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- 00:40 Kirito#7015 quits the race.
- 00:40 caleb: password is bingo
- 00:41 DarkmoonEX: totes secure
- 00:41 DarkmoonEX: you guys drafting?
- 00:41 caleb: could you imagine if i had google suggest a password?
- 00:41 DarkmoonEX#7048 updated the race information.
- 00:44 caleb: DM - stream is up and audio is clean
- 00:44 DarkmoonEX: okay, gents, get your streams up when you can
- 00:44 DarkmoonEX: ...or that
- 00:50 DarkmoonEX: DVS, whar be your stream?
- 00:52 Dani3883: DVS, whar be you?
- 00:52 Dani3883: lol
- 00:52 caleb: he's in voice with me
- 00:53 DarkmoonEX: ...aaaaaaand?
- 00:53 DarkmoonEX: lol
- 00:53 caleb: we just got the card
- 00:53 DarkmoonEX: cool
- 00:53 caleb: i was using the wrong bingo cards!
- 00:53 DeviousRNG: I'm up now
- 00:53 DarkmoonEX: oh, so we need to update the link?
- 00:54 Dani3883: Hey Caleb, since you're new to this click on the little camera over by "Opened by: Dani3883" and check out the multistream. It's nice. Lol
- 00:55 DarkmoonEX: runners are cropped
- 00:56 DarkmoonEX: 7 minutes and we'll roll a seed
- 00:56 caleb: DM you gonna grab the board for the restream?
- 00:57 DarkmoonEX: ...
- 00:57 DarkmoonEX: oh, right. that
- 00:57 DarkmoonEX: lol
- 00:57 caleb: lol
- 00:57 caleb: i just saw you join
- 00:59 DarkmoonEX: board cpatured
- 01:00 caleb: DVS won the roll and is deciding my row/column
- 01:00 caleb: he gave me row 5
- 01:00 ShadowedFlames: "Quake the Dead" is what, specifically?
- 01:01 caleb: qake on lich1
- 01:01 ShadowedFlames: Figured, wanted to be sure. Thanks.
- 01:01 Dani3883: I know the sed is typically rolled 10 minutes before start time, which would be 8:07, but does it need to be rolled sooner tonight to accommodate for bingo things?
- 01:02 ShadowedFlames: Looked like DM was gonna roll around 8:02 or 8:03 according to chat log
- 01:02 DarkmoonEX: I can, and I shall
- 01:03 Dani3883: BUT I WANTED TO!
- 01:03 Dani3883: lol
- 01:03 DarkmoonEX: !flags Onh3n8Xmiw74VzopJ7PpGePnogEW4XzRxnjPShBFaDK!l8bWj7ReIbciAAK2tUYueNUAoseCew3zFo1rfu8o7vyXSpZD
- 01:03 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:03 SahasrahBot:!l8bWj7ReIbciAAK2tUYueNUAoseCew3zFo1rfu8o7vyXSpZD
- 01:03 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:04 caleb: DVS has BL-TR
- 01:08 caleb#8824 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:10 caleb#8824 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 01:10 caleb: pre-race bio
- 01:10 caleb: every damn time
- 01:11 Dani3883: Before now than during
- 01:11 caleb: dont wanna piss myself
- 01:11 Dani3883: You're race trained. Lol
- 01:12 caleb#8824 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:12 DeviousRNG: Man, no screen real estate
- 01:12 caleb: yeah its crazy
- 01:13 caleb: technically you can click col 1 row 5 too bc we havent used cabins/houses yet lol
- 01:13 Dani3883: Great thing about racetime, you can easily use it on your computer and phone if running low on screen real estate. Lol
- 01:13 caleb: gl DVS! thanks for agreeing to do this lol - i love bingo
- 01:14 caleb: i hope you took 3 fighters lol
- 01:14 DVS#3337 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:14 caleb: meme parties everywhere
- 01:14 DeviousRNG: You'll find out :D
- 01:15 Dani3883: I'm dropping the gate @ 8:17. :)
- 01:15 Dani3883: Darkmoon, y'all good?
- 01:15 DarkmoonEX: we are good. loading screen is up, we'll start talking in 15 seconds
- 01:16 Dani3883: Awesome
- 01:17 Dani3883: GL HF Y'ALL!!
- 01:17 DeviousRNG: GLHF!
- 01:17 caleb: woooo
- 01:17 Dani3883#5734 quits the race.
- 01:17 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:17 caleb: gl hf!
- 01:17 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:26 DarkmoonEX: DVS, you need to start over. You used a cabin
- 01:26 caleb: rip
- 01:26 DeviousRNG: oh .... right
- 01:27 caleb: i just had that thought when i bought a stack lol
- 01:27 DarkmoonEX: it's good. at least it was now and not an hour in
- 03:44 caleb#8824 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:26:27!
- 03:44 DeviousRNG: gg
- 03:44 caleb: holy frick
- 03:44 DeviousRNG: I try to finish this last dive
- 03:45 Sawneyrath11: Dude, that was ridiculous
- 03:45 caleb: godspeed
- 03:45 Sawneyrath11: Interview?
- 03:45 caleb: yea discord booting up now
- 03:53 DVS#3337 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:36:14!
- 03:53 Race finished in 2:36:14.8
- 03:54 caleb: woooo!
- 03:54 caleb: gg bud
- 03:54 Sawneyrath11: Congrats dude
- 03:54 caleb: that tofr man
- 03:55 Dani3883: GG guys!
- 03:55 Race result recorded by DarkmoonEX#7048