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- 23:02 Iqunlimited: going live soon
- 23:02 Flyeaglesfly72: Fatal four way sweet
- 23:04 attack_slug: i have my mic on so my audio is not to be used
- 23:05 Aurilliux: my audio is game only but i cannot promise to not play simearth or family dog
- 23:05 Aurilliux: or clue
- 23:05 attack_slug: bean....
- 23:05 Aurilliux: or vegas stakes
- 23:05 attack_slug: drainer?
- 23:05 Aurilliux: still in a dream tbh
- 23:05 Aurilliux: AUGH SLUG
- 23:05 Brooke: i'm doing no mic, probably no simearth
- 23:05 attack_slug: hahahahah
- 23:05 Aurilliux: that would've been perfect
- 23:05 attack_slug: how could you not think of THAT AURI
- 23:05 Aurilliux: make my own MSU-1 its just all bean drainer
- 23:05 Aurilliux: "yeah you can use my audio sure"
- 23:05 Aurilliux: finally get to scramble
- 23:05 attack_slug: hahahaha
- 23:06 Serra#0298 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:07 Iqunlimited: going live in just a moment, then we'll run ads
- 23:07 Iqunlimited: eta 5 mins
- 23:07 Brooke: was wondering who hadn't readied up oops
- 23:07 attack_slug: it was you
- 23:07 Flyeaglesfly72: Lol it's all good
- 23:07 attack_slug: heathen!
- 23:07 Brooke: :)
- 23:07 Aurilliux: a classic
- 23:07 Aurilliux: oh yeah i almost forgot
- 23:07 Aurilliux: so we meet again
- 23:08 Aurilliux: again
- 23:08 Aurilliux: again
- 23:08 Aurilliux: again
- 23:08 Aurilliux: again
- 23:08 Aurilliux: again
- 23:08 Brooke: so we do
- 23:09 Flyeaglesfly72: Let's hope onett is nice to me this time
- 23:09 Aurilliux: lets hope i remember the boogey route
- 23:10 Flyeaglesfly72: Get the exit mouse lol
- 23:10 Iqunlimited: stream live
- 23:10 Aurilliux: i... usually did
- 23:10 Brooke: start grinding $7500
- 23:10 Eriphram: :)
- 23:10 Aurilliux: the quadra
- 23:11 attack_slug: you dont wanna even know what prospector% is
- 23:11 attack_slug: do i have like ten seconds to grab an allergy pill
- 23:11 Aurilliux: get the diamond and fill inventory with meteotites?
- 23:11 attack_slug: plz
- 23:11 attack_slug: m dying
- 23:11 Iqunlimited: 1 minute
- 23:11 attack_slug: kk
- 23:11 attack_slug: back
- 23:13 Iqunlimited: technical difficulties causing this minute to run long lol
- 23:13 attack_slug: also we just made it get to prv and get meteotite
- 23:13 attack_slug: you were close auri
- 23:13 Iqunlimited: alright 15 seconds to countdown
- 23:13 Aurilliux: thats my buy house route anyway
- 23:13 attack_slug: or meteoronium
- 23:13 attack_slug: or whatever
- 23:13 Brooke: GL everyone!
- 23:13 attack_slug: oh for homeowner%?
- 23:13 attack_slug: dont try egg math
- 23:13 Iqunlimited#9431 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:13 attack_slug: it doesntwork
- 23:13 Flyeaglesfly72: Glhf
- 23:13 Aurilliux: yeah grind bots
- 23:13 attack_slug: 0H GL
- 23:14 Aurilliux: eggs are a trap
- 23:14 Aurilliux: l
- 23:14 Aurilliux: gl
- 23:14 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:15 Flyeaglesfly72: !forfeit
- 01:15 Flyeaglesfly72#3039 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:16 Aurilliux: :(
- 01:16 Iqunlimited: F
- 01:16 Iqunlimited: sorry about the ancient cave
- 01:16 Iqunlimited: thanks for sticking it out so long and trying
- 01:26 Iqunlimited: auri your timer stopped
- 01:26 Iqunlimited: for us at least
- 01:27 Aurilliux: i broke it
- 01:27 Aurilliux: lol
- 01:31 Serra#0298 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:32 Iqunlimited: unbelievably bad luck
- 01:32 Iqunlimited: i have never seen such terrible luck in twoson leg
- 02:14 Aurilliux#1430 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:00:06!
- 02:14 Aurilliux: missed sub 3 by a magicant butterfly :(
- 02:14 Iqunlimited: gg!
- 02:15 Iqunlimited: do you wanna come in and talk?
- 02:15 Iqunlimited: were just gonna watch slug finish out
- 02:53 attack_slug#7458 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:39:37!
- 02:53 Race finished in 3:39:37.9
- 02:53 Iqunlimited: gg!
- 02:54 Iqunlimited: do you wanna come talk
- 02:54 Iqunlimited: otherwise were announcin the thing
- 02:54 attack_slug: yea ill come in