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- 23:25 Aurilliux#1430 joins the race.
- 23:25 attack_slug: thank youuuu <3
- 23:36 attack_slug: so how are ya auri
- 23:36 attack_slug: you doin good?
- 23:37 tsjonte#3391 joins the race.
- 23:37 tsjonte: hi
- 23:37 Aurilliux: hi
- 23:37 attack_slug: hi
- 23:37 Aurilliux: yeah i'm aight
- 23:38 tsjonte#3391 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:38 Aurilliux#1430 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:39 tsjonte: the back to back
- 23:39 Aurilliux: It's kinda like the double
- 23:40 tsjonte: he's going for the triple
- 23:40 attack_slug: alright everything is all set!
- 23:40 attack_slug: gonna go live to run ads
- 23:41 Aurilliux: i clicked the emote button and it's a full-screen window to tell me we don't have any
- 23:42 attack_slug: ads are a runnin
- 23:42 attack_slug: lmao oh no
- 23:42 tsjonte: lol i did it too
- 23:42 attack_slug: i see them?
- 23:42 Aurilliux: for racetime
- 23:42 attack_slug: OH
- 23:42 attack_slug: yea ive seen that before
- 23:42 attack_slug: we have NONE
- 23:43 attack_slug: :(
- 23:43 attack_slug: ok like a min on ads
- 23:44 attack_slug: ok ads are done
- 23:44 attack_slug: good luck fellas!
- 23:44 tsjonte: gl auri~ thanks slug~
- 23:44 Aurilliux: gl~
- 23:44 attack_slug#7458 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:44 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:45 tsjonte: oh def forgot the flags lol
- 23:45 Aurilliux: lol
- 01:23 tsjonte#3391 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:38:09!
- 01:23 Aurilliux: gg
- 01:23 tsjonte: ggs dude
- 01:23 tsjonte: you're right there too
- 01:24 tsjonte: dang
- 01:24 Aurilliux#1430 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:39:24!
- 01:24 Race finished in 1:39:24.6
- 01:24 Aurilliux: i died to giygas like 9 times
- 01:24 tsjonte: wow
- 01:24 Aurilliux: and kraken murdered the crap outta me
- 01:24 tsjonte: i got lost in twoson
- 01:25 Aurilliux: i didn't get lost but the way i check twoson meant i checked almost every door
- 01:25 tsjonte: I saw the path and then said I ain't doing that room
- 01:25 tsjonte: found bombs in the desert
- 01:26 Aurilliux: i found mbrs and bombs on floor 1 and was about ready to walk the whole way back
- 01:26 Aurilliux: but then i found mbrs on 9 after i resigned to digging around
- 01:26 Aurilliux: found exactly 1 horn of life on floor 9 when i was digging
- 01:26 Aurilliux: never found any other revive items
- 01:26 tsjonte: yeah what the hell was 9?
- 01:26 tsjonte: just loaded
- 01:26 Aurilliux: and i was looking for them because i knew i'd need them this seed
- 01:27 Aurilliux: oh well GG
- 01:27 Aurilliux: good luck next round
- 01:27 Aurilliux: i gotta sleep for work lol
- 01:27 tsjonte: you'll move up in the lower bracket
- 01:27 tsjonte: ezpz
- 01:27 tsjonte: ggs dude
- 01:27 tsjonte: hope you can find some dinos and some sleep~
- 01:27 Aurilliux: lol
- 01:27 Aurilliux: ty
- 01:27 Race result recorded by Aurilliux#1430