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- 00:52 thehangrycanuck: i should but it only comes out one side
- 00:52 Solaraxus_GG: Mine should be clean as far as I have tested
- 00:52 thehangrycanuck: mine is clean
- 00:52 thehangrycanuck: my mic is mued
- 00:52 thehangrycanuck: muted
- 00:53 Solaraxus_GG: I have the same hash hangry
- 00:53 thehangrycanuck: perfecto
- 00:53 thehangrycanuck: fuck me runing
- 00:53 thehangrycanuck: you did nones
- 00:53 Dani3883: I forgot to quit earlier. Oops. Lol
- 00:53 Dani3883#5734 quits the race.
- 00:53 thehangrycanuck: can we re roll
- 00:53 thehangrycanuck: not that i mind a solo red mage
- 00:53 HaateXIII: ..oh my. yeah, i re-roll
- 00:53 HaateXIII: !cancel
- 00:53 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:53 SahasrahBot: Reseting bot state. You may now roll a new game.
- 00:54 HaateXIII: !ff1url
- 00:54 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:54 SahasrahBot:
- 00:54 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:54 thehangrycanuck: i was like oh shit
- 00:54 Solaraxus_GG: what solo red mage sounds fun
- 00:54 HaateXIII: Now without nones!
- 00:54 Solaraxus_GG: solo red mage sounds fun
- 00:54 thehangrycanuck: rather not be here till midnight haha
- 00:55 Solaraxus_GG: staff axe sword axe knife nunchucka axe gauntlet
- 00:55 thehangrycanuck: hash confirmed
- 00:55 thehangrycanuck: lolol
- 00:56 thehangrycanuck: can we have the other seed back
- 00:57 thehangrycanuck#2333 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:57 Falconic: lmao..What a party
- 00:57 HaateXIII: See, now I have to crack this one open and see what a mess of a party you're getting.
- 00:57 thehangrycanuck: i like it
- 00:57 HaateXIII: ahahahaahha! Nice.
- 00:58 HaateXIII: Using the Blurses spoiler wildham put together:
- 00:58 HaateXIII: White Mage
White W. Sp
-10 Str.
- 00:58 thehangrycanuck: well there goes BB strats
- 00:58 HaateXIII: Black Belt
+Thief Sword
+20 MDef
- 00:59 Solaraxus_GG: May the first one to a lvl 32 Fighter win! Good luck Hangry
- 00:59 thehangrycanuck: lvl 20 max haha
- 00:59 thehangrycanuck: GL HF man
- 00:59 Solaraxus_GG#3145 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:59 HaateXIII: ANYWAY, I'll drop the gate at about the top of the hour.
- 00:59 HaateXIII: GL, HF!
- 00:59 thehangrycanuck: yip
- 01:00 Falconic: GL to both of you. have fun
- 01:00 HaateXIII: tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick BOOM
- 01:00 HaateXIII#1133 quits the race.
- 01:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:42 Solaraxus_GG#3145 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:42:10!
- 02:42 Solaraxus_GG: GG that was one hell of a seed
- 02:43 thehangrycanuck#2333 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:42:51!
- 02:43 Race finished in 1:42:51.6
- 02:43 thehangrycanuck: wiped in sea 10 times
- 02:43 thehangrycanuck: wiped in tofr 5 times
- 02:43 thehangrycanuck: if thre was something bad to see i saw it
- 02:43 thehangrycanuck: the unluckyness was brutal
- 02:43 Solaraxus_GG: You were way ahead of me then in progression. My only stumblking block was wiping in marsh like 6 times
- 02:44 thehangrycanuck: i got through marsh easily
- 02:44 thehangrycanuck: did the tnt and got the floater
- 02:44 Solaraxus_GG: Lucky Ice 2 was killing me from crawl
- 02:44 thehangrycanuck: before ice
- 02:44 Solaraxus_GG: makes sense
- 02:44 thehangrycanuck: every dungeon i went in execpt for marsh wiped me
- 02:44 Solaraxus_GG: I was watching the last like 20 minutes thinking he is gonna finish isnt he lol
- 02:45 thehangrycanuck: tofr had other plans
- 02:45 thehangrycanuck: did you use the vorpal
- 02:45 Solaraxus_GG: Yes
- 02:45 Solaraxus_GG: Sun Sword was probably better tho
- 02:45 ReeseWulf: i'll get you invites when you finish on stream
- 02:45 thehangrycanuck: i sacrifced that to tiamat
- 02:45 thehangrycanuck: i was so on tilt after sea i ddn't care anymore
- 02:46 thehangrycanuck: i figured you were miles ahead of me
- 02:47 Solaraxus_GG: When I realized I spent 20 minutes chasing tail (no pun intended) i figured you just went straight sky castle no class change
- 02:47 thehangrycanuck: you were watching the stream
- 02:47 thehangrycanuck: if you were you should of known you finished first haha
- 02:47 thehangrycanuck: yeah i knew i needed class change cause fas
- 02:48 Solaraxus_GG: No i was watching the racetime room lol
- 02:48 Solaraxus_GG: I never grabbed fast
- 02:48 thehangrycanuck: i was waiting for you to finish i almost forfieted the 4th wipe in tofr i was like where the fuck is this guy
- 02:48 thehangrycanuck: well my tourney is over so that's good i'm not doing the pir
- 02:48 Solaraxus_GG: Apparently I was dicking around while you were progressing like a boss minus wipes lol
- 02:49 thehangrycanuck: wipes i lost at least 20 minutes to unlucky wipes
- 02:49 thehangrycanuck: if not more
- 02:49 thehangrycanuck: i'd say closer to half an hour
- 02:49 thehangrycanuck: i should of been done about 1:20 mark
- 02:50 thehangrycanuck: how many fighters did you use
- 02:51 Solaraxus_GG: I had all my members up most the time minus some chosen 2 and 3 man points
- 02:52 Solaraxus_GG: I figured it would make getting through TOFR easier
- 02:52 Solaraxus_GG: Also i found like all 3 ribbons i think
- 03:02 thehangrycanuck: told ya i'd fuck it up
- 03:28 Race result recorded by Dani3883#5734