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- 15:53 Odraun: Dani has been rolling some awesome seeds whenever i comm
- 15:54 brbrofsvl (Barber): Let's go!
- 15:55 brbrofsvl (Barber): Am I remembering correctly: Felissan, she/her, budgemano they/them?
- 15:58 budgemano: He/him for me is fine
- 15:59 brbrofsvl (Barber): Ok thanks
- 15:59 Felissan: yep, she/her
- 15:59 brbrofsvl (Barber): Is "budge" ok for short now and again?
- 16:00 Dani3883: I sure hope so or I'm in trouble. Lol
- 16:00 budgemano: Yep, totally fine
- 16:00 brbrofsvl (Barber): Or is it "bud gemano" four syllables
- 16:01 budgemano: Budge-mano, so budge as shorthand
- 16:01 Odraun: mano e budgemano
- 16:02 brbrofsvl (Barber): We've been using a rather American pronunciation of "Felissan," but if you'd like something else, let us know. That's all my questions – looking forward!
- 16:07 Odraun: I just looked at the bracket structure for the first time, it is quite an interesting setup
- 16:10 budgemano: I hope people enjoy the Midway Last Chances. I think the 4 runners coming out of it back into brackets at the end will be super competetive no matter what
- 16:10 Felissan: any pronunciation is fine for my name
- 16:11 budgemano: I'll be live in about 3 minutes, will have clean audio
- 16:11 Felissan: clean audio too
- 16:13 brbrofsvl (Barber): Coming in for interviews after?
- 16:14 Felissan: yup
- 16:15 budgemano: Possibly. Wife working from home in same room, so depends if she is in a meeting. At a minimum I'll join chat
- 16:15 brbrofsvl (Barber): Check
- 16:19 Felissan: please be kind to us Dani
- 16:22 Odraun: !ffrurl
- 16:22 Odraun: .... did i forget the command?
- 16:22 budgemano: ff1url
- 16:22 Odraun: ah
- 16:22 Odraun: !ff1url
- 16:22 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 16:22 SahasrahBot:
- 16:22 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 16:22 Odraun: guessing Dani is busy, and dont want ya'll to scramble to get set up
- 16:23 Felissan: that sure is the opposite of a dani seed, at least party and blursings wise
- 16:23 budgemano: sword axe knife gauntlet bracelet helm gauntlet armor
- 16:23 Felissan: confirm
- 16:23 budgemano: Wow, these blurses are crazy
- 16:24 Felissan: i was almost hoping for another BB seed lmao
- 16:24 Felissan#6017 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:24 budgemano#3468 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:25 budgemano: We'll see, the kindness of this seed may end at party select
- 16:25 Odraun: i usually roll nice upfront seeds it seems
- 16:25 Felissan: improved MP bm is sort of immunity to bad spell lists too, so that's another thing that can't go bad
- 16:26 Odraun: oh wow those blessings are kinda nuts lol
- 16:26 budgemano: BB the only one with a wasted blessing, and the only one we can't use (I like white samurai, its fun)
- 16:27 brbrofsvl (Barber): Odraun do you have a ping from SG yet
- 16:27 Odraun: i do not
- 16:27 brbrofsvl (Barber): Same
- 16:28 budgemano: Those usually come the same time the race starts, unfortunately
- 16:28 phoenix_tyrol: Ping will come 10 minutes before the restreams starts
- 16:28 brbrofsvl (Barber): Yep, just confirming
- 16:28 phoenix_tyrol: with a delay of 10 minutes will mean ping will come at xx:30 in this case
- 16:33 phoenix_tyrol: setup is ready
- 16:33 budgemano: GLHF
- 16:33 Felissan: glhf!
- 16:35 budgemano: Dani3883 we good to go?
- 16:36 Odraun: I sent her a ping on discord, hoping she notices
- 16:37 budgemano: I believe I can drop her from the room if it comes to it. I'll give it to 11:40 or so
- 16:37 Odraun: ok I wasn't sure if that was a thing
- 16:37 budgemano: I have unlimited mod powers here during the tourney, definitely not letting it go to my head
- 16:39 budgemano: Ok, if she doesn't show I'll drop the gate in 1 minute
- 16:40 Felissan: k
- 16:40 Odraun: gl ya'll
- 16:40 phoenix_tyrol: Twitch is informed
- 16:40 budgemano: glhf!
- 16:40 budgemano#3468 removes Dani3883#5734 from the race.
- 16:40 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:40 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:38 Felissan#6017 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:57:25!
- 17:39 budgemano#3468 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:58:07!
- 17:39 Race finished in 0:58:07.4
- 17:39 budgemano#3468 scored a new personal best time for "Winter Tournament 2025"!
- 17:39 budgemano: gg
- 17:39 Felissan: heads-up, i lost my on-stream timer near the end to race nerves-induced inputs
- 17:39 Felissan: gg
- 17:39 Felissan: close race
- 17:39 budgemano: gg
- 17:40 budgemano: Very close, jet seed really even with the full clear
- 17:40 Felissan: no kidding
- 17:40 Felissan: i'm curious, did you also find zero armor until sky? i was getting real worried by that point lmao
- 17:41 budgemano: Iron armor was in an early shop, that plus wood armor I was ok
- 17:41 budgemano: Went FI/TH/RM, never recruited
- 17:41 Felissan: what's a shop
- 17:41 budgemano: lol
- 17:42 Felissan: i couldn't pass up that BM, though i forgot to check the crescent clinic on my first visit so that was a double-dip on my end
- 17:42 Felissan: so fi/th/rm/bm
- 17:42 budgemano: RM was stacked. FAST, TMPR, LIF2. Wish there was better pre promo cure magic, but felt ok fading the BM since he came so late
- 17:42 budgemano: -ish
- 17:44 Felissan: anyway, game 3 nerves sure are something, especially since i felt behind at the end - i was bleeding time all over the place to routing mistakes
- 17:46 budgemano: Made some dumb mistakes. Forgot to save outside of elfland with the masa and hit ice2 spiders. Had to get through the fight and re clinic. Could've been a minute lost alone there
- 17:46 budgemano: But yeah jitters are real. Good luck next round!
- 17:47 Felissan: thanks! is it phoenix or chanigan?
- 17:47 Felissan: either way it feels like an uphill battle ^^;
- 17:48 budgemano: Phoenix, crazy game 3. Not a jet seed lol
- 18:41 Race result recorded by budgemano#3468