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- 18:53 DarkmoonEX: 55 sec until I'm live
- 18:56 DarkmoonEX: I really need to make my tmnt vehicle sprites soon
- 18:56 WindFox470: threeish minutes until im live
- 18:57 DarkmoonEX: coolo
- 18:57 DarkmoonEX: other race set. Let's get this going
- 18:57 DarkmoonEX: oh, oops. I left lockpicking on
- 18:57 DarkmoonEX: welp, too late now
- 18:57 DarkmoonEX: hahahaha
- 18:58 WindFox470: haha
- 18:58 DarkmoonEX: so what does early do? lower it by 5?
- 18:58 DarkmoonEX: or 10?
- 18:58 WindFox470: 5 or 10 ya
- 18:58 WindFox470: cant remember
- 18:58 DarkmoonEX: 10 on the wiki
- 18:58 WindFox470: so lock picking 5 this seed lol
- 18:59 WindFox470#8003 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:59 WindFox470: glhf
- 19:00 DarkmoonEX: yeah, lockpick at level 5
- 19:00 DarkmoonEX: so you'll get that WAY early haha
- 19:00 DarkmoonEX: if you're ready, I am
- 19:00 WindFox470: yup lol
- 19:01 WindFox470: send us off
- 19:01 DarkmoonEX: cool, was just getting my layout right. my bingo board turned on for some reason
- 19:01 DarkmoonEX: but no bingo board so it was displaying random browser crap haha
- 19:01 WindFox470: lol
- 19:01 DarkmoonEX: dropping in 10
- 19:01 DarkmoonEX: happy hunting
- 19:01 DarkmoonEX#7048 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:41 DarkmoonEX#7048 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:39:11!
- 19:41 DarkmoonEX#7048 snagged a new personal best time for "Lefeinian League"!
- 19:41 DarkmoonEX#7048 added a comment.
- 19:41 WindFox470#8003 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:41 Race finished in 0:39:43.9
- 19:42 WindFox470: gg
- 19:42 DarkmoonEX: ggs
- 19:42 DarkmoonEX: here were you at?
- 19:42 WindFox470: just finished my floor 3 grind
- 19:42 WindFox470: literally as you finished
- 19:42 DarkmoonEX: oh, in tofr?
- 19:42 WindFox470: yup
- 19:42 DarkmoonEX: I did cerebs/wzgiant on earth elemental tile
- 19:42 WindFox470: lute was my go mode in volcano
- 19:43 DarkmoonEX: just took them to 23, I think. Whatever I had ice3 charges for
- 19:43 WindFox470: after pirates i was 4, took a couple fights to get to 5
- 19:43 WindFox470: found floater
- 19:43 DarkmoonEX: same
- 19:43 DarkmoonEX: saaaame
- 19:43 DarkmoonEX: lol
- 19:43 WindFox470: i was in tofr at like 28 minutes
- 19:43 DarkmoonEX: volc/earth/sky was my 3
- 19:43 WindFox470: volc, earth, water for me
- 19:43 DarkmoonEX: I really hate sea, and I wanted excal, so I checked a few extra areas for stuff
- 19:43 WindFox470: never found chime or cube
- 19:44 DarkmoonEX: matty and bottle
- 19:44 WindFox470: ahhhh
- 19:44 DarkmoonEX: I think crystal was in earth
- 19:44 WindFox470: found crystal, didnt find bottle
- 19:44 DarkmoonEX: and bottle was a freebee somewhere
- 19:44 DarkmoonEX: did you check sarda?
- 19:44 WindFox470: nope
- 19:44 DarkmoonEX: I think it was sarda
- 19:44 WindFox470: once i found lute i stopped checking
- 19:45 WindFox470: sun +1, bought prorings and went
- 19:45 DarkmoonEX: so walking ground up sky, plus checking cc's and the greed four, then went to earth to grind, and then dived
- 19:45 DarkmoonEX: so.
- 19:45 DarkmoonEX: massa was in dwarf freebees
- 19:45 WindFox470: -_-
- 19:45 DarkmoonEX: yeaaaaah
- 19:45 WindFox470: i turned in adamant and left
- 19:45 WindFox470: never checked frees
- 19:45 WindFox470: i probably could have done tofr at 18 with it
- 19:45 DarkmoonEX: I always didn't, but I really wanted a ruse or a second ribbo or something
- 19:45 DarkmoonEX: and then found masa and I was like, "oh!"
- 19:46 DarkmoonEX: but those flags are FUN
- 19:46 DarkmoonEX: turning off lockpick is probably good, since it totally made go too easy
- 19:46 WindFox470: i did wipe to chaos at like 34 minutes
- 19:46 DarkmoonEX: damn, you could had me
- 19:46 WindFox470: ya... lock picking makes this free
- 19:46 DarkmoonEX: well ggs. That was a good race considering
- 19:46 WindFox470: i felt very far ahead with my routing
- 19:47 DarkmoonEX: routing was so smooth
- 19:47 DarkmoonEX: nd you being in tofr in 24 minutes is godly
- 19:47 WindFox470: i like these flags a lot. a lot of fun
- 19:47 WindFox470: good for ducks
- 19:47 DarkmoonEX: whole lot of fun
- 19:47 DarkmoonEX: yeah
- 19:47 DarkmoonEX: thanks for the race!
- 19:47 WindFox470: turn off lock picking and its a great flag
- 19:47 WindFox470: GG!
- 19:48 DarkmoonEX: yeah, totes
- 19:48 DarkmoonEX: lockpick away and this is an hour seed, haha
- 19:50 Race result recorded by DarkmoonEX#7048