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- 20:06 LordFizzlebeef#0465 joins the race.
- 20:06 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 20:09 Chanigan#1703 joins the race.
- 20:10 Felissan#6017 joins the race.
- 20:13 LordFizzlebeef: seed roll will be at :20
- 20:19 thavionhawk: Ready for another walking sim?
- 20:19 Chanigan: i guess :P
- 20:20 Felissan: \o/
- 20:20 thavionhawk: You all had Last Check Floater to Chime
- 20:20 LordFizzlebeef: !ff1url
- 20:20 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 20:20 SahasrahBot:
- 20:20 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 20:20 thavionhawk: ust have been fun
- 20:21 Chanigan: cane bonk helm armor axe cane cane axe
- 20:21 Felissan: not bb :(
- 20:21 Chanigan: RIP
- 20:21 LordFizzlebeef: I tried :(
- 20:21 Chanigan#1703 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:22 Felissan#6017 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:23 LordFizzlebeef: going to drop gate at :30
- 20:23 Chanigan: i don't know whats happening with my internet lately but im dropping a lot of frames
- 20:27 Felissan: oh btw stick bonk helm armor axe stick stick axe
- 20:27 Chanigan: confirmed
- 20:29 LordFizzlebeef: GLHF
- 20:29 Chanigan: gl!
- 20:29 Felissan: glhf!
- 20:29 thavionhawk: glhf
- 20:30 LordFizzlebeef#0465 quits the race.
- 20:30 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:55 Chanigan#1703 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:25:30!
- 21:56 thavionhawk: gg
- 21:57 Felissan#6017 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:57 Race finished in 1:27:37.7
- 21:57 Felissan: gg
- 21:57 Chanigan: ggs
- 21:57 Chanigan: men
- 21:58 Chanigan: what a beginning
- 21:58 thavionhawk: You both got bounced by the stone poison in sky at the same time
- 21:58 Chanigan: how many dive did it take you to get that ship ?
- 21:58 Felissan: yuuuuuup
- 21:58 thavionhawk: but Felissan got bounced several more times.
- 21:58 Felissan: i know i wiped 3 times to the incentive chest
- 21:58 Chanigan: i managed to ambush them on my second dive
- 21:59 Chanigan: i took my chance there
- 21:59 Felissan: ... while i was typing this, the w press in there killed kary2 lol
- 21:59 Chanigan: lol
- 22:00 Chanigan: i don't know what to say about this seed
- 22:00 Chanigan: everything sucked
- 22:00 Felissan: i wish this had been BB
- 22:00 Chanigan: yup
- 22:01 thavionhawk: The clutch of good swords in sky that you had to leave behind really hurt
- 22:01 thavionhawk: Chanigan got great value of that Sun Sword
- 22:01 Chanigan: that sun sword really saved my bacon
- 22:01 Felissan: i was planning to at least take the sun sword on my successful dive, but i'd forgotten where it was so i just went without it
- 22:02 Felissan: i did get a glimmer of hope when bubbles gave me the masa
- 22:02 Chanigan: on my second dive in sky, i checked every chest to be sure the item wasn't on the manticores
- 22:02 Chanigan: i was so sad when they were the last chest remaining
- 22:02 Felissan: don't tell me you managed to kill the slimes
- 22:02 Chanigan: barely
- 22:03 Chanigan: i went back for ice3
- 22:03 Chanigan: and i had just enough ice3 charged
- 22:03 Chanigan: charges*
- 22:03 Chanigan: but this was on my 1st dive that failed
- 22:03 Chanigan: i skipped them on my second
- 22:04 Felissan: anyway, you'd think that after all this time i would have learned my lesson about going for Th/Fi/RM. the recruitable BM was in crescent
- 22:05 Chanigan: i went th fi rm bm
- 00:24 Race result recorded by Dani3883#5734