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- 02:16 skarcerer#6386 joins the race.
- 02:16 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 02:17 Sorbius#3758 joins the race.
- 02:26 Solariorex#1193 joins the race.
- 02:26 Solariorex: o/
- 02:27 skarcerer: o/
- 02:32 Solariorex: ugh there's a big ol update chugging away on my pc right now
- 02:36 Sorbius: hopefully it doesn't cause any issues
- 02:36 Sorbius: oh hey team S race
- 02:44 Solariorex: indeed
- 02:44 Solariorex: S's all around
- 02:46 Solariorex: had a dream last night that the randomizer broke and it was spitting out seeds that had the same hashes but were actually different seeds
- 02:47 Solariorex: So all the racers were racing completely different seeds and no one noticed until like 3 races in
- 02:47 Solariorex: Skar, are you our seed roller tonight?
- 02:48 skarcerer: yessir
- 02:50 Solariorex: nice
- 02:50 Solariorex: something nice and middle of the road would be preferrable to me please
- 02:51 skarcerer: !ff1url
- 02:51 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 02:51 SahasrahBot:
- 02:51 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 02:52 Sorbius: knife mail sword sword shirt mail axe sword
- 02:52 Solariorex: knife plate sw sw shirt plate ax sw
- 02:52 Solariorex: yup
- 02:54 Solariorex#1193 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:55 Solariorex: is the bikke thing happening?
- 02:55 skarcerer: not tonight - looks like Darkmoon is doing a VODcast tomorrow or Friday
- 02:56 Solariorex: o interesting
- 02:56 Solariorex: aight
- 02:56 Sorbius#3758 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:56 Solariorex: gl hf !
- 02:56 Sorbius: glhfdd
- 02:56 Sorbius: odinyd
- 02:56 Solariorex#1193 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 02:57 Solariorex: sorry one sec
- 02:57 Solariorex: aight my b
- 02:57 Solariorex#1193 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:58 skarcerer: alright, I'll drop on the hour, unless you both want to start 2-3 minutes early
- 02:58 Sorbius: might as well wait for the hour at this point
- 02:58 Solariorex: all good
- 03:00 skarcerer#6386 quits the race.
- 03:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:00 skarcerer: glhf!
- 03:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:10 Sorbius#3758 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:09:28!
- 04:11 Solariorex#1193 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:11 Race finished in 1:10:03.7
- 04:11 Sorbius: gg
- 04:11 Solariorex: rng was the most painful
- 04:11 Solariorex: i died on every fiend 1 floor except lich
- 04:12 Sorbius: yeah I got bit a few times too, was a rough start
- 04:12 Solariorex: i've never used so many soft potion
- 04:12 Sorbius: my black mage died to garland and then died to a pack of wolves I think I tried to do to get him level 2 spells
- 04:12 Sorbius: had to do pirates the slow way
- 04:13 Sorbius: reset out of sea 3 times trying to get my new white mage some levels
- 04:13 Sorbius: tofr at least didn't screw me over that part went buttery smooth
- 04:17 Solariorex: lol
- 04:17 Solariorex: i just tried to finish it out
- 04:17 Solariorex: and chaos crit me through full evade for the KO
- 04:18 Solariorex: fuckin hell
- 04:18 Solariorex: aight rng very much against me tonight.
- 04:18 Solariorex: Thoughts on next?
- 04:18 Solariorex: Friday? Sunday?
- 04:18 Solariorex: we can chat in discord.
- 04:18 Solariorex: ggs on this one and ttyl
- 05:26 Race result recorded by Dani3883#5734