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- 18:56 DarkmoonEX: weeeeellllll
- 18:56 DarkmoonEX: I mean...
- 18:56 DarkmoonEX: Haate
- 18:56 Eykir#2885 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 18:56 DarkmoonEX: you wanna do something stupid?
- 18:57 HaateXIII: I got a theme team I'm running with
- 18:57 Sawneyrath11#1310 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 18:57 DarkmoonEX: oh, well that's lame
- 18:57 Syraniss: I hope the theme is pirates vs ninjas
- 18:57 Kumo: im still waiting on an invite for sgl XD
- 18:57 HaateXIII: Look, how oft am i going to have the chance to run the moogle knight with his trusty murder borb?
- 18:57 adamdruppe: indeed
- 18:57 Berix: ael do you want your display as aelmarkin or aelmarkin_
- 18:57 Sawneyrath11: Your invite should go out in 3ish minutes
- 18:58 JShydell#2610 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:58 ael: @berix aelmarkin or ael is fine
- 18:58 HaateXIII: only would've been better if there were a squire in the mix
- 18:58 Syraniss: Eelmerkin
- 18:58 DarkmoonEX: I hear squire is pretty good
- 18:58 Syraniss: Squire is amazing wish we had one
- 18:58 DarkmoonEX: Eel Sauce Marker
- 18:58 Sawneyrath11: Squires are quite nice
- 18:58 ael: how about a choir of squires
- 18:58 Kumo: squires are nice
- 18:58 Sawneyrath11: This is the life
- 18:58 Sawneyrath11: Oh wait, that's mountains
- 18:59 jesusthefrog: I was typing that, Sawneyrath
- 18:59 picklesandbeer#1470 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:59 Sawneyrath11: XD
- 18:59 DarkmoonEX: I was thinking it too
- 18:59 HaateXIII#1133 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 18:59 HaateXIII: brb
- 18:59 Sawneyrath11: I'm glad we were on the same train of thought there jesus
- 18:59 Syraniss#3147 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:59 JShydell#2610 is not ready. (4 remaining)
- 18:59 JShydell: I need one min
- 18:59 HaateXIII#1133 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:59 DarkmoonEX#7048 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:00 LordFizzlebeef: j plz
- 19:00 HaateXIII: realized i broke my drink and needed to fix it
- 19:00 DarkmoonEX: Oh
- 19:00 DarkmoonEX: drink
- 19:00 HaateXIII: anyway, glhf folks!
- 19:00 DarkmoonEX: not what i read
- 19:00 ael: gl hf
- 19:00 Eykir: glhf!
- 19:00 Sawneyrath11: Fun luck!
- 19:00 Syraniss: hlgf
- 19:01 Sorbius: gl
- 19:01 JShydell#2610 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:01 DarkmoonEX: glhf
- 19:01 Sawneyrath11: DO THE THING FORZL!
- 19:01 JShydell: Thanks! Ready GLHF
- 19:01 LordFizzlebeef: okay everyone, GLHF!
- 19:01 LordFizzlebeef#0465 quits the race.
- 19:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:56 Sawneyrath11#1310 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:54:34!
- 19:57 picklesandbeer#1470 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:55:33!
- 19:57 picklesandbeer: gg
- 19:57 Sawneyrath11: GGs
- 19:57 picklesandbeer: by the skin of my teeth lmao
- 19:58 Sawneyrath11: lmao, right?
- 19:59 Sorbius#3758 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:57:21!
- 19:59 Sawneyrath11: GGs Sorb
- 19:59 Sorbius: gg's!
- 20:01 aelmarkin_#8011 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:59:06!
- 20:01 Sawneyrath11: GGs ael
- 20:01 ael: ggs
- 20:02 Syraniss#3147 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:00:00!
- 20:02 jesusthefrog#0065 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:00:09!
- 20:02 Sawneyrath11: Nice hour flat Syraniss
- 20:02 Syraniss: GG
- 20:02 jesusthefrog: I was hoping for the 1 hour flat, but my fighter didn't swing quite enough hits on that turn
- 20:02 jesusthefrog: GG
- 20:02 HaateXIII#1133 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:00:48!
- 20:02 Sorbius: choco PAUNCH!
- 20:02 HaateXIII: ggs folks
- 20:03 jesusthefrog: That was a close race for 4th
- 20:04 Sawneyrath11: GGs Haate
- 20:05 picklesandbeer: ggs
- 20:07 Eykir#2885 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:05:21!
- 20:08 JShydell#2610 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:06:09!
- 20:09 DarkmoonEX#7048 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:07:07!
- 20:09 Race finished in 1:07:07.9
- 20:09 jesusthefrog: Did I completely miss it, or was there no bonus this race?
- 20:09 Eykir: it was bats in earth cave
- 20:09 Syraniss: Bomnus was wats
- 20:09 jesusthefrog: I just missed it, then
- 20:09 jesusthefrog: Definitely didn't talk to 10 bats
- 20:09 Sawneyrath11: I did 11 to be safe lol
- 20:10 Syraniss: I did 14 because I didn't know the number, only that it was "bats"
- 20:10 HaateXIII: I lost count. i know I did at least 16 though.
- 21:44 Race result recorded by Dani3883#5734