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- 01:46 aaron2u2#3589 invites Ziggy7z#7455 to join the race.
- 01:46 aaron2u2#3589 invites Ultralavos#8954 to join the race.
- 01:46 DWRaceBot: Welcome to DWR! Create a standard seed with !roll or !roll3 for version 3.0
- 01:46 DWRaceBot: Full list of raceroom commands at
- 01:47 Ziggy7z#7455 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:47 Ziggy7z: Hello!
- 01:49 Ultralavos#8954 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:49 Ultralavos: hi
- 01:49 aaron2u2: Hello! I'll be your admin for the race. If you want to request a reroll, please DM me in discord
- 01:49 Ziggy7z: Cool, thanks :D
- 01:49 Ziggy7z: Do we have a restream? I'm not sure i see any
- 01:49 aaron2u2: No restream, so you guys can start whenever. I'll roll when you both are live
- 01:50 aaron2u2: uh, EdgeTalvaron volunteered for one I think
- 01:50 aaron2u2: At least, he seemed to indicate he was
- 01:51 Ziggy7z: Ya, he's just not online atm
- 01:55 Ziggy7z: Is that auto start check new at the top of the chatbox?
- 01:55 Ziggy7z: Or did I never notice it
- 01:55 Ziggy7z: anyhoo we're both online, I'ma go use the restroom quick
- 01:56 aaron2u2: okdok!
- 01:56 aaron2u2: !roll
- 01:56 DWRaceBot updated the race information.
- 01:56 DWRaceBot: Randomizer v3.0.3 Seed: 7354470515600 Flags: IVIAAVCEKACAAAAACAAAAEAQ
- 01:56 DWRaceBot:
- 01:56 aaron2u2: cc8e3bddea7b250e
- 01:56 Ultralavos: cc8e3bddea7b250e
- 01:56 aaron2u2: Again, once you both ready up, the countdown will run! GL HF
- 01:57 Ziggy7z: cc8e3bddea7b250e
- 01:57 Ultralavos: GL HF
- 01:57 Ultralavos#8954 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:58 Ziggy7z: Allright, best of luck Lavos :D GLHF!
- 01:58 Ziggy7z: Pressing in about 15 secs
- 01:58 Ziggy7z#7455 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:58 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:58 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:27 Ziggy7z#7455 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:28:13!
- 03:31 Ziggy7z: Wow that is not a lot of xp at 32 minutes
- 03:31 Ziggy7z: Oop, meant to type that in Edge's chat :D
- 03:35 Ultralavos#8954 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:36:40!
- 03:35 Race finished in 1:36:40.6
- 03:35 Ziggy7z: GG
- 03:35 Ultralavos: GG
- 03:35 Ultralavos: What level did you finish at
- 03:35 Ziggy7z: "fun" start, took me a long time before i saw Cantlin :D
- 03:35 Ziggy7z: 16
- 03:36 Ziggy7z: It was so clear go
- 03:36 Ultralavos: cool...same
- 03:36 Ziggy7z: Wish I skipped swamp and continued to Mountain
- 03:36 Ultralavos: Same
- 03:37 Ziggy7z: Also found Garinham and Rim relatively late but overall nothing horrible happened to me
- 03:37 Ultralavos: afterwards I was like...wait, I found a cursed belt...nothing was in Kol, I should definitely check Hawk now becasue stones are there or co ords....never found Cantlin
- 03:37 Ziggy7z: really?
- 03:37 aaron2u2: GG!
- 03:38 Ziggy7z: Cantlin was 1 screen and a half away from Tantagel, northwest.
- 03:38 Ziggy7z: My grind out of the bad levels was fairy waters on Wyverns and Wraith Knights
- 03:38 Ultralavos: oh wow...I think i may have seen it later, was it in a swamp...I thought it was Garinham again
- 03:38 Ziggy7z: Wish I had torches for Scorpions earlier, but it made do
- 03:38 Ziggy7z: There was no coords
- 03:39 Ziggy7z: But a silver shield
- 03:39 Ziggy7z: that was neat to farm reds.
- 03:39 Ultralavos: I had a showdown with a couple scorpions early with herb and heals...then metal scorpions up north
- 03:39 Ultralavos: oh yeah Red farm was nice at the end
- 03:39 Ziggy7z: Ya, bopping scorpions until they ded was the best way out
- 03:40 Ziggy7z: dang drakees with heal
- 03:40 Ultralavos: oh man i wasted so much time in first fight
- 03:40 Ziggy7z: Cantlin also had a copper sword, which was handy early
- 03:41 Ultralavos: 16 crits and I finally had a game with less than 100 bonks...only 87
- 03:41 Ziggy7z: progress!
- 03:41 Ultralavos: Good luck in the rest of the Tourney
- 03:41 Ziggy7z: I mean this seed had a complicated start and you finished within 10 minutes, I think you'll be scary next tourny :D
- 03:41 Ziggy7z: Sadly you ended up in the death group :/
- 03:42 Ziggy7z: Thanks, I think I just secured playoffs :D
- 03:42 Ultralavos: Yeah I knew it would be tough to even win 1 in this group...My goal was to not lose by too much time lol
- 03:43 Ziggy7z: I think Jeevan had the least experience other than you, but he's been around a while, after that it was me, and I've been around for 3 years
- 03:43 Ziggy7z: Beetus Archfield and Koper have been playing this since the start
- 03:44 Ziggy7z: So gj hanging on, hope we keep seeing you around :D
- 03:44 Ziggy7z: (now I really need to go to sleep I gotta be up at like 6 :D)
- 03:44 Ziggy7z: GGs
- 15:53 Race result recorded by aaron2u2#3589