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- 19:10 Dani3883#5734 joins the race.
- 19:10 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 19:22 crab cakes#7966 joins the race.
- 19:29 Dani3883: Hey CC. None were noted on the submission but were y'all making any flag changes?
- 19:30 crab cakes: we wanted confused old men
- 19:31 Dani3883: I would agree to that but unfortunately shoom would shit a brick. Lol
- 19:32 sin_pyro: Dangit, Shoom Bobby
- 19:41 fcoughlin#7691 joins the race.
- 19:41 Sawneyrath11: Greetings, friends!
- 19:41 fcoughlin: As we know how this race is going to end anyway, I'm 100% OK with confused old men and saying too bad to shoom.
- 19:42 fcoughlin: Oh crud... have to switch Twitch accounts... brb
- 19:42 fcoughlin#7691 quits the race.
- 19:42 fcoughlin#7691 joins the race.
- 19:45 fcoughlin: If I beat CC, and the difference in time in checking the old men is the difference, I offer to forfeit post-race.
- 19:46 Dani3883: Deal
- 19:47 crab cakes: I like this deal
- 19:48 Dani3883: This can just be our little secret. Us, the crew, and everyone watching. Lol
- 19:49 fcoughlin: I mean, I'm going to be lucky as heck to force game 3. And if that's the one thing that there's push back on, I will 100% take the deal :)
- 19:50 Dani3883: !ff1url
- 19:50 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 19:50 SahasrahBot:
- 19:50 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 19:53 crab cakes: shield shield nunchuk dagger staff shirt dagger staff
- 19:54 meklin89: clean audio from both?
- 19:54 crab cakes: should be
- 19:54 fcoughlin: I'm dirty in most likelihood
- 19:54 meklin89: lol
- 19:54 fcoughlin: And I can confirm your code of doom, Ms. Cakes
- 19:55 meklin89: okay not hearing audio from cc atm
- 19:55 crab cakes: yeah I turned game audio on later
- 19:55 meklin89: gothca
- 19:56 fcoughlin: It has been an honor to play one of the best, cakes. Best of luck here!
- 19:56 fcoughlin#7691 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:56 crab cakes: gl hf!
- 19:57 crab cakes#7966 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:58 meklin89: glhf!
- 20:01 Dani3883: There seems to be a technical difficulty, they're working on it. Will drop gate when I get word all is good.
- 20:03 Dani3883: Ok, problem seems fixed
- 20:03 fcoughlin: woohoo!
- 20:03 fcoughlin: Go banana!
- 20:03 fcoughlin: I mean, fcoughParty
- 20:03 Dani3883: May y'all's rng be less confused than your men. :)
- 20:03 Dani3883: Dropping the gate in one minute!
- 20:03 crab cakes: thanks dani
- 20:04 fcoughlin: Thanks!
- 20:04 fcoughlin: Have fun watching us suffer!
- 20:04 fcoughlin: Well... cc crush, me suffer!
- 20:04 crab cakes: we've got a thief it's fine
- 20:04 Dani3883: GL HF EVERYONE!!
- 20:04 Dani3883#5734 quits the race.
- 20:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:06 crab cakes#7966 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:01:25!
- 21:06 fcoughlin#7691 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:06 Race finished in 1:01:41.3
- 21:06 fcoughlin: gg!
- 21:07 crab cakes: ggs!
- 21:07 fcoughlin: Wipe to Tiamat cost me about 10 shards
- 21:07 fcoughlin: And you know... the walk to Tiamat.
- 21:07 crab cakes: oh damn, sky wipes are hard to recover from
- 21:07 fcoughlin: Was kind of just waiting for your .done after that!
- 21:07 fcoughlin: Yea super thick armor, and I hadn't had the cash for FAST
- 21:07 crab cakes: I saw so many sorcerors but never got wiped to them
- 21:07 fcoughlin: Oh lucky you!
- 21:07 crab cakes: that herb grind
- 21:07 fcoughlin: Was there cash in ToF?
- 21:08 crab cakes: I had to go back for it and it was just some armor that sold for like 5k
- 21:08 fcoughlin: Ah I sold my flame armor from marsh
- 21:08 fcoughlin: and then just sailed the high seas
- 21:08 fcoughlin: Went back to town early because I'm good at math, and thought it was 13k not 18k
- 21:08 crab cakes: I skipped bottom marsh after wiping to scorpions with fir2
- 21:08 fcoughlin: Oh dang
- 21:08 crab cakes: and decided to just try matoya and pop
- 21:08 fcoughlin: Why the heck iddn't I think of pop
- 21:09 fcoughlin: You definitely deserve it. You're a super strong opponent (one no one wants to draw in round 2 due to how strong you are, but you rock)
- 21:10 fcoughlin: Thanks for the race. Best of luck winning this whole thing!
- 21:10 crab cakes: thank you, and ggs
- 21:12 meklin89: interviews from either? were about 4 mins out on stream
- 21:13 crab cakes: I could answer some questions in chat
- 21:14 meklin89: ill let the commentators know
- 21:19 Sawneyrath11: Fred, would you like to do an interview?
- 21:45 Race result recorded by Dani3883#5734