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- 23:11 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 23:14 LuffyDV#9264 joins the race.
- 23:16 Captainnerd2#0969 joins the race.
- 23:17 LuffyDV: o7
- 23:19 Captainnerd2: O.o
- 23:20 Captainnerd2: stream is already setup with the delay
- 23:21 LuffyDV: perfect
- 23:21 LuffyDV: once forsaken gets here we can talk spice you guys were adding
- 23:21 Captainnerd2: ok
- 23:23 Captainnerd2: me and forsaken have already agreed to no restream since the crew are overworked
- 23:23 LuffyDV: ill be back in like 5 gonna take care of something real quick
- 23:23 Captainnerd2: ok
- 23:23 LuffyDV: i saw, thanks for that haha
- 23:23 LuffyDV: i have work at 5am tomorrow and 3am sunday otherwise i would be helping more than this
- 23:23 LuffyDV: such is life
- 23:24 Captainnerd2: yea, I work at 9 am saturday and sunday to 4 pm, so yea. plus I made it clear those two days won't be my race days
- 23:28 LuffyDV: makes sense
- 23:29 Captainnerd2: yea saturday is my community night with a streamer and his buddies with golf with friends
- 23:29 LuffyDV: im not scheduling mine for a while either, work is very crazy
- 23:30 Captainnerd2: yea, I get that pretty well with my schedule. and sunday is my chill day
- 23:30 Captainnerd2: I am am pretty much live
- 23:31 LuffyDV: sounds good
- 23:32 Captainnerd2: now to wait on forsaken. I talked to him areound 5 or so pm mentioning that I would be home shortly for the race
- 23:33 Captainnerd2: he said he was grabbing some food real quick then getting home
- 23:34 LuffyDV: kk
- 23:43 LuffyDV: he is making me nervous haha
- 23:43 Captainnerd2: who?
- 23:44 LuffyDV: forsaken
- 23:44 Captainnerd2: ah
- 23:52 LuffyDV: so...
- 23:53 Captainnerd2: I just messaged him at 6:45 saying I am already live
- 23:53 LuffyDV: k just heard from him
- 23:57 LuffyDV: seems he is having some login troubles, are you ok with waiting a bit longer?
- 23:57 Captainnerd2: sure
- 23:57 LuffyDV: cool, thanks for your patience
- 23:59 Forsakensadness#9804 joins the race.
- 23:59 LuffyDV: wonderful there we go
- 23:59 LuffyDV: so we can talk spice now, forsaken please do not forget the 10 minute delay and emote chat =)
- 00:00 Forsakensadness: kdelay up setting up chat now
- 00:00 LuffyDV: i see you are doing 2 forced and 2 choice, are we adding BB to the choices or keeping the normal party selection for WT?
- 00:01 Forsakensadness: up to my opponent
- 00:01 LuffyDV: captain?
- 00:01 Captainnerd2: the usual wt flags
- 00:01 LuffyDV: cool
- 00:01 LuffyDV: and now the real fun
- 00:02 LuffyDV: what are we doing with the trapped chests? how many and whats inside them?
- 00:02 LuffyDV: also, what formations...the world is your oyster
- 00:02 Forsakensadness: standard
- 00:02 Forsakensadness: and one sec need a drink
- 00:03 LuffyDV: there really is no "standard" when it comes to those...i can offer some choices if you would like
- 00:04 Forsakensadness: back
- 00:04 Captainnerd2: the formation being standard
- 00:04 Forsakensadness: and sure give optons
- 00:05 LuffyDV: so when i play them its 50 chests with rare treasure always inside and marked cause im not a sadist
- 00:05 Forsakensadness: 50 is good
- 00:06 LuffyDV: allocated formations is my normal enemy formation also, although local formations is also fine. this will base them off of the possible encounters in the area with some jumble in there
- 00:06 Forsakensadness: sure
- 00:07 LuffyDV: hmm looks like its 40 or 60, slider is being weird
- 00:07 Forsakensadness: 40
- 00:08 LuffyDV: and as i say that i get it to work
- 00:08 LuffyDV: 50 good?
- 00:08 Forsakensadness: yeahg
- 00:08 LuffyDV: cool
- 00:09 LuffyDV: so 50 chests with rare treasure always and allocated formations, normal WT party select and recruitment behind fiends standard
- 00:09 Captainnerd2: yep
- 00:09 Forsakensadness: yup
- 00:09 LuffyDV: o7
- 00:09 LuffyDV: seed incoming
- 00:10 LuffyDV: !ff1url
- 00:10 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:10 SahasrahBot:
- 00:10 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:10 LuffyDV: forsaken, where do we stand on the delay?
- 00:10 LuffyDV: bio break be right back
- 00:11 Forsakensadness: i sshould be live right now
- 00:11 Forsakensadness: and
- 00:11 Forsakensadness: armor axe axe punch axe armor axe knife
- 00:13 Captainnerd2: yep confirmed
- 00:13 Captainnerd2#0969 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:14 Forsakensadness#9804 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:14 LuffyDV: alright fam 1 minute to gate drop
- 00:15 Captainnerd2: ok hfgl
- 00:15 Forsakensadness: hfgl
- 00:16 LuffyDV: glhf!
- 00:16 LuffyDV#9264 quits the race.
- 00:16 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:16 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:41 Forsakensadness#9804 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:24:54!
- 01:41 Forsakensadness: gg
- 01:42 Captainnerd2#0969 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:42 Race finished in 1:26:20.3
- 01:45 Forsakensadness: how close did you get
- 02:29 Race result recorded by LuffyDV#9264