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- 00:07 Dani3883#5734 joins the race.
- 00:07 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:08 Dani3883#5734 quits the race.
- 00:15 adamdruppe#9098 joins the race.
- 00:19 budgemano#3468 joins the race.
- 00:19 budgemano: Thanks Dani!
- 00:19 budgemano: So unless you object adr, I am going to gate the room and roll a seed for us
- 00:22 adamdruppe: yeah that's fine
- 00:23 adamdruppe: i almost just put my other computer to sleep, lol, that's what i do at the end of the work day but it is also my streaming computer soooooooo better keep it on. bit ima not actually start the strem till closer to go time
- 00:24 budgemano: Actually just started my delay, middle of bed time and I don't want to start it too late
- 00:24 budgemano: I'll probably be afk until right at 10 minutes before
- 00:24 adamdruppe: k
- 00:25 adamdruppe: my little will be going to bed right about the time we starting, usually she goes up at 8:15 lately.
- 00:50 budgemano: Alright, Ro32 flags here we go. River to Melmond is on
- 00:51 budgemano: !ff1url
- 00:51 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:51 SahasrahBot:
- 00:51 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:51 adamdruppe: joy
- 00:52 adamdruppe: armor shield dagger chuck helm stick chuck hammer
- 00:53 budgemano: confirmed
- 00:53 budgemano: sigh...
- 00:53 adamdruppe: oh great a bb lol
- 00:53 budgemano: Of course the BB
- 00:54 adamdruppe: good old dan lol
- 00:54 adamdruppe#9098 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:55 budgemano: Think this is the first actual tourney seed I've rolled, curious what trash I've given us
- 00:55 adamdruppe: forfeit @ 20
- 00:57 budgemano: The only winning move is not to play
- 00:57 adamdruppe: how about a ncie game of chess randomizer?
- 00:59 budgemano: Greetings Professor Lukhan
- 00:59 budgemano: Alright, dropping gate in 1 minute
- 00:59 adamdruppe: k
- 01:00 budgemano: GLHF!
- 01:00 budgemano#3468 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:11 budgemano#3468 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:11:07!
- 02:11 adamdruppe#9098 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:11:10!
- 02:11 Race finished in 1:11:10.2
- 02:11 budgemano: WOW
- 02:11 budgemano: WOW
- 02:12 budgemano: gg
- 02:12 adamdruppe: hahahaha you're kidding
- 02:12 adamdruppe: that's nuts
- 02:12 adamdruppe: ggs tho if i didn't cur4 i might have won :P (but nuke was up next in the spell list soooooo)
- 02:12 budgemano: Insane finish. Did you end up taking the BB?
- 02:12 adamdruppe: nah went wtih ninja instead after checking the inner sea
- 02:13 Phoenix29: 3 seconds?!
- 02:13 Phoenix29: Gonna have to get that one voded
- 02:13 budgemano: I checked Corneria saw the thief, red amge in pravoka, decided thief for run and check desert with that encounter
- 02:13 adamdruppe: yea, i was kinda holding out for a fighter but after a few "can't runs", then a katana, i went back for the thief
- 02:13 budgemano: It'll be a good Bikke to watch back
- 02:14 adamdruppe: aye
- 02:14 adamdruppe: so after getting the lute in sea, i exited out and hit dwarf keylock for final shards
- 02:14 adamdruppe: ended up one short and hit coneria keylock too
- 02:14 adamdruppe: but my fights in tofr took forever, even kary2 was slower than it hsould have been
- 02:14 budgemano: I got my final shards in mermaids then kraken. I was expecting slab to lute, forgot about key lock
- 02:15 budgemano: I bet you were in ToFR well before me, I blitzed it with the BB
- 02:15 adamdruppe: yea i needed i think 3 shards after that lute and digured odds are i can get 1 easy then kary worst case, volc quicker than sea
- 02:16 adamdruppe: took a bunch of walking grind in sky and sea tho but yeah hell let's turn ion the streams and watch the delay
- 02:16 adamdruppe: yeah im on kraken 2 and you're still in sea
- 02:17 adamdruppe: yikes
- 02:17 budgemano: Did you wipe?
- 02:17 adamdruppe: nope
- 02:17 adamdruppe: just took FOREVER
- 02:18 adamdruppe: ninja level 28, mages level 30
- 02:18 adamdruppe: (white+red)
- 02:18 budgemano: White magic was stacked (-FADE), but black was very meh
- 02:18 adamdruppe: this is nuts, you're entering tofr when im fighting tia2, it'll be an exciting restream
- 02:19 adamdruppe: i paused for like 3 secs looking at the spell list. feels bad now :P
- 02:19 budgemano: As I walk into every wall lol
- 02:20 adamdruppe: but yeah used that lif2 in battle a few times. picked it up for the ninja on a little inner sea tour before tofr too, wanted everyone to be able to recover the dive if need be
- 02:20 budgemano: With a ninja carry that is so big, have to get it if it is available
- 02:21 adamdruppe: yeah lol i lif2'd the support mages then chaos cracked them anyway. then cur4 and at that point you had caught up
- 02:22 budgemano: damn, gg
- 02:22 budgemano: Let's hope for another good one tomorrow
- 02:22 adamdruppe: but yeah it was my safety cur4 that cost it in the end lolol. oh well, with another rng roll that cur4 would have sved me from a nuke... and you would have won anyway
- 02:22 adamdruppe: so gg
- 02:22 budgemano: So many little things. I hit QAKE on Lich and BRAK on Kraken. Those don't land I lose
- 02:23 adamdruppe: i should get to bed. this month has sucked hard for me, had a 13 day sore throat, then was on antibiotics, got off them and it came right back, now day 9 of round two. im sick and tired of being sick and tired
- 02:23 adamdruppe: oh nice
- 02:23 budgemano: Same. Everyone is sick here. Rest up, thanks for racing a bit later tonight
- 03:52 Race result recorded by Oslodo#5893