgeTalvaron: gl all
- 01:08 ic10as#8799 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:08 KamionRenokai: Yeah! We got this! We can always fine-tune things later.
- 01:08 KamionRenokai: Gonna take less than a minute to rearrange my windows, and then we'll be good. Thanks for waiting, everyone!
- 01:09 Fattjoey: Lol no no .. ty for waiting for us to actually finish this slog
- 01:10 KamionRenokai: XD Let's see how this goes. One minute for intro and we're going! GLHF!
- 01:12 KamionRenokai#4418 quits the race.
- 01:12 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:12 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:57 KamionRenokai: ** RACERS: If you can't find Brecconary at all, and you're on or past level 7, you can start from Copper Sword/Leather Armor/Small Shield when you find Garinham. **
- 02:26 theamericandweem#0182 has forfeited from the race.
- 02:26 theamericandweem#0182 has un-forfeited from the race.
- 03:48 ic10as#8799 has forfeited from the race.
- 05:10 Jeevan#8788 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:57:38!
- 05:10 KamionRenokai: GG Jeevan! Way to stick it out! Care to hop into the booth with us? I'll understand if you don't want to.
- 05:10 Jeevan: it's too late, ill be in chat and thanks :)
- 05:10 KamionRenokai: Not a problem! GG again, and my pleasure! Thanks for staying up to test this out!
- 05:18 theamericandweem#0182 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 4:06:07!
- 05:18 Jeevan: GG
- 05:18 KamionRenokai: GG Dweem! Thanks for sticking it out! Care to join us in the booth? It'll be okay if you don't want to.
- 05:19 theamericandweem: that was a thing
- 05:19 Jeevan#8788 added a comment.
- 05:20 KamionRenokai: It definitely was! And thank you for trying this experiment out! It'll be much easier next time.
- 05:23 Fattjoey#6938 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 4:10:33!
- 05:23 KamionRenokai: GG Joey! Thanks for sticking it out! Would you like to jump into the booth with us? It's okay if you don't want to.
- 05:23 Jeevan: GG
- 05:23 Fattjoey: Lol waaay to tired from that
- 05:24 KamionRenokai: Totally understandable! GG again, and it'll definitely be easier next time around.
- 05:31 EdgeTalvaron#7191 has finished in 4th place with a time of 4:18:46!
- 05:31 Race finished in 4:18:47.0
- 05:31 Jeevan: GG
- 05:31 KamionRenokai: GG Edge! Thanks for sticking it out! You, us, the commentary booth? If you don't, that's fine, too.
- 05:31 EdgeTalvaron: ggs all
- 05:31 EdgeTalvaron: ill be there in a few
- 05:31 KamionRenokai: Sounds good!
- 17:10 Race result recorded by Angel FM#3750